Crappy Groups

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Re: Crappy Groups

Unread post by Kalliope »


That's a tank fight, really. If the tank died to shatter, then GUESS WHO DIDN'T RUN OUT PROPERLY. ;)


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Re: Crappy Groups

Unread post by Saturo »

Kalliope wrote:lolstonecore.

That's a tank fight, really. If the tank died to shatter, then GUESS WHO DIDN'T RUN OUT PROPERLY. ;)

The healer, clearly.

Actually, a tank died from that (I think it was that, anyway) and then he tried to votekick the healer with the explanation given being "sucks".

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Re: Crappy Groups

Unread post by Ryai »

Saturo wrote:
Kalliope wrote:lolstonecore.

That's a tank fight, really. If the tank died to shatter, then GUESS WHO DIDN'T RUN OUT PROPERLY. ;)

The healer, clearly.

Actually, a tank died from that (I think it was that, anyway) and then he tried to votekick the healer with the explanation given being "sucks".

Oh lol no, no no I'm not blaming the healer for that. I meant after the tank died. The war was well smashing pretty fast and I never really saw the war's health get replenished before being squashed and getting focused on next by Ozurk/Ozork/Ozzieozzbourne.

I think the healer was actually wanting us to wipe when his/her friend the tank died :/
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Re: Crappy Groups

Unread post by Kalliope »

Ryai wrote:
Saturo wrote:
Kalliope wrote:lolstonecore.

That's a tank fight, really. If the tank died to shatter, then GUESS WHO DIDN'T RUN OUT PROPERLY. ;)

The healer, clearly.

Actually, a tank died from that (I think it was that, anyway) and then he tried to votekick the healer with the explanation given being "sucks".

Oh lol no, no no I'm not blaming the healer for that. I meant after the tank died. The war was well smashing pretty fast and I never really saw the war's health get replenished before being squashed and getting focused on next by Ozurk/Ozork/Ozzieozzbourne.

I think the healer was actually wanting us to wipe when his/her friend the tank died :/
What class was the healer? They may have failed at getting a dot up to break the stun too. It's not a problem if everyone else isn't taking other damage, but there is some extra healing to do when the stun breaks.

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Re: Crappy Groups

Unread post by Ryai »

Kalliope wrote:What class was the healer? They may have failed at getting a dot up to break the stun too. It's not a problem if everyone else isn't taking other damage, but there is some extra healing to do when the stun breaks.
It was a priest... but I really didn't notice much if any stunning, I wasn't getting stunned- mean I was lagging a bit here and there but was getting no stuns. Which is what surprised me when I checked MMO and saw Ozurk/Ozork/ozzieozzbourne DOES stun O-o

But no I don't think the healer was stunned, they didn't even rage like I did when on my healer all STUNNED/SILENCED/ack guys CC'd! when it happened to Coal at times and you know the party -needed- to be warned to pop those survival trinkets and talents or save da heeler. So if the healer was stunned... they never said O_o
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Re: Crappy Groups

Unread post by Kalliope »

Ryai wrote:
Kalliope wrote:What class was the healer? They may have failed at getting a dot up to break the stun too. It's not a problem if everyone else isn't taking other damage, but there is some extra healing to do when the stun breaks.
It was a priest... but I really didn't notice much if any stunning, I wasn't getting stunned- mean I was lagging a bit here and there but was getting no stuns. Which is what surprised me when I checked MMO and saw Ozurk/Ozork/ozzieozzbourne DOES stun O-o

But no I don't think the healer was stunned, they didn't even rage like I did when on my healer all STUNNED/SILENCED/ack guys CC'd! when it happened to Coal at times and you know the party -needed- to be warned to pop those survival trinkets and talents or save da heeler. So if the healer was stunned... they never said O_o
You were probably putting up a dot as a normal part of your rotation then. ^_^ I screwed up on shadow word pain myself a few times (it can be so hard timing a single global amongst spamming other heals, due to the tank running out of range), but didn't feel it necessary to warn the melee-heavy party, since they were dotting themselves properly to get out of range on their own. After all, my messing up wasn't the problem; it was on the tank to move properly (which he eventually did).

It amused me that the feral druid (kitty) was convinced the fight was broken until he suddenly started timing his dots correctly. ;) Made things a lot easier too.

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Re: Crappy Groups

Unread post by Golden »

I have to say I'm really loving my Holy Priest at the moment. Most instances have been a breeze and I've kept everyone alive without too many problems. However there have been some awful stuff, too...

