Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Acherontia »

Wow, I've never tamed the white ones, but he DOES look good!

And yeah--use the /roll system, or the random number generators you can find online. I actually had forgotten about this thread :oops: /bad Acherontia. But this way you can keep it going when you're bored, even if I'm not on :lol:
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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Sarayana »

I just googled 'random number generator' and found this: http://www.random.org/ (it's on the right-hand side).

Also, Aoani's new stable slot (number 4 - I actually made enough gold to buy it, woo!) will be a Image. (It kept giving me ravagers I couldn't tame so I started over... It literally would not pick a ravager I could tame. 15 tries!!)

I guess I'll be lookin' for Azzere. Any advice on finding her?

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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Saturo »

Nope. Just go to her spawn, she's usually up. Otherwise, that skin is available in ST and ZG.

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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Sarayana »

Saturo wrote:Nope. Just go to her spawn, she's usually up. Otherwise, that skin is available in ST and ZG.
Yeah, but Aoani is only level 27. I'll check her spawn point tonight. Thanks! :)

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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Vephriel »

Acherontia wrote:And yeah--use the /roll system, or the random number generators you can find online. I actually had forgotten about this thread :oops: /bad Acherontia. But this way you can keep it going when you're bored, even if I'm not on :lol:
No worries! :D I think the popularity of this idea sort of exploded, and it's honestly a lot of work for just one person to keep track of and manage. Easily doing the same things ourselves seems less pressing of your time. :)
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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Teigan »

1. Bats
2. Birds of Prey
3. Chimaeras
4. Dragonhawks
5. Nether Rays
6. Ravagers
7. Serpents
8. Silithids
9. Spiders
10. Sporebats
11. Wind Serpents
12. Carrion Birds
13. Cats
14. Core Hounds
15. Devilsaurs
16. Hyenas
17. Moths
18. Raptors
19. Spirit Beasts
20. Tallstriders
21. Wasps
22. Wolves
23. Bears
25. Boars
24. Crabs
25. Crocolisks
26. Gorillas
27. Rhinos
28. Scorpids
29. Turtles
31. Warp Stalkers
32. Worms

Use with the RNG Sarayana found (http://www.random.org/). After you get a family, count the skins and use that number in the RNG to have a skin picked.

EDIT: There, it's numbered right now. :oops:
Last edited by Teigan on Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Acherontia »


Yah, that's the one I was using for doing this while my WoW account was inactive :D

That said, the above list is somewhat incorrect. There's 32 pet families--I think #17 got skipped somehow :D I'm going to repost it just for any unfortunate individual looking for a list, and because I'm OCD to an extreme sometimes XD


1. Bats
2. Birds of Prey
3. Chimaeras
4. Dragonhawks
5. Nether Rays
6. Ravagers
7. Serpents
8. Silithids
9. Spiders
10. Sporebats
11. Wind Serpents
12. Carrion Birds
13. Cats
14. Core Hounds
15. Devilsaurs
16. Hyenas
17. Moths
18. Raptors
19. Spirit Beasts
20. Tallstriders
21. Wasps
22. Wolves
23. Bears
24. Boars
25. Crabs
26. Crocolisks
27. Gorillas
28. Rhinos
29. Scorpids
30. Turtles
31. Warp Stalkers
32. Worms

Then within a family, for example Worms; there's 8 skins, so you'd roll 1-8.
1. Purple Jormungar
2. Ghost Jormungar
3. Blue Worm

And yeah Vephriel, it's REALLY time-consuming to look at every hunter's level, spec, then roll family, count, roll skin, get link, image link + bold code... It took awhile!!
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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Mockingbird »


Right - I was assigned the blue outland windserpent skin waaaaay back on page 3.

I decided that rather than go all the way back to outland, I'd level a bit and grab one from Grizzly Hills. I ended up doing a few dungeons and some questing, and by the time I there I was level 74. I met the stable master, handed over my lovely Devilsaur, and headed to Grizzly.

I found the windserpents, completely forgot to take a screenie and immediately tamed. I used a freeze trap, but thanks to my ability to place myself directly between two windserpents I learned that they don't seem to have any tame-breaking attacks - I tamed the frozen one while the other merrily wailed on me. My new friend then immediately leaped to defend me against his former brethren!

Here we are, freshly tamed and posing:

The motion of the beast did not bother me (I know some don't like the flapping), the skin was a nice shade and the sounds aren't bothersome. What might be a problem though...
It's my first non-meat-eating pet! Thankfully, this wasn't the panic I had envisioned, as a quick jaunt to Conquest Hold got me a nice stack of
Which seemed to please my beastie no end.

At this point I decided he/she needed a name. I think she's a female pet, not sure why it's just the vibe I get. I named her "Pickles" - partly after an old friend of mine, and partly because it was late at night and all I could think of was "flappy" and "hiss", neither of which suited :D

* Try tanking an 80 elite with your pet
I was level 74, she was level 72, so we compromised and did a 3-part quest in Dragonblight killing 73 elites:
She coped admirably with all three, holding aggro without an issue.

We then went on to kill a load more normal mobs for various quests. Her family skill (lightning breath) was pretty much ignored by me - no obvious over-the-top effects, and no unusual side effects.

