If you could hang out with...

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If you could hang out with...

Unread post by Skyshot »

After leveling my troll druid lately I've come to wish that he and I could actually chill together irl... How about you?
What of your toons would you choose to hang out with in real life if you could? What would you and your toon do for fun?
Only up to two characters please. It can be any that you've had up until now. :D

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Re: If you could hang out with...

Unread post by Acherontia »

Do our hunters get to show us all our pets? >.>

Ooooh, could my shaman/druid/mage teach me magic?! :lol:

In all seriousness, probably my male undead mage. He's made of cool, yet is uberhot at the same time <3 My undead (female) rogue would probably be a very cool person to hang out with, though; her personality seems so laid-back and darkly humorous.

I already "am" my orc huntress so to speak! :P
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Re: If you could hang out with...

Unread post by Lisaara »

I'd love to really hang out with all my toons. XD

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Re: If you could hang out with...

Unread post by fatman »

I can't really hang out with any of my characters as they are really avatars of my own self impressed into the Warcraft universe. It's like hanging out with your bathroom mirror. :-/

Personally, I'd love to hang out IRL with the Petopia folks. :hug:
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Re: If you could hang out with...

Unread post by Felidire »

Yeah, but my characters aren't really the types who'd enjoy hanging out with strangers. Plus i'd most likely try and bum some tanking lewt off of my DK then wear it around town.

I'd much rather hang out with them in-game, as opposed to irl. </3

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Re: If you could hang out with...

Unread post by Araela »

Really, any of them. But I would have to pick Araela, my blood elf hunter, or Brighteyez, my human paladin. I don't play Bright much anymore and I miss her. Araela is my main - and I think all three of us would get along quite nicely! (Okay going to cheat here and add another- I would also really like to meet Venga, my gnome mage. She's just hilarious!)
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Re: If you could hang out with...

Unread post by Nubhorns »

Probably Naggi, my Orc mage. He's well-groomed and well-mannered and...well...jaded as all get out, but still! I think he'd be fun to spend a day with, and he has a kitten as his familiar. :D

He doesn't have much of a sense of humor though so we'd definitely have to work on that.

I don't think it would be very fun(or safe!) to hang out with Veeka. She loves her explosions more than anything else right now. She doesn't really ICly use her pets besides her armored boar, so you wouldn't get to see any cool spirit beasts or whatever. Just a nerdy bomb technician.

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Re: If you could hang out with...

Unread post by Saturo »

My undead mage. He's so incredibly awesome! Other than him, probably my death knight, in the sig. She's awesome too. My warlock would just be plain dangerous to hang around. :/

I also exist on DeviantArt.
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Re: If you could hang out with...

Unread post by Sarayana »

My priest. She's just super cool and down to earth. She's the type of person that sees a problem, rolls up her sleeves, and says "well, let's get to it then." She laughs loud and often. :)

I think all my characters would be interesting to hang out with at one time or another, but a lot of them prefer solitude.

Much gratitude to Spiritbinder for the signature and Vephriel for the avatar! <3

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Re: If you could hang out with...

Unread post by Furiku »

I'd so hang out with my bebe troll hunter Tas'buru. Why? Because he's such a fun guy in my head. Perfect mix of big brother and friend. And he's got a midget raptor because he's only level 8 at the moment. I'm not passing up the chance to chase around a midget raptor. I woulda said Furiku but well...I'm pretty much Furiku minus the pets. So yeah. Lol.

Hey look, they announce Illidan returning in some form and suddenly I'm back. Hmmmm I wonder if there's a connection. :D

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Re: If you could hang out with...

Unread post by Anyia »

I'll go against the grain here and tell you which one I would not hang out with: Faiyth, my Bloodelf paladin.

She's got the whole holier-than-thou attitude down pat, together with substance abuse issues (which started out as a Bloodthistle addiction and only got worse from there). These days she would put a dwarf to shame and she always travels with her keg and brewmaidens, and has been known to be completely smashed while responsible for healing party members. There's rarely a moment when she's not on performance enhancing droughts. She's also completely vain. In short, she'd be completely insufferable to be around.

(I might've gotten carried away by the paladin belf starting quests a bit... but they were so much fun!)

I guess Faiyth is the aspect(s) of me I see that I might become if I don't stay in control of myself. Anyia, my hunter, on the other hand more represents the aspects that I want to be and wish I was better at being...
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Re: If you could hang out with...

Unread post by Cialbi »

Hmm, come to think of it, I'm not sure that I'd want to be around any of my WoW characters. Cialbi is an introvert that tends to cope with social interaction by getting completely smashed (basically, he's me if I were to start drinking, or so I fear given how alcoholism runs in the family). Fellandesh is morbid and sadistic, to the point of being a borderline sociopath; in other words, your typical Sin'dorei warlock. Shorelfon is a demon hunter that doesn't exactly radiate mental stability. Xaquind, since regaining his free will, seems to be driven by his seething anger towards the enemies he held while he was alive; fortunately, he despises himself enough that his unholy wrath isn't wildly out of control.
Aquiyand, the feral druid, would be the most likely candidate. But, something is unsettling about him. He does an excellent job of masking whatever it is. It's just strange to see a druid to almost seem gratified by killing critters...
AKA Nazthandol, in <Petopians> (US)

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Re: If you could hang out with...

Unread post by Aumecia »

Hmm... my first instinct was to say my main, Lavanya, because she's all about getting the most out of life. She's overall a very cheerful character, with a mischievous streak, a good sense of humor, and a lover of dwarven ale.

...The problem is she's also essentially my ADD incarnate: Almost pure id, a reckless daredevil who might well end up getting me killed.

So, I'd probably go with Sakina, my hunter. Calmer than Lav, and more in tune with the people around her. Also one of my few characters without serious issues. (My rogue's emotional capacity is seriously stunted, my druid's an idiot, my paladin...well, she's just a stick-in-the-mud)
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If you could hang out with

Unread post by sockspoob »

I have in the past and I have seen great results by training with a partner. How many of you train with a partner?
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Re: If you could hang out with...

Unread post by Moore »

I wouldn't want to hang out with any of my chars, for various reasons the main being that all my characters personify things that I could never be, I use it as an escape, a fantasy if you will. Each char acts how I wish I could act and each char I have is but a fraction of my various passions. In game my characters are happy people, they don't have problems, they don't have a huge task to avenge they're just happy people. I don't think I could ever hang out with one of them IRL without honestly saying I'd be miserable, it would suck having to be face-to-face with someone you can never be.


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