Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

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Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by ummeiko »

While this may turn into a heated discussion, I'm hoping it doesn't get out of control. I'll admit I'm a bit on the defensive (particularly towards the end), but I'll try not to let it get the best of me.

Why is it that people racing to level cap/profession cap seem to seriously bother a lot of people? Illidan has had almost every realm first, Jewelcrafting was all that was left when I went to bed last night, and it may very well be done by now. And every time the announcement goes out, general, guild, party, whatever, is like "LOL NO LIFERS", "Losers", "Looks like someone has never seen a girl before." And how the people that are only 81 or 82 are someone way better as human beings than those that are 84 or 85. Yadda yadda. It's all pretty unnecessary to me. Why do people get so aggressive when someone achieves something that, if you believe the remarks, they'd never want to do themselves anyway (because it would mean they have no life and they're all losers). So why are they so concerned that someone beat them to it?

Heck, even in my own guild, people were going off after the announcement of Inscription. About how all these people are losers and spoiling the game for everyone. What these guildies didn't realize was that I had gotten server first alchemist this afternoon when they were offline. Reading gchat was kinda funny to me, in a sad way really. Like, I can't even be proud that I accomplished the goal I set for myself. I'm really just a loser with no life.

The thing is, everyone plays the game for different reasons and in different ways. I personally like the initial burst. I also don't see what's wrong with taking one or two days every COUPLE OF YEARS, for a more hardcore video game. People camp out for concerts. People camp out for movies. People do crazy things at football games. It's OKAY to do more extreme things for your hobby once in awhile. And expac releases don't come out every other week.

No one is spoiling anyone's game by maxing out their profession in a day. Or their level. I have done server first alchemy both expacs now. It IS fun for me. A challenge. A goal. This is just another way for me to get something extra out of the game. A personal challenge I suppose. But don't assume that because we don't play the game exactly how you do, we've sapped all the enjoyment from it. Why is it a bad thing to want to get achievements, or to just have a couple of days away from normal life and schedule? When did that become taboo? Vile? I still quest. I still get the story. (And I took a shower and ate three meals on Tuesday, since that seems to be implied a lot too when these things come up.) I'm not ruining the game for myself. I'm not ruining anyone's life, let alone my own. Why do people assume we are?


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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by bluddy »

People like you are just enjoying the game in a different way, the only way i shake my head at such people is when they don't sleep for two days barely eat and don't allow them to go to the toilet more then twice a day. As lonbg as it's just a good bit of sport i'm fine with such people
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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by Loethlin »

One word: Envy.
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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by Warfish »

Loethlin wrote:One word: Envy.
Hardly. To envy them would be similar to envying a bot-program.

The reason I'm "dubious" re: one type of realm first, specificly the "Realm First 85" is it's almost always done via exploiting game mechanics to in effect not play the game itself. For that, I find little to respect or honour someone mashign through the content, not reading a single word, doing little more than being carried along by a big guild. Having your guild slaughter things for you for 8 hours isn't a noteworthy accomplishment in my book.

I respect that "others find enjoyment in their own ways", and for that, good for them if thats what they enjoy. But conversely I have the same right to opinion they do, and with that said, I find their "accomplishment" to be meaningless and of little note.
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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by Andine »

I'm not "spiteful". I feel more sorry for them. I mean, there are hundreds of new, awesome quests. Instead of enjoying their new leveling experience, they speed through it, just to get to the boring heroic/raid farm again ASAP - most likely before anyone else in the guild can join them, so they have to WAIT. Or farm herbs. Where's the fun in that?
I revel in taking in the story that's happening around me. I want to do all of this awesome stuff in proper time and order, not get done with it ASAP just to get to the video-game-job again (as opposed to real life job).
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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by Lisaara »

They dont level like they should. They exploit the game, steal mobs from others, and just dungeon grind without eating, sleeping, or doing anything healthy.

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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by Sorcha Ravenlock »

I agree with Andine and Taluwen.

