How do you envision your hunter pets?

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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

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Etherios: Ghost Wolf,
I've always found him to be not all that adept at being at the forefront of the damage, but he is a master opportunist. His ethereal like qualities let him move with in and out of battle dealing precise critical strikes with speed and grace. He is also extremely clever, to the point that it's normally only my actions that get him into trouble.

Hydrania: Ghost Hydra,
She is a very temperamental one she is. She has her good days, and bad days. I've never known her to have "3" personalities, rather more 3 different ways of thinking about things. I think that's what gets her into trouble, she can confuse herself rather easily at times. But when she is all alined, she has un uncanny knack of being able to see things happening before they do, always being in the right place at the right time.

Azuras: Ghost Bear,
Not that I ave spent to much time with him, but he seems to enjoy me actually running into the fight with him rather than me behind him launching ranged attacks. He really get a kick out of it when we are out grinding together and I get out my twin Hailstorm blades and we go to town. He's not the most independent of kin, but if angered, I have yet to see him back off.


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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

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DeathWarp/warpstalker: Loving and loyal to her master but if anyone crosses her line you bet she wont become very friendly, whenever in her master is in danger she will put everything on a limb to save her, she does love the occasional scratch or cuddle with her master but thats the only person who can touch her!

Dakota/wolf: Loyal, protective, friendly, playful, just like a normal dog basicly he loves other people but he will not hesitate to protect his master, he can be a goof ball and bounce around but when its time to fight he pushes it all to side, when someone challenges his master his places himself between the two and lowers his head and growls.

Bizkit/spiritbeast(bear): Loyal, and somewhat friendly to other people but he is very choosy on who he likes, he is proud and noble but has a soft spot that only his master has seen. Protective and Stubborn.

Synyster/chimera: Strong, loyal, silly, and loving, hes scrappy and always looking for a fight even if it means just a little play fight, hes protective of his master and has a soft spot others will never see, he will put his life on the line in battle for his master.

Billiejoe/hydra: clumbsy, silly, and loves everyone, hes not afraid to embaress himself in public he loves to please people and make them laugh, but when it comes to his master anything that makes her uneasy sets him into protective mode and you cant go near her.
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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by Sochi »

Shaon's companions

Ramas: Shaon chose to go out of her way to tame Ramas, a Nightsaber Stalker from out of Teldrassil. Ramas, like all Shaon's pets is still young. He's a typical cat, loves to nap, but if Shaon calls him to hunt or if something threatens his mistress, he's ready to do what he has to. He loves his mistress and enjoys being at her side no matter where they might be.

Subek: Second in the roster, Subek is a protector. He knows his job is to keep danger away, to put himself between it and Shaon. He chose Shaon as his hunter, having lost his former master. He won't let anything untoward happen to his hunter. At night, he beds down as close to Shaon as he can. Enthusiastic, for a bear, he's ever at the ready. Subek has a fondness for mushrooms and any sweet fruit. Not only is he protective of Shaon, he follows her like a puppy, as though afraid that if he loses sight her, he might lose her forever.

Baltar: Shaon apparently has a thing for spotted cats, as Baltar (formerly Dishu) is the second cat to sport them. Gold with brown/black splotches, Baltar is a powerhouse. Where Ramas is lithe and sleek, this guy is a lot more on the muscled side. He is very affectionate with Shaon, often leaning on her in a show of feline support. He's rather like a gun with the safety off, all Shaon has to do is give him the command and he's off.

Calamity: Energy, is what she is. More than willing to get right into the fray, this hyena will take on anything, whether it be smaller or larger than she. And she'll do it with a laugh. Gifted with the ability to be the only companion to make Shaon arch an eyebrow in wonder, Calamity laughs not only at battle, but has been known to giggle at her mistress.

Inti: Shaon hasn't quite figured this windserpent out yet. But he is a little cocky and somewhat arrogant. Still, she admires his skill and strength in battle. He has the makings of something powerful. With Inti, Shaon has to ask herself, who she'll give up, for she sees a spirit beast in her future.
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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by Kroxis »

My white Sillithid "Memnarch" is single minded when set on a task but when idle I imagine he behaves like a bored kitten, curiously poking at anything nearby to see if its food or a toy.

