Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by Kormai »

Sorry guys I got called on Monday for a job interview on Tuesday...got called yesterday and I have a job now! I start on Monday, so please be patient while I get used to it...maybe Tyger could help out if I get behind.......

Olive Spider

Grey Turtle

Gold Nether Ray

Brown Fox

Brown Scorpid

Grey Spiked Wind Serpent

Good hunting :!:
Last edited by Kormai on Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by Foru21dr »

Kormai wrote:Sorry guys I got called on Monday for a job interview on Tuesday...got called yesterday and I have a job now! I start on Monday, so please be patient while I get used to it...maybe Tyger could help out if I get behind.......

will edit with rolls
Grats on the new job. Bet that is a relief
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Sorry Kormai, I kind of forgot to help out with the rolls. I can help you out when you start getting too far behind though. :)

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by Sarantha »

Oooh, Olive Spider! Haven't even seen him before. *runs off to tame one now*

Edit: And here he is! He is a neat little bugger (pun intended) and seems to have some really odd animations sometimes. He doesn't make much noise except the normal spider skittering noises and it a really unique pet I'd never thought of taming before. Here are some images:

Taming him in Tirisfal Glades:


His growing up right after the tame, and his naming:


Idle while waiting for the zep to take us home (Orgrimmar):


At home in Org, staring at each other:


A venture to Hyjal, swimming and fighting rock elementals. I must add that he looks dead while swimming. His swimming animation is awful:



All in all, it was an interesting diversion and a good way to pass the time. He has really neat animations and I think I'll keep him awhile longer instead of just dumping him like most common pets. Despite the quick tame and few fights, I've come to like his funny little movements and swimming animation and won't be dumping him any time soon. I still have a few stable slots and he'll occupy one until I find someone I like better.

If you want to roll me another:

Name: Sarantha
Level: 85
Exotics: Yes
Restrictions: Same as before, no monkeys/gorillas. I would also like to add in pigs/boars. I don't think I could make myself tame either of these classes. All others are fine, tho.
Part of Dark Magics, lvl 25 Horde guild, casual, helpful, don't raid, mostly help people and hunt pets.
Part of Dynasty, lvl 25 Alliance guild, casual and hardcore (your choice, no one forces you to raid, but you can), very helpful
Come on over if interested (Runetotem US, Horde name Sarantha, Ally name Ellysetta or Valeraud)
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by Shade »

Kormai wrote: Shade
Grey Spiked Wind Serpent


This was a neat challenge, because honestly, I've never had a challenge lead me to a pet that I really clicked with and decided to keep long term. I've had one or two before that I've liked and kept around, but very rarely do they show in my active rotation of pets! So let me tell you about Sectumsempra-and if you recognize his name, congrats, you are as big a nerd as I am! :P I thought about using Serpensortia, but I like the sound of the other name better, honestly! No evil intentions intended... :shock:

Once you get to a decently geared 85, there is not much in the way of difficult tames, aside from the new challenge tames (and some of those are really pretty darned easy themselves-Karkin and Skarr anyone? (aside from FINDING them that is)).


That said, taming went off without a hitch. This pretty little serpent is really easy to find, you can reference the link in the quote above for the location where all these guys are. I don't even bother with ice trap anymore while taming, and this guy only hit me for about 400 hp each hit during the tame, not really noticeable. What was funny about the tame is that he stopped right where he was when I tagged him instead of charging on in. I don't take on many cunning type pets-I lean towards ferocity usually-so this might be something about him being a 'caster' instead of a melee type pet, I don't know. It amused me though to have a long distance tame.

Onto looks:


Yeah there you go. I love how detailed this model is, when Bliz put them in game, whatever designer(s) they had for these guys put in a good amount of effort to make him look very nice. Some of the pets we have are just kinda... well, there you go. But this little snake? I'm impressed when I got up close to look him over. I also like how his shading and tone allows him to really 'change' in different lighting. Depending on where you are looking at him, he looks dark grey, light grey or even almost black. A very striking look. His orange highlights can fluctuate between orange or almost yellow or even an almost rose-orange, in different lighting as well.


