When someone uses the exploited pets...

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When someone uses the exploited pets...

Unread post by Taaveti »

I am getting frustrated at someone using the Blighthound. To those unfamiliar with this pet, it can be obtained while keeping its buff using the old abandonpet trick. The major problem with the buff is that, in addition to the green glow (which is fine by the way), it has a damage component which scales very will with level. So, in practice, the pet emits an AoE which pulses at around 10k damage every 2 seconds, effectively giving a 4k+ dps bonus even on single target fights.

I have seen the player using this specific pet twice previously, and both time I have reported him. Either due to the misinformed GMs here on Taiwan servers or some other reasons I don't know, on both occasions the GMs only asked him to stop using pet on those fights. (The GM actually had to ask me what the problem was with that pet on the second occasion)

Few months later, someone started forming a fixed DS raid and I ran into him again. On our first raid night, as soon as he pulled out the blighthound I stated in raid channel that I will not tolerate him using an exploited pet in the raid, and he dismissed it without saying a word, which I thought would be the end of it. However, a month later, after checking the log last night I found him using it again.

I am going to report him again, and probably leave the raid group too since that is something which I can't tolerate. I am wondering however, that if reporting him to GMs do not work (as with the previous occasions), are there any other channels (beside putting it on the official forum) that would help stopping him from using the pet ever again?

Sorry about the wall of text, and thanks for reading.

Edited: Just got responded by GM almost instantly after sending in the ticket, this time I explained in detail everything about the taming of that specific pet, so there's nothing to add when she said she has forwarded the report to the relevant department.
It seems this type of taming is now truly fixed, so it should be impossible to obtain this pet anymore. I really hope they would get rid of those enhancing damages only without affecting the purely cosmetic ones though :(
Last edited by Taaveti on Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: When someone uses the exploited pets...

Unread post by Lisaara »

Just keep reporting him hun. All you can do, really.

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Re: When someone uses the exploited pets...

Unread post by Araela »

I had the same issue- with the same pet- with another guy who I ended up in a PUG ZG group right after the new ZA/ZG came out. I got on his case about it, and he just laughed at me. He said it didn't matter, and I said that it did, and explained why it was wrong to exploit the glitch for anything more than the visual benefit of it. The dps benefit was a problem, and I wasn't going to be a part of a cheating group. He said some choice words that basically told me to shut up and get out, and it was at that time I reported him, wished the rest of the group luck, and left. I'm glad we *hopefully* won't have anymore issues with people exploiting a damage increasing buff again.
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Re: When someone uses the exploited pets...

Unread post by Rarehunter1 »

Hah. You guys are forgetting one thing! Instead of constantly trying to report him or others using these pets, become the ultimate troll! If he ever gets into a dungeon or raid with you again, do everything in your power to get him or his pet killed. That's right! Cause a wipe if you have to! Misdirect! If you're tanking, let him pull aggro! If you're dps or healz, just pull the entire freaking dungeon! XD

All the damage dealing buff pets lose their buffs on death or on player's death. And now with the inability to tame these guys anymore, once it's dead, it's dead for good. Slowly but steadily you'll be weening out these guys till their are none left! XD

Oh and he'll be sooooooooooo mad when it finally DOES die. Hehe, oh the rage you will have caused. How I would love to see it.
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Re: When someone uses the exploited pets...

Unread post by Yoruko »

I'm sorry to hear we still have to deal with people such as these who purposefully and knowingly exploit damage buffs. You did the right thing in reporting their actions.

What gets to me most in such cases as this is the fact that whenever people exploit damage buffs we will be more likely to have our current and future appearance-only buffed pets removed as well, so in exploiting damage buffs you are spitting on the community as a whole. :|
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Re: When someone uses the exploited pets...

Unread post by Taaveti »

Well, we raided tonight again, and since I didn't say anything to him personally (as I only found out the day after when I look at recount), he swapped out the pet once again on Morchok.
This time I made myself very clear that if he ever use that pet in our raid again, I'm gonna leave the group. He then asked the hunter to stop using that pet, but also remarked that he didn't think the issue to be important enough for me to make a big deal out of it.
I reported to GM too after that, who again asked me what the problem of that pet was :( .

Frankly, I'm quite disappointed on the RL's reaction on the issue, but since he did ask him to stop using it in raid, I guess I'm gonna just give him one last chance (well, before I stop raiding with him, but then he would just go on using the pet...)
Last edited by Taaveti on Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: When someone uses the exploited pets...

Unread post by Kalliope »

*hugs Taaveti* Seriously, what part of IT IS EXPLOITING A BUG do people not understand? :(

Have you tried submitting a ticket via the website as opposed to the in-game form? You get more space to explain and you can attach a screenshot of the debuff which might help you in explaining the situation.

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Re: When someone uses the exploited pets...

Unread post by Taaveti »

Kalliope wrote: Have you tried submitting a ticket via the website as opposed to the in-game form? You get more space to explain and you can attach a screenshot of the debuff which might help you in explaining the situation.
Hm.. thanks for the advice, I'm gonna try that later when I'm free.
I guess taking a photo with the dogs out in WP should work too since I don't have one myself.
I've actually used up all the 500 character limits (Chinese characters too) on my petition last time ^ ^, but a screenshot should be a lot more detailed.
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Re: When someone uses the exploited pets...

Unread post by Turgus »

No offense to anyone, and I am sure I will aggravate people with this, but to me any exploited pet is an exploited pet.
Just because it only affects its appearance doesn't make it ok.

If Blizzard wanted people running around with flaming boars, or worgen wolves they would have implemented it so you could have them without turning to game breaking mechanics.

As for dealing with the guy try to remove him from the group and if not, remove yourself from the situation. If you feel you must go further put a ticket in.

Personally, I think it is about time Blizzard removed the ability for people to get around game mechanics, regardless of how benign it is.
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Re: When someone uses the exploited pets...

Unread post by Lisaara »

Turgus, they already did.

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Re: When someone uses the exploited pets...

Unread post by Yoruko »

Turgus wrote:No offense to anyone, and I am sure I will aggravate people with this, but to me any exploited pet is an exploited pet.
Just because it only affects its appearance doesn't make it ok.

If Blizzard wanted people running around with flaming boars, or worgen wolves they would have implemented it so you could have them without turning to game breaking mechanics.
I understand the point you are making although I do not agree with it. The use of term "game breaking mechanic" is debatable, but I will not go there to nit-pick. Instead I'll just provide my point of view:

As far as I know, Blizzard has let players keep their "appearance only" pets quite often as they do not give an actual benefit to the player game-mechanic wise. If Blizzard has taken this attitude towards them then why should I have a problem with it? Of course obvious problematic pets will be removed (such as the worgen which could create uncomfortable implications when tamed as pets) and rightfully so if they deem it necessary.
Generally speaking I see appearance-pets as something entertaining that can appeal to certain kind of people. It's a different kind of challenge and if it doesn't harm anyone, then I see no harm in it. (This being said from a perspective of a person who has followed from the sidelines. I haven't actually tamed any appearance-buff pets myself so maybe my opinion is moot.)

Of course, if this kind of "challenge" enables a player to abuse it and gain unfair advantage, then I also encourage removing such windows of opportunity. Nevertheless I will feel disappointed with the community for resorting to petty dps exploits.

I feel people should be curious to a certain point, but using your findings for malicious ends shouldn't be the goal.
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Re: When someone uses the exploited pets...

Unread post by Turgus »

Jessibelle wrote:Turgus, they already did.
By bad, I used the wrong tense. "It is about time..."
I meant to write, "It was about time..."
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Re: When someone uses the exploited pets...

Unread post by Galaxy »


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