Favorite mounts and why?

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Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by Iowawolf »

It is back the favorite mount and why question with many new mounts everyone is getting in our world of Azeroth I think we need to give shout outs to our mounts. For me it has to be my new Hearthsteed because it is so sweet looking the way it runs and when it flies it is so smooth compared to the sparkle pony also I like how the wings disappear when it lands. Another mount is my Time Lost Proto Drake it was why I had to bring my now 90 over to another account just to keep it I also like the way it roars and the way it has blue in the mouth. My next favorite is the Winterspring Frostsaber back when I got it there was no twenty day daily it took a month or so to grind the rep needed believe me it was a pain but well worth it in the end when I earned it.
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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by Makoes »

Obsidian Nightwing. This mount as become my most used mount since I got it. I just love turning into a panther, running along in a glossy sleek body, and then taking to the air on feathery wings. That it also allows other players to ride on me is an added bonus, especially since I've a friend who tends to get lost easily...

For ground mounts though I love my Raven Lord. I got it back when druids where the only ones who could summon it, so many runs and then Finally it dropped. I've treasured it so much since then.

Other notable mounts are the Cloud serpents, any of the blue or black ones I use the most, Heart of the aspects is one of my all time favorite mounts, its just soooooooo stunning and glowy!! I would use it a lot more if it weren't for the rather bouncy movement that the rider is subjected to.
My Hearthsteed and Headless horseman's mount are default mounts for certain toons now. Both I love very much!!
Other ground mounts are my travelers mammoth and Water strider, both are just so damn handy!!!
And I love my Brewfest Ram, the retired one :D I've always preferred that model of ram over the faster ones, and to have it on a retired mount...its my little bit of sinful bragging.


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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by Vephriel »

I started writing a reply with just one mount but then I'd remember another and then another and....it just escalated from there. Sorry for the long post! ;w;

1. Phosphorescent Stone Drake
This mount nearly cost me my sanity. It took me close to 6 months of camping to finally find and get Aeonaxx, and since that day this has been my top favourite mount. Not for that reason alone, I'm also super fond of purple/green colour schemes so I was drooling over this guy from the initial datamining leaks. Of course it had to end up as the ridiculously rare one, but either way, I love him. ♥ He even got a nickname - Aeomortis.

2. Corrupted Hippogryph
Another dream mount, I had been sighing over this loot card for years until I finally decided to treat myself and buy it online. It wasn't cheap, but I desperately wanted this beautiful creature, so it was worth it for me. His name is Harbinger.

3. Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent
Ahhhh this is such a gorgeous mount! I was in love with the original onyx cloud serpent, and when this one was released I was so pleased that RNG was nice enough to give it to me on the 3rd kill. I just love the vivid blue lightning against the black. Mine's named Enigma.

4. Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher
I was sitting with just one achievement left on this meta for years. Finally finishing it and getting this in the mail was a great feeling. Even if it was late I'm so excited about finally having this beautiful undead dragon. I love the purple armor and piercings, and those spiderweb wings are fantastic!

5. Forsaken Warhorse
I've still never seen the Baron's horse drop, but I quickly forgot about that mount when this was released. I love the colours even more on this one, it's easily my favourite ground mount!

6. Ironbound Proto-Drake
Another frustrating amount of time holding onto just one missing part for this guy, but he was worth every moment (especially that damn dwarf achievement). Though I'm sad I was never able to get the black one, this one's probably tied as my favourite proto-drake.

7. Onyx Netherwing Drake
An oldie but still a favourite, netherwings have always been a dragon species I loved. Those shark features are too awesome, and they'll always have some nice BC nostalgia tied to them.

8. Iron Skyreaver
Okay okay last one! One of the most recent additions, but I am blown away by this model. The animations and textures look amazing!
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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by Snowbird »

I also have a few that are my fave. A bunch of new ones to! :)

1. Spectral Tiger


The reason this pretty spectral kitty is my number 1 is because ever since i first saw it in Burning Crusade, i have wanted it so bad. And when its now mine i use it all the time.
Such a treasure! With the little spectral kitty to run beside her! Her name is Spectra :)

2. Mimirons Head


So i got the funny head of Mimiron. I have allways thought this mount was so cool! And now when i got it im completly inlove with it. The flap flap sound of its propellers! And those eyes! Are to die for! His name is Mims!.

