[New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by WerebearGuy »

All I want is a Proto Drake. If I can tame one, that'd be all I would ask for.


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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Valnaaros »

Rawr wrote:
Valnaaros wrote:The only issue with Wyverns is that they are sentient. They are all capable of speaking Orcish and Taurahe.
And Hippogryphs speak Darnassian, Common, and other languages. All 3 are listed as 'intelligent' , quoting the wiki here:

"Like hippogryphs and gryphons, wyverns are intelligent creatures — as smart as any humanoid" :mrgreen:
It days that they are intelligent, not that they can speak any languages. The lore you are refering to is in the RPG, which has been listed by Blizz as non-canon. The fact that Wyverns are capable of understanding and speaking Taurahe and Orcish, however, is canon lore.
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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Qraljar »

Quiv wrote:The way he worded it made me wonder. We've been taming beasts with wings forever, so there has to be something special about these winged beasts since they are special unlocks. I think the "intelligent" creatures would certainly be unique circumstance that would make them special.

Whatever direction/reasoning they go for, I just hope it includes skyscreamers and/or dread ravens.
Maybe with "beasts with wings." they mean creatures that can walk regularly as well as fly, which might make one of the main features of the family be the ability to switch between walk and flight mode.

Which would be very handy in the case of Gryphons, Hippogryphs, Wyverns, Skyscreamers/Pterrorwings, Dread Ravens and Kunchong.
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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Wain »

Valnaaros wrote:The fact that Wyverns are capable of understanding and speaking Taurahe and Orcish, however, is canon lore.
Wowpedia only provides a reference to one quest : http://wow.gamepedia.com/Quest:Release_Heartrazor
which, since you're dealing with a Druid, could be poetic licence, in the same way that if Heartrazor had been a wolf alpha I wouldnt be surprised if they'd used similar terms. But then again maybe they really did sit down and have a dialogue about it :) But maybe you're aware of other references too, Wowpedia's were obviously scant as they're still missing any reference for Orcish.
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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Valnaaros »

A long while back, Blizz confirmed that they are capable of speaking Orcish and Taurahe, but that it is one of the many things we just don't see ingame. It is also mentioned in the Manual of Monsters.
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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Rawr »

"Hippogryphs speak Darnassian, but are capable of learning Common and other languages." comes from both the Manual of Monsters and the Alliance Player's Guide, I'm still not seeing your point. :mrgreen:


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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Wain »

Ah. The RPG isn't canon either. It doesn't mean it isn't true for the MMO, but we may not have seen it explicitly.
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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Valnaaros »

My point is this: things in the RPG are listed as non-canon until they are made canon by Blizz in WoW or in other sources (novels, the Chronicles, etc.). The Manual of Monsters is an RPG book, and if that was the only place that listed that Wyvern can speak Orcish and Taurahe, then it would be non-canon just like how Hippogryphs speaking Common and Darnassian is non-canon. But since it has been mentioned in WoW AND by Blizz, the RPG source of Wyvern becomes canon, whilst the bit on Hippogryphs remains non-canon. Thus, three canon sources that indicate Wyvern speak Orcish and Taurahe (leading us to assume that they are capable of much higher-levels of thought than most beasts), and none for Hippogryphs.
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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by PrimalTazza »

Wishful/insane thinking but... maybe this is their chance to, like clefthooves/rhinos, rework rylaks and maybe chimaeras into a generalized "winged beast" category? Maybe these are pets that can fly alongside us, since our mount can fly and they're specifying that these beasts fly? There are flying mobs in-game, and a few rylaks from Warlords still fly, mine has sometimes flown after enemy players which I could see as a fun little thing for world PVP. Hunters are supposed to be trackers and trappers able to pursue their quarry wherever it goes... why not follow them into the sky with a gryphon at your beck and call?

Seriously, this is kind of exciting. Hell, they might find a way to bring that cool unused rylak model from Warlords that there were only bones of littered around the world and call it some kinda "mutant" caused by whatever-the-hell fel-stuff there is. Chimaeras tend to be in some night elven/tauren/forested areas like Azsuna, Val'sharah and Highmountain and were a night elf unit in WC3.

...If there are flying pets, will Mimiron offer us something insane like a flying variation of Hati where he sprouts lightning wings or hovers around on a little nimbus?