Normal Stonecore; me healing, 85 DK tank, Paladin and Mage dpsing (forgot what class the third dps was). After the first boss the Mage announces they're going for dinner and promptly put me on follow. A couple long pulls later we also note that the Paladin is following the afk Mage, creating a useless chain of afkers behind me - so we're left with just one dps and the tank to deal with the Shale Spiders, Giants and what-ever-the-humanoids-are-called.

Then there's Vortex Pinnacle. Right at the start I announce it's my first time there, but the tank still charges off to start clearing the trash, leaving me rather stressed out. Right after the first boss the tank leaves, clearly because he didn't get the drop he wanted. We get another tank, a Paladin who runs onward as a headless chicken after each pull.
When we get to the second boss, I ask for tacts, but the tank and a couple of dps go "dunno" and once again he charges in. Luckily I had watched some early Beta videos on the instance, so I quickly got the hang of what was going on and knew how to position myself to get the most out of my heals. Fast forward some trash packs, we get to the Ramkahen mobs, which prove to be a real challenge. No CC, and afterward the tank zooms off for more - he runs into some Skyfall Stars (at least I think that's what they were called) while I was still recovering from the previous pull. Now at that point it's clear that he has no idea what he's doing, and we start questioning him, to which he replies with the common "stop whining you suck, l2p" crap and we kick him and get another tank - quick questions show that he's done the place many places before, but it's his first time tanking it. But at least he's marking stuff for CC, yaay! Shame our Shaman apparently had no idea about his class and when he was asked to hex something, he just went "I don't have hex, I'm Enh". Well, at least the Hunter knew his job. :P
Last boss, we discuss the tactics and charge in together. Tank has major connection problems and ends up missing the triangle, along with the Boomkin who just simply wasn't paying attention. Wipe - no biggie. We run back in, explain the fight to the Druid again and start the fight. Druid misses the triangle again (don't ask me how... he was clearly TRYING to get into it at the last moment, but managed to walk just a couple yards past it XD) and we down the boss with no further mistakes. Finally! \o/
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Re: Crappy Groups

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I've had pretty good luck with pug groups recently but I usually run with my guild. Today though, was by far the worst group I've had in a long time. (I say "group" but I think with a better tank we'd have been fine, to be honest.)

I decided to queue by myself and after a 40 minute wait got Throne of the Tides - awesome, a nice short/easy one. The group zoned in and the tank said "first time here, let me know if I need to know anything". No problem, I said I'd explain the boss fights for him. We continue on. The first pull he doesn't CC, it's two casters and two warriors, so I roll my eyes, mark a skull on one of the casters and tell him after we've cleared the group that he shouldn't be afraid to use CC. He only had 110k health - that's only 5k more than me, lol - I'd be worried of taking more than 2 or 3 mobs on at that gear level. o_o We got up to the corridor before the first boss, where the groups of little murlocs are summoned. He *pulls the whole corridor*. The healer was fantastic, no one died; the dps was ok (myself and one other were doing 11kish, the cat druid was doing about 7k). But man it took forever to kill everyone as the tank seemed to think that the warriors needed interrupting instead of the casters. It literally took us as long as for the mobs to oom before we could kill them because even though I threw up a skull on the target, the tank and one of the dps couldn't see it/ignored it so the cat, healer and I did our best but it just didn't work lol :X Well we got there in the end, the healer told the tank off for not using CC. From then on I took over marking fully, using my trap, a poly, and a hex if we needed it, and the following pulls were much smoother.

We got to the boss and tank is like "afk 1 min, phone". We wait a minute. We wait longer. Then the healer and the cat dps leave... I don't blame them lol. Tank comes back shortly, we requeue and get a DK and a new healer. All good. I explain the boss fight, impressing upon the tank that 3 mobs will come, the one on our left must be sheeped while we kill the other caster and then the warrior, then we will kill the poly. I also mentioned that he needed to interrupt the shock wave thing. All good. We start the encounter.

a) Tank does not, seemingly, know right from left; he fails to tank 2 of the mobs and beats down the other which the mage tried to poly
b) Tank seemingly does not actually know what "CC" is! It became clear that he thought that a CC [crowd control folks!] was actually an interrupt. ...

