harmless glitchs got to love them

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harmless glitchs got to love them

Unread post by rubybeam »

okay so we all know there are many fun harmless glitches out there but i got to say my favorites are:

mount with pet: okay who doesn't like this one your on your mount in dala waiting for dugeon ugo to it fight with ur pets out come back to dala to see ur pet following u around on your mount

unlimited animation: as far as i know this one is preatty rare but cuaght it once and it's glitch that allows u to do a animation endlessly for example: on raptor mount running stop raptor runs on spot, click eyes of the beast let it stop u have a playering doing a weird spell animation endlessly. i did it with eyes of the beast once and was laughing my head off and my troll hunter twirling her hands around in the air as if she's serching something for it then i press z and bring out weopens and it looks like she's carveing the air :mrgreen: ( lol first smiley on all posts srry for random moment)

big pet glitch:
ur pet any family can be about the size as the untamed wild devilsaursus this happened to my brother spider and it showed on my moms computar his spider nibbling on her rougue and she has a fear of spiders well not WoW spiders but she seemed surprized

druid form mount: okay i saw a druid in his bird form on a mount bu yet flying in the air so he had a kitty mount swimming/flying with him air dragging it around in his bird form

mount glitch: okay so there's been a few times u seen someone flying around on a wyvern or gryphon while fighing maybe on thier lands mounts to stealthing on a mount and then stabbing someone with daggers on a horse mount it's fun and thats why i like it

blackglitch: can make really nice pictures but might not dissapper for awhile makeing it annoying

beareaver: okay it's not a glitch but a mastake i only read about but once the fel reaver model was replaced with a little black bear one and u can guess how funny that is...

and really that's about it except for screenshots so anyeay any glitchs u like?


not this glitch is not the big pet glitch but the mine gltch i just made it look like the big pet glitch

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Re: harmless glitchs got to love them

Unread post by Saturo »

Aye, the one with the randomly huge pets happens me from time to time. Unfortunately, any effect that causes a change to scale removes it, like the Devilsaur ability.

Having the Sapphire Hive Queen, I'd say two growth buffs and BW. The pet would be so big it would'nt it trough some doors. I had to wait for the effecs to wear off before moving her into Kel'Thuzads room.

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Re: harmless glitchs got to love them

Unread post by Danielfboone »

I had this one happen once


My Serpent, MontePython did not want to be left behind when I took the flight path from Sholazar back to Dalaran.
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Re: harmless glitchs got to love them

Unread post by Danielfboone »

Another time, my Dwarf Rogue, Fadeaway, was standing a bit too close to the edge of the dock in Menethil Harbor while waiting for the ship to Theramore to arrive. When the ship came in to the dock, Fadeaway was swept up and wound up standing on the anchor on the outside of the ship. I laughed and thought it was cool so I let him stay there. The ship left the dock and all was fine until it zoned. My unfortunate Rogue had the anchor disappear from under his feet and he fell into the briny depths and promptly drowned.

There were also times way back before BC, when the Horde Zeppelins would just disappear and all aboard them would fall to their deaths.
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Re: harmless glitchs got to love them

Unread post by Dragonpuff »

I have seen a flying Mammoth. The multiple person one. A Druid in flight form in the driver side, with another person jumping back and forth between the empty seats. I'd post a screenie, but I'd have to go looking for it. Maybe later...

Another one I enjoy is the dancing glitch. It makes for awesome funny moments sometimes. All you have to do is dance! Then, turn with the A or D keys. Holding your view steady with your left mouse button is best to see the fun. Basically what happens is your upper and lower body will do a different dance move with you 'turn'. I have had my Blood Elf look like she's have a seizure, and my male Troll momentarily hover in midair doing this. XD

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Re: harmless glitchs got to love them

Unread post by Golden »

I was able to stay on my flying mount indoors once. :D It just wouldn't dismount me and I was actually able to fly around freely.
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Re: harmless glitchs got to love them

Unread post by Ryno »

Danielfboone wrote:Image


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