Envy has nothing to do with it, a monkey could reach level 85 in a few hours the way those "world first" people do it. There's no skill to being carried by a large group of other players.

I prefer to take my time, smell the roses, explore a bit, craft a bit, read all the quests and travel across continents just to change my hairstyle (for the umpteenth time) over rushing through the game as fast as possible just to claim a "server first".
Then again, I also dont' go around calling people who do go for titles like that, I simply shrug when the announcement pops up and continue enjoying what I'm doing.
Each to their own I suppose...


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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by wyndigo »

*shrug* It's a little sad to think they had to give up quite a bit of time and, I imagine, a normal sleep schedule, but if this is how they have fun in the game then more power to them. I shot a grats to all the horde on my realm who got firsts.

Here's hoping if they have an alt, they'll read the quests on the second time through. =)
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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by Ollof »

Taluwen wrote:They dont level like they should. They exploit the game, steal mobs from others, and just dungeon grind without eating, sleeping, or doing anything healthy.
First let me say Congratulations on your server first. /tips hat to fellow Alchemist.
I wanted to do this achievement for both xpacs but my boss (the Navy) has always had other plans. That being said, I was not going to reply to this thread but the quoted comment is exactly what the OP is talking about.

"Level like they should" Who is anyone to say how SOMEONE ELSE should do anything in this game?

"Dungeon grind without..." When I first started to play WoW I was from SWG. In that MMO the only way to level was to GRIND. And that is how I hit level 60....it was slow... Later on I LEARNED a faster way to Level. Is that wrong?

"Healthy" I bet everyone on these boards is a picture of health. Who’s picture I wonder. I know PLENTY of Firemen that are what some would call fat....but they are in FAR better shape then the people that ASSUME they are not fit.

I struck your exploit comment because it is the only one that holds any value in your reply. Exploiting is bad. Yes we all agree on that point. On Mono the Server First cook was achieved 4 minutes after the restart. Chef hat or not I call shenanigans.

@OP what most of the haters assume that people whom speed to the end have no life, girlfriend exc. However I would bet by bottom dollar that most of the Speed Players play this game ALOT less than their accusers. The proof is in your guild log...look at the people that speed to [insert whatever].. in my experience only log in for raids, arenas and soon to be rated BGs. Thus playing the game far less the people that are still trudging through boring quests. Lore….was an android with feelings.
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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by Sarayana »

I agree with you, Ummeiko, I don't understand why there's so much hostility. Whether or not they get the achievement through exploits, all-nighters (and they can be fun! Heck, yesterday I played from ~10am-3pm straight, leveling my hunter and then doing a new worgen, and I had a blast the whole time!!), or team work with guildies/friends, my main argument is, if I wasn't trying for it, why the hell should I care what they achieved? I congratulate people on hard achievements, but that's the extent of my interaction with people over achievements... they play the way they like, I play the way I like. If someone exploited, Blizz will definitely find out when it's as high profile as reaching 85 in five hours, and that was their decision too. *shrug*

And congrats on the alchemy achievement! :D Out of curiosity, how did you achieve it? Did you have to forgo questing to herb until you had it?

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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by Lisaara »


"Leveling as they should..." Let me rephrase...Leveling as BLIZZARD intended us to with all the quests. I personally believe NONE of the dungeons should've been available until the server firsts were already claimed. This would give everyone a chance at the achievements.

"Dungeon grinding" See my comment previously.

"Healthy" - Well while I cant say we're picture perfect health, you seem to be saying we're all unhealthy here. Last I checked, I still get 6 - 8 hours of sleep. Thats a healthy sleep schedule. I'll bet most people here get that much sleep too. Staying up for 30 hours straight is NOT healthy at all. Not eating and drinking pure energy drinks to stay awake is NOT healthy either.

So sorry, I feel my reply holds a lot of value. You just seemed to miss it without reading into it a little deeper. :)

Also if you notice, I never said a blasted thing about the profession server firsts. My hats off to them, but still irked that they got into areas they were not of level to even be in. I think the areas should be blocked off if you're not at the right level until all server firsts have been claimed.