And his face! I was really surprised at how detailed and just plain cool it looks. Up close shots:


Matching him to mounts and companion pets is a little difficult. I don't have any companion pets that go well with him, and for mounts, the Red Riding Nether Ray was the best flying mount I had to go with him (though the duel bouncing in the air might make you a little sick if you stare too long), while the Tan Riding Talbuck was the best land mount match that I had.



His swim animation is adorable, and if I could I would get a good screenshot of it but alas I am unable. Its the most 'life-like' movement of most of the pets that I've watched (though the devilsaur's swim still is the best in game I think :P). Just having him out, he tends to flap and undulate-it might make you a little tired (or motion sick) if you watch for way too long, unless you give it a chance and actually get used to it. I don't normally use flying pets because of the bouncing, but I've found that I like using flying pets just because in the close together, narrow passages of some instances, I can actually see them over the head of the mobs more often then say a wolf or a cat.


Combat wise I must say I am not that impressed. The Lightning Breath ability buff isn't that handy to me, seeing as I am a hunter who mainly runs around with another hunter. If you are with a magic user, I can see it being more effective. Maybe if you are in an instance/raid with a caster, then I could see it being more useful.

As much as I like the look of this little guy, I noticed a slight drop to my dps in an instance while he was out, compared to say my SB or my Devilsaur. *shrug*

Love me!

Last edited by Shade on Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by Calixte »

Here goes my first writeup! My baby hunter, Poochyená, had the blue raptor skin! Image. Luckily for me, my first dungeon queue of the evening got me into Wailing Caverns, and soon after, I had my new pet!

If you hadn't noticed, this toon is Pokemon themed, so I named the new raptor Rampardos. We explored the rest of Wailing Caverns together, hitting 22 by the end of the evening! We also did some crazy dps on Verdan the Everliving: Image. Obviously this toon is still pretty low-level, but her dps with Growlithe the dog isn't spectacular. Rampardos seems like an improvement in the dps department, and is especially cute when he does his jump animation as he attacks!

I figured we'd jump into a Warsong Gulch and see how that went. While we waited for the BG to start, I took a minute to admire Rampardos' pretty blue skin in the Alliance flag room. I'm not usually a big fan of this raptor model but I find the blue skin very pretty. Image He's not too large, and with his jump-attack he's easy to spot in a group of mobs or when attacking a boss. His expression also makes him look like serious business, which matches my hunter and her awesome new eyepatch. As for the BG, well...it was a failure. We did some great dps but overall a raptor is not the best pvp pet. I prefer my dog and his Lock Jaw.

I actually grew pretty attached to this little guy, and took him on adventures with me! We went for a swim in Darnassus as I waited for my auctions to sell: Image His swimming animation is ADORABLE! It's like a tiny devilsaur swimming, which makes sense. When idle in water, he just kinda floats there, all mellow and happy. He isn't a very noisy pet aside from the occasional screech and an entering-battle noise. He's not all wiggly when idle, but he does sway back and forth a little. I found his idle sway very soothing :)

Overall, I found the raptor to be a great dps pet, but not my personal favorite for pvp. He's really pretty cute and I got very attached to him. His tanking skills are pretty poor, but he's also only got one talent point at the moment. He may improve as he levels. This particular skin is very striking. I've decided to keep him for awhile. Image He'll be joining Umbreon, Eevee, Growlithe and Ursaring in my stables!

(edit: apologies for my silly screenshots. I don't typically play in fullscreen mode because I like to have AIM open to talk to my boyfriend - I just realized this makes for some obnoxious screenshots. This is also my first time posting images on a forum, so please let me know if I'm doing it wrong!)

This was so fun! I'd love another assignment!
Name: Poochyená
Level: 25 (and continuing to level pretty quickly)
Exotics: Not yet!
Restrictions: None


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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I've got three days off coming up and Ruffley magically went from her 40s to 85 with a stable full of rares. ;) (Faction changed Vitani.) I may as well take up a roll for her.

