Show off your 4.2 tames!

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Echo »

Caelaza wrote:Echo, I love your UI!
Thank you! it's called ElvUi..:)

1 TLPD-Oct 16th 2011 (63 days of camping)
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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Curzon »


Just me and Banthy hanging out above Thunder Bluff.

Me and Skarr looking over the Molten Front.
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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Roxhunt »

I was looking for Skarr, but Karkin spawned instead. I died numerous times! I looked up the fight, my husband came on his mage, and I set my mind to taming that crab! Honestly, I tamed him more for the challenage than the fact I liked him. My husband cast time warp, I started the tame and when I seen he was going to cast barrage, I hit him with silence shot, and started the tame again! He was mine! I named him Darkcrab since my husband's mage was Darkmage and he helped with the taming techniques and time warp. :)

Next, I helped husband (Gigglez) camp Skarr. He had been camping him for a couple of days now. He had a horde take it from him the first time he seen it spawn and was going to try. The next time, Karkin spawned and he had tamed it. Then Karkin spawned again and I tamed it so we knew when Skarr could possibly spawn again and we were on 'Skarr watch duty'! :lol: I was just hanging out on my mage. After all, I had already gotten Karkin and there was no way I would cause the kind of grief it would promote in my household if I was out there trying to tame Skarr before he got it! Skarr spawns at the northern spawn point so my husband started taming. He died a few times and there were horde and alliance watching his attempts. One horde thought he'd jump in and take it but I pulled aggro off him with the mage to prevent him from having a successful tame. Then, husband was about to try again when Oodsicle (horde hunter) said he was asked by someone else to help my husband tame Skarr. Husband started tame and when Skarr started to cast barrage, Oodsicle hit it with silence shot and hit esc multiple times so he only shot it once to prevent pulling aggro. Worked like a charm! I enlisted Oodsicle's help for the next spawn time for my hunter to try and tame Skarr. We were just praying it was Skarr that showed up. At the next spawn time, my taming went off without a hitch thanks to Oodsicle! I named my new cat after his alliance rogue - Kageoni!

I will admit, we did notice this alliance hunter standing around watching the show but was in no way trying to interfer. I later learned that this hunter already had the pets and was just watching others tame it. This hunter was none other than Kalliope <3.

I tamed Skitterflame by myself. After all, I had the hang of taming that spider by then because I'd already killed it twice by freezing it to death! :shock:

Next came Deth'tilac for me. On the first try, I allowed Deth'tilac to 'eat' too many things and then it hit me before I could finish the tame and it killed me. Next try, Kalliope knew my taming skills just weren't up to such a challenge so guess who was there when I was going to do my taming - Kalliope. Kalliope basically kited Deth'tilac for me until it was time to tame and I was able to tame Deth'tilac successfully with her help. Thanks again Kalliope! I named my spider Kalliope :) I let Skitterflame go...after all, I didn't need two spiders!

Next, I switched to BM so I could start on the spirit beast. I was done with the pets I wanted from the Molten Front. My husband is still looking for Deth'tilac.

I helped my husband tame Ban'thalos next while I was on my mage. I hit him and slow falled to the ground, counterspelled it, and when it was on top of me, I went invisible for husband to start taming him. I'm not sure exactly how he did it, but I was just trying not to die and allow him to have aggro.

Magria was the first spirit beast I found. I was adding them to my NPC and when I logged out to clear the cache after adding them, I signed back in and Magria popped! I already set my equipment manager for a 'No gear' so I could instantly strip - completely! No gear, no rings, no trinkets, etc...I wasn't going to chance it! When NPC went off, I targeted Magria, went to equipment manage and stripped, went to the ground and started the tame..successful!

My husband and I were doing the Molten Front dailies on some more characters when a friend whispered me ...asking me did I have a hunter. When I told him yes, he told me he was following a spirit beast and wanted to know if I wanted to tame it. I asked him which one. If it was Magria again, my husband was going to go tame it, but if it was Anhka, I was going to go. It was Anhka, so I switched, went to equipment manager to strip again, and was waiting on a good spot to land to tame him. My friend was still there and asked what I was waiting on. I told him I couldn't take a mob on in my current 'gear' status. He told me to land and start taming...he'd worry about any mobs. I was able to tame Anhka without any mobs are any problems.

