Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

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Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by Wassa »

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Random pet family appreciation thread is where I roll a random pet family every week for everyone to share their pictures, their stories, their love for that pet family. Please no hate or rants. This is an appreciation thread. If you dislike the family, don't post! Hopefully with some love we can get some hunters to try out new pets they never would have thought to tame before.

Our 27th family is the terrifying devilsaur family!

Image from WoW TCG.

Devilsaur facts

~Devilsaurs became tameable in Wrath with the addition of exotic beasts. Devilsaurs have been in the game since Vanilla.

~Devilsaurs come in four different skin colors.

~Devilsaurs have two well known rares: King Krush (unique skinned) and King Mosh.

~Back in Wrath, devilsaurs were tamed by 5.5% of level 80 hunters. Placing them at number 4 on the list, tied with bears. (Source)

~Back in Wrath, trexskinblack was the most tamed skin at 50.6%. Trexskingreen was the least tamed skin at 1.2%, really showing how hard it was to tame King Krush back then. (Source)

~A devilsaur's Monstrous Bite used to do damage and make the devilsaur grow bigger with each stack, up to three times.

~While it isn't a devilsaur mount, Savage Raptor from the TCG shares the same skin as trexskinred.

~Devilsaurs can interchange their skins with raptors, as shown in game with the Savage Raptor mount mentioned above. The title picture I used for this thread is even a devilsaur model with the same coloration as raptorskinmottledbluegreen.

~When first tameable, devilsaurs kept their loud stomping noise and screen shaking ability after being tamed. These have been hotfixed.

~King Dred, the third of the trio of devilsaur kings, is a boss in Drak'tharon Keep. He is one of the very few beast bosses that can be tamed.

~After three kings, the devilsaur men finally found their Devilsaur Queen in Cataclysm.

~All devilsaurs are elites or rares (formerly rare elites until recently) with the exception of Tyrantus.

~And a Dinosaur was a devilsaur added in Cataclysm beta, along with a shark with a frikkin' laser beam attached to its head named Epicus Maximus and ROCK ON the forsaken guitarist. They appeared in the Maelstrom after players said the area was not epic enough. They can still be summoned with the quest item Holographic Projector.
Last edited by Wassa on Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by RHMakonea »

There is no Makonea without her Devilsaur Rampage

He is the one pet I'd never give up. I have never switched him into my stable he is always first for every event, every raid, PVP he is the one pet I just won't abandon. There has always been something special about him I don't know what, but since he's been with me he hasn't left my side
If I was to have just one pet it'd be my Devilsaur Rampage

He was tamed July 21st 2010 and has been by my side since. None of my pets are used as much as he is, nothing compares to how special he is to me. I use him for almost everything he's the one pet I have bonded with the most.

Named from one of my favorite Decepticons, Rampage has never let me down and I use him for pretty much everything to a point where my guild knows me by my big green dinosaur

He's been by my side through every event in wow and no pet could replace him in my heart, it's the one pet I feel truly bonded with, through my entire wow history no pet has been this close to me as Rampage is.

He continues to be my partner I rarely ever use any of my other pets compared to him, to this day he has more history then any other pet. It will probably continue for as long as I play Makonea, he's not just a hunter pet he's a part of myself. No pet compares to Rampage and probably never will
Last edited by RHMakonea on Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:35 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by Rhyela »

I don't play much anymore, but I'll never forget the stress and torment I went through to get King Krush. While I didn't have to camp nearly as long as some other people, it was painful nonetheless. I've told the story before, so I'll not go into it here again. Let's just say that taming him at level 75 back when tame times were twenty seconds long was pretty brutal.

I know there are some who think that it's shallow to value a pet for its rarity or uniqueness or whatnot, but I have to admit that knowing that people (probably very few, and only hunters, but I digress) know what it took to get him, at least at the time, was a source of pride for me. Obviously it's not the only reason I keep him around, but I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel darn proud parading him around Dalaran. :) And somehow, the fact that it was so hard to get him made the bond even stronger. Like...I had to earn his respect. I had to prove that I could handle him when many others had failed. Yeah, it's a bit nerdy, but that's our story and that's why I am quite against making his skin common (though I try not to spout that off around here). It's a bit selfish, I know, but I can't help but love him.

