Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Kalhoun »

I was hoping to go out this morning to the local reptile shop and buy my sinaloan milksnake a new enclosure (he needs a bigger one), BUT I lost interest when the weather turned freezing and rainy. So before cleaning the house, I decided to go do the new dailies: I hadn't done them yet because I haven't been doing any lvl 90 stuff lately.

But first, I needed to pick up an orange beetle to come along with me!

Since some of these guys are inside AQ, and I still want two battle pets from there, I headed in that direction. I'm not terribly familiar with this place, but I guessed which entrance was the correct one and headed in.


I love these Anubis guys. I'm after the little mini pet version.


No mini Mind Flayer for me. But I did get another Battle Tank mount: the green one. I like the yellow one the most, and really wish it were available to ride outside of AQ.
Anyways, soon I was headed down into the hive to locate the beetle I needed.


They only spawn off of one of the big silithid tank bosses, which I had completely forgotten, and so there was a bit of fumbling before I got my tame off.


And so I had an orange beetle! I named her Gertie. I love beetles, they are one of my favorite hunter pets, though I usually go for the scarab models. But I do love the color orange.


Shortly after taming her, I went AFK to make some tea. Upon returning, I discovered Gertie had mysteriously died!


But she rezzed normally, so... yay!


The Anubisath pet did not drop, unfortunately. Maybe next time.

Gertie and I headed out to the coast of Krasarang (which is a word I can never remember, I always want to call it "Karasang" or something else). It was pretty darn exciting to do something new.


It was hard getting shots of Gertie fighting, since King Whatshisname kept being all heroic and getting in the way.


But she had plenty of opportunity to shine once he left. I did start feeling a bit squishy since I'm not geared at all, so I respecced her back to Tenacity. I love how beetles tank.


Well that was an adventure! What should we do now?


I know! I still want that mount out of Stonecore (my draenei warrior would look snazzy on it). So off we went to go poke at Slabhide.


Bah, it didn't drop. But killing him was a breeze.


I had a lot of fun with Gertie! I would keep her, but I really love my Rankbite Ancient (tiny grumbley turtle). He's my one and only tank.


I'd love to have another roll please!

Name: Kalhoun
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Azunara »

So after my adventures with Garth, I had come to the conclusion that one of these random pets will HAVE to be a lucky pet. (Garth was not, but he was so tiny and cute and adorable that he stayed anyways. Nothing like itty bitty wasps trying to kill giant bosses.) But today's challenge was the white crane. Out of all the cranes, the white is certainly not my favorite. I prefer the black, blue, or brown ones---they'd go quite well with my darkish worgen, I imagine? But hey, RNG is RNG, and I've never actually tamed one of the little bastards before.

So, Sparkles (Who was rapidly becoming my everything-else-but-leveling companion) and I set out to go find a crane.
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No cranes here.
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None here either.
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It was time to admit defeat and look up where the hell the cranes were in zone. We trekked up to the Aborteum, realized they were inside the temple grounds, and finally found the feathered jerks. Evidently, the pandaren were quite pleased by my taming prowess.
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I decided to name my crane Zachariah, because he's feathery and white. And he's probably a grumpy old bastard. Cranes, it should be noted, are incredibly spindly. Frankly, Zachariah doesn't look like he should be to fight anything, nevermind the angry blue dragon I was about to let him fight against.
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That said, cranes are pretty models.The detail on the feathers is absolutely superb, and there's gradients. GRADIENTS. Cranes are likely the only new MoP pet that I like, although I don't mind the direhorns much. The new tigers have squishy faces, and silkworms and porcupines are a bit silly looking. The 5.2 devilsaurs share the tiger squish faces and the jaw looks weird. (Look, I have a very twisted sense of anatomy elitism. Aaaah, art.)

Anyways, it was time to take on Skadi once more. I still doubted Zachariah--but he held his own. His ability, sing, puts the target to sleep for 4 seconds. Sort of disappointing, like Sting. Besides, too bad he wasn't lucky either.

Inevitably, the dragon didn't drop. Figures. Despite all of that, I'm still not sure about Zachariah. The crane model is pretty in the wild, but a little less pretty when I tame it. And I don't really like the white--far too bright. Thus, Zachariah was free to do as he pleased.


Name: Feliandra
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Raziella »

I got the Dark Striped Saber Cat. I'm not sure how to do the link with the picture. :c


So I went onto Darkshore, and finding him was easier than I thought. Track Hidden is especially helpful, I probably wouldn't have seen him so far away without it.


I tamed him, and we went onto to Ashenvale. I wanted to go to the WSG pvp vendor, and gave my new kitty a test run.