Name: Ruffley
Level: 85
Exotics: Yes
No Restrictions
Rares I Have: Solix, Skoll, Kri, Terrorpene, Red Madexx
Honorable Mentions: Icehorn, Barnabus, Gezzerak

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by Finduilas »

Now I finally managed to do my review over Rhanya and her Image

This scorpion skin can only be found in Durotar, so it was no problem for Rhanya to get there.
I picked one of the scorpion near the seashore - the tame went easy. With level 26 it almost didn't hit Rhanya.
Rhanya named her scorpion Aqua.


Aqua shimmers in a soft bronze - beige colour, spotted with dark black. He almost seemes to glow. His dark spots are circled by the same blue, you can see, when you look at him from behind.
When you look at him from the side, you will know, why I chose Aqua to be his name: He shows a nice blue colour between his scales.
The pictures don't do him justices, as he constantly shimmeres when he moves. I really love this look about him. He's really pretty.

Animations and sounds:

I must admitt: I don't like his sounds at all. He makes a shrieking sound in combat that gives me a headache (sadly) and when he's walking, I can't hear a thing. It seems like he's always trying to sneak up on me.
His idle animation when we're just standing around is to dance with his claws. It looks really funny, and is one of the pet animations I like the most. You can see his dance on the right of my big picture at the end.
His swimming: Aqua doesn't keep up with Rhanya, but stays behind, then makes a big "leap" with his tail and is suddendly in front of her. At first I thought he was stuck somwhere, when he didn't follow Rhanya. But after watching him swim some time, I got to admire his leaps in the water. It's not a boring paddle like from most of the pets. His legs hang down from his body while swimming. That reminded me of swimming spiders and I didn't get rid of the image in my head that Aqua had a spider for breakfast, that was now swimming inside him... *shakes* Just plain weird :D


Aqua is a Tenacity pet, so he's destined to become a personal tank. With him beeing level 26 at Rhanya's side, I didn't have the possibiliy to specc him to his tanking abilities, but I have red Madexx with Findu and know, that he will do a good job in the future. His disarming ability "clench" makes him a good pvp comapnion, too.
When I sent him to do my quests with Rhanya, I sent him in alone on some mobs, to watch him finish them off without any problems and loosing too much health. I didn't have to use mend pet on him at all.
He attacks the mob with his claws and seems to tear his enemy apart with them. You can see the animation when he's fighting shows "scratches" in red in the air. I love to think of them as the enemy's blood....

I like Aqua from head to tail, if there weren't his noises in combat... He did well with Rhanya during her quests and I think his colour is perfect with her blonde hair. BUT I don't think I will keep him. I just prefer bears when it comes to sounds and tanking. Perhaps Aqua can stay as a pvp pet and will be dismissed, when Rhanya is grown up to tame Olm.

Please excuse my crappy English today. I have to do an exam in Swedish tomorrow and seem to be able only to think in Swedish anymore...

I'd love to have an other roll. This time again for Larkania.
Name: Larkania
Level: 82
Exotics: yes
restrictions: no monkeys/gorillas and diseased pets
Aqua front.jpg
Aqua front.jpg (27.3 KiB) Viewed 2859 times
Aqua side.jpg
Aqua side.jpg (28.28 KiB) Viewed 2859 times
Aqua combat.jpg
Aqua combat.jpg (21.91 KiB) Viewed 2859 times
Aqua.jpg (73.17 KiB) Viewed 2859 times


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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I'm going to go ahead and toss out the rolls before they back up too badly. :)

Red Deep-Sea Crab

Black Fox

Orange Fire Spider
Defaulting myself to Solix since we haven't seen reports on the new rares yet.

Brown Rhino

Happy Hunting! :D

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by Sarantha »

Orange fire spider is Solix. It could take her weeks to tame it. It really is a challenge, then. I get to play with a red crab, tho...thats cool. Never had one of those before, besides Ghostcrawler and Karkin. :D
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I already have Solix, which is why I rolled him for myself. ;)

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by Sarantha »

Oh, I am dumb. I did not pay attention to names. Good choice, then. Solix pics are always nice. Will post the crab as soon as I can get to Vash'jir and grab one. Or where ever they are at. I haven't looked them up.

