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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Mania »

*tap tap tap*

Okay. We're going to drop the previous discussions in this thread about forum matters. Starting with this post, we are back on topic for our fun, free-wheeling, stress-relieving rant thread. Or else.

It sounds like a non-rant thread about how the forum is doing might be a good discussion - possibly in Forum Support. Or you can PM me if you'd prefer to discuss it privately.

But this isn't the place. This thread is for fun ranting.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Adam-Savage »

Mania wrote:It sounds like a non-rant thread about how the forum is doing might be a good discussion
It's done. I made one. ;)
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by rubybeam »

Sorry bout that mania
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Lisaara »

Dont wanna work tomorrow. My sleep schedule is so messed up.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Customers that let their kids run all around the store while they do nothing (sorry if this comes off racist, but I've seen it enough times for it to have followed a pattern, but it's mostly the Asians and their kids). Letting your kid climb all over my check stand while you're already trying to violate the limits of how much of a sale product you can buy isn't cute. When I'm trying to bag 2 liter bottles coming down the conveyor belt and your kid is standing on my bagging stand, they're likely to get hit in the face (from leaning over "helping") or fall off--both of which your dumb ass will probably blame on the store.

By the way, you know how your kid can be cute and helpful? Leave them by the cashier and the cart. The checkers think it's adorable when the kids unload the carts and hand them the groceries. But down where I'm bagging? They're a liability while I'm trying to load up your groceries as quickly and efficiently as possible, especially when there's a long line.

Edit: The word "you" is being used in general and not directed at anyone here. :oops:

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Mozag »

I'm with you there Tyger!

I can't stand it when people let their nasty little offspring run rampant in public. Yes, kids are kids and should be allowed some freedoms, but you know what? Restaurants, shops, a busy street,etc. are NOT the places to do it. If you can't train your kids properly, don't have them, simple as that. Just because I have children of my own does not make me look kindly on your snotty brats when they start causing mayhem.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by cowmuflage »

Oh don't forget for the dumbasses who let their kids cry on the bus! I mean you could atleast try and make it stop crying.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Mozag »

cowmuflage wrote:Oh don't forget for the dumbasses who let their kids cry on the bus! I mean you could atleast try and make it stop crying.
Crying is a double-bladed issue, as it very much depends on the age of the child. Much as I find it immensely grating to listen to the sounds of a baby crying (I really dislike children, except my own), I now understand that there is not much you can do about it if the child is very small. Sure, you can try and pick the baby up and try and soothe it, stick a dummy in its mouth and wish for the best or shake the pram with a vaguely desperate expression on your face...but with a small child this isn't always possible.

BUT, if you have a child older than a baby, then get the hell off that bus if it's shouting/screaming/wailing. Seriously, others don't need to listen to your spoiled Iwon'tusethewordIwanttohere wreaking havoc because YOU DID NOT TEACH IT MANNERS! *rages*
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by cowmuflage »

Yeah I know about little ones. But theres a whole bunch of teen/20something parents who catch my bus who have more than one kid and seem to think I know this will sound racest but its true that becouse they are maori or an Islander that they can let their kids do what ever they want on the bus.
Now this is only young parents I know for a fact an old school Islander mother knows how to keep their kids in line its called a jandle to the head! XD
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

As much as I hate crying kids, it's hard to tell if they're just doing it for attention (and they learn from a very young age how to do this) and the parent's just letting them cry it out, or if the kid has a genuine problem. If the kid isn't just doing it for attention, then for the love of everyone around you please try to shut it up--although, I'd apply this mostly to a restaurant or anywhere that's fairly small, enclosed and lots of people are nearby. However, I don't have kids of my own so I guess that may seem a little mean. I'm not much of a kid person and when one is just screaming it's head off, I will admit, I find it a little irritating (although I do hope that the poor bugger is okay if it has an actual problem).

But yeah...people letting their kids just roam around stores doing whatever they want and climbing all over shit. Our stores aren't playgrounds for your children--keep some god damn control over them. I will seriously see little Asian (yes, other race's kids do it too, just not nearly as common) kids just running around the store with no parent in sight.

Oh! That leads me to another peeve. Once an hour every hour, one of us baggers has to sweep the floor of the store. That means taking a broom almost as wide as an aisle and going up and down the whole store. If you see me coming down the fucking aisle, move damn it. You have no idea what a pain in the ass it is to try and turn the broom around you, especially if I have loose items I'm pushing--as soon as I turn that broom vertical because you refuse to move out of the middle of the aisle, I lose a lot of the crap I'm trying to sweep up. Also, if you see me coming down the aisle and your kid is with you, don't let your kid just keep standing there, or even worse, just watch as it goes running up to me to purposely try and kick my broom.

And if you see the sweeper headed for you, don't keep pushing your cart right at me. I'm already doing my best to avoid everything and everyone in the store. I've literally had someone look at me following behind them with the broom, then proceed to turn their cart around and run right over my broom and halting my process. Don't even get me started on having to retrieve carts from the parking lot. :x

Oh, and when I ask you for paper or plastic and you say yes because you think you're funny being a smart ass, I seriously want to punch you in the face. I know some of the Asians do it because they have yet to learn good English, but the rest of you that do it on purpose piss me off. If I'm in a good mood, I ask the customer again. If I'm in a bad mood, I throw everything in plastic--you did say yes after all and I apply that to the last thing I said. And by the way, it's not funny at all to answer "paper or plastic" with yes; it really isn't.