I ran into some enemies who were red to me, but we defeated them with little effort. It was definitely the heirlooms, but my new Night Saber didn't die once.

I decided a bit after this to roll my hunter on a different server, since she was on my main server, and I wanted to have all my characters on that server in my main (horde) guild. But when I do reroll my alliance hunter, this is definitely a cat I'll think about taming again. I love the saber skin and having a pet to match a mount that I have. :D
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Black Goat

Diseased Gray Bear

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Briamae »

Briamae's Great Gorilla Quest

After tucking Blaze and DarkStorm in their comfy stable spots, I received a message from Tyger. I was being sent on a new quest to find a Red Gorilla. I have honestly never had any monkeys or Gorillas. But I am always open to new experiences and adventures, so I thought I would still give the challenge a shot. (I mean, it is still a challenge. lol) I had been out hunting in Un'goro Crater, so I figured I would continue to hunt there while I consulted the great Petopia Oracle to see what wisdom it possessed about Red Apes. I discovered that there was a great red gorilla in a cave located in the area I was hunting. I wandered into the cave, and after killing some Un'Goro Thunderers, here comes U'cha the red Gorilla.
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I was so excited, that I found U'cha that I tamed him right away! It took me a bit to name him, but with some guildies help I named him Cynnamynn. When he came over to me I noticed the combination of bread and fungus smell on his breath. Whew! It was strong! So I figure that is what he eats. I didn't have either of those in my bags, but I had bananas. I threw him a banana and he ate it right away. Ok, I thought, so add fruit to the list. So he will eat bread, fungus and fruit.
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With my newly tamed pet, Cynnamynn, we continued to hunt around Un'Goro for awhile. He really doesn't seem to make much noise when he runs, however he does grunt when he first takes off to battle. I admit, I was curious, after the taming of DarkStorm. I poked him and he just looked at me. LOL When he attacks he has special ability of pummel, but he also smacks, growls and cowers. When you watch him fight, he raises on arm and swings...it has quite a round up for the swing, but he does have a bit longer arms to affect the attacks. He also gets up on his back legs and swings with both arms with a different attack.
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When we aren't fighting, and I'm chatting with my friends, he seems to get anxious and wants to go fight. He will randomly reach back and scratch his backside, or he will get up and pound on his chest. I think, he gets bored personally or just wants excitement, either way I warn friends that when he does that, he's not trying to pick a fight. They are very understanding.
I have taken Cynnamynn swimming on a few occasions, at first he just sank..but he seemed to get the hang of it better, and it now resembles more of a float with waving arms. Since I have never had a gorilla as a pet before, I thought this was interesting.
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I have grown many levels and now 63 years since I have tamed Cynnamynn. I have been hunting with him quite a bit. Now exploring the areas of the Outland with him. He is a great companion and I will be keeping him with my other pets.
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Thanks for another great adventure....now off for errands!
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Briamae »

Ok that was sooo much fun!

I know that exotics can't be tamed until 69 right? I'm almost 64 now so a few levels to go.
Ohh I so want to tame an exotic...LOL I'll have to have you random roll my first exotic :0)

Lvl: 64 (or 65 pet to tame is ok)
Exotics:Not Yet
Restrictions: None
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Kurasu »

The letter came in the mail as Mugwen worked on advancing his skill, preparing to be able to attain greatness within the halls of Ulduar: "Your next test of skill: to obtain a new pet and to stay with it for a time." 'I don't have time for this', Mugwen thought. However, every test was yet another test, and the great unnamed trainer above seemed to know what was best. So from the deserts of Tanaris, he hopped on the back of a gryphon, to go to Desolace and to search for the creature the letter indicated that he should test.


The trip was a long one, and once he reached the lands of Desolace, Mugwen mounted up and rode to the north, to drop off his gorgeous white serpent in the stables, and to begin the hunt for this rare beast. On the way, his hunter senses went off: a rare beast known as Hissperak was present. Although unrelated to his hunt, the call of the rare was too much to resist, and it was claimed on the way.


Finally, he reached the northern lands, where Giggler was said to roam. Expecting nothing much, he was surprised when his senses tingled: it was out there. And indeed, there he was: walking along the riverbank along with some of the armadillos.


Proud of his find, Mugwen froze it over to keep it from charging, then tamed. Arms full of pets, he took the taxi back to Tanaris to resume his training.


Once he arrived in Tanaris once more, it was time to inspect his new friend. The friend that would take the place of his white serpent for a while.