My Disembodied Jormunger, "Bait" Is very stoic and peaceful, a silent gaurdian; always on watch for danger. He cares little for playing and embodies loyalty and discipline.

My green devilsaur, "Kahmal" is named after a charecter in a card game I play, Kahmal, Fist of Krosa, a powerful druid and embodiment of natures physical force and power. So I place that on my devilsaur. So in my case he is the Fist of Kroxis, a force of nature, ready at a moments notice to charge into battle and tear apart those that threaten what he protects.
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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by Kyonarai »

Well I have two hunters, so I'll list each of their pets under their names.

Casdia (Orc Hunter):
Tovauni -Ghost wolf: Tovauni is a quiet, yet fierce soul. He is the beast most often by his mistress' side, and has been on more adventures than the rest of her pets. He loves Casdia, but can get a bit exasperated by her knack for getting into bad situations. He may have his doubts about his mistress' common sense, but Lord help the fool who catches the wrong end of his wrath. Tova doesn't eat normal food, but sure loves a good bite of mana worm every now and then.

Larsha -MC Corehound: Larsha is a cynical beast, and a bit of a sadist. He enjoys watching his enemies flee in terror. The two heads often bicker over who gets to take the last bite out of an enemy. Casdia tamed him well into his prime, and he can be difficult for even her to handle. He often has fits of temper and rebellion. Larsha will eat anything, organic or not.

Tacoma -Red Crab: Tacoma is a feisty red crab that Casdia captured off the coast of Durotar. He is full of energy and abounds with silly antics that never fail to make her smile. Casdia refrains from taking him on dangerous missions because of his penchant for wandering off and getting himself into trouble. Tacoma's favorite food is cheese.

Chavuuri -Brown Devilsaur: Chavuuri has a personality like a siege engine. He loves nothing more than to rush into battle and rip as many people to shreds as possible. He is a very driven creature with a one-track mind; easily enraged and hard to calm down. He likes to eat mutton.

Antonietta (Night Elf Hunter):

Emberkin -MC Core hound: Emberkin is young for a core hound, and still very much a puppy in his personality. He loves Antonietta with unending devotion, and will protect her with his life. She's raised him from the small pup she discovered in a lava pool to a fierce fighter and companion. He throws his heart into everything he does, and his two heads rarely fight. Antonietta tries to give them equal attention, and has a pair of fire-proof gloves so that she can scratch them as much as she wants. He goes with her on most of her adventures. Emberkin also has a strong penchant for dwarven brew, despite Antonietta's best efforts to keep him away from the stuff, and is quite cute when wobbling around in a happily drunken stupor.

Byron -Humar(Black Lion): Once a fierce pridelord of the savanna, Byron took many days to sway to Antonietta's side. He is a stoic presence in any battle, as he quietly assesses the situation before attacking the weakest point. He aided Antonietta in her travels before she found Emberkin, and now leads the mostly-retired life of an old veteran. He enjoys lounging about her stables, and is the unspoken leader of her group. He enjoys fountain goldfish for playful snacks.

Fritz -Red Worg: Spunky and mischievous, Fritz enjoys badgering Byron and Emberkin at every opportunity. He is especially fond of pulling the old lion's tail, and stealing bones from Emberkin. He often earns a good swat or a singed backside for his efforts. Antonietta is always reprimanding him, but doesn't have the heart to stay mad at him for too long. He likes anything sugary.
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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by Wassa »

Since I play on an RP server most of my pets have developed personalities of their own.

Hahadori, tallstrider: Brave, fearless, and always calm. Extremely loud and screeches often to remind people she is around. Thinks highly of herself and loves to be in the center of attention. (( She tanked Hakkar back at 60, so I think she deserves to think that way. =P )) Her bright teal and orange breeding plumage signals she is the Strider Clutchmother. She has many chicks and is a loving mother to all of them.

Mimizuku, owl: A young feisty monstrous kaliri female. Will attack anything that seems to be a threat. Easily startled by quick movements. Her favorite perch is on Wassa's right shoulder, as large scratch marks can been seen on the armor.

Hirameku, warp stalker: Acts like a young goofy puppy, always in movement and with his long tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth, panting and snarling. Prefers to warp everywhere instead of walking or running. Will nip at the heels of people and warp away for fun.