Oh, and you HAVE seen reports on the new rares. I posted Magria, who was given to me to review, on the page before this one. ;)

Edit, my red deep sea crab:

Being tamed, not hard at all, no mobs around and she came almost willingly. She was neutral, making the tame even easier for future hunters wanting one of these. She is tenacity and tanks quite well, like most crabs:


After being named and tamed:


Swimming, what a crab does best (or not) her swimming animations weren't too good and she seemed more suited to walking around and burrowing into the ocean floor:


Fighting nearby murloc:


Us sitting on dry land (finally!):


In review, she's a good tanking pet for lower level hunters making their way through Vashjir. She's not too high lvl and she hold aggro great. She's also neutral, so you can set up your tame if you're a lower level. I didn't like her coloring, preferring the multicolored ones or color changing ones, but she's still pretty cool for a crab. I've never actually tamed one before (again, sides' Karkin and Ghostcrawler) and it was a neat experience. I am not sure I'll be keeping her, tho she did grow on me while I was out having adventures with her, so maybe that'll change. Nynaeve was a nice little companion that was a good diversion of my time.

If you want to roll another:

Name: Sarantha
Level: 85
Exotics: Yes
Restrictions: No monkeys/gorillas, bats, or boars. Anything else is fine. Will also review Firelands rares if you'd like. I have them all.
Part of Dark Magics, lvl 25 Horde guild, casual, helpful, don't raid, mostly help people and hunt pets.
Part of Dynasty, lvl 25 Alliance guild, casual and hardcore (your choice, no one forces you to raid, but you can), very helpful
Come on over if interested (Runetotem US, Horde name Sarantha, Ally name Ellysetta or Valeraud)
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by Shade »

I'll take another roll perhaps?

Shade level 85, BM hunter. None of the FL rares or Spirit Beasts (as I have had them all over time and still have most all of them) is all I ask.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by Mizree »

Oh why not. I will give this a go with my hunters.

Name: Mizree Orc
Lvl: 85
Exotics: Sure
Restrictions: None I will give anything a try

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by Gundir »

Ill try it out for fun :D I'm always thinking about what pet to tame next... I have 2 spots left so why not? :D

Name: Di (Troll Hunter) Armory Link http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/p ... i/advanced
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by banur »

Grey Turtle:

My roll was this nice fellow and so I went and looked for the rare version named Ironback in the Hinterlands, but as he was out for dinner I snatched one on the coast of Dustwallow Marsh:

We dived in the nearby water to take a look at his swimming animations after futile attempts to name him MrPink (ended up with Pinky) and slaughtering a few murlocs.
His swimming isn't spectacular but as a water creature he knows how to move those small legs to get the job done:

His ideling consists of stretching his neck and looking around, here at the Molten Front:

What I really liked was the attack animation, it's just cute:

Together we ventured into Naxx to punch some bosses and while he died to Naxx trash, I did on Marrowgar:



Later on we defended Tol Barad but I missed the ability to root from my spider.

The attack animation is awesome!
Albeit they lack utility in PVP, they are dedicated tanks in PVE and you can easily solo old instances which nets a nice cash flow every week and dailies are pretty quick if you keep misdirecting a few mobs to your turtle and burn them down later.

So if you don't have a turtle already:
GO AND ADOPT A TURTLE TODAY! (if you have enough stable slots)

Next round please!

Exotics available
no restrictions
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by Finduilas »

Here's my report on the brown rhino: Image

I tamed a wooly rhino calf, when I visited the Borean Tundra. It was a quick grab and tame.
So here is Zottel.