I had originally picked out the name Kaiser, but once I had tamed him, it didn't seem right. The name Apollyon just hit me out of nowhere, and it was so perfect for him. His personality is volatile, proud and a bit arrogant. He knows he's the baddest guy around, and he respects Rhyela for proving she was worthy of being his hunter. And anyone that messes with Rhyela had better be ready for a very large, very angry green devilsaur. :)

Apollyon is second only to Tetsusaiga in Rhyela's stables and heart. He is that important to me.



Rhyela and Apollyon in Dalaran.jpg
Rhyela and Apollyon in Dalaran.jpg (143.33 KiB) Viewed 4872 times
WoWScrnShot_082010_233102.jpg (165.33 KiB) Viewed 4872 times
WoWScrnShot_092410_004846.jpg (234.32 KiB) Viewed 4872 times
Last edited by Rhyela on Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.


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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by Vephriel »

I've always been impressed and awed by devilsaurs. I remember the first time I saw one back in Vanilla while I watched my boyfriend quest through Un'goro Crater. He was generally the type to level faster than me, so glimpsing the mysterious new zones that awaited my character was really thrilling. I was exclaiming over the concept of an ancient jungle filled with dinosaurs when it happened. He turned around and a towering devilsaur went stomping past and my jaw dropped. I had no idea there were even t-rex models in the game!

That experience has always been a fond memory for me, and even after questing through Un'goro myself countless times, I still love seeing a wild devilsaur in its natural habitat. Never in my wildest dreams would I have actually thought we'd be able to tame them some day. I'm sure I daydreamed about it once or twice, but it was all wishful thinking.

Then WotLK came, and I was floored by the news. I had to have one. I would tame one. There was no question about it.

I sampled each of the colours, trying to decide which suited me the best. I always came back to the black one in the end though. All he needed was the perfect name. And then it came to me - Skorn.

From the day he was named, Skorn has never left my stables, nor hardly been absent from my side. There was something special about him. An immediate bond that I never even questioned. I knew he'd been waiting for me, and I for him.




Devilsaurs are so full of personality to me. I love their models, the details in the scales. Their big toothy grins. Their suave, confident gait. I love the way their eyes glow in the darkness. The slow, easy swing of their tails as they stand by your side, ready for action. They have an intelligent ferocity that's chilling to face if you're on their bad side, but they also possess a fierce loyalty and undeniable affection towards their owner.

Skorn has been my main pet for a long time now, and he'll always keep that position over any other pets I may tame in the future. He's become an iconic part of my character. I wish I had a better way to describe how much he means to me, but I'm sitting here smiling resignedly to myself as I realize it's hard to put down in words all the little memories and nuances and stories. Suffice to say, no other pet has ever made such an impact on me. I'm glad I found my very own devilsaur to journey Azeroth with. His ever present companionship has been an incredible highlight in this game for me. I'm not bothered by the fact that I can get so attached to an imaginary pet that only exists as pixels. I think that if you pour enough love, emotion, and memory into something it can take on a soul of its own, no matter what it happens to be. I don't consider those feelings to be false, they're just as real as anything else you may cherish. :)

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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by Niabi »

It took me a while to warm up to Devilsaurs.

Not that I thought they were bad or anything, oh no, quite the contrary! I always saw them as being one of the most visually appealing creatures within the game. It's just that, I had my heart set on taming one for my hunter, Khau, and try as I may, the union never did sync quite right between the two no matter what skin color his hide came in.

It wasn't until I created my Troll huntress, Kadija, and my Orc huntress, Drakara that I finally discovered that distinct and inseparable bond I was aiming to achieve with these creatures.

Kadija's Devilsaur is named Genghis, who once roamed the lush and dense jungles of Sholazar Basin as King Krush.

Drakara's Devilsaur orginated from the primordial depths of Ungoro Crater as one of the Ironhide Devilsaurs. His name is Kronos.

I'm also hoping to build a connection between my Dwarf huntress, Ghiselle, with the Devilsaur popularly known as King Mosh. She'll be the appropriate level soon enough since I am currently in the process of getting all my hunters up to level 85 at the moment. I really do hope the bond solidifies like it did for Kadija and Drakara. He's just a gorgeous guy in his own right!
Last edited by Niabi on Thu May 22, 2014 12:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by Bonita »

I love Devilsaurs! I love dinosaurs and the first time I saw one in game my first thought was "I must have this!" So I leveled myself up to 60 and went out to Un'goro to try to tame a white one. Failed epicly of course because of the fear and the being elite lol. Made my druid friend Chopaa come out and help and we still failed. Ended up giving up on the white one and finding a black one. Basically made Chop be bait for one and bring it to me so I could tame it (had no idea you could freeze something and tame it at the time xD). Took about 5 deaths, but eventually I got my tame. Named him Darkstar and I love him. When Im bm I switch between him and Limes (my Krush who I took 3 years to get and found dead sooo many times). Hes one of my favorite pets :)

