The Rehoming Room

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Serenith »

While waiting to see some sign of Karkin, Skarr appeared (That makes 5 Skarrs I have seen this past week, and no Karkin). I was hanging around with a blood elf who was also there, and we both ran over to him. He probably thought I wanted it, but I already have him. So I watched him fail a few times, he kept going back for the haste buff. I decided that I can't have this guy fail anymore cause he clearly wanted it and offered my silencing shot next time he hit tame beast. Worked like a charm, and he now has a shiny new kitty. I am pretty sure that a horde member helped him tame Deth this morning too, so its been a lucky day for him!


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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Serenith »

Dangit, another Skarr, not even 4 hours before the other! ..... Karkin are you even out there?!

This time a lovely human hunter got the tame, I tried to help her with the first attempt cause she was a bit too slow with hitting tame beast after popping deterrence, and he started to charge up his attack again, but then I accidentally got aggro cause I didn't cancel my auto shot fast enough. Her guildmate seemed mad that I did that, but she would def not have survived the tame (and neither would we by standing so close!). She did it wonderfully the second time though, all by herself, so I didn't really help with the tame at all, but she knew what she was doing cause her guildmate had told her how. They then asked me why I was waiting there, cause I didn't go for it... well not only do I have him, but I've seen him almost 10 times and it was the second Skarr I saw today! I just told them that as much as I love Skarr, I was really hoping to see Karkin. Karkin really is a myth to me, as I have yet to see him in the wild or with another hunter! :|


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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Sarantha »

Rehomed Skitterflame. Hunter in my channel wanted him, had failed taming Skitter about 5 times, was excited when I said he was up, but was reluctant to try because she'd lost him 5 times already and didn't want to go through that disappointment again. I told her that no one was even nearby, just hurry and get over there, I would root it on my druid, and she could tame it right away. Well, thats what happened. We got to Skitter at about the same time. She pulled Skitter with concuss, I rooted him, emoted /ready, and she tamed him with no hassle and no gank. She was so happy to finally get her red spider after all this time that she named him Ellysetta, after my night elf druid that had helped her. :D

She said I was "the first and only nice night elf she's ever met". Should I be offended? :lol:
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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Serenith »

Sarantha wrote:She said I was "the first and only nice night elf she's ever met". Should I be offended? :lol:
Considering the amount of idiots on your server.... I wouldn't be surprised if what she said was true =P


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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Sarantha »

Serenith wrote:
Sarantha wrote:She said I was "the first and only nice night elf she's ever met". Should I be offended? :lol:
Considering the amount of idiots on your server.... I wouldn't be surprised if what she said was true =P
Haha. You have no idea the amount of idiots on my server, BOTH factions. Just ask Starkittens. She knows about the douchery that goes on on Runetotem. The NElves in my alliance guilds are nice for the most part, but thats just to me, a fellow alliance player. I have no idea how they feel about horde players. Never bothered asking.
Part of Dark Magics, lvl 25 Horde guild, casual, helpful, don't raid, mostly help people and hunt pets.
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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Curzon »

I helped someone get Skitterflame the other day.

I passed him while doing my dailies, and saw another hunter trying and not doing a good job.
When he returned, I helped out and boom, they got a new spider.
Later, I had a Personal World Destroyer in my mail.

Just yesterday, my druid was out in Uldum grabbing some herbs and transmuting, so I was like...hmm...wonder if Madexx is up.
Black one was...all along, not a soul in sight. I was surprised by how massive he really is.
Whispered a hunter, partied up and quickly summoned them over.
Boom, they got a new scorpion.
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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Serenith »

