Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Post by Slapperfish »

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by TygerDarkstorm »

Same rules as everyone else; please read the front page.

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by TygerDarkstorm »

I feel like I should say this I guess in the most current area of the thread since not everyone seems to read this. These rolls can be time consuming and I don't like to spend a lot of time on them, especially if I'm doing them in a quick time span like my lunch break from work. I don't go and look up all the pets in your stables when you sign up for a roll, therefore you are more than likely to occasionally get a roll for a pet that's already in your stable. And honestly, is that so bad? This thread is for more than just getting a random pet for yourself, it's to showcase that pet, good or bad, for other people to see and perhaps discover a new pet for themself. What better thing to do when you get rolled a pet that you already have then tell us your story about why you have them? :D And if you do get a pet you haven't had before and get a new friend out of it, that's great!

As long as I've been doing this, either participating or running the thread, there's several pets that I have reviewed at least 10 times or so, and many times I've done reports on pets already in my stables. Please keep this in mind when you come into my thread. :) Rolling pets is random, not an exact science; I don't just magically know if you already have that pet or not.

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by Varethyn »

Once again Varethyn found himself pestered by this strange person, this time issued with the challenge of taming a green serpent. Now here was a beast he had never encountered before, so this challenge would yet benefit him in knowledge at least. After asking some of the local tauren (he always felt more comfortable around them than other races for some reason) the elf learned that some had appeared in Thousand Needles since the flooding caused by the Cataclysm. Armed with this information he set out to locate one of these reclusive reptiles. Deciding to preserve his Vial for now Varethyn decided to take a new acquaintance along: an exotic white windsteed gifted to him from Mei Francis of Dalaran.


It was dark when he set out, and getting cold. Finding a snake at this point would be difficult as they'd be seeking places to keep warm through the night. Thankfully though he managed to spot one amongst some shrubbery atop one of the ledges bordering the water-filled valley, possibly searching for such a place. Quickly the elf ran over to coerce it into joining him before it slipped away.


Um. Nice fangs you have there. He was not happy about being interrupted, possibly the chill was getting under his scales. Varethyn couldn't blame him, quickly activating his hearthstone to transport them both somewhere warm. Immediately upon arriving at the Shrine of Two Moons in Pandaria, where the hunter had left his hearthstone bound to from his last "pet challenge" the snake coiled up by one of the braziers. Varethyn didn't mind too much, though it took some food and a lot of coaxing to get Arvin, as he chose to name the creature for now as it was said to mean "green water" and seemed fitting for the occasion, to uncoil long enough to get a good look at him.


Even from the back, as turned while Arvin ate, Varethyn was impressed by the sheer beauty in the serpent's scales which, he realised, weren't purely green or even one shade of it, but a mixture of light and dark and flecked with yellow and blue. Each one caught the light, giving them a shiny, iridescent appearance. The yellow-orange fins bothered him though. The ones around the hood served as further intimidation purposes but what of the ones on the back? Perhaps they functioned as a sail to help gather warmth from the sun.


It was hard to properly examine Arvin's front side, as the snake insisted on swaying back and forth both distractingly and hypnotically - Varethyn had to turn away and regard his new pet out of the corner of his eye to avoid the risk of falling asleep! Another distracting factor was the tongue: Arvin would flick it out every couple of seconds to taste the air.


Those eyes... it was hard not to get lost in those dark brown-black pools even when avoiding the rhythmic swaying. They seemed almost not to work with the green colouration of his scales yet at the same time did and held a sense of mischievous cunning. Arvin would also occasionally turn one way then the other, inspecting his surroundings. It did give Varethyn a better look at the snake's belly scales, which were a creamy colour and just as shiny as the rest.

Not wanting to cause the serpent discomfort by wandering around in the cold for long Varethyn took Arvin just outside the shrine, where target dummies had been set up for practice. A good place to get an idea of his fighting skills. Arvin reluctantly slithered behind, annoyed to have been taken from his warm spot. ((Which was surprisingly hard to get a good shot of without it looking like he was standing still with Var running past him.))


Much like their first meeting Arvin started off by baring his very impressive-looking fangs that folded away inside his top jaw when not in use. A clever function, to be sure. He would then use his full force to lunge a powerful bite at the target. It appeared that was his only method of attack - no signs of poison or some such being applied. He did look to be striking faster than normal from time to time, Varethyn himself feeling spurred on by the Serpent's Swiftness. One thing the elf noted along the way was the lack of sounds. Sure Arvin hissed loudly when he first began to attack but was otherwise relatively silent in his assault on the dummy.