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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by Ollof »

Taluwen wrote: Staying up for 30 hours straight is NOT healthy at all. Not eating and drinking pure energy drinks to stay awake is NOT healthy either.
No its not. But tell that to my fellow sailors; that do it all the time, in FAR more dangerous environments and they will just tell you it is just a way of life.

I did not assume anyone was unhealthy. Picture of health is in the eye of the beholder. That was my point.

Your feelings about how the game should have been made seem to be at odds with how Blizzard made the game.

Dungeons closed until server firsts are hit? So you think that people that like to JUST dungeon crawl should be forced to quest just to play the portion of the game that they like? What about people that want to level just PvPing? Do they get excluded too?

Blizzard has created a game that allows for you to hit max level many different ways. Just because you don’t like how someone did it does not automatically mean they broke the rules or exploited the system.

It just means they figured out a way to play, that appeals to them not you or anyone else.
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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by VelkynKarma »

Hostile? I wouldn't say so...I'm not, at any rate. I imagine they had to devote a hella lot of time to the game to get server first ANYTHINGS, unless it was an exploit (in which case, it's bad).

That said, I don't really see what the big deal about getting a server first anything is, either. I mean, sure, it'd be kinda cool to see the Achive pop up on my screen, for about ten seconds. I might even feel kinda giddy for a few hours afterwards. But honestly as far as I'm concerned, it's not something I'd really want to devote my time to. I can't put "Server First [Insert Class/Profession Here]" on my resume, and I'd miss out on the story and scenery of the game by rushing to be first. For me, there's no practical reason for it, nor is there a good entertainment reason for it, so I don't bother to try for it. A game's a game after all, it's meant for fun, and I personally have fun taking it slow and taking in the sights.

I don't think there's any need for hostility, though. It's not my cup of tea to devote that much time to the game and speed through content or a specific goal, but for other people I'm sure it's a blast or a challenge. They're paying for their own subscriptions, so as long as they're not exploiting to reach said goals, they can do whatever they like with it.

Though, admittedly, I COULD understand somebody being hostile if they also had their eyes on the prize, and somebody else beat them to it. That might sting a little.



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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by Miraga »

I don't see what the big deal is if you have the time and determination to do it. Grats on the alchemy thing. :) I just think it's bad when it interferes with your relationships, jobs all that stuff... but you can't really know that just because someone got a server first. :P So grats to everyone with server firsts! If I could have gone for it I probably would have and even MORE grats to people who got them on PvP servers. o___o I bet that was a nightmare...

And again, grats on alchemy! I find that one of the hardest professions to level! Please tell me that you're going to do the whole "turn yourself into a badass dragon so I can carry my friends around" thing!! :D
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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by ummeiko »

Sarayana wrote:And congrats on the alchemy achievement! :D Out of curiosity, how did you achieve it? Did you have to forgo questing to herb until you had it?
Well, I quested till I was almost 82, but Illidan is overcrowded and got kinda laggy at points. So I got a bit frustrated, and jumped on my druid to herb and then my mage to mine/prospect so that I could have the mats I needed. Only thing I needed help with was a little bit of ore/gems and Heartblossom, since my druid couldn't get into deepholm (and I really couldn't quest her to 82 because of the same reason I stopped on my priest). So yeah, I did it, using 80%+ my own mats and maaaaybe 2k gold (which debunks the popular whine that server firsts only go to people at gold cap or who have their guild give them every mat they need).

(And yes, I'm going to make the dragon mount, just as soon as the source of the recipe is found... because it was never found in beta)

Anyway, back on topic a bit.

Questing isn't the only way to gain xp, and not the only way Blizzard intended. Not everyone likes questing (I do, but not everyone). Not everyone likes dungeons. Not everyone likes PVP. Yet you can get XP in any of these ways, to cater to how you want to play the game. This is ALL how Blizzard intended, or they wouldn't've let you gain xp in such a way. If the people truly exploit, there should be repercussions. But if they gathered the people willing to continuously run dungeons, or agree to help them grind mobs (at NO benefit to the people helping, mind you), then I guess that's their perogative. They still had to physically take part on some level.