3. Heavenly cloud serpent


I have allways loved the japaneese Tribal dragons/serpents and the whole style of their colture. When i saw this cloudserpent model i was already inlove.! Its goregous!
My most wanted mount the Heavenly onyx cloudserpent is just to die for. So i want to add this pretty model of the cloudserpent. Heavenly golden cloudserpent.!

4. Reins Of Galakras


In Wrath of the lich king. The only mounts i used was protodrakes!. I loved the model and the flight style is just adorable. When i saw this beauty i HAD to get it!. This pretty boy has to be the prettiest protodrake in the game in my eyes! I call him Galak.

4. Phosphorescent Stone drake


This beauty of a stonedrake took me 3 months of sleepless nights of hating on bats! This stonedrake has to be the prettiest of them all.! And ofcourse its the green/purple colour that strikes me most. It also fits my transmog really well. Love green! :)

5. Dreadsteed


I have allways loved my Loyal Dreadsteed since the first time i rode her. But when she got her Green fire as i did. It fels like she and i are more 1 now. She is such a beauty!.


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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by ashdawn »

7. Hearthsteed - It just looks amazing however I think the wings could be better and its very common
6. The raven lord/flametalon - Both of these mounts just look amazing and as a sucker for purdy birds I just couldent not put them here.
5. Ironbound protodrake - It just looks amazing, look at those runes!
4. icebound frostbrood vanquisher - As someone who likes sindragosa's voice for whatever reason its just amazing to look at also its one of the last things I did with one of my WoW friends as she hasnt been online in a few months.
3. The dread raven - This thing had me loving it to death the moment I saw the very first concept model! the raven lord is already one of my favorites
2. Heavenly onyx cloudserpent - Now, this was Suuuper hard to decide from the first place, I have to say I love them both equally but my number 1 is just... ill explain later :3. This mount just looks so freakin cool with so much rarity it makes me want 20 of them.

Before I get to 1 I want to list off some that I would have liked to have put on here but couldent put them above or below some of the mounts here, ill go over them in short.

kara horse - Rarity, got lucky and cool flames

slate primordial direhorn - 60 something kills, got it with a good friend

heroic garrosh mount - It looks awesome, need I say more?

Spectral tiger - Look at it! also expensive things are automatically cool, right? right?

Aaaaand my number 1 pick iiiis...


Yup, in my opinion the best mount in the entire game and better than the onyx cloud serpent due to nostalgia damnit :3

This thing is the peak of WoW for me, not heroic raiding, world firsts or any of that kind of thing. I dont feel up to those but this thing... This just looks amazing for one, has my favorite lore in the entire game for two and for three the rarity is outstanding on an incredible fight.

Invincible will always be my favorite mount :D It shall always be the legendary golden sword in the stone on the top of a mountain far far away but that wont stop me trying every... single... week... /cry
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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

I was so happy to finally get a Silithid mount I could ride everywhere. I'll just reproduce my post from the mount accomplishment thread, as I nearly went insane digging this one up:

(apologies to Sting)

A stone's throw from Ramkahen
I walked a lonely mile in the moonlight
And though a million stars were shining
My heart was lost on a distant planet
That whirls around the April moon
Whirling in an arc of sadness
I'm lost without you.
Though all my kingdoms turn to sand
And fall into the sea
I'm mad about you.

And from the dark secluded valleys
I heard the ancient sighs of sadness
But every footstep I thought only of you
And every star a grain of sand
The leavings of a dried up ocean
Tell me, how much longer?

They say a city in the desert lies
The vanity of an ancient king
But the city lies in broken pieces
Where the wind howls and the vultures sing
These are the works of man
This is the sum of our ambition.
With every prison blown to dust
My enemies walk free
I'm mad about you.

And I have never in my life
Felt more alone than I do now
Although I claim dominions over all I see
It means nothing to me
There are no victories
In all our histories, without love.

And though you hold the keys to ruin
Of everything I see,
I'm mad about you, mad about you...
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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by Arthur »

Flying Mounts

1. Onyxian Drake
I had been doing the raid every week for a long time and it FINALLY dropped for me one night when I did it late because I was sick - I was so overjoyed that I almost forgot how bad I felt. I love it.

2. Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher
I had all the achievements but the bitten one - I needed to NOT be a vampire. So one day I decided to join an ICC transmog run in hopes of getting lucky... And I did! I got my achievement and my beautiful mount. I love her to pieces, she is one of the most amazing dragons in the game.

3. Enchanted Fey Dragon
The cutest, most colorful dragon ever! I just love him.
The animations are too cute <3

4. Azure Drake
This dragon is so pretty. And such a surprise to get too.
It made me so very happy. I just love the shades of blue.

5. Green Proto-Drake
This guy was my first lucky moment in game.
I had been doing the dailies every day to get revered and my FIRST egg hatched into this handsome boy.
That is still one of my fondest memories.

Ground Mounts

1. Blue Shado-Pan Riding Tiger
Another one I hurried my dailies for. Tigers are my favorite big cat and these mounts are
beautiful. I love the color scheme on this on especially. <3

2. Great Brewfest Kodo
Such a fun mount, I like riding around on him.

3. Red Primal Raptor
It's a raptor! What more can I say.. As Alliance, I like being able to ride a raptor! lol.
I miss him squeaking when I /mountspecial though! 8(

4. Winterspring Frostsaber
In love with this mount forever. The color!
So gorgeous and will always have a special place in my heart.

5. White Polar Bear
Another one I got lucky with.. She dropped from my first bag.
It's a bear, it's creamy white, what can you not like..
She's a keeper <3

Honorable Mentions (lol):
Blue Proto-Drake
Heart of the Aspects
Iron Skyreaver
Sky Golem
Swift White Hawkstrider
Raven Lord
Amber Scorpion
Onyx Cloud Serpent
Winged Guardian
Violet Netherwing Drake
Argent Hippogryph

Weh.. Sorry for the long-winded post!

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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by Jurz »

I have yet to get my favorite mount...My guild just doesn't really run ICC anymore, and I've never ran it before so I'd hate to try to 1 or 2 man it x.x (I think it's possible??)
It's the Frost Wyrms. Either of them. They are all so beautiful. I have adored the model since Warcraft III and I hope to get one one day T.T
I also love the newest wolf mount, and I love the Tiger mount from old ZG. I solo'd that place FOREVER and never got it :( but I can still marvel at it, right?? :P


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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by ashdawn »

Jurz wrote:I have yet to get my favorite mount...My guild just doesn't really run ICC anymore, and I've never ran it before so I'd hate to try to 1 or 2 man it x.x (I think it's possible??)
It's the Frost Wyrms. Either of them. They are all so beautiful. I have adored the model since Warcraft III and I hope to get one one day T.T
I also love the newest wolf mount, and I love the Tiger mount from old ZG. I solo'd that place FOREVER and never got it :( but I can still marvel at it, right?? :P
Do you have any achievements? I'd be happy to help you get a few. ashdawn#1723 if you're interested :). I've done it many times and its not that hard, just need the people.
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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by Jurz »

ashdawn wrote:
Jurz wrote:I have yet to get my favorite mount...My guild just doesn't really run ICC anymore, and I've never ran it before so I'd hate to try to 1 or 2 man it x.x (I think it's possible??)
It's the Frost Wyrms. Either of them. They are all so beautiful. I have adored the model since Warcraft III and I hope to get one one day T.T
I also love the newest wolf mount, and I love the Tiger mount from old ZG. I solo'd that place FOREVER and never got it :( but I can still marvel at it, right?? :P
Do you have any achievements? I'd be happy to help you get a few. ashdawn#1723 if you're interested :). I've done it many times and its not that hard, just need the people.
I don't have a single one T.T


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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by tchtk »

Jurz wrote:
ashdawn wrote:
Jurz wrote:I have yet to get my favorite mount...My guild just doesn't really run ICC anymore, and I've never ran it before so I'd hate to try to 1 or 2 man it x.x (I think it's possible??)
It's the Frost Wyrms. Either of them. They are all so beautiful. I have adored the model since Warcraft III and I hope to get one one day T.T
I also love the newest wolf mount, and I love the Tiger mount from old ZG. I solo'd that place FOREVER and never got it :( but I can still marvel at it, right?? :P
Do you have any achievements? I'd be happy to help you get a few. ashdawn#1723 if you're interested :). I've done it many times and its not that hard, just need the people.
I don't have a single one T.T
You can also use the OQueue addon to make or find groups to do the achievements.
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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by Lupen202 »

God, this is hard.