I helped a lovely worgen huntress today with her Skarr tame. She had been camping nearly all day. I was running around near the lava pools when I noticed his dot in the Northern spawn spot. I ran straight over there and jumped the rocks, only to see her die during the tame. She died twice apparently so I asked her if she was in Marksman spec and she said yes, so I reminded her to SS the spell and then tame. She was afraid to start it again but I told her she had nothing to worry about, she would get it this time. So she shot him, and started to tame... I think she may have started off with SS, cause as she started the tame he began to charge his spell up... so I threw out my SS and the tame went off without an issue. She was so excited cause she desperately wanted this cat, and had told me the other day when she failed to tame Kirix (She died 4-5 times before a belf completed the tame) how much she wanted Skarr. And of course she still wanted Kirix, and then I said something about the rare spiders (can't remember exactly), but she really just wanted a green spider, she didn't seem to care if it was rare. Its her favorite color. So I hinted to the smaller versions that spawn in every now and again, telling her that if rarity doesn't matter then these are a nice option. She immediately wanted me to show her, since she really wanted a green spider. We ran over there and looked for a little while till I find a group of them and showed her. She tamed one and seemed very happy to just have a green spider. She thanked me cause she never would have known about the little green ones being tamable, and she had already failed the Kirix tame several times. So this seemed like a great alternative :D


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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Vinessa »

yay! Another Cross-faction-help-to-tame here :3

As always, used Eagle eyes on Deth spawn point, and BOOM! Big purple spider was there :D asked in general chat, asked a few hunters in the area, but no ne wanted him... :( teleported out to Hyjal, checked Ankha/Magria and Banny. Went back to Molten Front and spider still there :( lets get over there... When i went there, a hunter was fighting him! summoned Mot (my Deth) and helped him. I guess he didnt know the strat, cause he had a tank with him and we kited him all around Molten Front (ok, not really lol). He didnt had a pet out, so i had to send my pet lots of times...
Deth at 15%, i helped with Scatter shot and one more trap, and tamed successfully :)
emoted /wait on him, and took a screenshot :D
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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Zivhayr »

Was witnessing Deth'tilac being claimed by a horde hunter with another alli. We were talking about how we wanted the spider etc. I decided to do one last round of Hyjal before I left, and Ankha Just spawned! I quickly whispered the hunter and told her that the spawn was up. I didn't have the spawn myself, but I did have Magria, and it felt good to help them out. Apparently they were camping it earlier so I'm glad they got it in the end! Personally I prefer Ankha's skin over Magria but one spirit tiger is enough for me :D
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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Serenith »

My lack of patience at finding a hunter to tame Solix, drove me to try myself. I don't want Solix, but I thought I could get him out and chase me and whatnot... hehe, I died cause I got dazed by some fire thingy and Solix ate me, after I return I saw an orc hunter tame him successfully (I think she may have picked it up where I left off...can't be sure though), turns out it was the same orc hunter I tag teamed with for Deth the other day. I was really happy she was the one who got Solix! She logged and I went back to town only to be whispered by a low level worgen hunter, and it was her. She felt bad that she took Solix from me, but I told her I really don't care and was actually happy she was the one to tame him. I basically said I only engaged it cause 5 hunters already had run right by it and didn't want him... I felt bad for poor Solix. So I just gave him some attention. We chatted a bit longer and they actually agreed to help me with Deth in the future via their horde hunter. Interestingly enough, being impatient let me gain me a new cross faction hunter friend :D


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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Anj »

I was passing by Grizzly Hills and saw Arcturis was out. I did a /who and found a hunter … who didn’t even know what Spirit Beasts are. After the successful tame, I bid farewell and passed through Zul … and yes, Gondria was up. I quickly whispered the other hunter to come to me because another Spirit Beast was out. It was also a success… and I told the hunter all about the Spirit Beasts. I even showed her Skoll’s spawn points (but alas, Skoll wasn’t around). It felt great to rehome these two… and to someone who didn’t know about them too!

A few hours later, I bumped into Skoll. My new friend wasn’t around but another hunter I’ve met was. :)
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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Curzon »

Today I rehomed Skarr and helped someone get Deth'tilac

So my day starts out in Uldum searching for Madexx.
He's not there, but my hearth was I stuck around.
The sky turns blood red and I fly north to escape Deathwing.
I send my alts to die and get their achieve, then head back on my hunter and hunt Molten Front.
I do I long run around the Field and see a red dot and it's skarr.
I sneak around the fire over there and start with asking my guild, as I already have it.
They don't seem to want it. I'm the only hunter in the zone.
I start trying hunters...three, four, they say they already have him to.
Another hunter enters molten front and I ask him, he says yes.
I try to summon him, but it won't let me.
so he goes and does the quests...all this time, it was at least forty minutes.
Meanwhile, only two people have wandered by and either they didn't notice him or just ignored him.
An alliance hunter appears...but she already has him as well. A paladin shows up as well...but he seems content to watch.
Finally the hunter arrives and must have mistook my instruction as he jumped right into Skarr's face.
And dead.
He comes back eventually...and I silence shot this time and he gets him.