Failed attempt 1. Healer leaves. We get a new one. All these healers were pretty nicely geared so I feel sorry for them x_x Round 2 is much smoother, though interrupts don't go off in time. Tank is 1 shotted due to poor health. Healer leaves. New one comes. This time tank is one shotted on the first cast. I leave.

Wow. Usually I'm all for people learning the fights and stuff but a) read up a little bit on your class mechanics and b) do the normal version before you fall head first into heroic!


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Re: Crappy Groups

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Wow, just wow. Now I remember why I'd rather not do random Heroics as dps - somehow I always get the worst groups on my Hunter, while I'm loving dungeons on my Priest.

To start off.. The Warrior and both Druids were guildies, so no kicking any of them. Ignoring also bugged out so I couldn't ignore them either. A closer investigation shows that the Druid that was tanking (party leader, too) was specced for cat dps (I doubt they respecced just for that occasion, so I trust the Armory on this).

Long story short... No real communication, no paying attention to where the healer was or if he was low on mana (which he was after most chaotic pulls), no cc, only namecalling and childish arguing. In the end I got just too frustrated, wrote in exactly what I was thinking and left group.
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Re: Crappy Groups

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Wow, Golden.

I got a headache and was full of rage just reading that....

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Re: Crappy Groups

Unread post by Kalliope »

Ugh, that's the worst feeling, getting trapped with a majority that's like that. :( Really all you can do is what you did, call them out on being rude/terrible and bail.

I ran into BAD groups on my priest yesterday. Nothing with profanity like that, but just fail, FAIL groups. Even the group from my old guild that I ran with failed (we got Stonecore, heh, and two people were lagging). Eventually put together a group that survived BRC, but it was very clowny. Argh.... At least Kalli's run went considerably better.

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Re: Crappy Groups

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This reminds me of the You destroy everything comment Coal got >_>
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Re: Crappy Groups

Unread post by Bubbleme »

Don't you just hate when you're attacking a mob or FIVE in a dungeon and the tank following by the rest of the group leaves, leaving you dead seventeen times that day? I do. And it's happened to me over 100 times in the whole time I've played WoW.

Yes, it's that part in the instance after the idiotic drakes, and we have to clear boring trash. Oh look. the tank didn't want to bother tanking the trash! /leavegroup. So now we have our deepses and healer. OH LOOK. ALL THE DEEPS JUST LEFT. Now I'm hoping that I can actually li-- Healer left. /Run. /Die. /Runback. /Tele out. /QQ.

I. Hate. Dungeons.
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Re: Crappy Groups

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Bubbleme wrote:Don't you just hate when you're attacking a mob or FIVE in a dungeon and the tank following by the rest of the group leaves, leaving you dead seventeen times that day? I do. And it's happened to me over 100 times in the whole time I've played WoW.

Yes, it's that part in the instance after the idiotic drakes, and we have to clear boring trash. Oh look. the tank didn't want to bother tanking the trash! /leavegroup. So now we have our deepses and healer. OH LOOK. ALL THE DEEPS JUST LEFT. Now I'm hoping that I can actually li-- Healer left. /Run. /Die. /Runback. /Tele out. /QQ.

I. Hate. Dungeons.
Sadly, that happens all too often. Once the tank leaves, everyone else does.

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Re: Crappy Groups

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Had an SM GY on little Ryai #3.

Go in, have a tank named Gogogogogogo and a healer named Tank.

Wonderful you can just smell what the cook is bringing, can't you?

Fast forward to the first trash before the boss, oh look TANK ISN'T TANKING!

Oh look, the healer IS HEALING HIMSELF. He let the tank die, the druid die, the lock die and then myself die.

So in chat I go Lol a healer who can't heal and a tank who can't tank.

Tank goes Sorry but my sister

And I actually snap; NO NO EXCUSES! I am tired of excuses! heal ffs

And it just gets better from there.
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Re: Crappy Groups

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Because Double Posts are FUN!

So decided to do some leveling on an alt. Queue up, get slave pens. I start to notice the SV hunter isn't using his pet. Fine, fair enough, I won't comment, it's not my place to comment. Perhaps he doesn't think a spider is worthwhile dps or some crap.

So on boss wipe since the tank pulled the shammy and ofc hadn't cleared trash first...

SVhunter: Why are you BM for instances?
Me: Why aren't you using your pet?
SVhunter: Because it's dps is minimal and it's not worth the wipes it can cause

My reply after some back and forth was basically: Learn your class/learn how to manage your pet and on top of it all why did you roll a PET CLASS?

