Cancer effen sucks

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Cancer effen sucks

Unread post by Redith »

So its pretty much official...My lil guy has cancer. And to just complete the bad luck it is prostate cancer.....I hate this man...

I kinda wish he just....suddenly died. I think I would maybe feel better...Instead of this time bomb of a death sentence. I mean now I know soon I will have to say goodbye. I mean hell we all know we will have to say goodbye one day you get a pet, but you know it wont be for a while. Now I know its not long at all. It just
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Re: Cancer effen sucks

Unread post by Lotusii »

That's terrible. I'm so sorry about your poor pet. I understand the feeling of the death sentence wait and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Just try and stay strong. I know it will be hard but never forget to give your little guy all the love you can. News like this is so hard to take and deal with.
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Re: Cancer effen sucks

Unread post by Ana »

Ugh feel sorry for you. Wish there were something the doctors could do. My thougths are with you


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Re: Cancer effen sucks

Unread post by Sukurachi »

Maybe these aren't the words you want to hear, but...

In a sense, you are being prepared for a difficult reality of life. Some day, you will be faced with this reality repeatedly, as family members, friends, loved ones are in the same position.

The lesson to take away from this is: don't waste a SECOND of the time you have left together. The time he has left, share it with him to the fullest extent. But don't be sad (I know, not an easy task). Love him, be with him, and enjoy what you have left with him. It will make his last moments happier.

He doesn't know he's dying, at least, not in the sense that humans are "aware" of these things. But he WILL be aware of your feelings while around him. So make him be aware of your love, your support, your joy at having had the opportunity to share your life with such a wonderful little "person".

The second lesson to draw from this is: don't wait until it's too late. When you love people, show it, say it, let it be known. Let those important to you know how important they are. Don't wait for "special opportunities" to do so.

I wish I could offer to share your pain, and give you my support and courage.

A bit of palindromic wisdom:
"Step on no pets!"
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Re: Cancer effen sucks

Unread post by Electraa »

Take pictures of him. So you can remember what he looks like before death.

I didn't have pictures of my many pets, and I can only remember what they looked like when they died. And I assure you, some are not pretty.

Love him, hug him, just be thankful that you have him. In reality, it isn't that bad. It could've been worse in a sense, not that cancer isn't bad.

I hope he has a good rest of his days with you though. ;]


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