The PTR watch your step... the fall is evil

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The PTR watch your step... the fall is evil

Unread post by Sasrei »

I was just running around the molten giants and all of a sudden.. well SSs shows it all. Two 70k hits and I was dead.
Thinking maybe something came after me, or Rag got unhappy with just sitting there I checked and well it says I lose 74K from fall damage. Which is neat cause I was on the ground the entire time :lol: I was almost looking around for Noah or some GM who punted me so high and so fast I just fell without me realizing it.

Anyone else have odd strange stories of random death from the ptr? If that goes live.. I am going to laugh so hard. Its not the first time it has happened either, where I am just randomnly running around checking on spiders to all of a sudden go splat. Also the fire area lag was fun.. running the outskirts of the fire only to die much after it from the fire :lol: oh and there was this one time when I was running through the outskirts of that fire when I just died from fall damage. I thought that was wierd so I tried it again and this time took no damage whatsoever. I dont know if it was the long ptr hours or what but I had this strange notion the oh hey mammoth mounts protect you from the fire!! Yah.. not so much.

Maybe I shouldnt sing I believe I can fly.. it may take it to literal.

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Re: The PTR watch your step... the fall is evil

Unread post by Litlemouse »

Oh this happened to me twice, once I just landed on something and flew off again and POOF falls down already dead. Another time I was just randomly flying somewhere and I happened. Odd... I really hope this isn't carried into live D: although I highly doubt it.


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Re: The PTR watch your step... the fall is evil

Unread post by Azunara »

On Beta, I was flying from Sholazar to Dalaran. Don't know why. This meant flying over Wintersgrasp. At the time, you could do this in live WoW, so I assumed I could here. Run to take out the dog, tell my brother to fly me.

Come back in and I'm dead. He's all, "You were flying on your mount and then BAM. DEAD." I didn't believe him and assumed he killed me, so I rezzed, hopped up on my bronze dragon. Turns out he didn't like flying, only functioned as a ground mount. Okay, fine.

So I hit the flight master, get on my bird, lose my bird, swim in the air, and fall to my death, even when I wasn't high in the air at all. At this point, I rez, hearth, and avoid Wintersgrasp.
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Re: The PTR watch your step... the fall is evil

Unread post by Nubhorns »

Happened to me twice on the PTR, and I'm not quite sure why. Once flying low over Twilight Highlands - like barely skimming over the ground - and another when I landed and tried to run into the Stormwind bank. I'm not sure why it happens, but it makes me laugh every time.

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Re: The PTR watch your step... the fall is evil

Unread post by Sasrei »

Yes but the thing is.. I was on my horde scorpion mount and just running in magma springs in the molten front. So how I fell on a ground mount.. on the ground is what confuses me the most. I have been dismounted a few times to for no apparent reason.. so maybe it got my mount confused with a flying mount and that I was flying.. I dont know.. all I know is that it was funny as heck.


thank you Ashaine and Kurenio!!!!

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Re: The PTR watch your step... the fall is evil

Unread post by Dvatori »

Just before cata came out I kept getting stuck in a pit outside Thunderbluff. It would keep giving me ticks of falling damage till I died. Got stuck in there like 4 times. /facepalm

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Re: The PTR watch your step... the fall is evil

Unread post by Rikaku »

Maybe your character slipped?

But seriously LOL

I had this happen to me while I was in the Cataclysm beta too. I was flying north from Stormwind (over that giant canyon) towards Ironforge. For some reason my mount decided "NOPE!" and dismissed on me and I plummeted to the ground. Luckily, I managed to land in the ocean that filled the gap of the canyon right there, but I was still like "WTF??"

Even to this day, I'm still cautious flying around that canyon, I do NOT want a huge repair bill @_@

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Re: The PTR watch your step... the fall is evil

Unread post by Sasrei »

Maybe I found a hole in the world :lol: We have all heard of those holes that we dont see but come out of nowhere and make us fall to our deaths.. yes I think I found a hole in the world.


thank you Ashaine and Kurenio!!!!