A rare visitor to this forum now that I don't play WoW anymore, but forever a Petopian.

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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by Ryno »

Wassa wrote:Since I play on an RP server most of my pets have developed personalities of their own.
Oh aye, same here! Well, not anymore, but still.


A fiesty spirit wolf, Styx likes battle. When he isn't fighting, he paces about, almost agitated. He lives to kill. That is all.

Purring lazily, Nebula is a laid back warpstalker. She likes to stick her nose into things if it appears like it might be tasty. She'll eat anything, even what warpstalkers normally don't eat...

A spirit beast from Sholazar, Novah is struggling to get back to his rightful place. Since Rynoh appears quite stupid, Novah often goads him into doing things that would help him.

A large, yellow worm. SpinySpipi has horrible nightmares about being killed, over and over, all for some silly cloak. He doesn't know why, he's pretty sure it never actually happened...

If Styx lives to kill, NumaNuma lives to REALLY kill. He's barely tamed, ready to fly at anything that moves too quickly. Well, that's one of his head's personalities at least. The other just keeps singing this odd song...


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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by Helio »

Let's see....

Aja : Aja is pretty much a hippie-protector-bear, a great big grizzly that somehow found itself in Ashenvale and having a Night Elf for a best friend often carries himself with a measure of friendliness and slow lazy movements.. Until Carrion's well being is brought into attention.... the bear would practically go into a raving rabid rampage..making sure to maul over anything and everything that threatens his master's well being.

Bones : Bones is a massive desolace carrion bird with a very bad attitude, however...not much has been revealed other than that(still working on it!)
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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by Rhyela »

Apollyon (King Krush): Fierce and unpredictable even after being "tamed". He makes other people nervous just by being around him because he's always on edge. He has this uncanny ability to stare right through you with those huge amber eyes. However, he holds the utmost respect for his master since it was only she who could break through the strength of his will and convince him to fight by her side. He would protect Rhyela by any means necessary, even at the cost of his own life. He likes being rubbed on his muzzle and the edge of his mouth (it tickles), though only Rhyela may do so. Anyone else would likely lose a limb. His favorite meal is shoveltusk, in any form.

Dante (Loque'nahak): Stoic and serious. He rarely plays and is always alert and on guard. While slow to anger, he doesn't hesitate to rip whatever enemy to shreds when his master commands it. Though he seems boring to outsiders, Rhyela also knows his gentle, loyal side. They enjoy many quiet moments together, their favorite being gentle streams where they can watch the water gurgle over rocks. He likes laying his head on her lap. Loves to eat fish, though he'll eat meat, too.

Tetsusaiga (Echeyakee [cat]): Has a big heart and is incredibly gentle. He's been by Rhyela's side for five years and therefore is extremely loyal and friendly. He loves people and especially enjoys letting children stroke his mane. Though he doesn't participate in combat anymore, he is still a force to be reckoned with if he ever believes there is imminent danger. He may be getting old, but that means he is also experienced in combat. He loves meat more than any other food, especially worg (he is amused by the irony).

Sheldon (turtle): Don't be fooled by his slow appearance, this turtle has a quick mind. He is extremely easy-going and loves to bask in shallow water where he can snap at fish that swim by. However, he is incredibly protective of Rhyela and doesn't hesitate to put himself between her and an enemy, great or small. He doesn't care whether there is one, two, or fifty enemies, he'll take them all on and never give up. He likes being patted on his head. His favorite food are telaari grapes.

Surge (silithid): A rambunctious and hyper fellow. He can barely keep his own head on straight and is always chasing something around. He is believed to have ADD. But, even so, he is a ferocious fighter and usually wins fights by out-maneuvering his enemy. He's better at striking from unexpected angles than by fighting with brute force. Though he may be silly and simple-minded, Rhyela adores his antics. Surge does like to be cuddled, and will always sit still for that. He loves his honey-spiced lichen but will also eat the scraps of meat leftover from Rhyela's other companions.


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by VelkynKarma »

My Loque'nahak (Rhylnar) doesn't have too much personality yet, but I tend to envision him as very serious and quiet. He prefers the night (his name even means 'moon ghost').