The first thing that he noticed when looking was that his new friend's loping looked... odd and stiff. The head didn't seem to move enough. The bulk of the shoulders made it look too huge. More like a boar than a hyena.


Although standing still he was quite attractive. But running alone does not a bond make. No, first it was time to quest.

The poor hyena got a bit of a trial by fire when, in the trip up, a rare appeared and he was employed to take it down. Unfortunately, said rare had some silent backup, and the hyena was forced to tank and survive a group of high level scorpids. Fortunately, he proved himself to be a survivor, earning himself a considerable amount of respect in Mugwen's eyes. As yet still unnamed, but already proving himself a powerful, and tenacious, ally.

While attacking, Mugwen was finding himself enamored with the sounds his friend made. The hyena cackles. The growls and snarls. But perhaps most importantly, the Cackling Howl. Not only was the ability the same as his beautiful white serpent's, but it *sounded* more pleasant. A gorgeous, musical howl that lifted his soul to hear.

As Mugwen quested, another panda happened to come across him. "Where did you get your pet?" he asked. Mugwen told him. "It's f***ing nice!" declared the other panda enthusiastically. Both proud and thrilled with this new attention, Mugwen continued his questing.

Screenie For Proof! WARNING for language; I didn't censor the screenshot, thus didn't link it directly for people with more delicate sensibilities.

A water quest meant that he could check out the way he swam. It was nothing particularly thrilling: a basic 'doggie paddle', but at least it did have a swimming animation.

<no screenshot here because I forgot; D'OH!>

Finally, they ended the adventure in Blasted Lands. Mugwen's taken a real shine to this hyena! His musical voice, his sounds, his way of fighting... the white serpent was beautiful, but somehow Mugwen foudn himself with a greater bond to his newest friend. And in finding that bond, he could only feel that his training had increased.


So, yeah! That was a perfect addition to my stable! I'd love another if you're up to the task. :D

Name: Mugwen
Level: 60
Exotic: Still too low level (darn it)
Limitations: None!
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Kalhoun »

Off I went to the mountains of Kun-lai Summet to find myself a black goat to tame. It's kind of funny that I was assigned a goat, since I just abandoned Stompy during a stable cleaning a week or so ago. I never used him; I had just tamed him for the fun of tracking him.

So I found my goat roaming around on one of the slopes, and landed to tame him.


Hey little buddy, wanna come hang out.... OMG THEY JUMP AROUND! I didn't know they jump around. Did you know that? I didn't know that.
Well... that's friggin' adorable.


When he was done jumping around and making me squeal like a little girl, I managed to tame him up.


Then I gave him a good look over, as I usually do once I tame something new. Nice colors. Cute model. Kind of a calm, neutral, "Pffft, I can handle this," expression. And he makes noise when I click him! I decided to name him Scapegoat.


I noticed soon afterwards that he also makes little hoof noises while running. Nice touch.
Anyways, we headed down to Lion's Landing to do some dailies. Today was apparently cave day. I hate fighting in caves, they make me feel claustrophobic. I made the choice to spec Scapegoat as a tank, because... I'm a chicken. Unfortunately, his AoE thunderstomp ability aggroed EVERYTHING and made the first pull harder than it really should have been. WHOOPS! After turning it off there were no other problems.

I noticed that goats are very chatty when they fight. Definitely one of the louder pets.




After getting through the cave (I got lost a few times), I decided to go do the Angler dailies. I admit to swimming around aimlessly because I think the way goats swim is cute.



Ok enough dailies. Time to poke Slabhide.
I also like the way goats run, though their front legs are a bit strange.




No mount again, but I think I'm going to keep Scapegoat. I haven't been doing any instances on Kalhoun for a long time so I'm not sure how I feel about the goat Trample ability, but he'll be my daily/mount farming buddy for a little bit. He was pushing my cute buttons. Strange that I like him more than I did Stompy. Maybe it's the color.
But anyways, yaaaaay!

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I love my little Stompy. :3 He gets to come play when I run old instances or am derping about.

Red Worg

Grey Turtle

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Kurasu »

As if Kura hasn't had enough time with *his* Panzer. :) Ah well! Such is what happens when you ask for 'no limitations'. I'll have that written up ASAP!
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

On the bright side, reports on pets you already know and love are faster than pets you haven't met yet thus getting a speedy reroll. xD

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Zhui »

I haven't been able to get into my little pandaren, but I still wanted to do this challenge. I already had a level 26 human hunter on my main server that I've been focusing on when not on my main, so I switched to her.

And now for the report.

I had been exploring the wetlands when the request came in. Search out a green firefly. I'd seen some fireflies when I had been in the Loch earlier, so I headed back that way.