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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by Miacoda »

Ugh, I cannot express how jealous I am of those of you have have art of your devilsaurs. WTB money for commissions. ;_; There's nothing else I want to commission except somethign with Mia and Krush. :lol:

God... just... Krush. :hug:
Mia is just not Mia without her beloved devilsaur at her side. I'm actually known on my server because of him, and he's like an extension of me. If someone knows me, they know Krush, and how absolutely in love I am with this dinosaur.
If there's any event that has importance, Krush is there. He's the one I idle with, he's the one I quest with, I raid with, heck, he's even known to tank a thing or two! He's just always there. I have to schedule things for my other bonded pets (for instance, my rhino goes to Wrath mount runs, my cat goes to BT, my scorpid goes to TK, etc.) just so they can get some good use. :lol: Krush just takes up so much of my time, hehe.



I've always loved devilsaurs. Their model is just... really appealing. I love their walk and run animations... the way their toes move. Oh.. and their swim animation! It's pretty much the cutest thing ever!
I remember stepping foot into Un'goro for the first time and seeing these giant beasts, and I also never imagined I'd be able to tame one, but when I heard of them being tameable for Wrath.. oh lord I raced out to Un'goro once I could tame one. And gone were my days of using a wolf or cat! I remember taming black and red, and sticking with red, but then eventually I found King Mosh and tamed him with the help from a priest. I didn't know about King Krush because I didn't really know about Petopia at the time. I'm not sure how exactly I found out about him, but once I saw that devilsaur skin--which I had no idea was already in the database--I was in love. I had to have him.
So, I spent EVERY day circling around Sholazar, mining ore whenever I came across it, then auctioning it off when my inventory was full. I couldn't tell you how many days I spent searching for him, but I had done my research and I was ready. I had a set full of stamina and haste, along with pots and all of that, and I had a crocolisk named NotKrush that would help me bestial wrath. I even had my action bars set up to press what I needed in the right order, going from 1-6 or something, I dunno. :lol:
So on August 31, 2009, I'm flying around and some paladin announces in "Lolazar" general chat that King Krush is up, and asks if anyone wants him. So I somehow managed to type "YES!" in general and then invited him to a group. As I flew over, I told him not to touch him once I was there, because I was damn determined on doing a solo tame. I also told him saying that if I got him tamed I would give him every bit of gold I had. He didn't ask, I just offered. I couldn't pay enough gold for Krush, he's just priceless. But I wanted to make sure this guy wasn't going to be a jerk or something. I had to have this dinosaur. The fly over there was probably one of the most terrifying moments in this game. I literally flew all the way across the zone, all the way to the western spawn location he was at. Once I finally got there, I thought I was prepared, but holy crap I got so nervous! The whole tame was just a blur of... giant dinosaur on screen, and me being nervous. xD But I ended up with him, first try, and I was just SO thankful. I finally had THE pet.
So, like I promised, I gave the paladin ALL of my gold. First I gave him Mia's gold, then I logged onto all of my alts and gave him there gold. I just could not thank this guy enough for not killing this dinosaur.
I kept the name Krush, because it's just a thing Mia does, really, but I also just really love the name. It's just so fitting for him. He put down his "King" title after Mia proved herself to him. He still likes to flaunt around a bit, but honestly, he couldn't care what title he had as long as his Night Elf is by his side.
Krush will never, ever, ever leave Mia's stable. I remember I used to absolutely fear getting hacked because I was just so afraid a hacker would abandon Krush, and I didn't know that Gms could restore pets at the time... so holy crap, when authenticators became a thing, I got mine on my iPod as soon as possible. He was just too important to me to risk anything.
I honestly don't know what I'd do without him. He's just been there for so long, and will continue to be there. No other pet could replace the bond we have, I'm absolutely positive of that.
As for Krush's personality... He's a lot like the best dog you could ever have, except with some dinosaur stuff. He's extremely loyal to Mia, and just generally kind to anyone, unless you do something that would cause Mia to be upset or hurt, then... well.... you better watch your back. ;) He's a ferocious dino, to enemies.
I feel like I can't even describe his importance to me, which seems to be a trend here on this thread. :lol: But there's just something about him that just... it's like magic. You can't explain it properly. There's no language for that.
Well... maybe "Rawr." :P *rimshot*
I'm going through my old screenshots... and I'm just grinning because in almost every one Mia is in, he's there with her. :)

