Eggs!!! (Now with pics!)

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Eggs!!! (Now with pics!)

Unread post by CrystalKitten »

So :/ One of my females ended up being a male. He had NONE of the traits that males usually have, but one of my actual females laid a fertile egg! I'm hoping that it turns out female, then I can keep her! If it's male, I'll have to sell it though :(

Also.. there's a chance that I could end up with a LOT more hatchlings.. so those will definitely need to be sold...

I'm excited though. Still depressed... but looking forward to a little tiny gecko in a few months is keeping me going day to day. Both geckos are gorgeous too... if quite different. I'm interested to see how it turns out.
Last edited by CrystalKitten on Thu May 31, 2012 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by Wain »

How awesome! :)

I guess the male posed as a female so he could get some. Naughty boy!

Just curious, How do you mean the parents are quite different? Are they different species and going to produce a hybrid? Or just very different looking of the same species? :) It'd be really cool to see what the bub turns out like anyway :)
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by CrystalKitten »

Haha, yeah. Well, males usually have a VERY obvious bulge, as well as pores on their vent. Bumble definitely has no bulge, and even with zoomed in pictures, I've never seen the pores (but have seen them on other gecko photos... so I know it's not that I don't know what I'm looking for).

And I guess I should have said they are all crested geckos. Baly, the female, fires up almost black, and has some spots. She's got markings on her back and sides that are yellow/orange. Bumble, the male, fires up yellow and has a cream coloured back with brown stripes (and a SINGLE spot, heh). (note: firing up happens when they're happy, their colours get brighter). I honestly have NO idea what the baby will turn out like. Apparently crested gecko genetics are pretty unpredictable when it comes to mating animals which don't have the same colours/markings. It will definitely be interesting to see though! I would LOVE for something with lots of spots to come out!

Yeah, I'm excited. Even if it meant that I had to fork up $150 (which I absolutely don't have.. had to increase my credit limit to do it, and so I can pay rent this summer) on a new tank/supplies so I could separate Bumble (since I really don't need any more breeding.. can't afford it, nor do I have the space, heh). But it was worth it. No way I'm getting rid of one of my babies! (Hmm... I'll probably have to sell the offspring as soon as they're sexable... if I get more than one.. or this one is male.. otherwise I won't be able to get rid of them either!)

I want to try and get a picture of the egg being candled. But it's hard to do by myself, so I'll have to see. Right now.. I'm going to try to leave it alone for a few days >.< Moved it to a cooler place which is less visible, so hopefully that will remove the temptation. If I keep candling it 2-3 times a day (even if I'm not touching it...) it probably won't help the egg...>.>
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by Wain »

So the colour will be a surprise. That sounds great :) You'll definitely have to put some pics up of the parents too.

One question: those geckos aren't ever known to reproduce asexually are they? Some lizards can though it's uncommon. Just wondering if you could actually have two females yet still have fertile eggs.

Update: just checked it up and apparently parthenogenesis (asexual, clonal reproduction by females) isn't known in crested geckos, though it is known in other gecko species. So I guess that's unlikely.
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by CrystalKitten »

I thought that at first. Parthenogenesis isn't known to occur in crested geckos (I don't think it's confirmed in ANY gecko). Also.. one night I caught Bumble mounting Baly. Aside from the fact that I couldn't see any equipment (and that may be because I startled them), it looked exactly like breeding behaviour (they were lining up and everything). There's another female in that tank too. I don't know yet if she's been fertilized :/ If so.. I could end up with 20-30 eggs... :/
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by Wain »

Geez, if they prove fertile you'll have to find a lot of new homes! :)
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by CrystalKitten »

Well, I've already inquired about selling them to a local pet store. But that would be a worse case scenario. My campus is pretty much an animal university. They've obviously got other majors, heh. But it started as an agricultural school, and now is home to a vet college. Pretty well known for their bio stuff too. So I'm hoping that I could get word out to some of the animal clubs that I'd be selling crested geckos, if it turns out necessary. Might even be able to get a few profs to let me make an announcement at the beginning of class. The hatchlings definitely wouldn't be ready to leave before classes start again, anyways.

So far though, only one of Baly's eggs seems fertile. So if it turns out female, and she doesn't lay anymore.. That would be perfect. I can keep a female! Now that there's room in my big tank after removing Bumble...
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by Wain »

Awesome :) I work on site at a vet school too, and there are all kinda of animal enthusiasts around here. So hopefully you find the same at your school.

I was gonna report this thread to be moved to the "Pets" forum but I think someone already has.
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by CrystalKitten »

Haha, yeah, that was me. Posted in the wrong forum out of excitement.

I really want this baby to hatch now.. and I really hope it's a girl... I'm using the egg as something to keep me going through this summer.. (the depression is still pretty bad... being okay with how it is helps.. but.. ) I would love to be able to keep the little baby. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn23
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by CrystalKitten »

So, these aren't really new pictures, I just cropped them out from one of my desktop backgrounds for now, but they still show the colours and what a crested gecko is, and all that, pretty well.