Now for Ban'thalos....after 3 days of camping him when I was home...Ban'thalos spawned. My husband was grabbing his mage to bring Ban'thalos down like I had for him. His mage was already in the area. When he got out there, a shaman was trying to kill it...all of us were telling him to stop. I realized someone else had finally gotten aggro and was taming it....a fellow guildie :x So, that meant more camping for me. Yesterday, I had been parked in a tree for quite a while when my son told me I was in the wrong tree. I told him I didn't think so. He said put a trap down...and I did. It went straight to the ground! That wasn't going to work! So he showed me which tree so make sure you're in the right one. Test putting a trap down and making sure it doesn't fall to the ground! I also had my 2nd tool bar set up accordingly....Freezen Trap, mount, arcane shot (I had read somewhere you didn't want to dot him up because it would break the trap when he landed if it was still doing damage), health potion, taming, feign death (just in case) ;) Last night, Ban'thalos showed up and I waited until he was close and I started my 'rotation' on the second tool bar. Tamed him without any issues....well, if you don't count I fell out of the tree after taming him because I got too excited but I did survive the fall!

I'm done taming pets now for 4.2. I'll be helping my husband finish his collection and oh yeah, did I mention my son has a hunter too that is taming pets! We're a site to see with three hunters in the house taming and wanting the same pets! :lol: I hope Blizzard gives us some more storage for pets though! I'm out of room!!!!!

Thanks to my husband, son, Kalliope, and Oodsicle for all your help!

P.S. I have returned the kindness Kalliope has shown us horde hunters by helping a few alliance tame Skarr and Karkin by assisting them like Oodsicle did my husband and me!
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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Kalliope »

Eeeee, HI, Rox! :D <3 Been having so much fun helping the three of you and Ood! xD

It wasn't that I thought you couldn't handle Deth-kiting, just that having another hunter around is usually helpful for him. ;) Plus, it's the Petopian way to run over and gawk at a rare being tamed. :lol:

I was actually there for that Banny tame! I didn't see that you went invis, just that Banny hadn't quite gotten to the ground yet, so I tagged with a conc shot and slowfell-lured him into a trap for Gigglez. :D Which was good, cause some nub alliance hunter broke the trap - and since it was mine, Gigglez still had his trap for the tame. :D

It's great that you all have been poking around over here! Helps a ton with communication. ;) Let me know who else Gigglez/Dom/Dori's troll friend are looking for; I'll be more than happy to keep an eye out. :D

Woo paying it forward! :mrgreen: <3

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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Kuraine »

So it's not a 4.2 rare... But after so long of holding on to the daily to access Jadefang, she spawns! And she looks super with my Phosphor. I named her Topaz.

It seems though that shale spiders now have a running bug... I hope they fix that soon.


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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Sarai »

Still not even a feather from Ban'thalos, but Wildlark got a consolation prize..


Thankyouthankyouthankyou to Shimmery for letting me tame him without interference, and for silencing his barrage for me!

Now I'll have to run Booggah the troll out there and see if he gets lucky too (although if Skarr spawns Lark will be getting him first).
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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Kuraine »

I'm still in the mindset for some reason that Karkin is basically what Blood Seeker is to Aeonaxx - you just don't want him. I think it's because of how many spawns I got of him before Skarr gave himself up to me. I'm afraid to say that one of those times was in the middle of the night, so there were no hunters around apart from me, so when Karkin spawned I decided to tame him anyway. Less than an hour later I abandoned him because I just considered him as a waste of space! :lol:

I really need to stop thinking like that since I know other hunters do want him as a pet... But I just hate him that much! :P


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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Lirithiel »

I tamed all 5 rare spiders as well as Skarr and Karkin, but here are the ones I decided to keep :)
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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Finduilas »

I love your screeny of Solix in his "natural environment" :D really looks great! And grats on your tames!


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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Lirithiel »

Finduilas wrote:I love your screeny of Solix in his "natural environment" :D really looks great! And grats on your tames!
Ty and ty :)

I actually spent all of last night revisiting all the places where I tamed my rares and took screenies of them in their natural enviroments ;)

Was quite fun although I expected to see more than just Shadowclaw and Lapress up on my travels.
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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Finduilas »