While an overall highly charming pet, Varethyn could sense that the only reason the reptile was staying was because it was warm here. He decided to give the snake shelter in his stables over night, promising to release him back in the flooded Thousand Needles in the morning.


One more? :D
Name: Varethyn
Level: 90
Exotics: Sure.
Restrictions: No monkeys or gorillas.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by Autumnshots »

figures I'd get the ugliest thing a hunter can tame :lol:, I'll update this in a day or so with my story. :D


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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by TygerDarkstorm »

D'aw, poor brown tallstriders get no love. :( Take a close look at their skin in good lighting, there's actually quite a bit of pretty color there that the pictures don't do justice of. :) Though I understand that not all pets are for everyone; I just have distinct memories of taming nearly every tallstrider skin for these challenges before I finally fell in love with the birds. xD

Gray Porcupine

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by Azunara »

In all honesty, I wasn't surprised the RNG had a bone to pick with me. Namely, it wanted me to try a monkey again. Random chance was never really random for me--it's well known in my family that the dice are trying to kill me. (Never get into a board game or roleplaying game with me--I'll die horribly within the first several rounds.) So it's no shock when monkey came up again. I've already had a monkey, but I wasn't about to just give up on the poor sap.

But I've already reviewed a monkey! The solution: Write something silly.

Prior monkey review is found here.


Feliandra Redlark, scout of the Alliance, was not one for monkeys. She looked at the letter--it had been written in smooth, dark red ink, written in deliberate strokes. She had posted a notice on one of the inn boards, requesting animals that needed to be tracked down and dealt with, or scouting missions that needed to be taken care of. She hadn't expected much of a response on the former, so she was surprised when the letter demanded she dealt with the monkeys lurking in the Deadmines. She figured it was one of those bleeding heart animal activists who had issues with animals being enslaved. Either way, they were paying great money, and Fel wasn't going to complain.

She entered the Deadmines with her loyal companion, Castiel (though more or less everyone called him Cas for short) to find these damned monkeys. Once you got past the reek of ogres and the possibly hazardous flames on the kobolds' skulls, the Deadmines wasn't too bad. Chilly, dank, and dark. A bit like Gilneas, in a way. Deeper in the mines, monkeys happened to be bleeding everywhere.

Between ghost-wolf and human-wolf, the goblins were rapidly dispatched and set free. Then she felt something tug on her tabard. She managed not to flinch, looking down at the small monkey grinning up at her. Fel had always been picky about her companions--she needed comrades who shared her ferocity and were willing to stand by her until the end. This grinning little bastard did not meet her criteria in anyway.

"I think you should let him stay, if only for a bit." Cas told her, pricking his ears.

Fel scowled, looking down at the monkey. "But it's so tiny." She protested.

"So was Chuck. You let him stay." The wolf retorted.

"Well, yes, but he can fly." She responded weakly. Judging from Cas' glare, he wasn't buying the excuse. With a sigh, Fel ordered Cas to make himself scarce, warning him that the monkey would stay for five minutes, and then she was going to let the bastard go in the forest, dammit! The wolf didn't even reply, gone without a trace. Feliandra peered at the spot where he stood, letting out another sigh, before looking back darkly at the tiny creature.

"Well," She said, reaching out with a bit of her energy, trying to form a bond. "Here goes nothing."
WoWScrnShot_011513_195355.jpg (111.7 KiB) Viewed 2570 times
"Light," She snarled to herself, as she furiously rubbed the hearthstone that bound her to the Drunken Hozen. "What the hell am I even going to name you?" At the inn, she took suggestions. One traveler recommended the name Fitzgerald--frankly, it was as good a name as any. Fel didn't care. She quietly cursed Cas' name under her breath, stomping out of the inn. Fitzgerald fell close behind, chattering excitedly. He didn't know what was happening, but damn it was exciting!
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The pandaren got a real kick out of seeing a large wolf-human stalking around with a tiny grey monkey. One dark look from Fel stomped their chortles, more or less, and she opted to kite ride back to the Valley where she was currently stationed. As she glided on her kite, Fitzgerald shrieking excitedly behind her, she remembered the source of her loathing.

Hozen. Light above, she hated the Hozen.

They stunk, spat, flung Light knew what at her. They shrieked and were stupid, and worse of all, they worked with the Horde. She didn't particularly dislike the Horde, and the Hozen and the Orcs were two of a kind, but anyone who sided with Hozen was definitely a threat. Mostly because they were ballsy enough to stick with the Hozen. Feliandra was pretty sure they found a kindred spirit, and she wouldn't be surprised if ogres started being stationed in Oggrimar.

