Mechanicals Should be Removed

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Mechanicals Should be Removed

Unread post by Zoruaronan »

I've been wanting to discuss this Idea I've had of the Mechanicals Family being removed and instead having the models in the family be moved to other families, Sorta like how Undead Pets aren't a single family, But rather multiple pets in different families locked behind their taming skill.

I think its about time they Removed Mechanicals, Back in legion they were cool and all, But since the release of the Tome of Bone-Binding, I feel its time this family gets removed similar to how Rylaks were moved into Chimeras, Now I could see a few issues with certain pets not fitting into a set family, But I feel we have enough pet families to fit them all, Some examples include:

The Mechanical Rabbit & Squirrel being moved into the Rodent Family (Considering the Family has a Green Skunk, Beavers, Weasels, Otters and many other Animals that aren't truly rodents, I think they'll fit fine.)

Aquilons going in with Feathermanes (Since they're mostly comprised of Quadrupeds with Feathers and/or Wings of some sorts, They fit the best for Aquilons.)

The Mechanical Sheep going into Gruffhorns (While Sheep & Goats are extremely different to eachother, I personally feel this is the best way to fit the sheep in, Unless blizzard wants to make a Livestock family. :lol:)

Mechanostriders going into Tallstriders (Considering they are both similar in Animal Type and Because I feel Mechanostriders don't belong in Waterfowl.)

The only models I can think of who don't truly have a Family are the Chickens, They don't fall into the Bird of Prey or Carrion Bird Category, So I'm a bit stumped there. (Feel free to suggest where they should go!) But otherwise I don't really see the point in having the Mechanical Family anymore, Pretty much almost every model has a family they can go in and the combo of Cunning with a Defensive skill just isn't that good, So i'm hoping that for TWW will remove it and give these models a new home. :>
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Re: Mechanicals Should be Removed

Unread post by worgpower »

Zoruaronan wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:30 pm I've been wanting to discuss this Idea I've had of the Mechanicals Family being removed and instead having the models in the family be moved to other families, Sorta like how Undead Pets aren't a single family, But rather multiple pets in different families locked behind their taming skill.

I think its about time they Removed Mechanicals, Back in legion they were cool and all, But since the release of the Tome of Bone-Binding, I feel its time this family gets removed similar to how Rylaks were moved into Chimeras, Now I could see a few issues with certain pets not fitting into a set family, But I feel we have enough pet families to fit them all, Some examples include:

The Mechanical Rabbit & Squirrel being moved into the Rodent Family (Considering the Family has a Green Skunk, Beavers, Weasels, Otters and many other Animals that aren't truly rodents, I think they'll fit fine.)

Aquilons going in with Feathermanes (Since they're mostly comprised of Quadrupeds with Feathers and/or Wings of some sorts, They fit the best for Aquilons.)

The Mechanical Sheep going into Gruffhorns (While Sheep & Goats are extremely different to eachother, I personally feel this is the best way to fit the sheep in, Unless blizzard wants to make a Livestock family. :lol:)

Mechanostriders going into Tallstriders (Considering they are both similar in Animal Type and Because I feel Mechanostriders don't belong in Waterfowl.)

The only models I can think of who don't truly have a Family are the Chickens, They don't fall into the Bird of Prey or Carrion Bird Category, So I'm a bit stumped there. (Feel free to suggest where they should go!) But otherwise I don't really see the point in having the Mechanical Family anymore, Pretty much almost every model has a family they can go in and the combo of Cunning with a Defensive skill just isn't that good, So i'm hoping that for TWW will remove it and give these models a new home. :>
To be honest I agree, skills have become more variable as they can go between families so mechanicals should be like undead, they go into their respective families.
As for robot chicken and rabbit, the chicken can go in either bird of prey or carrion bird since they make no sense no more, just like deathrocs in bop, and peafowl in carrion birds so it shouldn’t matter, Rabbots can go in rodents since we have many non rodents in the rodent family, in fact most don’t fit there. Rest of the models are pretty straightforward like mechanowolves in wolves and Phalynxes in cats, this idea would let me use those mech pets in solo situations
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Re: Mechanicals Should be Removed

Unread post by ligewolf »

I think Mechanicals are fine. They are 'creations' so they have to resemble living creatures. They won't allow us to tame humanoid mechanicals after all. Otherwise, we would be taming harvest reapers from Westfall. XD
I will say, the mechanical family needs to be a bit more less-normal models. Like a 10-legged spider, a mech bear with part of its head broken/exposed, etc. They need to be creative with them, kinda like the chicken with rockets, add a little something extra to the models.
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