Jiaphyon, my scarlet tracking hound, acts very much with pack mentality. According to him, Silinrul is the pack leader, and he unhesitatingly obeys her. Jia is brave and daring, often willing to hurl himself into danger against monsters six times his size to protect the matriarch (Sil). Outside of combat, Jia is a very friendly hyena, willing to play games and be a very comfy pillow for Sil when they're camping out. He also has a soft spot for children and likes playing with them.

Felyndril, my white devilsaur, is like the baby of the family--a little awkward as she is the largest of the pets. She likes to explore and is still new to the world, constantly experiencing new things. She is very tactile, needing to touch, taste, and smell everything new she experiences, much like a puppy or a kitten. This often gets her (and Sil) into trouble, as she will frequently start gnawing on things she shouldn't be (in one notable example, she ate half of Alchemist Finkelstein's stores in ZD, which promptly got her and her mistress banned from the place). Felyndril views combat not as fighting, but as playing, and seems to think that attacking mobs on Silinrul's command is a game, not a business. She loves her mommy dearly and has separation anxiety if left alone for too long, so when Sil takes an assignment using a different pet companion, she is careful to leave the devilsaur with friends.

(Would have posted this yesterday, but the power went out just as I finished. Damn!)



Silinrul and Jiaphyon of <Ominous Latin Name>

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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by thatsnotmilk »

Part 1

Gondrimon "Gondria": the ghostly cat that fades in between rality and the 4th dimension, its green vivid eyes mesmerizing you on the knowledge that this ancient beast knows, the brutal stance of the arched back and the sabertooth teeth are a match for any opponent! But rash descision are no problem for such a legandary creature, it simply waits and waits.... everalsting beauty waiting in its mist, ready... waiting ready for its masters calll.

Skollimon "Skoll": The true direct descendant wolf beast from the thunder gods, the cripling thunderous lightning sorounds this creature like Earth soronding the sun, such true perfectious harmony between a beast and the flickering elements, dark blue vivid hair perfectly combined with the immense glowing light blue eyes, feet and mouth, home to a cluster of sharp razor teeth and razor blade like fangs. A beast of true aggression! The howl and thunder sends shivers even to the most formidable enemies...


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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by Teigan »

Snortly (brown armored boar) Happy go lucky, bumbling and protective. Much like a golden retriever.
Kyndri (ghostsaber) Jealous, volatile, vindictive but loving. Kinda like my real cat.
Timber (white worg Timber) Wise, solemnly good-natured and patient.
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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by Tarbano »

I'll do my three main pets, all ferocity

Grover the Raptor: Loyal and wise. He's the most experienced of my pets and doesn't like being out of the fight for long, dispite he getting up their in years. Enjoys diving and attacking from the water's edge because his scales camoflauge him when he's underwater. He's has a bitter hatred of any black lion he sees due to his former rivalry with Humar when he was known as Takk. When tired, he'll rest on a low branch

Ryu: A tank with teeth, Ryu can be a bit stuck up due to his days of being known as a king (Mosh). While incredibly powerful, he is feircely loyal and respects my other pets, especially Grover. Enjoys being praised by new hunters, but as long at it doesn't go overboard. Has a allergy to gorilla hair and will kill any ape he sees. Favorite food is raw gnome.

Protac: A bit of a goof ball, she loves being the comedy that goes along with ripping a monster to shreds. It just looks funny seeing other players run in fear of a giant pink bird in the middlt of a Battlegrounds. When at the stable, she'll often pull pranks on the others. This annoys Ryu to no end, but Grover doesn't mind to much.
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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

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Tarbano wrote:Favorite food is raw gnome.

