Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

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Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Quiv »

The secrets group figure out the Lucid Nightmare puzzle. Heres the link to the steps. ... e#comments

The last step has you in a scenario called the Endless Halls. Do not underestimate this, it is one of the most frustrating things I've ever done in a video game ever.

Its a maze of identical rooms you have to navigate. To clear it, you have to find 5 colored orbs and click them. With that color buff, you have to find the corresponding rune to click it. So you find the blue orb, click it to get the blue buff, find the blue rune and click it to clear it. Its random where everything is. Also note that apparently each scenario is random, so its not like one person can map out the maze. You have to map your own maze unless someone makes an addon.

So yes, its a large maze full of identical rooms with orbs and runes scattered randomly. Heres the thing, the rooms don't behave logically always. What I mean is this...


Lets say you are in room A. You go from A to B to C and then to D. Now if you go north while in D, you'd think you would end up back in A. In Endless Halls, sometimes you do, sometimes you don't.

That isn't to say it changes randomly. The paths are fixed, but sometimes you think you are looping back to where you were and nope, the rooms are different. So if you try to enter room A from room D, you are actually entering E. However if you are in B and you backpeddle, you end up in A. I've attached a screenshot of the spreadsheet I used to keep track and its a hot mess. You will see a lot of things duplciate, like multiple cells with blueorb. There was only one room with blueorb, but as you can see, things tend to loop in the Endless Halls. (also remember your maze will differ from mine) I spent 4 hours in here.


1. Most important: When you find an orb or rune, DO NOT CLICK THE RUNES until you have located and mapped out all 5 orbs and all 5 runes. The reason is the orb/rune rooms are the only rooms you can tell where you are. Use them as landmarks to map the full thing. I was clicking them as I go, and when you click and orb/rune, they disappear, leaving their room looking no different than the others. Yes this means you backpeddle a bit, but its better to backpeddle knowing where you are going verses having lost the majority of your landmarks and running in circles hoping to stumble on the last orb.
2. Before you start, make sure you have some way to chart your path. You'll need it, trust me. Stay aware of north when you do. Sometimes when I zoned into a room, my camera got funky and I had to readjust.
3. Have a couple hours to devote to this just in case. This is a scenario so if you leave, it restarts. I did disconnect and when I reconnected a minute later, I was still in mine. So there is a little leeway. *EDIT* Some are reporting the instance of the maze stays the same if you leave, you just start back at the beginning if you do restart it. The maze may regenerate at some point (maybe a new one every day?), so use this ability to restart cautiously. I'm sure its handy though!

Good luck. This about killed me!

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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Vephriel »

See attached image of me after making it out of the Endless Halls alive:
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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Inay »

Same as Vephriel. I was lucky to be doing it with some people in vocal. Could swear and pray, and mostly laugh honestly. (I swear the red rune exist, I've seen it! Cue to two of the others four people, running for an hour and an half searching the red rune.)
Prayers seemed to work, especially prayers with a french-Switzerland accent, for some reason. I gasp a lot when I find the rune I'm searching.

Advice : If you don't map (I didn't), keep the same pattern. Always go -for example- east/north if east is blocked. Maze may change itself when you put an orb on its rune (unverified now, it's theory).
Some doors with stairs will teleport you. Go back on your track if your camera do a funky thing, or your toon face the wrong way. You will notice. (Or keep going, but keep in mind that you have been teleported)
Pray to Blizzard, and pray to the Old Gods. It's their maze, after all.
Like Quiv says, be sure to have time before entering! I spend three hours in it, some spend longer. You will need these hours.

Good luck, don't forget to have fun!
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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Krysteena »

Is it safe to come out and restart the halls? I thought I could figure it out without a map (I am basically the dad that insists he doesn't need a map, and that he definitely knows where he's going), but I swear I've been going in circles. Or should I just start mapping from where I am now, and just hope that I come across the right path eventually?

Edit: I'm definitely going to have to come in and out again - of course I'd manage to get myself stuck between the goblets and the altar
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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Krysteena »

Okay, double post, but this may be new information for some. If you leave the halls having complete some of the pairs (personally, I completed two), and then go back, even if it shows you the rune of the colour(s) you've already completed, you do not need to find the orb of that colour. You only need to complete what pairs you haven't already.