Ground mounts:

1. Spectral Tiger


A new addition to my collection, but I have wanted a spectral tiger for many years.
I'm so happy to have finally obtained him; no picture ever does this beauty justice <3

2. Raven Lord


I've had this guy for awhile now, and I remember I wanted him as soon as I knew of his existence.
Back in BC, you had to have a druid with you. So my chance to get this guy wasn't the best. But I farmed a lot during wrath and got this beauty after a hundred-and-some runs.

3. Qiraji Battletank


Farming this guy was a pain but so worth it; I wish I joined in vanilla to have a chance at the legendary silithid,
but this guy is a fine substitute. Having a silithid outside of Ahn'qiraj is awesome!

4. Frostwolf Howler


Not the rarest but still one of my most loved mounts. I've always loved wolves, and my first pet on my hunter was actually a white wolf - Timber from Dun Morogh.
That wolf is seven years old; I'd never abandon him. And this is the closest mount-version of him!

5. Zulian Panther


Sadly, I never managed the Zulian tiger. I actually saw the dang thing drop once but lost the roll. It's replacement while not as astounding,
is still very gorgeous and has become a favorite of mine as well.

Flying Mounts:

These were a bit harder to choose between... but...

1. Onyxian Drake


What is there to say? I just love her <3

2. Phosphorescent Stonedrake


I camped Aeonaxx on and off for three or so months and ended up seeing him spawn three times before I finally got him for myself.
Many sleepness nights and many heartattacks went into getting this guy... but it was all worth it!

3. Time-lost Proto-drake


He wasn't as bad as Aeonaxx proved to be, but I did end up farming him quite a bit during Wotlk,
yet I managed to snag him during early-cata while doing Arch one day! :o

4. Dread Raven


Again, not a super rare one. But an instant favorite from the time it was first shown. I just love everything about it!

5. Emerald Pandaren Pheonix


I always loved these phoenixes, but I was always scared to try and do CMs. But when the announcement of their removals came I sucked it up and attempted a few.
It turned out to not be as bad as I expected and I ended up getting the silvers required for this girl. I loved them all but ultimately decided on the emerald.

6. Azure Drake


Ok so I can't stop at five for these! Number six is the Azure drake - I just love the armor it has, not to mention such a lovely shade of blue.

7. Cobalt Netherwing


One of my more special mounts. The netherwings were the first drakes I ever obtained;
I started working towards them as soon as I hit 70 back in BC. He's seven years old, one of the few I've actually named,
and has been the subject of many of my drawings. :P Emerrus.

8. Ashes of Al'ar


There are still many mounts that are "dreams" of mine that I haven't gotten (or will never get),
that would easily place on this list. Namely Flametalon, Astral serpent, Zulian tiger, Invincible, Heavenly Onyx and Son of Galleon.

Sorry for the long post >.>

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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by Kööna »

My top 10

1.Invincible's Reins: Since I saw this mount back in WotLK, I KNEW I wanted it. It was my dream mount...

2.Onyxian Drake: I was farming with my boyfriend and this beauty dropped. He passed on it and let me have it...even though it's his favorite mount.
no pic

3.Time-Lost Proto-Drake: I spent so much time farming for this beauty...It's just... -sighs-
no pic

4.Rivendare's Deathcharger: First rare mount I farmed!!

5.White War Talbuk: Definitely not a rare mount, but I farmed like crazy for it. I remember the first time I saw a talbuk and I went: That...I wanna ride THAT!

6.Big Love Rocket: Just a beautiful rare mount!

7.Kor'kron War Wolf: It's a wolf!!!!! (I'm a Night Elf...lmao)

8.Fiery Warhorse: Ever since BC, I've been wanting that horse, and it's mine!

9.Jeweled Onyx Panther: A good friend gave it to me for my birthday.

10.Sandstorm Drake: A good friend, that I actually don't talk to anymore, gave it to me for my birthday.
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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by Aeladrine »

My favourite mounts are the plagued proto drake and the white hawkstrider, though I only have the hawkstrider. They're both so lovely!
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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by Divixon »

my faves.