Sure enough, I found what I was looking for.

She's a bit shy.
No matter how many times I took her picture, I couldn't get a straight on one of her face.

Her wings are very delicate, and the color blends very well on this model. I had decided to go with either a fairy or Shakespeare naming scheme after I named my white fox Puck, so when I did a quick google search on fairy names for wasps, I discovered that there was actually a wasp called the Fairy Fly. So, Myrmadae she became.

She kept falling behind when riding, and I couldn't get any good ones of her flying beside me.

Oh, NOW she looks at the camera. "You want me to fight THIS?"


All in all, I'm really happy with Myrmadae. The soft buzzing she makes reminds me of Zangarmarsh, one of my favorite zones in the game. She's definitely going to remain in my stable. She might molt if I find a color that I like better though.

Another roll, please :D

Name: Carasyn
Level: 31 (human hunter)
Exotics: Can't tame yet
Restrictions: None
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Green Basilisk w/Blue Fringes

And one for me to get around to.
White Warp Stalker

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Varethyn »

I'd love another roll if you please :) I have a feeling I might be sitting out most of tonight's raid so newcomers will have a chance to gear up and I'll need something to do in the meantime. Who knows, I might even take that pet with me!

Name: Varethyn
Level: 90
Exotics: Sure
Restrictions: No monkeys or gorillas.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Kurasu »

Due to a number of 'outside influences' as well as the fact that Kurasu is dedicated to his own Panzer, afraid the work just didn't get as much done behind this pet!

Mugwen already had a turtle. He'd had one since he was a child, and he still had one today. However, training is training: one must take the lessons they are given and one must attempt to make the best of it!

Traveling to Stormwind, to head for where he knew that the turtles would be, Mugwen was startled to have his senses tingle. What was that below him?


I... well. Huh! Serendipitous.


So in a surprising twist, Mugwen's new pet was captured, and he set about trying to take photographs.

... trying, because a little frog would *not* stay out of the shot, as seen here.


Enamored, Mugwen was finally able to move to a different place and get the appropriate shots of his new friend.


Now, as mentioned before, this is Kurasu's Panzer. I have witnessed it for years upon years. Kurasu was barely level 50 when he got his first 'Panzer', and there has never been a time that I didn't have it. Panzer has been a part of my life for years. His coloration is gorgeous (the white and pink go together wonderfully) and the pet's tanking ability is second to none. Panzer has tanked raids and heroics at level for years, and in his heyday even got to handle tanking duties for an Icecrown trash-farm, even before we were progressing. All in all, there is not enough good I can say about Panzer, and how much I love him. How he has worn different skins, yet always returned to his glorious self.

... and yet, this isn't Panzer. This is Mugwen's 'turtle'. And due to the fact that Mugwen has his own turtle, and simply bonded with it better, even after running dungeons and saving groups from a wipe, Mugwen quite simply had to release his new friend and consider the training finished. Sometimes, there is more to a pet than just a model!

However, at least one 'keeper' came of this little adventure:


Not as good as my usual, I know. I hope you can forgive me and see it in your heart to give anoter! ;)

Name: Mugwen
Level: 69 (presently 66, but should be 69 by the time this comes up)
Limitations: None! ... except no grey turtle and no white hyena, since I've already done them recently. :)
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Varethyn »

So, turned out I was dragged into raid after all, two days in a row, and both went on late. Bah. Anyway, belated croc tame!


Varethyn had decided to check his mail in hopes to soothe his mild irritation at one of his pets' decision to "play" with his clothes while he was bathing, making do with another set of armour he'd thankfully had the foresight to hold onto during the time it took to have his original gear repaired. He was indeed pleased to find another challenge had been issued, this time being a green crocolisk. One of the less "oriental", as most people described it, variety. The hunter knew various places this species could be found, as it was a rather common creature in Pandaria. A thought occurred to the elf before he tapped into his hearthstone. A few had even been spotted in both Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. One in particular stood out in Loch Modan, the clutch mother Gosh-Haldir.


She wasn't in her usual place when Var arrived. Undeterred the hunter waited for her return, which proved to take some time. Ducking down onto her mound it was easy to avoid the few other crocs that roamed the area. Strangely Gosh-Haldir seemed quite happy to run over to the elf when he reached out to her with his spirit to form the bond, so much so that he was surprised into breaking away momentarily to register the large green reptile's intentions. Once settled Var finished the procedure, Gosh's mind sliding alongside his and instantly showing him why she'd been so eager to join him, and why she'd been in hiding. Fear. She was scared, possibly forced away from her nesting mound a good many times due to poachers or uncaring passers-by. The clutch mother's green skin and fear joined in with memories of an old friend met under unlikely circumstances - a young orc girl who also happened to be a hunter and had a pet crocolisk of her own. With a small smile Varethyn gave the orc's name to his new partner: Kinsy.


