Taming bugs
- For the thornbeast taming quest: turning in a bear heart awards the wrong Thornspeaker Ritual Knife, so we can't create and tame a thornbear. - Last checked 04 Oct.
Could retain NPC name after taming
For a full list of suggested pets that should retain their names (including from older content), see this page.
- Mosa Umbramane (rare) - Last checked 18 Oct.
- Moragh the Slothful (rare) - Last checked 20 Oct.
- Voracious Mikanji (rare) - Last checked 18 Oct.
- Molten Leadspike (rare) - Last checked 18 Oct.
- Somnambulant Ori (rare) - Last checked 12 Oct.
- Keen-eyed Cian (rare) - Last checked 18 Oct.
- Bloodstripe Great Ray (rare) - Last checked 20 Oct.
- Ristar, the Rabid (rare) - fixed
- Henri Snufftail (rare) - fixed
- Matriarch Keevah (rare) - fixed
- Envoy of Winter (rare) - fixed
Miscellaneous updates
- The hunter Dire Beast ability, when used in the Emerald Dream, summons Vanilla-era models, which (given the differences in artwork age!) look a bit jarring. Traditionally, this ability was given some beast appearances that match the zone or continent, but that hasn't happened in Dragonflight (same issue in other DF zones).
Wrongly Classified?
- From a previous patch, but Tundra Rhino (actually an armoredon) is still classified as a Clefthoof instead of a Scalehide. Its name might also do with changing: they were called "primal rhinos" in early alpha, even though the art design went far away from them being even a bit rhino-like.
- A bunch of new Beasts using baby models. Perhaps that's intended; just noting them in case they're meant to be Critters: Gladefawn and Gladefawn (2 IDs), Playful Gladefawn, Fussy Gladefawn, Fidgety Gladefawn, Heartdown Cub, Dreamtalon Kit, Sprite Dreamer Hatchling, Fenblossom Gladefawn, Verdant Umbraclaw Cub, Sabertooth Cub, Chasing Sabertooth Cub, Studious Sabertooth Cub, Timid Dreamtalon Cub, Umbraclaw Cub and Umbraclaw Cub (2 IDs)
Suggest to make tameable
NPCs with unused or unique looks:
- Smolderfur Skulker (211072) (red skunk)
- Striped Skulker (210798) (brown skunk)
- Tanned Skulker (210944) (brown skunk)
- Cinderclaw Stalker 9207084) (flame cat)
- Invading Flameclaw (206805) (flame cat)
- Ristar, the Rabid (rare) - done!
- Root Snapper (2 IDs but not sure if both are used) - done!
- Smoldering Firebug (209504) (rhino beetle)
- Avius Flamebeak (210305) (flame kaliri) (could retain name)
- Crabtankerous (209909) (rare crab) (could retain name)
- Emerald Flutterwing (butterfly)
- Barbtail Ray (210833) (fathom ray)
- Fathom Pup (209579) (fathom ray)
- Fathomless Lurker (209580) (fathom ray)
- Mantle Ray (211030) (fathom ray)
- Shoal Skimmer (210282) (water strider)
- Ristar, the Rabid (rare) - done!
- Root Snapper (2 IDs but not sure if both are used) - done!
Noteable missing appearances
Almost every new look from this patch is available somewhere (other than an unmanageable number of owl combination looks, of course)!
Just mentioning some unused magma creature looks from 10.1, since their models are also used in the Dream, and some skunks and flame cats that may not be intended to be tameable.
Two looks for the new faerie dragon model that don't seem to be available on tameable creatures (or at all, in the case of the blue one with purple feet). | |
Two unused shalewing looks from 10.1. There are magma shalewings in the Dream that could maybe use these looks: Molten Leadspike (rare) and Dreadfire Sporebat. There's also the blue magma shalewing, which isn't currently tameable but does exist on Karokta. | |
The green and purple magma cobra looks are still unavailable, and there are tameable magma cobras in the Dream. But these are unusual colours are may not be so easy to fit in. | |
Maybe there's a reason that flame cats aren't tameable. | |
Any skunk other than green. The four colours listed here exist on potentially tameable NPCs. The white and blue-black don't seem to be used. |