1. Brewfest Ram - not the swift version. can remember farming my butt off since that world event back then, last day and a few hours left till it finishes, got it when i had 10minutes left on the timer.. so freakin lucky rofl.

2. Bone-White Primal Raptor - me and my friend parked our butts outside on some rocks nearby before blizz patched in, both farmed 2 days straight and got the mount, zero sleep rofl..

3. both spectral gryphon/steed - fun if you are a SP - they blend in and you look like your riding the air - maby some whispers on whats your trick ;)

4. Enchanted Fey Dragon - who dosent love toothless?

5. last but not least - Armored Blue/Red Dragonhawk - finaly got my 200th mount - looks good on horde and alliance

brewfest ram my major fave, rare =3
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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by Redith »

My two favorite ground mounts are these


They both are awesome mounts that work well for a hunter, I love the Talbuck because it looks legitly like something a hunter elf would ride.

as for flying mounts....I don't have a favorite. Maybe it is because all the mounts I have don't feel like something a hunter would ride, maybe it is because I only have the lowest level of flying mounts, like heathsteed, copper dragon, and the basic horde fly-mounts.
I wish there was a giant hawk, or...something...just none of the fly mounts feel very hunter lol
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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by SpiritBinder »

I do certainly have some favourites, but they also tend to come in and out of my favourites as time/expansions and transmogs change. They also different from character to character.

I’ve always LOVED engineering (I’m a the departments technician at work and it’s my job to tinker/fix things as well as teach) Both my hunters (one horde and one ally) are pretty similar in transmog using an engineering/steampunkesque theme and both use the same mounts.
Whatever toon or theme I have, I always tend to mix and match my Ground and Flying mounts too, making sure they are different so my ground mounts don’t feel to left out.

But for the boys above (the allly hunter has ALWAYS been my main from day 1, even after a few faction and races changes :P ) I would normally use the
Image OR Image
(The non-epic version, I preferred the more "rustic" look )

That was of course until I could get the ultimate flying engineering/steampunkesque mount for these guys. Which, thanks to Wain, I got a few weeks back now and get to use this beauty for the boys, I could seriously not be more happy.


Other mentions would be my DK Night Elf's combo of her Spectral Gryphon and Spectral (Non-armoured) tiger. The spectral tiger I actually pulled out of a booster pack of cards back in BC about a month after it came out and have had for a very long time, I seriously could not believe my luck (I even went back and gave the card shop owner a bottle of wine as a thankyou). It was originally on my hunter until mounts became account wide, but has a special place in my collection as I didn't buy it off ebay or the AH and it's just super lucky for me.

Other "phases" I've gone through have had great combos, and I have really been so lucky and have some amazingly rare mounts, but stand out mounts that I just seem to keep coming back to or love, regardless of rarity are....

Image Image Image Image Image Image
(yeah I had/have a thing for blue <.<)

Lastly I also rode the Blue X-51 for just about the entirety of Cata and a lot of Wrath and still has a special place in my heart.
Image Image


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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by Bikutandabis »

I like to swap mounts now and then, but I most often use the
Black War Raptor - goes with the Hunter main transmog
Tan War Talbuk - a long rep grind.
The Pandaren flying manhole cover
The Kron'something guild reward scorpion.
The Tillers goat, when I feel like a laugh :)

I dislike the big flying mounts. I use the flying manhole cover when flying to look for herbs, mining nodes etc. Much easier to see.
I would really love to have a mount destroyer for characters that use mounts at mailboxes, quest givers, etc. :)
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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by Sukurachi »

I'd like to know how people get their hands on the Spectral Tiger mount.

I've only seen it for sale at $500+, which is WAY out of my financial reach, even for a mount I'd kill for.

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Re: Favorite mounts and why?

Unread post by peanutbuttercup »

Sukurachi wrote:I'd like to know how people get their hands on the Spectral Tiger mount.

I've only seen it for sale at $500+, which is WAY out of my financial reach, even for a mount I'd kill for.
Buy it in game with gold. It'll take a whole lot of saving but it's doable if you focus on it as your main goal in game. That's how I picked up the other TCG mounts, but as I still lack the epic Spectral Tiger my goal now is to save up for that.

I got lucky with the rare version, a friend sold it to me for under 100k since he only wanted the epic one.
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