Those lucky charms really work miracles... I downloaded Magria's and Ankhas not half an hour ago. I was really upset after the fifth day of camping them and couldn't think of any other solution to make them spawn. I hearthed to Orgrimmar, went to look for Blue Madexx in Uldum and then logged to my Orc camping for Banny. No sign of him to be seen. I decided to make the lucky charms a little smaller, so I could use one for my avatar. After half an hour I logged back to Findu, hearthed back to Orgrimmar, took the portal to Hyjal fly down to my camping side and WOOOOT Npc Scan goes off with Ankha. I thought it was a false alarm again, but then I see her running through the bushes in the north. She must have just spawned. I forget to strip, forget to dismiss my pet, everything. My fiancé reminds me: "dress down, dismiss Fjölnir, TAME!" I hit tame, no other hunters around (there were 2 allies hanging out the whole day with me) and she gets mine! Then I remember... ouch, honey wanted her... But he just says "It's ok, I didn't camp the whole week, and I love Loque the most". I just love him so much (and am a bit sorry for taming Ankha, since I preferred Magria)! But Ankha is such a beauty and I'm so proud I got her (and not the worg who tried to kill Banny...)

Taming Ankha
Taming Ankha
WoWScrnShot_071711_185912.jpg (219.25 KiB) Viewed 3467 times
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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Darkynhalvos »

Got 4 of them so far: Ban'thalos, Kirix, Deth'tilac, and Solix, pics attached.

Now all I want is Skarr, he's real tricky to tame as BM spec, I failed at timing Deterrence correctly thus far.
Only one stable spot open, just waiting for him :)
Solix.jpg (132.95 KiB) Viewed 3467 times
Kirix.jpg (136.21 KiB) Viewed 3467 times
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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Lirithiel »

Darkynhalvos wrote:Now all I want is Skarr, he's real tricky to tame as BM spec, I failed at timing Deterrence correctly thus far.
I did it as BM and before Skarr got Fieroclast Barrage off. The trick is to get the Convalescence of Winds buff and combine it with Ancient Hysteria buff from Corehound. That is all I needed. I tried to hit Deterrence about 3/4 through the cast but I had already completed the tame by the time I popped Deterrence.

And gz on the tames btw. I especially like the name you chose for Solix. :D
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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Sarantha »

My newest 4.2 tames:


I am officially done with all the pets in 4.2

Gimme something else unique to tame!
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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Corpsebryde »

This is the only 4.2 rare I wanted. I had been camping him since the release but only Karkins were spawning on my realm. Then when Skarr finally did spawn, I was alt tabbed for a few seconds and when I came back another horde had already tamed him. I found him finally after coming back from having no internet for 3 days; no one was around. The tame went very smoothly and not 2 seconds later, another hunter spawned at the point where I tamed him. I named him Samhain.

Last edited by Corpsebryde on Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Hysteria »

Darkynhalvos wrote:Got 4 of them so far: Ban'thalos, Kirix, Deth'tilac, and Solix, pics attached.

Now all I want is Skarr, he's real tricky to tame as BM spec, I failed at timing Deterrence correctly thus far.
Only one stable spot open, just waiting for him :)
I've tamed all ten and i've seen Skarr kill hundreds of hunters with his aoe over the last few weeks (No Joke). My advice? Switch to MMS and make sure you put a point in silencing shot. I think the only way you can solo tame him is with marksman. When you hit tame it'll trigger his lethal aoe. Interrupt it, and continue with the tame. Easy mode.
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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Darkynhalvos »

Didn't want to risk losing Skarr to another hunter while I was getting the wind buff, so I said screw it: Went marks for Silencing, reforged all gear to haste, haste food/elixer, RF, speed pot, everything including Ancient Hysteria before switching specs. Overkill, I know, but more haste means less time for outside interference. Watched a mage blow Skarr up couple days ago, mid-tame by another hunter.

And last night about 8:35 pm server, Skarr pops at the northernmost spot, and I was the only guy on that island. After silencing his pyroblast (as I call it) tame cast bar didn't even show halfway through before he jumped over to me :D

Picture attached, still haven't figured out how to put pics directly in the post.
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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Seilahyn »

Guess the "Magic Luck" tame thread does have a bit of luck to it. Posted two nights ago for Ankha and after one more night of nothing and another Magria, I finally get my Ankha tonight. So in total, 5 Magria seen and 2 Ankha.

Welcome Celestian to the family. Now to figure out what to name Gondria to fit with Micaiah (Magria) and Celestian (Ankha).

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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by Gilnean »


Found her at 2.53 AM on Alonsus. Without another person in sight i had all the time in the world to tame her. It's my first 4.2 rare, many more to follow 8-)
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Re: Show off your 4.2 tames!

Unread post by AdamSavage »

Here is my tames so far.



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