Timber's Story

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Timber's Story

Unread post by Teigan »

This is my first attempt at this kind of thing, so hopefully it's not too painful for you! I felt that Timber had a story, though, and I wanted to flesh it out. Timber (that "rare" wolf from Iceflow Lake in Dun Morogh) was my very first pet, on my very first toon. I tamed him by myself at lvl 10. I loved that wolf and was so proud of him! He's a beauty. But, then, I saw the tallstider clutchmother. I had never seen tallstriders before Darkshore (first toon ever, so of course!) and certainly never a blue one. I thought I just had to have her. And, somehow I couldn't afford another stable slot. Kinda pathetic. I should have tried. But I released my poor boy and went on to lvl 80 without him. I missed him the whole time and when I hit 80, I went "home" and decided to retame him. It was great for a while, but it was never the same as it was before I released him. Finally, I took him back to his lake and sent him off with some mammoth and a /hug.

So anyway, here goes!

Timber’s Story

She was back. The old worg shook his venerable, scarred head, tossing the snow from his mane. He stared at her from the trees. After all these years, she had come back. His pack sensed his dismay and twined around him, leaning into him for support. Timber’s mate whined uneasily.

This dwarf…Timber remembered the hunt with her, when he was little more than a pup himself. Alone behind the rocks at the edge of the frozen lake, she’d edged up to him, speaking softly and kindly, offering food. She coaxed a friendship from him, against his instincts. His kind hated the two-legs and the slaughter was mutual, but he had run by her side, and gladly tore the throats of her enemies. The hunt was good.

Watching her standing there on the far shore, he remembered their last days together. His dwarf had been acting oddly. Hunting one night, she had seen a great blue bird ghosting through the ancient trees of an unfamiliar land. As he gathered himself to spring for the kill, she had told him “no…not this one.” He growled deep in his throat, but settled back and waited. Surely, they would kill? Instead, night after night, they stalked this bird, never striking. She began leaving food where she knew the bird roamed. He knew why. He grew impatient with the dwarf and began to long for the snowy isolation of his home and the den-warmth of the pack.

One night, while his dwarf lay sleeping, he slipped away from her side. For a long moment he stared at her in the darkness, wondering, but turned and began the long journey home. On he traveled until the air grew cold and he felt the slick ice of the frozen lake under his sore paws. But something had changed and he smelled blood and the stink of gunpowder on the wind. He could hear the pack howling the story to the dark sky. The two-legs had come and the old pack leader lay dead. For this, Timber was not sorry. Indeed, he had come home to claim the pack as his own.

No one challenged his assumption of leadership. The scent of battle and far away places lay heavy in his thick fur. His strange and new self-assurance cowed the other wolves. He would take a mate and sire pups. The pack bowed and groveled, showing their vulnerable bellies to this stranger who had been their own.

Years passed. The pack grew. Save for a small itch of pain and regret, memory of his sojourn with the dwarf faded. And yet, here she was again. He recalled her seeming betrayal, but also the companionship and the hunt. When he heard her call came across the frigid air, he felt that for a while, he could run by her side and hunt with her again.

As they traveled, he realized this dwarf of his had learned many strange ways. He remembered the disorientation of her hearthstone, but they emerged into a wildly new and frightening place. She ran among enemies on all sides and he slunk by her side, ears pinned back and growling, until they came to an open platform filled with bizarre, rearing, howling beasts and their equally exotic handlers. Even she had one, this little dwarf. It seemed she who had once longed for even a ram to ride had tamed a great flying drake. Learning to balance on the broad back of her tamed drake, he thought he would plummet to the ground, his claws scrabbling for purchase on the slick scales and wickedly cold wind raking through his fur.

Soon, though, they embarked on an activity he could relish. Those these mammoths and rhinos were strange beasts, their blood was sweet and meat delectable. For a time, they hunted happily and the bitterness of their long ago parting eased. Inevitably though, Timber began to feel the pull of his pack. This new world was too strange and his den beckoned him. His dwarf recognized it this time, though. With a full but heavy heart, she led him through the new lands back to his home. Finally, they stood before his island. His pack and his mates had scented them far off and set up a joyous cacophony to welcome their patriach. She thanked him for the hunt and set down the mammoth haunch she’d carried all this way for him. He licked her cheek, knowing this time she need not come back.
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Re: Timber's Story

Unread post by Dakonic »

Nice story, i love how its in Timber's eyes instead of the hunters. I tried to write a story too, but i have no idea if its ok, good, or horrible noones said anything.
I really like this story, and just wondering, is that great blue bird Aotona?
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Re: Timber's Story

Unread post by Teigan »

I read your story and I thought it was sweet. Poor little wolfie! You saved him. :)

Oh, and the bird. Actually, it was the tallstrider clutchmother. Yeah, this was back around lvl 20. It was either that I didn't know about stables yet or I couldn't afford the next slot for 5g. I don't even remember what would have been taking up the one stable slot. Maybe I didn't even know about stables yet. I know it was a ways in before I knew about that feature and then I didn't really trust it. It was over a year ago. But, Teigan was my first toon, so I didn't have much money to my name then. Either way, it was the clutchmother that did it.
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Re: Timber's Story

Unread post by Saturo »

Awesome story. The viewpoint was unique and refreshing. Quite awesome indeed...

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Re: Timber's Story

Unread post by Saydeflower »

Yay! This is one of my favorite stories so far!!
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Re: Timber's Story

Unread post by Kamalia »

Hm! I do love the way the story is told from Timber's point of view. It would be interesting to see what the tallstrider's view on all of this is... *wink wink nudge nudge*


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Re: Timber's Story

Unread post by Artume »

Perspective and storyline aside (both are fantastic), you have a beautiful writing style, Teigan. I really loved your choice of words.

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Re: Timber's Story

Unread post by Teigan »

Oh, thank you! *blush* I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. Thanks so much for being so kind. And thanks for inspiring me to give it a try with the other postings of fan fiction.

It was refreshing to write something creative for once. Dug out the old adjectives box! Bit dusty, but fortunately most of the contents have not been eaten by moths. I've been stuck writing these dry, technical science-y thingies for so long...ugh.

Kamalia, thank you for wanting a "sequel." We'll see. The bird's side of things hasn't really gelled in my mind. But, if I does, I'll try and come up with something.
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