The first is Baly (full name Phoenix Balrog, heh). She actually can get a LOT darker than this. With her base colour being nearly black, and the sides/back being bright orange.

Then we've got Bumble. That's pretty acurate to how much he fires up.. maybe a bit more though.
Baly.png (136.36 KiB) Viewed 3640 times
Bumble.png (248.49 KiB) Viewed 3640 times
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by Wain »

They look awesome! :) Thanks for sharing those :)
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by Vephriel »

Aww, they're adorable! Best of luck with the eggs! :hug:
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by CrystalKitten »

Thanks. Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how the baby/babies turn out, because as you can see... they are EXTREMELY different. Some pinstripe seems likely. And possible some spots (Bumble only has one.. but.. I've herd spots are extremely unpredictable). I have no idea what the colour would be... And I don't know whether to expect harlys (like Baly, for those who don't know), or a tiger (like Bumble).

I hope she (well, hopefully a she) hatches. I could really use it right now. I'm trying to come up with what kind of name I'd want... I'm thinking of something.. I don't know.. Something like "Hope" but not so cheesy, or stereotypical... Because right now, waiting for that egg, and the excitement of it... is getting me through the summer right now.
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by Silivren »

O.M.G - What type of lizards are those!? They're SO CUTE! I want one!


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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by CrystalKitten »

They are crested geckos. They're REALLY easy to care for. They like room temperature (high 70s/80s is often considered too high for them), they can eat a commercial diet and insects, while some would argue otherwise, are not mandatory for their health, they don't require a water dish, instead, you mist them once, heavily at night and they'll lick it up off their tank decorations (the misting also helps keep the humidity right). Most are pretty handleable, though some can be a bit spaz. Just... you can't keep a male and female together (as I've experienced, not that I did it out of ignorance... Bumble just honestly looked like a girl...) >.< And males are territorial... so if you want multiples in one tank, they've gotta all be female, heh. Optimal cage size is 18x18x18 for an adult, though 12x12x18 can work too, but some people criticize it's too small. A small community of females (2-4 depending on temperment) can be kept in an 18x18x24. One awesome thing about these guys, is that they do really well in natural setups. ALL of my tanks are fully planted... Though Bumble's still needs some work when I have the money. (just make sure you don't get toxic plants, they lick water off their stuff to drink, and jump a lot (ie.. could break stems)). One interesting thing about them though.. they do NOT grow their tails back (I think they're one of, if not THE, only gecko that doesn't grow it's tail back after autotomizing it). Bumble actually is tailess (lost it as a hatchling before I bought him, it's actually not a "bad" thing, apparently most wild cresties don't have tails).

One thing that I REALLY love about them is their crests. They're actually REALLY soft and fleshy. Crimsie (not one of the ones I posted) will actually let me play with hers.

If I get more than one hatchling.. or this one turns out male :( I'll end up having to try and sell them... So.. if anyone is in southern ontario... :P
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by CrystalKitten »

So, it looks like Crimsie, my other female, might be gravid as well. She's definitely got a bit of a lumpy stomach. I'll have to keep an eye on my tank to see if she starts digging and where... She's a bit of a better "match" for Bumble...

Crimsie (and yes, this is pretty much her fully fired up):

If they're all well tempered.. I MIGHT even be able to keep a baby from each and put them in my big tank Note: I know that some people would argue that I shouldn't, that 4 for the size tank I have is too much... But it's fully planted, loads of places to hide, and SOO much climbing surface area, etc, If they get along, there'd be plenty of room for them. If not... Not so much, heh, also, most people who say 4 is too much are talking about breeding colonies.. so 3 females and a male causing stress, heh. I'd just judge and see how they all were doing though, and go from there. I have a scale so I can monitor weights and all that

On the downside.. if she's fertile too.. I could end up with ~20+ baby geckos :/
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by Silivren »



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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by CrystalKitten »

We're getting a bit of a sudden heat spike here :( Not even that bad, and I usually wouldn't complain, but it's got me worried about my eggs. They do best at room temperature. Cooler means they take longer to hatch which many believe makes them stronger (not sure if that's actually true or not). They still seem to be okay, but I'm hoping that it doesn't get much warmer. As it is, I'm probably likely to have a shorter incubation time (which is almost good.. cause I want my baby gecko now... but I also want to make sure it's healthy). Hope the tiny gecko is okay still.
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by Dewclaw »

Neat animals. Do you have pics of the tank setup? I'm curious to see how it's done. :)
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Re: Eggs!!!

Unread post by CrystalKitten »

I don't have any at the moment, but I can try to get some. Bumble's is still missing a few plants, but I'm liking it. I added a Bromeliad this weekend. And managed to get a few polka dot plant cuttings that I'm hoping will take root in there. He still needs a tree though... And I'm thinking of getting one more, if I can find it. I actually want to add one or 2 more to the girls' tank as well. Especially if I might be adding 2 more females to that tank later in the year (more climbing space + more cover = good).

I'll try and get some pictures though. Will have to charge my camera batteries.
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