I think so, anyway. I spent hours trying to find the blue orb to map down, and couldn't find it. Upon completing the other four colours, because I'd done the blue one previously, it teleported me to the scroll.

I'm on my way to collect my pretty now :')
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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Quiv »

How interesting! I was in a similar situation. I completed two before I got lost and decided to start mapping thoroughly. I hearthed, flew back and restarted. I did all 5 colors again, though no idea if I needed to. My last rune was one I hadn't done previously. If you restart, it can't hurt to leave any colors you've already done till last just in case!
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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Vephriel »

Some nicer screenshots now that I've had a day to recover from the madness.




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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Daranara »

It only took FIVE HOURS in the Endless Halls, but now I have a mount that ALL THE ALTS are going to be riding forever to get the use out of it.
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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Rhapture »

The first three orbs/runes went so quickly for me that I thought I had won some sort of rng lottery, but then the blue and purple ones took my false hope and punched me straight in the face with it. Honestly, after hour three I crumpled my maps up in rage and spent my remaining time there running aimlessly on the brink of crying and/or smashing my keyboard.


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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Pent »

Mapping for this is useless. There is no strategy at all for this.... and this isn't fun at all seeing that everything, and I do mean everything, is random. I would consider it a puzzle if there was even just a little strategy involved... Blizzard could have made it a lot worse though... the runes could have been invisible.

I used the Lucid Nightmare Helper add-on for Endless Halls last night. All the add-on does is draw the map for you. Having a map is great IF you run across the same color orb and rune pretty close to each other. You can find a rune and mark it on your map, and then go through several more rooms and run across the orb color that goes with the rune you just found... so you backtrack, and if you are lucky you'll be able to backtrack all the way to the room you marked on your map.... BUT... there are times that you can't backtrack because when you start going back you may find rocks have appeared that keeps you from going the same way that you just came from. I even had rocks appear behind me as soon as I zoned into a new room last night so there was no way at all to do a 180 and go back from that point.

Let me first say that I was in the Halls for 4+ hours last night, and it took me over 500 rooms just to make my first combo of orb and rune. It took this long because I had clicked on a blue orb and I had carried it around for what seemed like forever... never finding its rune during the first 500 rooms or so, so I decided to drop the blue and grab a purple orb to carry... after about 50 rooms or so I stumbled across the purple rune. So after I combined the purple orb to its rune ALL purple colors disappeared from the Endless Halls, meaning that I no longer was going to see any purple orbs or purple runes any more. So when you combine an orb to its rune, that color is gone from the Halls on that run. When I was finally done with all of the combining I had gone through 1500+ rooms according to the add-on.

I found out on my last color that you can log out and back on and the map itself resets, but the combos you have completed and the orb color you currently have "on" do not reset. Meaning... you 'might' have a better chance of combining orbs to runes if you go through until you find an orb, click it, and then log out and back on... You'll start a new map and you might (or might not, because random is what random does) run across the rune you need without having to backtrack.

Some people said the combos get harder to come by the longer you are in the Halls and the more orbs and runes you combine together... but since it is random... who knows. I found that my very first combo took a very long time because I decided to pick up an orb that didn't have a rune anywhere near it and I just kept running around without dropping the blue orb forever. Then the 4th and last combos took the next longest. Once you only need one more color completed you might be roaming around for a very long time just trying to find that color's orb, and then roaming around after that trying to find its rune...
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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Jasanni »

I've heard a lot of different ways to help complete the Halls, but in my case, mapping DID work. I mapped out what I could until I found all five orbs and runes to use as reference points, then was able to backtrack and crisscross in order to match everything up. I was in the Halls for about 2 and a half hours on my first try and got 3/5, then had to log because I was falling asleep at my desk lol. I had heard that it was possible I'd only have to do the two I had remaining once I logged back in, but for me this wasn't the case. I purposely did the two missing colors first the next morning, but I still needed to complete the other three again and it was definitely a different maze setup than the night before. Overall I think my total maze time between the two days was about 4 and 1/2 hours.

I do adore this mount though, and will be riding my pretty purple nightmare unicorn for a long while. I feel very voidshadowy wandering around Argus right now with all the Light worship, mwahahaha...



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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Rhaenia »

There is currently an add-on for the lucid nightmare. It has a mapping tool for when you're in the endless halls. I completed the entire thing in under three hours because of that add-on. I don't even want to imagine how long I'd be in there without it.

