Not crying anymore - Update!

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Not crying anymore - Update!

Unread post by Kintsugi »

I don't even understand why this happened. I'd been upset about being expected to be in Mumble constantly. I guess I should have just been in Mumble all the time even tho I don't like voice chat. We were with them since the guild was lvl 8. Its 25 now. I just..I...
I feel sick.

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Last edited by Kintsugi on Sat Jan 25, 2014 2:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Lisaara »

Oh hun...I'm so so sorry. *hugs tight*

While I do like people to hop into mumble to chitchat, the only time it's a requirement is for raiding, merely to listen. Don't have to talk or nothing.

If you need anything, you're more than welcome to make a toon on Moon Guard and join my guild. We're friendly folk. We like new faces! Maybe it might do you some good to get away from it all.

But if you don't wanna do that, you can talk to me in PMs here and vent about what happened. *hugs*

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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Kintsugi »

I'd talked to the guild leader (the guy whose name is blacked out for confidentiality) a few hours before this about my frustrations, because I considered him a friend. I thought I could talk to him, and since he has say as GL would tell us the best thing to do. He gave me and my friend who also got kicked the options of letting it go as far as feeling like not part of the mumble clique hence not part of the guild anymore since its a small guild (getting mumble changed things and if you weren't in mumble, well, you weren't included), being in mumble often or considering leaving if it was causing stress for us and one certain other member. We decided to just let it go. So we felt left out, but, we cared about the guild. And we'd just try to tolerate mumble sometimes. But then this. No warning. This...I never saw this coming.

And thank you, Junrei. You're a sweetheart *hug*
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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Tsiya »

So sorry this happened. I really don't understand people sometimes. :hug: you're welcome to visit us on Nesingwary!

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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by ashdawn »

My guild recently split up, all of it. been in it since level 4, I feel your pain entirely.
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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by zedxrgal »

So sorry this happened. But personally, to me, you may be better off. Is this guild a serious hardcore raiding guild? If not, then that's childish and petty for them to kick you and your friend over something so minor. This is something that yes could and should be expected from a hardcore raiding guild.
Guessing by what you've said. It's not.

I understand you loved the guild but some things are for the best. As Tsiya said. You're more than welcome on the original Petopian guilds on Nesingwary if you want to try us out. VERY relaxed guilds. Mumble not required. :lol:

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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Rower »

I feel sorry for you! But since I played I changed many guilds on many realms, guild drama happens and imo it's something a bit silly most of the time.

I'm glad I found a nice really social guild on Argent Dawn EU. No dramas or cliques, just nice people to chatting and play together with.
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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Lisaara »

Kintsugi wrote:I'd talked to the guild leader (the guy whose name is blacked out for confidentiality) a few hours before this about my frustrations, because I considered him a friend. I thought I could talk to him, and since he has say as GL would tell us the best thing to do. He gave me and my friend who also got kicked the options of letting it go as far as feeling like not part of the mumble clique hence not part of the guild anymore since its a small guild (getting mumble changed things and if you weren't in mumble, well, you weren't included), being in mumble often or considering leaving if it was causing stress for us and one certain other member. We decided to just let it go. So we felt left out, but, we cared about the guild. And we'd just try to tolerate mumble sometimes. But then this. No warning. This...I never saw this coming.

And thank you, Junrei. You're a sweetheart *hug*
Geeze. This, to me, is incredibly petty to kick someone over. Like I said, only time I ask anyone to be in mumble is for raiding just to listen and that's valid to me(I'd never kick anyone over that regardless) but just to talk? Wat? No. That's just dumb, imho. My officers nor myself would EVER do something like that. I just told my fiance(he's one of the Co-GMs) and he agreed that this was just stupid to be kicked for. He also opens his arms to you to welcome you amongst us and feels awful you're so heartbroken. *hugs tight* We both do. We also got a little Horde guild on the Malygos server that one of my other Co-GMs runs for shiz and giggles. So there's that too if you're Horde.

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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Kintsugi »

No, it was about the furthest thing from a raiding guild. I'd understand the mumble obsession if it was for raiding.