I also exist on DeviantArt.
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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

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Saturo wrote:
Tarbano wrote:Favorite food is raw gnome.
Lolz, Its a in-game joke because when even he bites a gnome player it looks like he's swallowing them
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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by Kayb »

Well, the Orc two doors down from me had this really annoying poodle that barks all damn night long, so I sent my white widow spider over there in the middle of the night and she ate it. Poor girl had poodle fluff tied up on her fangs for hours :( The barking stopped however, and all the other Orcs in my street slept happily ever after :)
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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by Anavarian »

Amiir <Ghost Saber> had once been the valiant pet of a Night Elf hunter in the First War. He was a breathtaking to watch as he danced the deadly dance of battle. However, he was cut down in the prime of his life as he gave his life to protect his master and companion. Alas, however, his master was killed as the massive cat drew his last breath.
Many, many long years have past and Amiir was slept, his spirit stored in the discared statues that had once been created to honor his kind, dreaming of past glory and longing to return to battle. When the young Blood Elf first disrupted his sleep, he was furious. Only in his dreams could he still run the countryside with his lost master. Anavarian's bravery and determination won the grizzled vetern over and he decided that the Gods had granted him a chance to redeem himself through this young hunter.
Amiir is Anavarian's constant companion and travels with her as the unproven hunter strives to prove herself. Over the course of the weeks since he has been tamed, Amiir finds himself bonding with the young blood elf like he never thought possible with his previous master. He was given a new name for his new life, Amiir... "Beautiful Death"...his old name long forgotten.
It has taken him some time for his true nature to resurface once again but those that know Amiir know him to be Couragious..never holding back when the safety of his Mistress and her companions are in question, and Loyal to a fault. With Ana, he is as playful as a young kitten and tends to show a mischevious side. He loves nothing better then to curl up with her at the end of a long day and is surprised to find that he once again looks forward to the tasks and adventures that the next morning brings and the promise of lands yet untravelled.

Kurma <Oasis Turtle> is still very very young and inexperienced but he doesn't think twice about leaping into battle, defending the Young Hunter who saved him from the Centaur's cook pot. His is somewhat shy and withdrawn until he gets to know people but likes nothing more then a good scratch under the jaw once he is comfortable with you. He has a tendency to take everything very serious and this has led Ana to call him "Kurma" after the turtle of legend that is responsable for carrying the world on his shell.

<That's all I have for now. The other two were just tamed and their personalities haven't shown through yet>
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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by Helio »

Let's far, the personalities I have.

Abhra the White Tiger - He's big, huge and massive in every way imagineable, a rolling mass of muscle and fur with a scar across his face from a horrible fight in the past. He's the Silent Guardian type, moving next to his master with measured steps full of enough power to explode into a whirlwind of death.

Yipp the Coyote - Yipp is an average sized coyote, hopping around without much care..a stark contrast to his master, constantly barking and howling at some random moving thing.

Vinyaaja the Spirit Bear - I havent much of a personality for this one yet.

Mai the Spider - Mai is a massive spider with evil looking glowing red eyes, she doesnt have much of a personality, slow moving save for when there's viable prey and requires constant pressure from Carrion, often hissing and screeching in anger as a response but eventually doing just as she's been commanded.
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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by Dakonic »

I forgot the new member(bizkit is gone :( )

Marrok(skoll)- He is a proud, fearless, goofball. While in the major cities he lets kids run up and pet him. People often stare at him and it makes him uneasy he might growl a bit to let them know hes uneasy about it. It always hurts him to see children scared of him, he can understand why though, hes a huge blue wolf who looks like he wants to rip heads off. His master is his everything, he looks up to her and thinks shes the best thing in the world(Sorta like a dog :lol: ). He loves to be outdoors but if its in the higher leveled areas hes on the look out. He will not hesitate to sacrifice himself for his master. At the end of the day he will try to climb in bed with his master, usualy getting his way. :D
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Re: How do you envision your hunter pets?

Unread post by Zuilu »

I'm an active RPer, so naturally my pets have become their own character. ^^;
Bob: Vicous watch dog, he'll spring into action immediatly if Zui is in any kind of danger. (Armored wolf from Ramparts.)
William: A true gentleman spider. He's a big mush and loves to cuddle with all the people he meets. Not much of a fighter, but he will protect his master. (Oh-so-creepy spider from Icecrown.)
Albert: Slow, slow, old turtle. Age has taken its toll on this guy. He spends his days wading in shallow water with Zui nearby. He drools and groans a lot, as if always complaining. (Albino Turtle.)
Floyd: The strangest pink chicken you'll ever meet. He squawks a lot, runs in circles, kicks up dust in people's faces, and enjoys nibbling on ears. He is very untrained, has a poisonous bite, and gets a little too rough with the biting occasionaly. (..Pink chicken from mulgore.)
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