And as for people that pull all-nighters, like I said before, it's one or two days every couple of years. It's not like they're doing it every week. We do a LOT of things as humans that may be considered unhealthy, but the human body is a little more resolute than that. One 24 or even 48 hour spree of eating pizza and chips and getting little sleep is not going to land someone in the hospital (minus of course, when there are other, deeper health problems... I'm just saying the average Joe who leads an otherwise normal life outside of 2 days every 2 years).

I'm not saying people need to bow down to the server/world firsts. You don't really need to say anything, and no one's going to remember or care in a week except maybe the person who got it. I'm just saying the hostilities are often unwarranted and often childish. (And in truth, it's not just server firsts... more and more it seems like you can't be proud of ANY achievement in the game... anyone who does achievements clearly has no life, and it's not just the infamous server trolls that will say that... it starts to become somewhat popular opinion.)


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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by Ryai »

Sarayana wrote:Whether or not they get the achievement through exploits
So you mean it'd be fine for me to exploit the game and use it to my advantage when that's clearly against the ToS? ;D

No see, exploits are not the same. Exploits means You Cheated. Exploits mean; You couldn't play fair and didn't wanna do the insane enough grind of some people were foaming and frothing over of 12-15 hours. Exploits mean that you wanted your pretty little shiny now now now and you don't give a damn about playing fair.


Exploiting to get to 85 makes you a loser- not a winner.

And honestly I can't respect these people as I saw a thread on mmochampion and seriously they were concocting crap that would either give you more calorie intake than some hamburgers, or they were gonna be downing red bull/energy drinks/Caffine like it was going out of style. Needless to say WoW has a bad enough rep, does it really need the stigma of such unhealthy players?

Anyways Op: I don't see why you had to make a thread about this, you got world first for alchemy. You didn't get world first for an achievement easily exploitable. IE leveling in under 10 hours. So honestly, I don't get why you're so defensive- I mean even I can get insanely defensive trust/paranoia issues; but I honestly see no reason why you think you're being attacked. All hostility is not at realm first achievers.

All hostility- atleast the non jealous/envy ones, are at the people who exploited/cheated.
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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by Slickrock4 »

It's.... A video game.
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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by Razzy »

Slickrock4 wrote:It's.... A video game.
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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by Azunara »

I find it funny you guys argue how they stay up hours to get this server first...Yet anyone of us will do the same to get a shiny rare pet. It all boils down to its the same number of pixels. They get achy, you get shiny pet.

And then you mention exploits. Funny, really. Don't some of your special pets require exploits as well? You know, oil-stained wolf, flame pig, etc? They aren't meant to have them, yet you manage them anyway. Neither break the game, so it's okay.

So yeah. I dunno, but...You're not that different.
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Re: Why are people so spiteful towards server firsts?

Unread post by Sorcha Ravenlock »

Azunara wrote:I find it funny you guys argue how they stay up hours to get this server first...Yet anyone of us will do the same to get a shiny rare pet. It all boils down to its the same number of pixels. They get achy, you get shiny pet.
No I won't, the only rares I've got are Humar (ran right over him) and Gondria (spawed in front of me). I don't have the energy anymore to stay up all night for stuff like that.
Azunara wrote: And then you mention exploits. Funny, really. Don't some of your special pets require exploits as well? You know, oil-stained wolf, flame pig, etc? They aren't meant to have them, yet you manage them anyway. Neither break the game, so it's okay.

So yeah. I dunno, but...You're not that different.
I have none of these either. I can't be bothered spending a lot of time and effort on something that's going to dissapear in the next patch or so. (With the discovery of the stat boosting buffs, I'm sure they'll start wiping these buffs from pets.)

Anyway, Sever first for crafting and so on is great for people who want to do that sort of stuff, but I'll stick by the fact that getting world first 85 by having your whole guild killing stuff for you is sad and nothing to be admired, it takes no skill at all.


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