To be fair, it wasn't hozen anymore that was the problem. Vermin, now. She didn't like vermin either. She was starting to dislike this whole damn continent and wished the mists hadn't parted at all. She sighed grumpily. Even worse, Fitzgerald was useless. It took her traps and several arrows to deal with an ambush--the monkey had been completely unhelpful.

As she tried to recollect her arrows and reset her traps, she heard an awful scream behind her. She whirled to find a large, furious vermin catapulting itself at her. Instinctually, she dropped to the ground, pretending she was dead. When she cracked an eye open, she saw Fitzgerald valiantly wrestling the vermin. It hissed and snapped, but Fitzgerald was far stronger.
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Soon, the vermin was lying on the ground, dead. Fitzgerald roared in triumph, chattering over and poking at Fel curiously. "I'm fine, I'm fine." The worgen snorted, pushing herself upright and looking at Fitz irritably. "Don't think this changes anything."

Fitzgerald shrieked excitedly, his tail trashing.

"Come on, Fel! He saved your life!" Feliandra started when she heard Cas' voice behind her. She twisted to peer at the ghost wolf with a hiss.

"No thanks to you," She replied.

Cas snorted, nudging the worgen. "Don't be so damn grumpy." He insisted, pushing her upright. "At least let him stay with the nice pandaren. He could help out on the farm." He said pleadingly.

"Light, Cas. When did you become a bleeding heart?" Fel demanded.

Cas grinned wolfishly at her.

With a final sigh, Fel nodded. "Fine, those farmers could probably use a crop-guard or something. I'm telling you though, no more monkeys. Ever."


Name: Feliandra
Level: 86
Exotics: Meh, not really.
Restrictions: Oh god. Not really, but knowing my luck...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by TygerDarkstorm »

Azunara wrote:He didn't know what was happening, but damn it was exciting!
That line cracked me up! :lol:

Blue Wasp

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by Zhui »

I joined the forums and rolled a new hunter entirely because of this challenge, just so you know :D

...it just looks like fun...

Name: Zhui
Level: 12
Exotics: Can't tame yet.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by TygerDarkstorm »

D'aw, I'm touched that you rolled a hunter just for/because of this thread. :3 <3 These can certainly become addicting, though I will warn of burnout because sometimes RNG can be cruel. :) Welcome!

Olive Spider

::OR since I'm not sure of your faction::

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by Varethyn »

There was seemingly no end to these "challenge tames" letters. Varethyn let a few days pass before setting out on the latest one, deciding that he actually quite enjoyed experiencing them. It got him out, exploring and making new animal friends. Who knows, maybe one might even come back with him for good. He had to admit though, this new challenge was... odd. A grey porcupine. Having spent the time around Pandaria, primarily at his unexpected farm in Valley of the Four Winds, since his last tame it was only a quick flight to the Jade Forest where this particular rodent resided. But Varethyn wasn't quite so excited to meet them this time. Something about the little creatures bothered him.


It didn't take long to encounter one of the smoky-coloured porcupines among the trees. It seemed so big at first, and so ridiculous, too. That flat nose and dopey eyes... The elf suppressed a sigh of mild disappointment as he held out an arm to channel his spirit into the beast, wondering just why it had been picked. It peered up at him curiously as he tamed it, flattening its extended quills and puffed-up fur as it relaxed. Proving it to actually be rather small.


All creatures had their capabilities regardless of size but, something didn't sit right with the hunter. Reluctantly he looked the quillrat over, which took some doing due to its size. Eventually Varethyn was forced to coax Mazin - meaning "rain clouds" - to sit on a rock so the elf could get a better look. It wasn't easy; stubborn thing insisted on curling up on the floor until Var hoisted him up himself.


Mazin stared grumpily back during the inspection, even that not adding that much charm to his features in honesty. Especially when from the side he appeared to be smiling despite his mood. That, coupled with the flat nose and buck teeth didn't make for an impressive figure. His spines, though looked to do some damage.


As he stood impatiently on the rock the porcupine merely lifted his head a little, swinging his tail slowly behind him. Nothing caught his interest, nothing excited him or even seemed to bore him. He just sat there. After lifting the moody thing down from his perch Varethyn walked around a little, thinking of how best to test Mazin as the blue-grey creature loped slowly behind.


Crossing the river into the Valley of Four Winds they accidentally roused a sleeping mushan beast from its slumber, attacking them. Mazin rushed ahead, seemingly excited to fight such a monstrosity. It was absurd to say the least, watching the tiny rodent face off with the giant lizard. Making sure to avoid the lumbering reptile Varethyn ducked in and out to observe Mazin's capability. How was he surviving? Perhaps his size was allowing him to weave effortlessly under the mushan. Some credit for that, Var supposed.