I found the add-on link and a helpful macro to keep track of the completed clues on the front page of the mmo champion website.

Good luck everyone

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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by WingedCaduceus »

It took...a while (like 3-4 hours), but drawing a map really does help. For my maze, there weren't very many places where there were two straight hallways in a row, so knowing that helped me orient myself when I got turned around. Also I second the recommendation that you shouldn't really make any matches until you have a general idea of where everything is.

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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Quiv »

I think the most frustrating thing to me was the rooms folding in on themselves like this.

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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Rikaku »

I honestly hated the last portion of this puzzle. I know it's optional and no one forces me to do it, so of course I could've just said no. BUT that said, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED the rest of the puzzle/riddles in the Lucid Nightmare chain. Literally every other step was fun, tricky but still fun and honestly I wish those games were like... a toy for me to play when I'm waiting for my raid to get ready to pull lol

But the Endless Halls... I had to do it about 3x due to log outs and in one section I got stuck on the pots/altar in the middle of the room and had to hearth to get unstuck.

Third time... I got 4/5 of the color matches in under 2 hours (using a map and the addon to help). The last orb took me well over 1 hr 20 mins to solve. By the end of it I was seriously pissed off.

I like the concept of the maze, but I think it could've definitely been improved on and still remained difficult. However, I felt the maze was also a letdown after the legitimately fun games that proceeded it. So I enjoyed the challenge, but I hope in the future the puzzles stick more to the way more fun and creative games they came up with before the maze portion. But that's me :)

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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

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I think the hardest and most confusing part is the fact that there are apparently several levels to the halls. There are some rooms that, when you leave, you go up a set of stairs. Funnily enough, if you turn around to go back, you still hit stairs but they go UP as well, not DOWN like they should lol. It still leads back to the same room you left, but yeah. I was very careful to mark an offshoot when I found a room with a staircase exit, and thankfully this seemed to keep me oriented. Every time I did this, my backtracking was always spot on.

There were a lot of people saying that if your camera angle changed and you stopped autorunning upon entering a room, it meant you'd been teleported somewhere else in the maze. According to the latest hotfix, this change in camera angle was actually a bug. I'd been wondering this because I'd noticed myself that when it happened, if I turned around and went back out I ended up in the exact same room I'd left prior, which to me wouldn't be the case if I'd been teleported. And believe me, I tested this like 20+ times before trusting it and adjusting my maze-recording lol!

Either way, since I'm on an RP realm, Randonen is currently questioning the reality of her existence after being stuck in a mogul labyrinth over the course of two or three days! XD


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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Bristlenose »

The maze was probably the second worst part after the part where all the players camped on the chair in Stonecore. I had to use invisibility pots to get it done (after realizing I needed the mask which convienently sold for almost $10k in the AH). I was lucky to only be in that maze for a little over 2 hours.
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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Sukurachi »

Someone on Wowhead pointed out that each "floor" is in fact 8 rooms by 8 rooms. not more not less.

If you draw a grid 8x8, and number it as such:

top row - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
BOTTOM row - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

and the up and down with letters following the same pattern
left side

and the right side

whenever you "leave" the grid, look at the number or letter. you will be heading to the opposite side of the grid at THAT letter/number.

I made sheets with four 8x8 grids on them, and whenever I exited one side of a grid, I'd start on a new grid.
The thing to remember is that while it's 8x8, it goes up and down here and there.
There is also generally at least one "teleport", it's fixed, and only leads to one place, one direction (it can actually be useful).

Every once in a while, exiting one side of a grid does NOT seem to coincide with what SHOULD be on the other end of the grid... there are shifts caused by changes of floor.

Anyway, despite all of this, it took my 8 hours to get it all done. But my brain doesn't function terribly well with mazes.

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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by Sukurachi »

Has anyone else been able to get their left eye to stop twitching uncontrollably since getting "Lucid Nightmare"?

The constant drool I can live with, the padding on the walls is nice for those sudden naps I have (at least I THINK they're naps.. the doctors keep asking me why I scream and scream about "halls" and how they just "go on, and on, AND ON, AND ON!!!!").

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Re: Lucid Nightmare figured out (Endless Halls warning)

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

Because of the mapping irregularities, my other half and I decided to use little squares of cardstock taped together to map it out. This was mine:
lucid nightmare.jpg
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