You Died HOW?!

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You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Arwyn »

Having your character die in WoW is part of the playing experience. Sometimes death occurs when your outnumbered by the enemy, get jumped by an unexpected respawn when your at your weakest, or wind up experience lag while fighting followed by being disconnected from the server and upon logging back on find that you're standing in front of the Spirit Healer. (This happened more than once to me while trying to level on the Malfurion realm during its infancy stage.)

But sometimes your character can die in really interesting ways whether on purpose or just from a freakish, unfortunate, unforseen circumstance.

For me, I've experienced both while leveling my Night Elf.

My most memoriable freakish inciden occured with my very first Night Elf. I was in Teldrassil and already had a low life bar after finishing a quest when I was running up the side of the tree there. Somehow I didn't turn at the corner on the second level up this tree and found myself falling. Since I was already low on health and dropped from a good height. Hit ground, fall down dead. Laughs around for all who saw that.

My purposeful deaths occured in the age of vanilla WOW when starting on a new Realm. Back in the day the boat from Auberdine didn't take you to Stormwind Harbour. Instead it dropped you off Menethil Harbour in the Wetlands. Because I like to work early on gaining rep with Stormwind when I rolled on a new Realm I would willingly get my level 1 Night Elf on that boat, take it to Menethil, and then run through the Wetlands being killed off in one bite by hungry crocolisks and one shotted by Dragon Maw Orcs just to reach Loch Modan and finally to the safety of Ironforge to get to Stormwind.

So on purpose or just freakish, how has one of your characters expired.
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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Kayb »

So in Blades Edge mountains once right, I thought I was being cool n all by running and jumping off a ledge to turn in the air and fire off the killing blow from my bow as I was midair/falling. The intention of course to land on the spike i knew was safely a little bit down from the ledge. Unfortunatly however, I met a spikey spikey death as I soon realised I was on about 20yards away from the right spot to be jumping safely off the ledge.

I made the kill, buuuuut it was so cool afterall :P
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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Saturo »

Most funny death ever? I was jumped by a multiboxer with five Gnome locks, all about ten levels lower than me. I would run to one of them, two shot it, and move on to the next one. To make it worse, my party was standing a bit away, laughing at that poor rogue. Good times...

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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Skyshot »

Funniest and most unexpected for me were from the same death. It was my first time using the Gadgetzan transporter from engineering and lucky me got the malfunction that ports you up to a fatal height in the tanaris desert to fall from. I was a bit more cautious with my transporter uses from that point on. I laughed afterward but the fall itself caught me by surprise (needless to say). lol :)

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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Aleu »

...I once jumped off of Hellfire to escape the Fel Reaver.

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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Vephriel »

Aleu wrote:...I once jumped off of Hellfire to escape the Fel Reaver.
Heh, isn't it funny what we'll do to escape from dying at the hands of a mob, or an enemy player, even though we'll die either way? I've done similar things before. Like jumping off a cliff to avoid an enemy player who was trying to kill me. I died anyways, but it least it wasn't at their hand. xD
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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by AnotherHunter »

1. Enter queue for Radom Heroic
2. Farming while waiting the group to form
3. 20 minutes later, get into a group. Yay...
4. 20 minutes later again... Last boss, all died excepted the pally tank. :(
5. Got resurrect and looted.
6. Leave the group without thinking where I was at, pet still dead, and low on health.
7. Out the instance, mobs responed... dead again (and repair bill) :roll:
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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by VelkynKarma »


So way back in the day, when my NE hunter was still...I think 29 or 30, a friend of mine decided to roll an alliance toon just to see the sights. She made a dranei hunter and had her heart set on getting the red lynx from the BE starting grounds. I figured I would go with her, since I could probably keep her alive through most of the wetlands and a little bit of arathi.

Miraculously enough, we make it through both zones--her still level 10, mind you--with only 2 or 3 deaths. I managed to kill most of the mobs that locked onto her and stole aggro fast enough to keep her alive. Incredibly, we also manage to make it through the hidden path of the hinterlands and across the lake in the Western Plaguelands with little trouble.

