Paragon chests and loot chances?

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Re: Paragon chests and loot chances?

Unread post by Xota »

I don't think there's bad luck protection. But there's some strategy you can do to help yourself a little. First, you will obviously do better if you're using multiple characters. Max out your order hall followers, with good equipment for fast, 200% missions. Most of your rep you can just use missions for, the emissary quests are for when you've got time to kill. You'll want to funnel all your rep tokens to one character (preferably a human). Save the tokens until you get another rep bonus, like from the darkmoon faire or from a yearly holiday. Don't use a token that would take you over 20000, you can overflow 10000, but you lose any overflow past 19999.

If one of your characters isn't exalted with a faction that you still want the mount from, then you can do the zone quests if you skipped them. If you already have the mount from that faction, just ignore it. A few factions are quirky.
Dreamweavers: The emissary quest has a chance to drop a minipet (sells for a high amount), so if you're going to do emissaries on only one, Dreamweavers is a good choice.
Wardens: Their quests usually double up with other factions, so aim for these quests when you're doing emissary quests. You'll get rep trickling in and will get occasional paragon chests. Paragon chest drops a toy, not a mount.
Broken Shore: The paragon chest drops a minipet (not a mount), that you can sell for a moderate amount.
Army of Light: The paragon chest can drop one of three mounts and a toy. WQ can reward rep tokens. Once you have all the rewards, you can ignore the order hall missions, the bonus reward is always Army of Light.
Argussian Reach: ignore once one character is to exalted. No rewards from paragon chest. Mission bonus reward is always Argussian Reach.
Kirin Tor: The emissary reward rep token is not BoA, so use to top off any faction that you need to reach exalted on, then any you're close to getting to exalted+ 10k rep on (that you still need the reward from). If neither of those are true, then do different factions on different characters. That way you don't waste tokens if you get that mount soon. Skip Dreamweavers, if you're doing their emissary quests on a bunch of characters. Favor 1500 rep tokens over 750. Save for DMF, unless you're close to reaching exalted, so your future order hall mission rewards will be BoA.

When I farm and save a bunch of rep tokens over a month, and use them all with a DMF buff, I've gotten maybe around 20 paragon chests in one go. It doesn't increase your odds, that I know of, but it can feel like it. You don't have 18 disappointments spread out over a month. You have one session of disappointment, which I've found less frustrating. And when you do get a reward, you don't have that disappointment that month. I've got all the mounts, toys, and minipets, except the rug from the Nightfallen. And when one character opening all the paragon chests, you can buy the curious coin mount, if you haven't already.

Sorry that's so rambly, I'm a bit fatigued.

TL;DR Order Hall Missions for BoA rep tokens
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Re: Paragon chests and loot chances?

Unread post by Talihawk »

Yeah I've got three chars at exalted with them, and I have a few more chars at 110, that don't but I have been doing order hall missions with everyone I can, and diverting tokens to whoever happens to have the highest rep at a particular time. And yeah I got the curious coin one. I'll just have to keep grinding =P
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