Fast forward a few hours later, and I enter Molten Front again.
Eagle Eye to the Spire...and look who it is, a red mark of Deth'tilac.
But, there's a green mark just above him...meaning a hunter is already there.
I run over and help out and get myself killed twice, and then she's got a new spider.
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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Sarantha »

Rehomed Ban'thalos the way I always do. Land on the tree because other morons can't seem to figure it out, mass summon, lay down a trap for them (because hitting the freezing trap icon is hard), tell them in all caps DONT EFFIN MOVE just fly straight up, shoot, and tame. Well, okay, this person was extra-special this time. Even though I told her before I summoned her, DO NOT EFFIN MOVE A MUSCLE, she immediately flies to the left and cannot for the life of her get back on the damn tree. She kills herself so I can mass rez her up on the tree. Okay, well and good then. She heals up, sets her own trap (WOW!), and flies up to shoot him. She shoots, falls, Ban lands in her trap. What happens next? Turns out she hadn't dismissed her previous pet, which proceeds to attack Ban and break her trap. OOPS! I FD, she dies to moonfire (no surprise there), and has to invite a nearby guildie to land on the tree and re-summon her, because landing on it is really hard. THIS TIME, she actually suceeds (IE, she dismissed her pet and did not break her own trap or move and die).

So Ban got a happy (?) home.

In other depressing news, before this uhm, special, hunter was trying to tame Ban, an alliance paladin (OMG SHOCKING FOR MY SERVER!) was trying to kill Ban and kept dying. How does a paladin with heals and bubble die to Ban? Seriously? /facepalm
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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Serenith »

Odd timing today. I run into the Molten Front to finish one more daily and as I finish I eagle eye over the Skarr/Karkin spawn spot... Bam, Skitterflame is up. So I rush over there and hang out with Skitter for like 10 minutes as I try to find him a home. No one wants him, and even one hunter thought all ares were exotics and told me he was not a BM hunter (I corrected him, saying these spiders are far game to all specs, but he never showed up to try and tame it) I believe another 5 minutes goes by before Skarr shows up.... an orc hunter (In BM spec) tried to tame him twice. I couldn't help this time since I was still in survival spec cause I used that for my Deth tame. She failed two times before my orc friend logs on right at the spot he Skarr was at. Tiky looks around and doesn't see anyone there, just a corpse, and goes for the tame (Hey fair game, that other orc failed twice... I feel for them, but Tiky also had been camping a LONG while too...) And he got the kitty. As I said, I feel bad for the orc who lost it, but she wasn't prepared and did die twice... the bright side is she will be better prepared the next time around. And grats to Tiky (this being the orc who I made friends with after our Deth'tilac fail and her Solix tame.... well its her bfs toon... but she was playing for him at the time) they deserve it since they are always trying to help with other peoples tames!

Well as soon as Skarr spawned so did Kirix... but lets not forget Skitterflame who is still there as well. (So weird all three up together) half an hour goes by before a hunter comes along for Skitterflame.

I tried to help out the night elf hunter with his Skitterflame tame..... lets just say it didn't go so well, and after probably 8 tries, the poor spider's energy reached 0 :( ...the hunter was bummed, but I told him there will be another and he will be more prepared the next time. He was having a hard time getting the trick down. So that makes three Skitters this week to die. Poor poor Skitter.