And then--just as we're getting into the Eastern Plaguelands--it happens. There was this weird item, it looked sort of like a little pool of blood. And it had the little symbol that meant you could click on it and open something! Without even thinking about it, I clicked on it--I was still a total noob at the time and didn't realize what it was. The Blood of Heroes spawned two elite level 60 NPCs that immediately one-shotted the two of us.

I still have that vial of blood. Wouldn't give it up for anything. XD



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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Dvorkin »

Disengaged when fighting one of this damned cultists for Taking Battle To The Enemy quest. It was quite a long jump...

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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Golden »

Dismounting my dragon the moment I thought I would hit the ground. apparently I did a swirl of sorts while landing, which rocketed me over the nearby cliff, even though I was several yards away from it. I still don't know how it happened. <.<

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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Ryno »

Dvorkin wrote:Disengaged when fighting
Allies at the LM in AB... "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIIIiiiiv... *splat!*"

Also my warlock, back when 25 man Naxx was serious business. Was fighting Gluth right? Used life tap JUST when Gluth used decimate. I died. People laughed. :(


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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Ungoro »

In Arathi Basin at the Lumber Mill, both sides attacked at the same time, alot of us died that fight, including me but luckily it wasn't to the hands of a Horde member, oh no! But it was close and i luckily managed to jump over the cliff and die by falling than by some Horde guy. I can't remember the full details, but i was lagging and got a Gundrak group invited and i accepted. They summoned me and after a huge laggy loading screen i started to fall from my flying mount and through the floor as everything had dissapeared apart from the party i was in who were standing in what looked like, mid-air and i was instantly like "WTF!" *Facepalm* and had to explain to the group what happened as they found it odd that i randomly died. Restart WoW and everything was back to normal.

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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by GethlarNomudac »

lvl 17 tauren, goinng from crossroads to camp taurjo saw lakoti'mani,killed it wif 10 health left and as its dieing animation started, was mauled by a freakin hyenea :l not impressed (but i got the loot when i came back)
u lost tha game :D
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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Jakjak »

I don't care for guns (even with a sound mod), so I always run my taurens up to Org to switch to a bow (funded by my main). First time, I was ganked by the Alliance Outrunners. No biggie, because I got to learn about those so-and-so's.

Second tauren made it all the way with no trouble at all.

Third guy though...poor, poor Moojool. Crossed the border into the Barrens, and someone had aggro'd a thunder lizard too close to the road. I died. Rezzed, picked up the flight path in Taurajo, kept going, and ANOTHER freakin thunder lizard too close to the road. Died, rezzed, kept going, paused for a herd of gazelle to pass, and a hyena got me. Rezzed, and the stupid hyena was still there. Waited this time before rezzing, and got almost to that big bridge before the Outrunners caught up to me. Died, sighed, rezzed, continued, and ANOTHER FREAKIN HYENA. Started to think maybe I could live with a gun. Rezzed. Took all of three steps, and some of those dang-diddley Kolkar runners got me. Finally made it to Crossroads, logged off and onto someone else for a while to blow off steam, returned to Moojool, and kept going. Things were fine until shortly before reaching Razor Hill, when a quillboar geomancer spawned almost on top of me, and then later when someone had aggro'd a harpie too far out of the valley. FINALLY made it to Org, then realized -- I'd forgotten to mail money to him! :lol:

Yes, easily fixed, but the fun didn't end there -- for whatever reason, I have a thing about taming pets from enemy territory. My night elf has a Durotar tiger, my troll has Lady Sathrah (named her Kamachi), my tauren alchemist has a night sabre (and not Shadowclaw, thankyou, but a real one from just south of Dolanaar), and I decided I wanted to try a bear. After heading to UC to fetch one from Silverpine, I decided I didn't want a plain ol' brown or black bear -- I wanted a white bear. I decided on Mangeclaw because he's easier to find than Bjarn (whom I've yet to see).