So maybe the "better off without" is actually quite true.

I really appreciate the offers of "come hang out with us" from all of you. Its very sweet :) And who knows, maybe I'll pop in and say hi sometime :)

My friend and I decided to move forward and stand our ground, because this is a server we both like, and made our own guild. It will probably be just the two of us for now, and we gave it a silly name to cheer ourselves up ;) At least there won't be drama that way. Should be interesting to try to level a guild with just two people. I guess it will keep us busy, right? So, we'll be ok. And our tabard is better than theirs anyway! :headbang:
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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Tsiya »


(but really, now I'm curious about the name and tabard...)

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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by peanutbuttercup »

I find that a very strange requirement for a non raiding guild. Even then many raid guilds are somewhat lax about vent/other voice chat requirements (all my guilds have "required" it and none have enforced it). I guess the only other time I could imagine a requirement for being on a voice chat would be for RP events, organized BGs/arenas and other similar things where it's not practical to just type.

Good luck to you and your friend with your new guild!
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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Kintsugi »

Hehe, well, its probably more amusing to us. Its a bit of "ya had to be there" But you know the phrase "going to ground" as in an animal taking shelter/hiding in its den or burrow, which figuratively can mean a person hiding. And we both felt like hiding after this, which turned into having a burrow. But. Instead of a burrow being a hiding place, its OUR burrow and we own it. For The Burrow! To us, its funny. XD
And in keeping with our burrow-ness, we have the nice dark chocolate background with a big, white, fuzzy, and very clawed paw on it. Cause we stand tooth and claw, or hoof or paw, for our burrow. Rawr!
;) Yep, its silly. But it makes us giggle. :D
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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Wain »

Wow, that's really crappy. Even if they *were* a hard-core raiding guild, the worst they should consider is removing you from the raiding group if you're not in chat. Booting you from the guild is pointless at best, but probably a bit sociopathic given your history with them. It sounds like you're better off without them, not that that lessens the feeling you've been kicked in the guts. :(
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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Dewclaw »

I once got booted from a guild because the gm's BFF didn't like me. She said either I get booted or she leaves, so yeah. Funny thing is it was just an excuse anyway. She left the guild and joined a raiding guild right after.
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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Castile »

Im so sorry this happened to you! I have been in a few guilds in my time but NEVER had to leave due to not chatting in freakin mumble!!! What a completely stupid reason to kick someone especially ppl who helped build your guild! Raiding I understand but a social conversation?? It sounds like these ppl have the mentality of children "not in our clique so hit the road".

I'm glad you have made your own guild :) I did that after our last raiding guild emploded and I'm very happy now. I have toons in Junrei's guild for social interaction (they are very nice and welcoming!) when I need it and my main is in a semi-raiding large guild and they too are very nice! Nice ppl are out there so don't feel like you have to be a lone wolf if you don't want to :)

I do like to lvl my alts in my little guild tho too, just me, my fiance and a close friend there now. No drama. No fuss. Real id is also an awesome way to keep in touch and keep the social aspect alive - in fact most of my friends are on other servers and most of my convo happens there!


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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Smyelmdar »

I'm very sorry to hear what happned, but I have to say as some other have already said, that you're probably better off without them anyway.
And I also agree that the reason they kicked you is very silly. It's the schoolyard all over again.
But once you get a little distance from this bad experience, I'm sure you'll enjoy having your own guild. It can be very fun, and you make up the rules youself. :P
Luckily I have never really had any of those experiences, cause when I joined WoW I made my own guild from the start. I have been in many guilds on other than my main server, but I play there so rarely that I don't expect them to let me stay in their guilds.
I wish you luck with your new guild! :)


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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Tsiya »

I love it! For the Burrow!

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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Kintsugi »

Silver lining :) We're getting set up to start recruiting people in a couple months, once we get to at least level 10. And we're gonna interview the heck out of people! XD And we'll be a better guild that the one that kicked us was. *nods* For the Burrow!
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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Rawr »

What is Chatter? :mrgreen:


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Re: I....I'm...just gonna go cry now.

Unread post by Lisaara »

You can recruit sooner than that. Level 5+.

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