For a time Varethyn knelt next to the scared crocolisk, comforting her and taking the time to admire her looks. She was beautiful with her sleek, emerald skales, rounded snout, piercing green eyes and turquoise flares along her back. It was the first time, too, that he noticed the darker patches along her back and tail, giving her a mottled appearance. Dark knobs accentuated her back scales, presumably formed as extra defence. The one thing that truly set Kinsy's species apart from the "classic" croc were the spikes around the top of her head and along the tip of her tail. Those, coupled with the nasty-looking teeth in her powerful jaws made the elf wonder just how such a beast could be scared by anything.
But the thing that really stood out about her was that smile. True, it wasn't a real, happy smile but it made him grin out of humour nonetheless.


While Varethyn marvelled over his new pets' appearance Kinsy began to settle, nervously swishing her tail from side to side. Once or twice she lashed her head about, parting her jaws and displaying her teeth at some imagined threat. It made the elf jump the first time, not knowing what to expect. Deciding staying at the mound was a bad idea Varethyn took them both back to Pandaria for some peace. Kinsy remained tense in her new surroundings however. Perhaps she would ease in the company of her own kind? With this in mind the hunter carried the croc down to Kraserang to introduce her to the locals. She seemed thrilled by the small island full of other crocs!


Varethyn was pleased with Kinsy's reaction and the answering hisses (some unfortunately more territorial than curious) from the mortbreath crocolisks. He'd considered leaving her there given how happy she seemed, but as he turned to leave she waddled up behind him again. Well, the elf didn't want to put her in any danger. Yet now it seemed he couldn't get rid of her either. With a resigned sigh and a smile he welcomed Kinsy into his stables for as long as she felt happy there.



Name: Varethyn
Level: 90
Exotics: Sure
Restrictions: No monkeys or gorillas.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Nick »

screams because i'm really bad at getting to these and have managed to now forget about two of the past three i've been given
lets see if this round is any better
you can also just re-dump a previous one on me but i doubt you want to go through the board to find them

Name: Deathlyholow
Level: 90
Exotics: Yup
Restrictions: No monkeys/gorillas/raid pets

Battlenet: Nick#115610
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Briamae »

Briamae's Quest for the Red Worg Wonder..Remembering the Past

As I sat back in my comfy chair, in Deepwater Tavern, I remembered the day the Blaze had come into my life. I had been sent out on a quest to find a Black Worg, which lead me to the Blackrock mountain area.
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I had wandered around the area for some time, and my good friend, Goldie, came by to see if I needed help. We came across some orcs who had Scarshield Worgs, beautiful red worgs, with them. Goldie had reminded me that it was always good to have a temporary pet, until we found the Black Worgs. So Goldie keep the orcs and other worgs occupied as I tamed one of these red worgs.
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Goldie and I continued on, but I was unable to bring a Black Worg home. So I decided to keep my new friend and take him home. The first thing I noticed was not only his shades of red in his coat, but also all his underside fur was white. He had piercing green eyes. ( I am a dwarf who LOVES green eyes.) As we stood outside Blackrock, I named him Blaze.
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He doesn't mind swimming, he has a very smooth paddle, equal to other worgs of his size. I have been growing in my studies, and decided I would finally start working on my professions. So as I was out farming for minerals, I would have Blaze keep a watchful eye.
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His skills are bite, growl,cower and his special ability is furious howl. When he does this a spark of lightening surrounds him and all attention is on him during battle. I have seen him run up and start a fight that way, but also during the middle of the fight he will do it again. He runs very quietly, and only seems to make noise when he first takes off to fight an opponent and growls. When he gets hungry I toss him a piece of meat, and he makes a yap/growl kinda of noise. I have always taken that as a "Thanks for the grub!"

I went into Blackrock Mountain to go after one type of pet. I came out with Blaze and DarkStorm (the black worg). I have already decided to keep Blaze with me. He is a good tank to me, and I like his gait when he runs especially when I'm on my horse or goat.
Thanks for the adventure!
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Briamae »

Well, it's time! I'm so happy! Would you please roll for my first exotic? I'm lvl 67 now, but would like you to go ahead and roll for it :0) Gives me that goal to push for 69 (like I don't already have it but still.. LOL)

Name: Briamae
Exotics: first one.. yes please
Restrictions: Still open for new adventures!
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