Which leads me to another thing kind of along that lines. Try to remember that your bagger is one of the last people you see leaving the store. We're responsible for the safe handling of your groceries to the bags, to your cart, and even potentially out to your car. We're already at the bottom of the totem pole at our work, when you treat us like shit as well, I can almost guarantee that at least one of your breakable groceries is going home broken. It's a shitty thing for us to do, but we're already everyone else at our store's bitch; having you treat us like crap sucks too. There's some baggers that will even break your eggs and stuff if it's raining and you ask for a carry out just so you can run into your car and ignore us while we stand there and get soaked because you also didn't want to give us time to grab one of the rain coats. I had a lady do just that to me and I seriously wanted to break something of hers--thank the gods it wasn't pouring rain.

Ugh...sorry for the long rant. >_< Lot of stupid shit happens in customer service positions.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Pawtrack »

Me... talking way too fast and tripping over my tongue. And then messing things up by saying stuff like "teached" instead "taught" because, again, I'm talking before I can figure out how to say it without spewing out a mess of bad grammar. And being horrible at reading aloud because my eyes are reading each word at light speed and my voice is all: D: slowwwww doowwwnnnnn!!!! And then I just start going "tttttbbbbpppphhhhhtttt.... *ahem* try again..."


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Saturo »

On a similar note, people wo brings dogs on a bus/subway. It's scary. I've had a huge dalmatian knock me over, and then lick me in the face messing up my makeup, and all the owner does is snicker, because hey, it's cute when dogs assault people randomly! -.-

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by SgtMakkie »

Maybe your perfume was attracting the dog in the wrong way Sat :P



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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Lisaara »

Saturo wrote:On a similar note, people wo brings dogs on a bus/subway. It's scary. I've had a huge dalmatian knock me over, and then lick me in the face messing up my makeup, and all the owner does is snicker, because hey, it's cute when dogs assault people randomly! -.-
I only get scared if they growl at me. If they're friendly and well trained, I dont mind them.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Nubhorns »

  • Cars cars cars cars. Speeding metal deathtraps. :(
  • I'm not sure how it started but I'm working on an ear infection. My hearing in my left ear is limited, it's swollen and hot and ouchie but I've been waiting all week for today, so I can't call anything off. Gotta take some Advil, crack open a Mountain Dew and PLAY VIDEO GAMES LIKE A MAN. No pain, no gain. It keeps popping the left side of my jaw like it's trying to crack it out of the socket though, and that's mildly disconcerting.
  • When you text someone and they don't respond for hours, so you text them something else and they respond instantly. Did you just not know what to say, forget, or just ignore me? D:
  • Mom and dad turned my room upside down and cleaned it out on a whim last week, for which I am surprised and eternally grateful...but I can't find anything. It was a mess but it was an organized mess. Tablet next to the soda cans, old shoebox has my pencils, etc.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by cowmuflage »

Wow Saturo thats just crazy. Dogs are banned from busses here unless they are seeing eye dogs.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Moore »

That like 20-60 second time frame after you wake up and you can't really see anything because your still halfway asleep. I just got up looked at face book could see the little red indicators saying someone said something to me and I had a friend request but had to wait to see them >.>


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by cowmuflage »

My woman problems are back ;_;. I'd like to go into whats happening but I don't want it to be taken away.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Saturo »

cowmuflage wrote:My woman problems are back ;_;. I'd like to go into whats happening but I don't want it to be taken away.
cowmuflage wrote:Wow Saturo thats just crazy. Dogs are banned from busses here unless they are seeing eye dogs.
They're banned from the front of buses here, for allergics. They're allowed in the back, where I happened to get on.
Jessibelle wrote:
Saturo wrote:On a similar note, people wo brings dogs on a bus/subway. It's scary. I've had a huge dalmatian knock me over, and then lick me in the face messing up my makeup, and all the owner does is snicker, because hey, it's cute when dogs assault people randomly! -.-
I only get scared if they growl at me. If they're friendly and well trained, I dont mind them.
Same, dogs don't frighten me. Doesn't mean I like it when they jump me.
SgtMakkie wrote:Maybe your perfume was attracting the dog in the wrong way Sat :P
Doubtful, as I didn't have any perfume in my face.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Cialbi »

Nubhorns wrote:
  • I'm not sure how it started but I'm working on an ear infection. My hearing in my left ear is limited, it's swollen and hot and ouchie but I've been waiting all week for today, so I can't call anything off. Gotta take some Advil, crack open a Mountain Dew and PLAY VIDEO GAMES LIKE A MAN. No pain, no gain. It keeps popping the left side of my jaw like it's trying to crack it out of the socket though, and that's mildly disconcerting.
I sincerely hope that you're taking more than just Advil. :| I recently had an ear infection myself (there was an excessive buildup of wax that was causing some problems, and eventually caused an infection), and the one thing that my parents and I should have done was to go see an 'ear, nose & throat doctor' (in other words, a specialist) much earlier. Better tools and more expertise for assessing and treating the problem, as well as the experiences of past cases to draw from, made a world of difference.
cowmuflage wrote:My woman problems are back ;_;. I'd like to go into whats happening but I don't want it to be taken away.
:( Your problem from last time back, or something unrelated?
On a related note, would it be acceptable for cowmuflage here to make a thread with a clear warning in the title, for her to lay out her 'woman problems' and get advise and support (from other women)? It helped her last time, but being in the rant thread probably wasn't a good idea in hindsight.
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