Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Blessing Camp

He looked up as Sam and Antares joined him, shrugging at the two. "I don't quite know. Apparently someone higher ranked than us has been feeding the other side info. Some officer. I think they're splitting us in groups. One to go after the escaped experiments, one to go after the officer." Sure enough, the pokemon were becoming to split up in two vague groups. Crowley remained where he was, not willing to commit to either yet.

Outside Opelucid

The plan? Right. The plan. "First order of business is food, I think. I'm starving. Luckily, if you're quick and not stupid, you can yoink food from those who have plenty. Which, really, is anyone in that damn town, if you ask me." Rin said. She'd taken stuff loads of time. Granted, she was usually invisible, but she could work with this.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Mattie, GTM, Deep Freeze, Fayette- Traveli- wait, they stopped.

"Almost left me BEHIND?" Mattie asked incredulously. "What the hell? Where are we?! What happened?" "You want to know what happened?" GTM asked with a snarl. "We lost our house. And I'm just about ready to leave you if you keep us stalled up any longer!" "What did I do?! You need to stop yelling at me!" The Bug retorted. Deep freeze touched Mattie lightly on the shoulder. "It's ok, Mattie! Calm down!" "Don't worry, it's not like you killed any of us or anything. GTM's just grumpy."

Deep freeze was not prepared for her words meant for comfort to cause Mattie to start shaking even harder. They were missing something. Mattie pushed Deep freeze away, and then started applying pressure to her cut using the side of her arm, saying nothing.


Fayette stared after Lunaire for a moment, then started to walk toward the main of the stopped group, ears still back a little.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Allira - Somewhere with the House group

For the most of this journey, Allira had pretty much just been on autopilot. It was easy to just let her feet follow along after the large group while her mind sank to someplace else. For as long as the journey was, and it was certainly long and tireless, she was free. She could move where she will, she could feel the sun upon her back and the wind across her scales. It was amazing how much she had taken those things for granted.
Still, her mouth was open in a gaping pant as the group stopped to... once again argue with themselves. Or so it seemed to the reptile - she found she had issues telling when some of the group she was with, GTM and Terrakion especially, were joking or when they were being serious. Either way, she found it distasteful. How could you joke about leaving a friend behind just because you did not wish to bear their weight?
Some of them were nice enough, she was fond of Deep Freeze, Vanilla and most of the children. But even with them, she felt more like an outsider tagging along than any real part of the group. It was clear that they were a family, or a clan or whatever you wanted to call them. And she was just following along. The only reason she still stayed with them was because that guilt for aiding in the loss of their home still sat in her stomach like a stone.

At least she had Seer and Ciar nearby still. Perhaps it was because they had been so quick to offer her kindness not long after she had escaped the blessing's clutches, but she found herself quite fond of the two. She didn't know how she would have made it through all this without them beside her - how Saoirse could just soldier on through such loss, Allira did not know. She envied her that strength of character.

Her head jerked up as a loud screech disturbed her from her thoughts, the frill around her head flaring a little at the sound. She casted a quick glance to the Noivario beside her, before carefully padding forward. Her head sank down a little as she approached the legendaries of the group - silently hoping that they'd not yell at her for intruding.
She didn't quite know what was happening, but she could smell blood in the air. She padded forward, turning so that the group could access the pack on her side.
"D-does anyone need a band-age?" She asked, her tongue flicking out to mask her nervousness.


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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Outside Opelucid

Rose rolled over, accidentally squishing Bellflower momentarily. "Sorry!" she squeaked and immediately rolled in the other direction until she was on her back. She sighed, "Food. Well I'm not all that great at stealing as you may be able to tell. I'm too big and too slow." She frowned at this. Her size was always a nuisance. "Maybe I can forge elsewhere."


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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Terrakion - With this stupid chaotic group where else

The Legend couldn't help but snort at Deep Freeze's words, "Well of course GTM's grumpy. When is he NOT grumpy?" He remarked, shooting a grin a the Mewtwo in question. "Isn't that right, Grumpykitty~?" His expression fell as Allira walked up, and he gave the brightly coloured reptile a skeptical look. "Well, Bug over there hurt herself, if you really want to help. Honestly, I'd really just like it if we could get going again soon. So hurry it up."


Lunaire - A little ways from said stupid chaotic group

Lunaire sighed, pausing as he gracefully leaped up onto a fallen log. So far his little scouting mission had gone rather.. Badly. There wasn't much in the way of a good place to stop. At least not that he'd found so far. He'd been hoping there would at least be some sort of clearing nearby. Maybe there was one a little further along. He jumped down from the log and continued padding along, on occasion using his ability to float a little above the ground to avoid particularly dense patches of undergrowth.


Antares, Brigid - Blessing encampment

"...Which group do you think we'll be going with, Crowley?" Antares asked, glancing between the two rather disorganized groups. He didn't really care which group he was with, honestly. Just as long as it wasn't with the Kyurem. He inched closer to Crowley, the heat that the Umbreon radiated easing the discomfort Antares was in due to the chill in the camp.

Brigid carefully padded over to them, having taken notice of the trio. She tilted her head curiously at them, "Did I hear something about splitting up groups?"