And I'm not going to lie, I totally can relate to not wanting his skin to be common. I don't even have anything against commons... and I can't even put any real logic behind my reasoning... I just feel like it would be wrong. I of course wouldn't love him any less if that were to happen, though. I'd just be really sad. I'm just... so proud of him. <3

This is the first screenshot I took of him tamed. <3

I just love this picture. Mia is totally SMILING about her new best friend! (Fun fact: If you google "King Krush" and go to images, this is the second image listed (just a silly little thing I'm proud of, hehe :headbang:)):






This is how I'm seen idleing every day, Krush, Krash the Ravasaur Hatchling, and me on my Swift Razzashi Raptor:

And here are just two things I've made with WMV and photoshop:



And this was made by Veph after I made a hilarious typo. I use it as my iPhone wallpaper:

I'll post about my alt's devilsaurs later. This post is long enough as it is! :lol:


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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by Melentari »

I keep trying Devilsaurs and they keep not working for me. Their new ability is slightly lacking (Yes, sometimes lessening healing is a good thing, but it's very situational) and I think they're just too small. They just aren't big enough compared to my characters and to me, seeing this giant Devilsaur out in the wild is fantastic - but then you tame it, and suddenly it's just a slightly overlarge iguana.

I've tried them on two out of my three 85 hunters, and I just can't do it - but I will follow them around in Un'Goro crater happily for hours. I love seeing them. I just can't tame them.

Melentari and Tevildo - she tamed him a long time ago.

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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

I used to have one of the common reds, but King Mosh kept pestering me so much when I was digging in Un'Goro that I eventually gave in and tamed him and named him Kilimanjaro. He will be re-named Bamboo in MoP!
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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by starkittens »

Ok, I have two King Krushes. [url=http://forums.wow-petopia.com/viewtopic ... 34&t=18005]Yes, Two.]

That's the second one. Both are on the same hunter. :lol:
I want King Krush on my Troll hunter, but when I went looking for him...all I find, is his sad corpse...CURSE YOU FROSTBITTEN!!!!! But, for now, I'll just have to settle for King Mosh on my Troll hunter.

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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by Kalliope »

Oh Theseus.

He's the entire reason I ever ended up having a tie to exotic pets and the BM spec at all. I transitioned from "gee, wouldn't it be fun to have a giant green dinosaur?" to "ohmygodhemustbemine" the moment I saw him in person for the first time. It was instant love. Unfortunately, it took a couple more days for me to bring him home, but once I got him, he stayed. He's the only truly challenging tame I've ever kept on live. (No offense to the challenge tames, but they all have a pattern for execution. In very early Wrath, there really wasn't one for Krush.) If I were to retame Krush, it wouldn't be Theseus. Only this one has this story. He's the only one who is mine.

Big or small, he is my baby!



He likes being extremely big or extremely small, just on principle.
Baby Theseus.png
Baby Theseus.png (57.43 KiB) Viewed 4879 times
theseus 2.jpg
theseus 2.jpg (145.55 KiB) Viewed 4872 times

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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by Wassa »

TheDoomcookie wrote:Ugh, I cannot express how jealous I am of those of you have have art of your devilsaurs. WTB money for commissions. ;_; There's nothing else I want to commission except somethign with Mia and Krush. :lol:
Same. I want a picture of Wassa and Hahadori like those. Only thing I have is a quick sketch done by a friend that I have as one of my sig images, which I do love, but WTB a full inked and colored picture!

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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by Finduilas »

I started late with Devilsaurs. I already had spirit beasts and corehounds and chimeras and always thought Devilsaurs were big, ugly, stupid pets. Don't blame me, I got cured :D. It all started when I had much trouble killing healers in Arena and Battlegrounds with Findu during Wrath. I searched for the perfect pet and tried out many. Pets with stuns like bats and wasps, pets with slow, pets with net, pets with damage boosting buffs, everything. I checked petopia over and over again for a pet that would help me. My search lasted I think until Cata came out. More stable slots and everything and when I looked for new pets in my stable I decided to give the fugly Devilsaurs a try. Just for pvp of course, because they were loud and ugly, you know. I went to Un'Goro and tamed a Ironhide Devilsaur. I named her Uppsala (an other swedish town) and ran to battleground with her. Oh my, how I loved this pet. Reduced healing without having to shoot widow toxine? Oh yes! More crit? Oh yes! From this day on Uppsala was my pvp pet of choice next to Olm the Wise for a handy disarm here and there. I still had my spirit beast with me, but Pearl only comes out when the enemies don't have healers, or I need a quick heal. By now I take Uppsala to dungeons and LFR, too. To dungeons just to irritate people by my big red loud pet, and to LFR because she reaches the dragons on the boat fight unlike my wolf.