Getting into Teldrassil is cake next to infiltrating Dun Morogh. The journey went alright until the Hillsbrad border, where some Dalaran mages got me, then so many critters and people that I lost count. Getting from Silverpine to Thandol Span was a steady stream of dying/rezzing/taking a couple more steps/dying again -- but the Wetlands were nice and clear. More of the same getting through the tunnels at Dun Algaz, but I'd expected that, and even a couple run-ins with orcs. I knew it'd take patience to reach Dun Morogh, and was doing just fine dying/rezzing until that very last tunnel.

Had a mountaineer on my tail, the end of the last tunnel in sight, I was struggling to get close enough to rez outside -- and here comes a gnome rogue. I clicked on him out of habit, just to see who he was, but RIGHT-clicked out of accidental habit, and not on the rogue, but on the other mountaineer behind him. Off went the arrow, green went my status, stab went the rogue, and down went the big cow.

A gnome. A freakin gnome :roll: I consider it payback for all the tauren gnome-punters.

But at least I made it in, and got my white bear :D Moojool will be keeping his hairy butt in Kalimdor where it belongs, but I think he's developed a twitch after all those near-death experiences.
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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Sarayana »

Oh my god, poor poor Moojool! x[

My most embarrassing death was disengaging off the boardwalk by the dragonkin between Telestra and Anomalous in the Nexus... /facepalm

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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Nick »

I've put myself on auto-fly before in Shadowmoon Valley so I could tab out and do something else.
Come back not thirty seconds later and I'm free falling into the abyss below in my orc disguise.

How did it happen? The world may never know.

I've also Disengaged off a sheer cliff from the Fel Reaver before. Little moo cow vs. Nether. The results?
Nether won, lord knows how many times to zero.

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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Aweena »

on my priest i got glithed of the boat from kalimdoor to kingdoms and died from falling forever in a void of sky

also done the odd jump of teldrasil and umh run in to stealthy trexes in ungoro

jump of zepelins to early

have a pet agro an entire instance on its own (always on passive dammit)

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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Artume »

Art is a Hunter/Gatherer and lives to skin and mine.

I was looking for Thorium in Winterspring when I spotted a node on my map near the ravine where the Frostmaul Giants live. On closer inspection, I discovered it was in the ravine, hard against one of its steepest sides. While inching toward the edge to assess whether I could survive the fall, I fell in.

I saw a confused image as I neared the ground and realised I was about to land squarely (mount and all) on an Orc who was fighting a Giant against the side of the ravine. When I got back to my corpse, the poor Orc's body was in a jumble with mine and the Thorium node.

I know I didn't squash the Orc, but I bet the "WTF?" landing on his head didn't help his efforts to kill the Giant. I nearly cried laughing, but I also equally felt bad. I waited for him to come back so I could gesture that I wanted him to have the node.

The Orc must have thought I was willing to do anything to get the node, include kill him, because the instant he res'd he simply ran off, without even pausing to bandage or eat.
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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Maizou »


Non Hunter: I was just on my priest, duo healing a VoA25 (pre ICC), that was fun <_<;;; Especially as disc, XD Anyway, I ended up hopping on my paladin, who was logged out in wintergrasp. The battle was on, and I was on a cliff above the keep. So I decided, what the heck, and was going to jump down to the top of the keep. So I jump... and hit levitate.

Yea, Lay on Hands and Levitate having the same icon, when you JUST switched from priest to paladin = messes with your mind. Needless to say, got a massive heal cast on me, was like "WTF?" And before I could react; SPLAT.


Hunter: Disengaging off the ledge in Oculus, FoS, etc, >_<
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Re: You Died HOW?!

Unread post by Artume »

Myzou wrote:Well...

Yea, Lay on Hands and Levitate having the same icon, when you JUST switched from priest to paladin = messes with your mind. Needless to say, got a massive heal cast on me, was like "WTF?" And before I could react; SPLAT.

I get confused far more often than I care to admit when switching between Mage and Warlock. It doesn't help that I originally rolled them up to look almost identical, and have always kept them leveled at about the same rate. Now they are wearing similar-looking items of gear, so it's worse than ever.

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