* Level it a level or two
We are both now level 76, and still going strong.

* Do a heroic (not eligible, but...)
Did the following Northrend dungeons:
DTK: Tank pulled a whole room and quit group. Group dissolved.
VH1: Full clear, no deaths, we topped DPS as the lowest level player(s) (me 74, her 73).
Old Kingdom 1: Full clear, no wipes, no ninja pulls, no problems. We topped DPS.
Old Kingdom 2: Very 'noob' group, all higher level than me, but one of the most fun. Very friendly and we all worked together and chatted a lot, which was nice. A few deaths and one wipe, mainly due to (I think) the healer not knowing what to expect on monsieur von mind-control. We talked over the strat and downed him second try. I'd just levelled my LW enough to do embossing (120 AP) and the leg patches, so I sort of overgeared the group, and given their newness I did a lot of damage. 57% of the total in fact. Very happy. Pickles seemed to enjoy it.
VH2: Same group as above, we stuck together for VH. Great fun had by all, no deaths, I got to enjoy being a bit huntery, misdirecting, distracting and trapping rogue adds. Lots of enjoyment as one person had never been before so the whole "ooh, which bosses thing, portals! no time to rest!" was quite exciting for them.

Pickles performed marvellously at all times. She died once, other than the wipe, when I failed to notice she had a DoT on her until too late.

* Do a battleground
AV - She was fine.
AB - Again fine, nothing special to report.

*Do something else
I am making the 78 PvP crafted sets for myself and a shaman friend. This involves grinding 216 Heavy Borean Leather, which means killing at least 1296 skinnable animals! I'm only a third of the way there so far, and have been grinding leather for a total of probably 2 hours, on-and-off, but Pickles has been a delightful companion during that time. Certainly more delightful than the 80 Alliance DK who saw me skinning one of his kills, then spent 20-30 minutes killing and tagging everything near me and not looting them. He even followed me to a new area. Ah well.

* Check the pet out in different lightings
She varies a lot, I think she looks best in Thunder Bluff.

* Check out swimming and possibly levitate animations (if any)
Forgot to do this.

* Get a screenshot of you and your oddly fitting or entirely mismatching pet!

* did you learn anything hunter-y from this pet?
My first ever cunning pet, and wow! I HATE that I can't spend all of her talent points in DPS-y abilities, but I LOVE Roar of Recovery. I will certainly miss it a lot when I use any other type of pet.

At the moment she has a permanent slot in my stables. I think, next time I go to tame a new beast I'll be releasing The Rake (or as he's known in my stable, The Welsh) back into the wild.

thanks very much for setting up this thread, it's been fun as anything.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Teigan »

There's 32 pet families--I think #17 got skipped somehow
I thought there were only 32 families...d'oh!

EDIT: I fixed my original post too, so it doesn't confuse anyone else
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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Sarayana »

So I got assigned Azzere when I rolled up above... Tonight, I went and looked for her on and off while Nethral and I were questing, with no luck. Finally, Nethral and I decided to go get one of the blue ones in WC because, well, they're pretty and a dungeon mob is almost as hard to get as a rare.

We duo'd in there and I tamed the first one we saw. We were debating names and heading to Orgrimmar when Rexiah announced in gchat that she was looking at Azzere!! O_O So... I did the only thing I could, took a loan (thanks Rexiah!!) and bought my 5th stable slot. :D

After the tame we debated names and I mentioned how she reminded me of a sparkly gem, so Rexiah suggested Garnet. That triggered an idea in my mind: my wind serpents are now a pair, Garnet and Lazuli. :D

I haven't gotten to play around with them because I had to log after that, so I'll follow up about that later, but here are the initial screen shots:

(She was giving me a beating!!)


There's no doubt I'm keeping them both (though I might have to abandon and retame Lazuli if I get to 60 before Cata... I'd like to tame the tan bug from 1k Needles). The expanded stables can't come soon enough!!!!
taming garnet.jpg
taming garnet.jpg (518.42 KiB) Viewed 1107 times
garnet tamed.jpg
garnet tamed.jpg (415.8 KiB) Viewed 1107 times
lazuli tamed.jpg
lazuli tamed.jpg (199.15 KiB) Viewed 1107 times

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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Acherontia »

Now that we all have twelve billion stable slots, I'm going to revive this thread! Any takers? :D
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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by pengupuff »

I'm game.

80 BM


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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by krinnick »

Sounds fun I'll do it BM of course Unknowne-Elune
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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Helsinki »

Roll me a pet! :D


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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Acherontia »

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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I'd like to have a go at this. =D

Vitani, 80 BM/SV hunter

I'm not picky about pet choice; if it's a duplicate I'll tame it again or give a report on the one I've had.

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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Makoes »

Can I join to?

Makoes lv 80 BM/SV


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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Acherontia »

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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Thanks! I shall do my tame/report later on today (after I've had sleep XD) as I do my Hallow's End achievements. =3

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Re: Random Pet Challenge: Stepping Out of the Box!

Unread post by Moonlost »

I'd love to take the challenge, hit me up when you have the time :D


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