Most of Mazin's attacks focused on biting and scratching, though Varethyn did spot the porcupine perform a curious backflip that stunned the behemoth mushan. With the giant beaten there wasn't much to ask Maz to do it again with, until he remembered the virmen terrorising a nearby farm. There he asked his quilled pet to do that one attack again.


Interesting, while the flip looked silly, adding well with the rest of the ridiculous nature, it actually stunned or even paralysed all the virmen within range when the quills touched them. It didn't last long but Maz was capable of doing it fairly often if he wanted to. A handy trick when one was surrounded.




Okay, enough fooling around. Varethyn, feeling undecided with the weird little guy following him took to walking the top of the cliff at the southern end of the Valley. Maz was strange. Very strange. He looked strange and acted strange. He was extremely quiet and very handy though. He was also extremely small. Taking a seat near the edge of the cliff Var noticed Maz curl up into a tight ball to rest.


It wasn't until another, tiny porcupine scuttled past gaining Mazin's immediate attention that the elf decided to let the rodent go. The hunter wasn't attracted to Mazin, even though he did offer some useful utility. He was just too weird-looking.

((Yes, that is a porcupine critter to show just how small the tamed ones are.))


Gonna pause requests for a bit, until other stuff calms down :)

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by Kalhoun »

I need a reason to do dailies, and playing around with pets is the perfect excuse. ;)

Name: Kalhoun
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Exotics: Yes
Restrictions: None
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by TygerDarkstorm »

Sounds as good a reason to go out and dredge through dailies as any. :lol:

Ghostly Yellow Two-Headed Vulture

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by Autumnshots »

After hitting 30, Rinel decied it was time for a new pet, and since her favorite Loa insisted she find a Brown Tallstrider to befriend, she figured now would be better than never.


After landing at Vendetta Point, Rin looked at her map and sighed heavily. She realized she was only a few hundred yards away from her families home, Camp Taurajo.


She mourned for a few moments before remembering why she was there, Tallstriders! She talked to some of the locals and was told that the tallstriders she was after where mostly north from Vendetta Point, and if she got to the giant crater, she went to far. She knew it wasn't a crater, is was a chasm, but Orcs are dumb so she didn't correct him.


After picking up some quests, she headed out toward the chasm in search of her new feathered friend.


She had to get to the outskirts of the Overgrowth before she had found one she could even attempted to bond with.


Finally, Rin sang the sweet song and offered food to the ugly little bastard, and was sad she couldn't tame the much prettier pink tallstrider only a few feet away.


Rinel was upset at how small he was, she never had a tallstrider before but the ones she'd seen in Orgammar were always much taller than this thing. But she figured he would grow taller as he aged.


Not wanting to look to closely to him, they set out to complete some quests. Rinel named her new pet Littleneck. They quested, killed some things and Littleneck died....


... A lot...

Finally after being killed herself several times, Rin had enough. She said goodbye to Littleneck and decied she was going find something pretty to run around with till Tyger spoke to her again.


Can I get another roll pls?

Name: Rinel
Level: 31
Exotics: Can't tame yet
Restrictions: No more plain colored pets damnit! :lol: I've had two blue and two brown pets so far, I know its random and all but come on :P


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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by Eternallylostx »

Hmm. I'd like to toss one up for my new hunter me and My GF are leveling.

Name: Maeldonia
Level: anything up to 20
Exotics: Nu
Restrictions: Monkies and Gorilla

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by TygerDarkstorm »

Purple Parrot

::OR, in case it's not up/takes too long/Alliance area::

Orange Wasp

If you can't find either of them I'll give you a new roll. Also, I went through and hand picked these pets instead of using the /roll system so no complaining about boring colors. :P Hopefully these kind of colors are more of what you're looking for. :)

Green Turtle

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by Eternallylostx »

Squee! Turtles!

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by Autumnshots »

Finally! Something fun to tame, I think I'll tame em both! :lol:

Thanks Tyger, I appreciate it :D


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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by TygerDarkstorm »

I won't do it every single time because plain, boring pets are a part of the way this challenge works (and there's probably someone out there reading this who might like them), but I don't mind doing it once in a while. :)

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Post by Wassa »

Autumnshots wrote:figures I'd get the ugliest thing a hunter can tame :lol:, I'll update this in a day or so with my story. :D
*hugs her tallstrider* D=

A rare visitor to this forum now that I don't play WoW anymore, but forever a Petopian.

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