San Antonio teen murders dog

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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

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I still pray it's fake. If it is... As much as I don't like PETA, I'm glad they took notice.

Kid still needs help.

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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

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this is just sad i hate how we treat our companions in life sometimes i think it would be better off with no humans
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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

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I don't know how many pigs and cows and rabbits and geese and chicken and what not are being slaughtered every day just to lay in a fridge, ready to be bought and thrown away when no one wants it.
Dogs and cats get run over by cars and trucks, some drivers even trying to hit them.
There is war all over the world, people killing each other for food, water, religion or purehearted evil or idiocy. For oil, for gas, for a few bucks they happen to have in their pocket, even just for kicks or to make a snuff movie.
Kids are being beaten, raped, murdered or starve to death every single day, everywhere on this planet.
Terrorists, murderers, madmen, they all walk free and spread fear and terror.

And you all get crazy about one dog? A dog nobody is really sure that it was was killed? That the pic is no fake? That, even if it was beheaded, might already have been dead by that time?

Don't get me wrong here, I do love animals, especially dogs but THIS thread makes me really wonder what is going on... Honestly!

Edit: Does this forum have a profanity filter? I'm absolutely sure I didn't type "assaulted"... :o
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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

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I think it's time to dismember the kid

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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

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To be honest - animal cruelty will always, always get far more of reaction out of me than a human plight ever could.

I don't care if it's unethical, or inhuman....that's just how I feel. I can quite truthfully say that I'd be more shocked and upset over a dog's death than a baby or a child.
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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

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true i agree with vep
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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

Unread post by Khishay »

Karath - Personally I agree with you.

I mean, I would die before I hurt an animal, or stand aside while one's in trouble. I just feel humans > pets is all. Sure the world would be better without us, but wouldn't it be pointless as well?


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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

Unread post by Ungoro »

When you mentioned about the pizzas sent to his house, i assume this was all over /b/? which i think happened to Kenny Glen when he abused his cat?

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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

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I agree with Veph. Animals are innocent. They act on instinct. Not like humans.
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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

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Aggressive animals are either brought out by instinct or abuse. Animals have nearly always get the short end the stick and I tend to be worse for animals, then I do for people.

They do nothing to deserve such cruelty, but then again... The human race is... well selfish. =/ Animals are equally as important as humans.

...I'll shut up now.

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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

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No no. Freedom of speech (sp?) And you are very much correct in the first statement
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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

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Sadly, I knew the kid who this happened to; went to high school with him. I only wish it was fake, or that I didn't also have a veeery unwilling acquaintanceship with the possible suspects. It's all over my group of friends that also knew them and we're all in the process of finding out where they are so as to report it. I can only hope that these... "people" get arrested as soon as possible.

EDIT: This post's a bit off from the original post, I've gotten wind of a slightly different version, I guess. No matter which one is correct, however, I just want it all to be over with the culprit in jail.
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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

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TBH, I agree with previous posts, People > Animals > Racists.

And I generally hate the greenpeace like organizations, where I lived one of these associations threw teargas into a factory, that actually followed environmental laws. This, however is different, I have a dog myself, and he could probably be considered an equal value in my family as myself. Seeing as how he is so cute, he has changed my opinion of dogs, and that means that I react to somethinglike this, when normally I would say "Lots of people are killed in wars every day, and you worry about lab rats?".

Think of me as evil, unfair and overall mean, but this is my opinion. If the people hugging trees would join something like the red cross, or "Läkare utan gränser", much more suffering could be prevented.

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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

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Funny thing Satuno. I tend to care more about animals then humans. If I hear humans dying in natural disasters or War... Well with natural disasters, it's a thing that cannot be prevented so I tend to say, "Oh, that really bites...", but I show little emotion about human death like that. Wars have a little bigger impact since that CAN be prevented.

But it's more like this. If I human dies that isn't close to me or I don't know them, I pretty much show no emotion. However when a I hear of the death of an animal that was caused by a human, then I get upset.

You can call me evil, or cruel... or whatever, but I do care far more for animals then I do about humans. I very rarely donate money to anything anyways. I dunno, that's just how I am.

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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

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Not gonna' call you evil. It's basically me turned around.

If it had been a non-canine, like a rat or a fish I wouldn't really have cared, since I don't have either. It's different with dogs tough. I'm sure a lot have the same experience, if you have a pet, and a pet of the same species gets it's head chopped of from some maniac kid, you'd react more than if it was just some random species.

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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

Unread post by Sonata »

Aleu you aren't evil at all, it's just the way you are! It's perfectly normal for you to not care for someone you do not know, there are some people that are sensitive and care for everyone. (or those who believe in humans)

Humanity is a double-edged sword anyway, it can do great good but sadly it can do great evil...because the only things that can be evil are humans themselves.

I don't like humans that much but I hate seeing them suffering. But yet I'm selfish enough to not help in funding the Haiti, because family needs the funds, I need it to live myself.

But the most important thing might be that there are cases that can be forgiven and some not among humans. This is a case that is wrong and...well that kid deserves everything he did, that dog never did anything to him and he needs mental care.
Now I'm going to stop doing pondering about life in school! *hopes that this one is typo free*


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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

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Youre in luck, that thing is typo-free.

And I agree, the only ones that can be "bad" are humans. That's why I put racists at he lowest bracket. They are evil, they're usually th ones that instigate wars. Maybe I should've put religious extremists, and dictators and such in there too. Either way, read it as "Bad guys".

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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

Unread post by Karathyriel »

I didn't say you people shouldn't care about what happened.

But some of you got so upset and we don't even know what really happened! Or if it really happened.

I just wondered why so many extremely terrible thing happen out there and this, rather small event, gets an uproar of wrath and revulsion.
Azzrazzah wrote:I think it's time to dismember the kid
In my opinion, no crime, however cruel or evil it was, gives any man any right to punish it with the same kind of evilness or cruelty. It might be what Hollywood teaches you but when you do something like this, you are no better than the punished criminal himself. If we got around to this kind of behavior, mankind will extinct itself within a few weeks.
Khishay wrote:Sure the world would be better without us, but wouldn't it be pointless as well?
I don't believe in any god or something like that. So the world has only one point it exists for in my opinion: to exist. I agree that our world could do this rather uneventful and peacefully without our race. Is the world useless when there were no men? Somehow reminds me of the question, if there was a sound when a tree fell in the woods but nobody was around to hear it. Now this is getting far to philosophic...
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Re: San Antonio teen murders dog

Unread post by Aweena »

I just wondered why so many extremely terrible thing happen out there and this, rather small event, gets an uproar of wrath and revulsion.
in my own case its cause it was brougth to my attention i ecually react to kids adults whatever getting tortured or what ever thing is going on but to me the picture of this dogs head just struck me completely as i am not a strong stumaked person i have worked with pigs once ecually bad things happen there even if we do our best to prevent it but

as i was trying to say we were shown this if it had been a human i think we wudnt have seen it at all before it had been removed sadly animals dont seme to get the same justice and in my world Humans=Animals they are all alike and its sad that humanity are so set on councering what is diffrent as in continues to make war

besodes written text is sometimes harder than what people really mean you cant see emotion in text and you cant see if its over reactive or if people really do mean it as they write it also many arent english so we migth write it in a diffrent way than what we do in our own language.

this is just my opinion ofc and im not gonna say i dont eat meat or wear leather but i do feel sad when i see a dead dog as this in my world is the sweetest pet a human could have

hope you understand what i mean

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