But Kirix is still up, and the hunter who failed with Kirix already had it. So he left. And for another 20 minutes no one wants him or shows interest. Eventually, there was at least two people who were trying, one was more more aggressive with his attempts (he clearly wanted it, while the other seemed to just stand there, not sure what to do) I whispered the dwarf asking him if he was trying to tame Kirix, and he said yes. So I kindly showed him my exact method. It was a bit rocky at first, he got the haste buff from the vent... but fell off the edge... then he got it again, but when he went to tame Kirix, he didn't hit tame beast fast enough and died. Well the next time (And I told him to be very quick about hitting arcane shot/deterrence/tame super fast) he was successful. Boy did this guy light up. He was so happy, he responded to me in all caps thanking me cause he had wanted him so much. He even emoted kissing my feet. (He is actually another hunter I tried to help with Solix, but he lost Solix to a belf that day) Still, I never saw a more happy hunter than this guy. (I'm also quite pleased that Kirix got a new home with a hunter who truly wanted him)


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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Sarantha »

Was doing dailies on Elly, my NElf druid, saw Karkin up, didn't really want to log over to my horde toon in the middle of doing my dailies, so I asked an alliance hunter friend (who is part of rarecampers on his horde druid) if he wanted Karkin. He had Karkin on his hunter, but his little cousin who he said was about 12, did not have Karkin, so he logged on his cousin's toon and got Karkin for him. That was really sweet and that little kid is gonna be so happy. Glad I could help someone who will be really happy to see that little crab. :D
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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Ashidox »

So pretty new to camping rare spawns since my hunter has just become my new main and just hit 85.
Spent the night camping Sambas on and off. Finally got her about 7pm today was so happy until i flew to Karomas spawn point and heard NPCscan start yelling. Tamed her too with 0 trouble. Day before that i got ahnka aswell. Currently sat camping Arcturis, hopefully i'l see him tonight. Been a pretty good few days for my hunter ^^.
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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Serenith »

Rehomed Skarr again. And to the same dwarf hunter that kissed my feet for the tips I gave him about the Kirix tame. Funny thing was we were just talking about him since he had never seen him spawn, so I was telling him where the spawn points were. I had this little feeling him or Karkin was gonna spawn since I was online when the last one spawned. Not minutes later did NPCscan go off for Skarr. I told him and he rushed over (he fell off the edge though, this guy falls off stuff a lot... same thing happened when he was trying to tame Kirix, lol) and was able to tame him without anyone around despite the fact that there had been two hunters camping him earlier. Who knows, maybe I will be around for his future Deth tame too, which he said is the last pet he wants out of the MF rares.


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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Lisaara »

I got a whisper from Chimeara, asking for help with Deth. I eagerly logged off my rogue and popped on my druid to help her friend get Dethy. Was a little rocky cause I had to get them to stop shooting. I was rooting deth and trying to show them the pet would do all the work and they dont have to kite him. Deth tame successful once they saw what I meant.

Then Chim saw Anthriss. She announced it in general and we had an immediate taker(I was so thrilled)! So I bring him to group, instruct him what to do. he died once. the 2nd time he was successful. I had thrown some emergency heals on him to keep him alive til he got in the lava. But yay! He was so happy to have Anthriss to go along with his Skarr.

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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Ashidox »

Been a pretty damn good day, Tamed, Arcturis, Kirix, loque'nahak. Still camping on Skarr and Karkin atm. Super happy with my spider though ^^

Edit: Just tamed me a Karkin aswell.
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Re: The Rehoming Room

Unread post by Sarantha »

Said "Skitterflame is up" in general. A hunter tames it. Happy ending for big red. Did not go out of my way to offer roots or chains or even help slowing. The dude got it all on his own, with just my saying he's up. At least one hunter did his research and knew how to tame the challenges.

Edit: Weirdly, as soon as I zoned out of MF, my alarm went off for Ban. I flew to the Shrine and he was up. Some stupid druid kept trying to kill him and kept dying. I let general chat know and a confused hunter comes over, not knowing wtf to do. I tell him "get on the tree and trap it". He actually manages this and tames a shiny birdie with little hassle. Quite a few rares popping up at this time of night (midnight where I live).
Part of Dark Magics, lvl 25 Horde guild, casual, helpful, don't raid, mostly help people and hunt pets.
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