Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by Lisaara »

Equeon wrote:What's wrong with the tracking rares? They have a respawn time, but unless you pull an old-school camp, you only spend time hunting when you see the tracks (which means the rare is already up).

It's a lot more immersive, and you're only competing against other hunters who wish to tame it, instead of anyone who sees a silver dragon portrait and mashes their face on their keyboard.

Still much greater challenge than the WoD "handout" vignette-rares, but much more exciting overall. With a 2-3 hour respawn timer, you really shouldn't have trouble taming one of these within the first week or two of the expansion's release.

I'd also love combination track/challenge tames... once you find it, you have to overcome some special mechanic or strategy.
^^^^^ Thiiiiis. The track tames made me feel like a hunter. Not the camping 56 hours for a pet. Camping isn't effort. It isn't special. It isn't unique. It's annoying and encourages griefing. Always has.

I do apologize if I sound aggressively against camping. Guess I'm just passionate about having something better and more accessible than waiting.
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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

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Tracking rares are fine too.. :D
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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by Qraljar »

Rare spawn camping is in my opinion a relic of the past, outdated and unnecessary. Rare track tames are much more enriching when it comes to the hunter class identity. You're actually hunting something, and not just waiting around for something to spawn, only for it to be killed by a bitter hunter who is annoyed that he didn't get there before you, or a rogue that wants to grief you.
Kunchong for hunter pets!

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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by Shade »

Lupen202 wrote:
Junrei wrote:I really hate that "but no one is forcing you to camp" argument. It's such a slippery slope, imho. Yes, someone is forcing me to camp. Blizzard is because there isn't an alternative. Now if they brought back camps, I'd like it for one it like Madexx. Give a rare spawn, but let there be common counterparts somewhere else for those of us who don't wanna camp/can't camp cause we have lives outside of WoW that don't give us that chance to camp. Those who want the rare can go have fun camping for it. Those who don't wanna waste their time or can't camp can still get the pet of their dreams via common counterpart. Win/Win.
But by putting rare spawns in, Blizzard isn't forcing you to camp them. You can choose whether you camp them or not and for how long. But if you want the reward it's expected of you to put in some effort even if it's realm hopping for a couple minutes everyday. It's not like a rare pet or mount is a necessity, it's a cosmetic reward for people who choose to put in the work to get it. (Or those lucky ones who just stumble upon it) Not everything in the game needs to be available to everyone nor easy to get...
I cannot say that I agree-there is no effort involved in sitting around waiting for a rare spawn, aside from maybe constantly popping traps trying to get it before another camper does. The only real effort involved is being more stubborn than the other people who come along and being willing to sit around for long stretches of time. That is not effort, that is sitting at a screen and waiting. Yes it was exhilerating when you finally got the pet-I can remember feeling my pulse beating in my neck a number of times after I finally got Loque, Krush and others. But it was also crushing when you just missed the spawn or some jerk came along and killed it mid tame.

I've hunted down and tamed Loque on ALL of my hunters-and my first one? Took me over seven months to finally get him. I was thrilled to have him and do love him-but I also hated the game for making me sit/fly around looking for him constantly. And yes-it was something that I wanted to have, so I did feel that I was made to camp for him because he was a achievement kill an top of everything else. Thankfully newer rares do not have the achievements tied to them.

My spirit beast bear is named Insomnia-because I would camp him for hours and then give up and try to go to bed, only to wake up moments after drifting off, certain he would have spawned while I was gone and then logging back in to camp some more. It was ridiculous and frustrating-especially to log in or come back after taking a bathroom break, to find someone taming the rare that popped while I was AFK. There is no skill involved in something like that, just luck and patience. Besides, I'm getting old, I do not have the time or ability to stay up all night long for a pet these days, no thank you sir.

I loved the storyline with Garra and the tracking tames. Gave us so much more immersion in the game and made it actually feel like it involved skill rather than just luck of the RNG sitting around waiting for a spawn. And there was none of the players who would come along and kill the mob just because they could and wanted to for whatever twisted reason they came up with.

TL;DR: I really hope Bliz keeps in line with what they have been doing lately and hope they do not go back to just random rare spawns.

Lupen202 wrote:And there would be no point camping a rare if there's a common counterpart. If two pets share the look, everyone would just tame the common one? It doesn't make much sense to put in the time and effort to camp something if there's an easier alternative.
I do agree with that-though only if you are saying that the rare is the same look and coloration? If it is the same basic look but a different color-some people can go for the basic if they want it, but there are always going to be those who go after the rare, if only for bragging rights/prestige, or because they like that coloration.

IE when the cranes and quilen came out-I went and hunted down and tamed the pink crane as soon as I was able because I liked the color of it. I didn't bother with the rare quilen as much because I preferred the more natural colors.
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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by biscitandchina »

Hmm Maybe a Gara like tame at specific times in the day?
Like maybe a spirit bird of prey In the morning 3-9 A cat or bear at 10-2 a boar or porcupine at 2-4
a fox or warpstalker at 4-6 a wolf at 6-8 a wind serpent or dragon hawk at 8-10 and a owl that shifts into a kalari from
I think that this would be a fun idea so no camping as it will be gara like so everyone gets one and it could be a portal that spawns at those times.
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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by Shade »

biscitandchina wrote:Hmm Maybe a Gara like tame at specific times in the day?
Like maybe a spirit bird of prey In the morning 3-9 A cat or bear at 10-2 a boar or porcupine at 2-4
a fox or warpstalker at 4-6 a wolf at 6-8 a wind serpent or dragon hawk at 8-10 and a owl that shifts into a kalari from
I think that this would be a fun idea so no camping as it will be gara like so everyone gets one and it could be a portal that spawns at those times.
Would that be fair for people that live in different time zones? Such as the one I want only spawns at 1 am where I live. If someone really wanted it they would do it-but I can see that causing a lot of drama.
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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by Quiv »

I loved the tracking rares as well, and would like them to expand on whats needed to find them. Would be neat!