Zottel looks HUGE. But next to my tauren his size shrank down a bit after the taming. His fur is quite fluffy - really handy in cold northrend. But when I took him with Larkania to Uldum to do quests there, I always wonder, if he feels hot...
In the middle you can see Zottel with bestial wrath (since he's an exotic pet, you have to be BM to tame him) and I think, he looks great. He's one of the few pets, I really like the size along with a tauren.
Zottel always seems to look a little bit sad. I hope he doesn't miss his mummy, since I tamed a calf :(

Running and Fighting:


Zottel's walk is awesome. He stomps along besides Larkania and seems to make the ground shake.
He is a tenacity pet and I specced him towards a dps-tank. He has now almost the same health as Larkania. Of course I had to skill Thunderstomp for him, makes it easier to tank a few mobs at the same time and he really makes the ground shake when he stomps!
Normally he seems to be really cool and relaxed, but when it comes to fighting, he can get really mad. He shakes his head, hits the target hard, throws it away with Horn Toss (bowling, yeah!) and seems to run it flat as a crumbled cookie...
He doesn't take a lot of damage, although I had to use mend pet regularely (but I rarely sent him on only on mob, so it's my fault...).
We killed one elite mob during our quests, but had no problem at all.

Animations and Sounds:

Zottel is the cool type. He doesn't fuss around. So his only animation is to shake his head once in a while and make some grumpy noises.
In fight he gumbles, grunts and seems to sigh ("Why do they always love to hit me?" *sigh*).
I think he sounds cute. I love to send him in to battle and listen to his sounds. They are not annoying and I don't get bored of them.

Swimming and having a bath ain't so easy...:


Larkania had to do a lot of work, to get this stubborn rhino to take his annual bath.
First try: yell and push - didn't work. He just stood still and didn't move an inch.
Second try: talking and promising sweets - almost worked - but then: headshake "No, I don't want to. I'll get wet" "Yes darling, you're supposed to get wet..." *sigh from Larkania*
Third try: "We'll visit your parents after you are clean again" - worked. He went into the water, but still not very amused and clearly not having any fun at all. He didn't want to dive. But Larkania went first, and finally Zottel followed. But if you look at his expression in the last pic - he doesn't enjoy it. He paddles with his legs, and constantly seems to want to reach the surface to get air again.
I didn't push him, so Larkania and Zottel left the lake, as soon as all the dust was cleaned off.


I LOVE rhinos. I already have one with Larkania, and I can't think of a more cute tank for my hunter. He matches her in size and colour, he's cure, he makes adorable sounds and really is good at tanking.
I can't decide right now, which rhino I'll keep Zottel the brown, or Purzel the grey. I love them both.
For every hunter out there having a Bm specc: GO AND GET YOUR RHINO TODAY!

Edit: I forgot to ask for an other roll
Level 84
Exotics: yes
Restrictions: as always no diseased pets, no monkeys/gorillas
Zottel normal.jpg
Zottel normal.jpg (84.55 KiB) Viewed 2859 times
Zottel fight.jpg
Zottel fight.jpg (66.24 KiB) Viewed 2859 times
Zottel bath.jpg
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Looks like the rolls are backing up again so I'll toss some more out.

Since you offered one of the new rares, Sarantha, I'm going to go ahead and assign you one since we haven't seen reports about them yet.
Green Ghost Owl

Red Raptor
In the future Shade, if you could use the roll format it would be appreciated. :)

Brown Serpent

Black Monkey

Two-headed Red Vulture

Red Scorpion

Blue Warpstalker

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by Sarantha »

Woot! And my favorite! Ban'thalos! I have many images of her already taken! I just need to add in some more for posterity and I'll have her review posted in no time!

(No offense Loki/Kirix, you're my REAL favorite, but you're enshrined in my stables, lest you come to harm!)
Part of Dark Magics, lvl 25 Horde guild, casual, helpful, don't raid, mostly help people and hunt pets.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v3.0]

Unread post by Gundir »

Interesting... I just tamed Emberwing :D He has been renamed Moltres! *Due to the fact he is a bird and his coloration which I really like!* I shall take him out for a daily run later today and a raid on Sunday :) Pictures soon!