After having tamed Uppsala I got this funny thought "Wouldn't it be silly to tame each devilsaur color with your hunters?". At this point I had four hunters on 85, everyone with BM skill. So I went on a taming journey with my hunters. I ended up with Krush on my Orc. Krush was the only trex I thought that would match Morga. I circled Sholazar Basin for a few days until I finally found him while on skype with my brother. I think I screamed my brother's ears off, but that gave Krush his new name: Max. I like Morga and Max toghether, also because of the two "m" in their names. I use Max for providing crit buffs when I'm tired of my wolf, and of course for pvp. I found it useful to run with Max next to our flag carrier just so Max runs on him. Max gets the hits when targetted instead of the flag carrier and the flag gets home more easily.


The third devilsaur was Jinglebell. Jinglebell is Merowen's albino devilsaur. It's the model I really hated. I hated the pink demon eyes and the combination of white and lavender and worst of all the light on the jaw where the purple would stand out lighter looking like a skin infection. I was really thinking "Why did I want to tame this beast?" but well, I tamed it anyway. When this pet shrank down next to Emerwen (at this point still Nerdanel) I started noticing it wasn't so bad at all. The purple made very pretty effects and the eyes weren't so horrible at all. I asked in guild for name help and someone came up with Jinglebell. Now she's my pretty Jingle and I love her to pieces. I do everything with Jingle, pve and pvp and she fits perfectly into Emmi's white and purple stable. I rarely use my wolf anymore, but bring Jingle for crit buff.

Larkania, of course, ended up with the reddish brown devilsaur. I wanted to tame King Mosh, but after cricling Un'Goro for hours I just tamed the Queen and now she's named Njenna (a name from Lappland in northern Sweden). Njenna is my pretty, nice girl. She's a perfect lady and loves to cuddle with Larkania. I like the smile she always seems to wear and her earthen colors. I take her to pvp, too. Although atm she doesn't match Larkania's purple pvp set, she still is a fabulous sight when stomping across a battleground and charging into an enemy. And she looks just fine with Larka's pve set.

The newest addition to the devilsaur family is Damon. Damon is Merowen's devilsaur. I tamed him the day she dinged 69 and already had much fun with him in pvp until they (sadly) both reached level 70. Damon now is the pet she mostly has at her side when not questing (her questing buddy is her beetle Porthos). Damon is always out when she's in dungeons or hanging around in the city. At 74 they will once again rock the battleground. I named him after Damon in The Vampire Diaries (I love how he's described in the books, always wearing black, being menacing and deadly, yet still so beautiful). I even found a transmog that looks very good next to him and changed Mero's hair frome blonde to dark.

Uppsala Max.jpg
Uppsala Max.jpg (102.59 KiB) Viewed 4872 times
Jingle Damon Njenna.jpg
Jingle Damon Njenna.jpg (87.19 KiB) Viewed 4872 times


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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by Mozag »

It is such a pleasure reading about all the devilsaurs that have captured your hunters' hearts, and it seems that this is definitely one of those animal families that has personality.
I can't say any of my devilsaurs have left their clawmarks on my heart as strongly as Skorn, Krush, Apollyon, Theseus et al have on their hunters. Still, I confess that I am rather charmed. I am quite new to BM (I started the game at the end of BC and played only MM for the entire duration of Wrath), and to exotics, never having really felt much of a connection to any of the families. Still, I find myself now the mistress of all four colours. And as Kalliope so nicely put it, these are mine.

