Missed Sambas, Resentful Guildmember (Phasing?)

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Missed Sambas, Resentful Guildmember (Phasing?)

Unread post by Megrarthon »

So I've been sitting a Sambas' northernmost spawnpoint for about 2 hours today (setting aside the previous couple weeks camping), doing regular sweeps now and then. A couple minutes ago 2 hunters in my guild swoop up and we start talking about Sambas spawns. One of them eventually logs off and the other says he'll go sweep the other locations.

This second guildmember then whispers me that his NPCScan went off, but said it might be a pet. I fly through all the spawnpoints and arrive at the Victor's Point spawnpoint. I fly around there for a minute, then head back up to my original point. A minute or 2 goes by, then the guildmember whispers me that he just tamed him. He apparently had had to log out and in due to a "you already have a pet" bug. I congratulate him and fly back down to Victor's Point, where he said he tamed it.

NPCScan doesn't go off when I fly around the area marked on the worldmap, but then suddenly triggers as I go a few yards SE of the green area. It doesn't let me target it, and neither Sambas nor the guildmember show up when I track beasts or humanoids.

This isn't a flame at that guildmember; you can't call dibs on rarespawns. But that small window of time when I flew over while he was logged off is getting to me. I'm pretty miffed/disappointed/etc about the whole situation (understandably, I hope). I know the tamed time, so in theory I know the spawn window (whole lot of good it does me; I'll be at class/work). The guildmember said it was 6-10 hours.

This leads to my question:
Do we know for a fact that Sambas is not affected by phasing? I can't figure out why they didn't show up when NPCScan did finally go off. Was it phasing, or might have NPCScan been delayed in it's reaction? Should i be using this Silverdragon addon I've been hearing about instead? Has anyone had issues with NPCScan not detecting spawns when it should? (cache was clear).

On a sidenote, it seems like every single hunter is in Twilight Highlands this past week, at least on Proudmoore. Just yesterday I logged in at the Victor's Point location and saw 6 different hunters in about 30 seconds. Twilight Highlands used to be empty of players not that long ago.
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Re: Missed Sambas, Resentful Guildmember (Phasing?)

Unread post by rhythm »

On Sen'jin Twilight Highlands Sambas spawn points are always crowded with hunters, not so for Karoma but plenty for Sambas. It's crazy. When I tamed mine, about 20 seconds after about 4 hunters zipped by above me targetting the cat.
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Re: Missed Sambas, Resentful Guildmember (Phasing?)

Unread post by Megrarthon »

Yeah, it's kind of crazy. It's comparatively "easy" to get a spirit beast now (I got my Ghostcrawler 10 minutes after dinging 85) but the ones like Madexx, Terrorpene, and now Sambas are supercamped. I know that them not being exotic is a factor, but still.
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Re: Missed Sambas, Resentful Guildmember (Phasing?)

Unread post by Venom »

It's possible that your NPCscan went off due to seeing another hunter's tamed pet, rather than an actually obtainable Sambas. That's all I can think of..
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Re: Missed Sambas, Resentful Guildmember (Phasing?)

Unread post by Acherontia »

I don't know for sure whether he's affected by phasing, but I can say two things:

1. Twilight Highlands has been experiencing serious latency issues for a lot of people recently. Basically the whole zone will lock up, but if you're flying about, you might not realize it--nothing will load, npcs will stop fighting, if you're midfight everything will simply stop for awhile. The animations continue, but for example, fighting NPCs will just idle for awhile rather than fighting (with the Combat Ready animation).

Has anyone had issues with NPCScan not detecting spawns when it should?
Yes. And in Twilight Highlands, actually. My first tame--Karoma--was a server first, and therefore there is -no- way she could have been cached (and yes, I'd definitely added the correct ID). I was probably the 2nd hunter to 85 on my realm, 1st on Horde, and I did it specifically to get her first. I double-checked NPC scan. I was about to leave when I spotted the minimap marker and moused over, saw who it was, landed and tamed. NPC-Scan never went off.

I don't know whether the phasing, lag, or NPC-Scan's possible issues were at fault, but regardless, there's a few possiblities :( I wish you luck in your future Sambas hunt!!
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Re: Missed Sambas, Resentful Guildmember (Phasing?)

Unread post by Sherbe »

Sambas in the wild is not supposed to be phased but if he was already tamed and your guildie was in a different phase than you I understand why you could not see them. Also, when he logged off and on, maybe he had already tagged and trapped him, pulling him into a phase? Hope you get your own!


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Re: Missed Sambas, Resentful Guildmember (Phasing?)

Unread post by Comett »

I'm not sure about phasing, but I know a few people have been reporting/complaining that an on-the-ground Sambas is invisible to them whilst they're above a certain point in the air, or flying past at a certain angle. I guess the safest bet is to land and run around each spawn point you pass.


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Re: Missed Sambas, Resentful Guildmember (Phasing?)

Unread post by Tilo »

When I was cruising for Karoma & Sambas I hovered close to the ground not very far in the air, so when I looked over blips on my minimap I'd be able to hover over it, get near the mob & see it 'come into view'.

Regarding the phasing aspect, I dunno I've got my camera distance at maximum & I still run into mobs that appear soon as I'm on top of them so not sure if that is what you're experiencing as well.
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Re: Missed Sambas, Resentful Guildmember (Phasing?)

Unread post by Jroaeyl »

A few weeks ago, I was flying when _NPCScan triggered ... but I couldn't see Sambas. I checked all over the area, kept on checking if he was tamed or killed, but it was a positive lock. It was only when I landed that I saw him in the distance. I eventually got to tame him without incident but what happened still bothers me.
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Re: Missed Sambas, Resentful Guildmember (Phasing?)

Unread post by Chimera »

I never suffered any phasing but i did find Sambas and he was hidden down a steep ledge (lol a pally ran by him without even stopping, did he see and ignore or was he oblivious? who knows..) i was able to get a lock on him but i had to land and run around a bit before i could see that green triangle, he spawned amongst many tightly squeezed birch trees and well, tamed him, told general when he was tamed, and flew off on my merry way xD Karoma when i tamed her had 2 other hunters pop up seconds later next to me from the sky but Sambas didnt alert anyone and there were about 4-5 other hunters camping all the other spawn points (3 of em stuck around the very far northeast spawns tho so i caught a lucky break with them being so far away)

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Re: Missed Sambas, Resentful Guildmember (Phasing?)

Unread post by Sasrei »

Yes Sambas.. is .. a tricky fellow. I dont know how many times I would have missed him if my npcscanner didnt go off and even then I am searching for him alot.. I dont get it myself but I would have flown right over him if I didnt have it.


thank you Ashaine and Kurenio!!!!

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