So it continues and in a messy pull I finally snap at him again because on all the messy pulls prior he had NOT used his pet at all nor attempted to pull trash off of healer- I had, and had used pet. Surely he would realize if my BOAR wasn't wiping us, his spider and others wouldn't? Noooo.

So his reply was: Why aren't you using HM on every pull?

I basically reply lol cause this is heroic amirite?

Obviously I stung a nerve as he seemed hurt and tried to claim my comment made my point moot, when the fact of the matter is he was never learning how to manage his pet or be aware or even using macros to have a pet attack a target and pull it back since he had it on passive. On two messy pulls his pet was nothing but a useless barking toy at his side when he had a wolf, didn't even use it to get aggro so when he'd FD it wouldn't go to healer. Nice, right?

I admit I was a bit mean but tbh he shouldn't have asked me why I was BM in a non HC dungeon when he was an SV hunter claiming his pets do 'craptastic damage, so craptastic they aren't worth more than being vanity buff companions'.
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Re: Crappy Groups

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Got a Heroic DM group, they were all guildies except for having a tank. The healer afks twice during the first three pulls, we wait patiently, just before the boss pull (no longer than 5 seconds) after she'd returned, she starts saying: things like "GO PULL!" and "I don't want to be here forever!" So I just /dance with her, she cracks a sh!t and pulls the boss; I sat there /dancing as he smashed two of her guildies down to 0 health -- then I pick him up, we kill him with 3 people, then I said "Cheers for the points. <3" and just left 'em there.

I got the same healer 2 or 3 days later, in another partially-completed run where the tank had left in the middle; had the same negative attitude towards everyone, it was just the two final bosses in SFK so I ignored her.

I almost hope that I get grouped with her again so that I can intentionally screw around and make her angry. People like that just take the fun out of everything, i'd much rather be grouped with epic fail people as opposed to elitist pricks, no matter how skilled they "may" be. =/

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Re: Crappy Groups

Unread post by Sarayana »

Felidire wrote:i'd much rather be grouped with epic fail people as opposed to elitist pricks, no matter how skilled they "may" be. =/
I know what you mean. Three guildies and I got randomed into Deadmines with a hunter that was... uhm... special. We couldn't decide if he was massively high, very slow, or a kid. He didn't know how to trap a mob with the trap launcher, he did ~3.5k on the initial pulls, he died instantly to the rotation flame wall thing, he used a bear until I asked him to pull out a cunning/ferocity pet, but! He was willing to listen and he vastly improved through the first three bosses (we didn't get Foe Reaper down because dps on him up top wasn't high enough, but we didn't trust our hunter buddy to be downstairs in the prototype :?).

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Re: Crappy Groups

Unread post by Lisaara »

Really getting tired of ninjas and retards. I was put into Sethikk Halls I got a prot pally and an unholy DK. Special snowflakes they were. A wonderful Agility 2H Axe drops from a trash mob. it just had Stam and Agility. Obviously it's a hunter weapon(possibly druid and rogue too. I dont remember if they can use Axes or not). It was a big upgrade for me from the staff from Ramps. I need on it, confident I would win it cause no one else in the group could use it.

Oh no, thats not how it went. The DK needed too and won it. I called him out, nicely, telling him DKs do not use agility. They use Strength, hit/exp, crit, and mastery. I even double-triple checked with my guild to ensure I wasn't missing something. The DK didn't say anything but the Prot pally opened his mouth saying DKs always have used agility and it was a priority stat for them. I was thoroughly irritated as it was....since the entire freakin instance, the DK did about 100dps total.....aka he was getting carried. We get to the stairs and I go "Since I don't appreciate retards that claim false information or ninja's, I'm leaving. I also don't appreciate carrying a DK that only does 100 dps in a lvl 67 dungeon. See ya!"

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Re: Crappy Groups

Unread post by fatman »

Weeelll, it wasn't a bad group but definitely the ending leaves a lot to be desired.

I was healer on a Wailing Caverns PUG and we killed all the Serpent Lords and the giant shambler and that thunder lizard, then our tank just says kthnxbai just as we started the awakening quest. The remaining members wiped.

Later in the day, on my second WC PUG, we killed all of those mentioned again and the whole party just left without doing the awakening quest. Sheesh, I hope they realize that you don't get the achievement without killing Mutanus. :-/

I'm going back there some other day when I could solo it, as a Priest. Good luck to me. :-/
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