Two green fish swimming between green rushes. Beryl is my only female devilsaur, and what a lady she is! She is well-mannered and neat, and very fond of Lazuli, who she sees as a sort of hatchling of her own. Beryl didn't give Laz a difficult time during her tame, which is because of the reduced taming time, but I like to tell myself it's because she's such a polite girl, and rather liked Laz from the start.
Last edited by Mozag on Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

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Greymon! He's Greymon! He's big and he's strong!
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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by Miacoda »

<Hit it with a Brick> That's awesome :lol:


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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

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Could someone tell me what the name of the card is with that Devilsaur artwork? So badass!
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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

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PooL wrote:Could someone tell me what the name of the card is with that Devilsaur artwork?
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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Oh yay Devilsaurs! :D

For something that's supposed to monstrously ferocious it's almost a surprise just how cute, protective, and cuddly they can be. I have two amazing devilsaurs on a couple of my hunters. The first is King Mosh, now going by the name Grumpasaurus, and he's a little extra special since that's the nickname my boyfriend gives to me when I'm not feeling my best. In turn he tamed a black devilsaur and named it Poutasaurus since that's what I call him when he makes pouty faces to get what he wants. xD

Grumpy and Ruffley:

Gift art of Pouty and Grumpy from Pengupuff:

My other devilsaur belongs to Rosaliah and he was the second pet that I RP'd with Rose, though he was the first that I really bonded with for RP. Rose is extremely close to him and he in turn will defend her with his life. He is fiercely protective of his mistress, though he is a bit of a goof and, when relaxed, will turn into a bit more of a dopey, large lapdog.

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Re: Random Pet Family Appreciation Thread 27: Devilsaurs!

Unread post by Helsinki »

The first time I ever saw a devilsaur was on my level 35ish human warlock. That was my first real character and a level 60 hunter in the guild took me and a mage who was also about 35 on an adventure to Un'Goro Crater. He was farming leather and doing some fishing and while following him around (while he took extra care to protect us from the entire zone we were aggroing), out of nowhere appears this ENORMOUS devilsaur!! The mage and I flipped out over it, we thought it was so amazing! Troyy, the hunter, sent his Humar named Tree in to attack the magnificent beast, and after quite an impressive fight the devilsaur fell to the ground and Troyy skinned it. ("That's it?! I thought it would've dropped more leather!!") I've always been a huge fan of dinosaurs so that fact coupled with being a new player made this a fantastic experience.

When it was announced that devilsaurs would be tameable, I was thrilled. By this point I had a billion alts and had been playing my orc hunter almost exclusively. As soon as the pre-wotlk patch came out, a friend and I rushed out to Un'goro to find our devilsaurs. He picked out the black one and I decided to try the reddish skin. I loved my devilsaur... except for the fact that he stomped and shook the screen and kind of waddled in a funny manner, not dissimilar to Benny Hill.

I played through most of WotLK sans-devilsaur because my 5 stable slots became cluttered with the four spirit beasts and aotona. When Blizzard announced that we would have 25 stable slots for Cata, I spent a good long time considering which pets to tame. And I always kept coming back to Krush... the majority of the issues with devilsaurs that bothered me had since been fixed. At this point, Krush was no longer a very challenging tame, but he did prove to be a challenging camp. I flew around the basin for 14.5 hours straight on a slow helicopter. There was another hunter who'd been circling for quite some time, and we were whispering back and forth. He was looking for Loque, so we agreed that if we saw the other's desired pet, we would let the other know. All the while, one of my former guildmates kept logging into a toon that was sitting in Sholazar and announcing in general that he would pay 5k gold to anybody who let his hunter tame Krush, so there were all sorts of people on the lookout for him, hoping to get their reward.

At long last, after 14 and a half hours of slow circling... NPCScan went off. There was Krush, along with the hunter who'd been looking for Loque! And he was trying to TAME Krush!! But even with the shorter tame time, he just couldn't seem to manage. He died and saw me swoop in and whispered "Oh... I didn't know you were still out here..." I tamed the gorgeous green devilsaur and named him Gennaro. That orc hunter is now a goblin that I no longer play but hope to eventually transfer to my new home realm. The bond isn't as strong as it first was - presumably because of the race change - but he is one pet I will absolutely never let go. What a thrilling tame, even post-nerf! I was on cloud 9 for days!

I have since tamed Krush on 4 more hunters. My newest 85 got him about a week ago, and while I still adore him, my undead has forged an enormous bond with his white devilsaur named Judith. They are both ghostly pale with spikes sticking out (Judith has hers on her back while Helsingborg has his on his head) and they have almost the exact same waddle-run. What a perfect match! I absolutely adore Judith and if she is not Helsingborg's favorite pet, she is most definitely in the top two. I tamed her at level 80 and she leveled all through the cata zones with me, and last night went on her first real adventure - Blackwing Lair ^_^ I have never really even liked the white devilsaur skin before, but I can't imagine a more fitting pet for my undead hunter. I will post screens later for sure!! (At work atm)
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