That being said, I had the pleasure of helping many hunters with tracking tames, and heard a lot of lamenting about it. Some hunters just could not get the hang of it. I tried to do a little impromtu teaching to help them feel like they accomplished it, and some did, but some just could not get the hang of it. I guess everyone got their preferences!
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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by biscitandchina »

I wold think that blizz would change it to other time zones....If not a quest chain that changes on a specific day like the legendary pokemon in oras would be a cool idea.
Or Maybe a quest chain to get the ability to tame hippogryph's THAT would be awesome...I have always wanted them to be tamable Since I saw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban.(A reference to the movie would be amazing as well!)
I don't exactly know all the lore...But I do believe that on the low chance the proto drakes become tamable they should put in cloud serpents
Maybe a name like Draconids.
I'm REALLY exited about the moose though!
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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by SpiritBinder »

Wow so much passion in here! <3

What if they had a particular look tamable via 2 methods.

Let's say (insert sparkle pink gorilla here!) that has a spawn timer of 38-40 hrs and spawns in 1-2 locations and also another of the same, that spawns in 2-3 locations that has a 10-12 hour spawn that is a track'n'tame! That way one could pursue a certain look, that's are both rare in a way, that suits their play style? They could also add other combos, trick tames, rare spawns, quest/item spawns, tracking tames. Just food for thought :)


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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by Lisaara »

SpiritBinder wrote:Wow so much passion in here! <3

What if they had a particular look tamable via 2 methods.

Let's say (insert sparkle pink gorilla here!) that has a spawn timer of 38-40 hrs and spawns in 1-2 locations and also another of the same, that spawns in 2-3 locations that has a 10-12 hour spawn that is a track'n'tame! That way one could pursue a certain look, that's are both rare in a way, that suits their play style? They could also add other combos, trick tames, rare spawns, quest/item spawns, tracking tames. Just food for thought :)
That's what I said earlier and got a big nay on it. :P

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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by Wain »

I wouldn't object to that. Seems complicated for one beast to add multiple spawn types, but a lot of tames have already had very complicated coding behind them I suppose. We've really been very lucky. Nobody spends that much time adding little fun details to other classes every patch or so.
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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by SpiritBinder »

Yeah, i didn't really consider the time spent implementing, and I guess for every 2nd option of taming an unique skin, it could have been 2 different ones. To be fair, with all the work your and Mr muff have done, the options of additions skins are becoming ever less avalible :)

But yeah, I guess it's a kinda easy to get caught up on these forums thinking it's just World of Petcraft :lol:


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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by pop »

I just want more stable slots..
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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by Shade »

Junrei wrote:
SpiritBinder wrote:Wow so much passion in here! <3

What if they had a particular look tamable via 2 methods.

Let's say (insert sparkle pink gorilla here!) that has a spawn timer of 38-40 hrs and spawns in 1-2 locations and also another of the same, that spawns in 2-3 locations that has a 10-12 hour spawn that is a track'n'tame! That way one could pursue a certain look, that's are both rare in a way, that suits their play style? They could also add other combos, trick tames, rare spawns, quest/item spawns, tracking tames. Just food for thought :)
That's what I said earlier and got a big nay on it. :P
But I do not want a sparkle pink gorilla. I want a blue one!

I think I had misread what you had siad at first then Junrei, sorry.

Doing both then? Two spawns of the same rare, one as a rare spawn and the other as a tracking spawn? Or a color variation of the same rare skin with one a wait and spawn the other a track and tame?

Not sure on that though-the WoW team's explanation for their dropping numbers-that the player base is getting old-would make me think us older hunters would be less inclined to do a sit and camp spawn timer. I personally think, like someone else has said, that the whole camp and wait idea is just outdated now.

Hm. Anyways. If I do not get a sparkle blue gorilla, or a sparkle pink gorilla for that matter now, I am going to blame you, SpiritBinder :(
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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by Lisaara »

Well mine was more "Here's pink gorilla rare spawn, then there's a common counterpart a few levels higher", but same concept really.

Now I want one too. Dammit.....

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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by Quiv »

So we have to kill Anaara v 2.0 (lets call her Susie), a super tough elite like Anaara. She drops a journal where she talks about her long lost pet. The journal leaves clues we have to find. After tracking down 10 clues, we find the pets tracks and have to flare it out. This starts you into an instance like Xemirkol.

You have to be wearing no armor, interrupt a cast, kite, get health to 20%, drag it through lava, and use each many of your 10 "clue" items at varying points in the fight (think brewing the kungaloosh in Sholazar, add bananas now!).

Afterwards you are rewarded with a spirit moose.
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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by PrimalTazza »



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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by Lupen202 »

It looks like it'd be a demon. But then again... I guess it could be a beast as well. Highly doubt it though :(

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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by PrimalTazza »

We can tame core hounds and the undead, and helboars were once demons too. Even if we can't tame it, if it makes it into the game, I'm hoping it'll be a gargoyle because I've always been curious about them and their origins. They were supposedly from "the north" (it sounded like they meant Northrend in WC3) but I don't recall seeing any outside of the Scourge. The "seemingly feral/bestial humanoids" like gargoyles and the rock flayers from Outland have always been cool to me too.


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Re: Predict the Hunter Pets of the Next Expansion!

Unread post by SpiritBinder »

I was wondering if they would be so how linked to the new "city of night" Sumarar or what ever. They looked quite "Bat" like to me, maybe a humanoid species or even a possible candidate for a mount!