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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Rawr »

Valnaaros wrote:My point is this: things in the RPG are listed as non-canon until they are made canon by Blizz in WoW or in other sources (novels, the Chronicles, etc.). The Manual of Monsters is an RPG book, and if that was the only place that listed that Wyvern can speak Orcish and Taurahe, then it would be non-canon just like how Hippogryphs speaking Common and Darnassian is non-canon. But since it has been mentioned in WoW AND by Blizz, the RPG source of Wyvern becomes canon, whilst the bit on Hippogryphs remains non-canon. Thus, three canon sources that indicate Wyvern speak Orcish and Taurahe (leading us to assume that they are capable of much higher-levels of thought than most beasts), and none for Hippogryphs.
Can you link something that says Blizzard and/or WoW made it cannon? Right now we have nothing to go on but Wain's linked quest where a Druid says he talked to a wyvern and I can list like 30 more quests where a Druid talks to a (type of) beast that is tamable. Or are you done raining on other people's parade. :| :mrgreen:


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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Valnaaros »

Yes, I can: http://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topi ... 142?page=1. It states that the RPGs are non-canon, but some ideas or lore bits will make its way into the game. When that happens, that particular lore in the RPG becomes canon. The quest that Wain linked, and I mentioned prior to him linking it, is that lore on Wyverns making it into the game, thus making it canon. Never before has the lore on Hippogryphs speaking Common and Darnassian made it into game, so it is not canon.

And no, I am not raining on people's parade. Just because you don't like what I'm saying doesn't change the facts. I for one am quite excited about Hippogryphs and Gryphons being made tamable, but I think that Wyverns should be left out of it.
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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Rawr »

Well if that's all we are going on then we are NOT getting hippogryphs either. Korrah's Hippogryph, talks in-game and says "Where would you like to fly to?" guess that makes it cannon. :| :mrgreen:


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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Lupen202 »

This debate again... Personally, I will never understand why something being intelligent means it can't be tamed.

If we are forcing wyverns, hippogryphs and dragons to carry us around on their backs all day... surely they wouldn't mind fighting alongside us as our companions? Taming a pet is forming a bond, and is much more respectful than mounting it in my opinion. Also, doesn't one of our class hall followers have a pet wyvern? Not that that means players will be able to tame it (looking at you Rexxar with your dread raven) but it still gives a bit of a precedent.

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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Cönnör »

Skyscremers, PLEASE! They're also winged-beasts.
PLEASE blizzard, PLEASE!
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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Rawr »

Lupen, Rexxar also has the pet wyvern :lol: :mrgreen:


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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Valnaaros »

http://wow.gamepedia.com/Korrah%27s_Hippogryph No, it can't. Also, Lupen, who says that we are forcing them? Unless we go out into the wilds, forcibly subdue and dominate them, then make them carry us around, how can it be said that is what we're doing? Further, many mounts are simply there for "flavor", if you will. I am sure that most individuals on Azeroth, even heroes, aren't flying around on Firehawks or Invincibles.

In the case of Wyvern, Hippogryph, and Dragon mounts, they all choose to be a mount. Each of them have lore backing them as mounts, and the support for them all being mounts states that they are willingly serving as such. In the case of Rexxar, we don't know the story behind Leokk. Most likely, it is serving willingly, since Rexxar does not force any animal to be his companion.
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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Lupen202 »

Rawr wrote:Lupen, Rexxar also has the pet wyvern :lol: :mrgreen:

Ah, I thought it was but wasn't sure.

But is there any reason why our tamed pets can't "serve willingly"? I know Rexxar is the Beast master, but why must we be any different? We are the leaders of our order, have fought countless enemies and have saved the world many times over... Yet we still aren't on the same level as Rexxar.

I just don't think that something being sentient automatically removes all possibility that players can have one as a companion. Besides, one can form their own lore for their character and I doubt every dragon and wyvern rider let their mount have a voice in the matter.
Last edited by Lupen202 on Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Rawr »

Willingly? Do you know who the Dragonmaw Clan is and what they do to dragons....... :mrgreen:


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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Valnaaros »

We don't know the story behind Leokk, so we don't know how he and Rexxar met, why he chose to travel with Rexxar, etc. Second, not all Wyverns are willingly allied with the Horde. Those that are hostile or neutral are not with them. Seeing as they are capable of speech and understanding what it is they're actually saying (unlike a Parrot, which just copies words without knowing or being truly capable of knowing the meaning), it would be similar to walking into a village and enslaving someone. These Wyvern are, for all purposes, their own race. They are rather primitive, but still a species/race capable of higher thinking.
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Re: [New Pet Family] Class hall mount bonus?

Post by Bulletdance »

It would be cool if the winged wolf mount appeared as beasts around the hunter lodge and became tameable.
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