Bellflower - Near Opelucid

The Shaymin had been about to reply when he was momentarily squished by Rose, letting out a squeak. "Ack! Do you mind not squishing me?!" He cried, jumping up into the air. "Ow..." He flew down and landed on the Ampharos, tail twitching. He tilted his head at Rin, one large ear flopping over, "Do we really have to steal food from people, though? Can't we just, you know, find some berries? I'm sure there's a bunch out here." It wasn't that he was against stealing, necessarily... But he was a little worried about potentially stealing from humans. Any humans who saw him would try to catch him, since he was a Legend. Which was a thought he was not fond of.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Walpurgis - Forest

Walpurgis was not fond of being put on sentry duty. But Nico had pleaded and pleaded with her to do so. "And besides! No one will see you since you can fade out of view! Therefore as a ghost type you're perfect for it!" The Delphox had shouted excitedly.

So, here she was, a tiny -and invisible- pumpkaboo looking around the perimeter of their little campsite. Walpurgis sighed, looking down at the ground. 'Hopefully I can find some rare candies! Or bottles for Nico!' Thought the small pumpkin, floating along faster. In her hunt for rare candies however, she failed to notice the Sylveon ahead of her. Walpurgis looked up just in time to crash into the fairy type, fading into view.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Near Opelucid

The linoone grinned at her companion, "Come on, Bellflower! Where's your sense of adventure? And Rose, you too. It'd be fun! Probably." Okay, that was probably easy for her to say, since she could turn invisible. But still. "Alright, alright. If you reaaaally want to stay here and look for berries, you can. But I'm gonna poke around Opelucid anyways. There's bound to be something interesting." Humans never really bothered Rin. Either she stayed out of their way or just disappeared. Probably helped she was a linoone. Vaguely uninteresting compared to so many Unova pokemon out there. Which was, really, fine with her.


Blessing Camp

The Champion frowned. "I don't know how I feel about the Opelucid mission. I personally would choose the tracking job." He didn't add it was because tracking was easy, killing some officer made him uncomfortable. This whole anti-'non-normal' agenda made him uncomfortable, all things considered. He was one step away from being a target. The only reason he wasn't was because Nova made it very clear what would happen if he and Antares got attacked. The whole thing left a sour taste in his mouth, but Nova's words were clear, and at the reshiram's urging, she had even managed to convince the Lord of Time to send his own champion.

"It's less glamorous, but it's easier and we won't necessarily have to pick a fight. Just keep an eye on them." He added to Antares. He was well aware that his companion was cold and fluffed up his feathers, producing more heat. It easily counteracted Kadlin's chill, providing a small warm patch. More than just Antares inched closer to be in the spot of warmth Crowley produced.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Near Opelucid

"Sounds like a good enough plan, I guess," Robin said, though they would prefer to rest, and they weren't found of the idea of stealing. Not for any moral reasons, really, just because of the risks involved. That said, Robin got the idea that Rin had done this before and knew what she was doing. Robin stretched before sitting up, continuing, "If these two wanna lay around and stay here, I can help instead."


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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Haro, Near Opelucid

The amount that he hated Opelucid city was outweighed only by his immense hunger. Skipping out on eating to flee from those Stoutland packs may have been a good idea at the time, and continuing to flee for hours after the barking had faded had seemed perfectly logical- and actually both of those ideas still were perfectly fine. What if they had followed him? ...But now, he was starving. And the city was full of food.

The forest was simply in the way. He turned his head towards it, pausing. Usually, he'd race towards it and never give the city another glance, but... there were Stoutland out there, too. And Bouffalant, which had a habit of bullying him out of any nice berry trees he found. With a small snort of distress, he turned towards the city gates again. He had a Ranger's band tied around his antler, and as much as he hated using it, it would likely grant him access... And then he could beg, maybe. Or dig through garbage. Maybe Stoutland packs weren't so bad.

No, he had to do this. Keeping his head high, ears pinned back and flanks trembling, he started towards the city entrance, trying to look relaxed.

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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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GTM, Mattie, Deep Freeze, Fayette- Broken down at the side of the road

"P-Please just keep back." Mattie said, raising one lance a little. "I-I need... I-I don't know what I need." She screwed her eyes closed tightly. "Point is, don't waste th-that stuff on me." She opened her eyes, glancing around. "Where's Bellflower?" Deep Freeze looked at each other. "Haven't... seen him since last night." "Yeah.." GTM swished his tail. "Who cares... I need to keep moving or I'm going to fall asleep..." He scooped up Taro again, starting to move forward.

"Where do you think you're going?" Asked Fayette, trotting up. "I'm going." The Shiny replied simply. Fayette shook a finger at him. "We're looking for a place to rest, Lunaire's scouting out. And we're going to stay here until he comes back." GTM remained silent for a moment, then just sat on the ground, tail flopped like a dead snake.

At Fayette's words, quite a few of the group started to sit or otherwise rest. Complaints came up about paws hurting, and hunger. Mattie tried to tune it out, moving to the edge of the group. She needed a moment to remind herself that she wasn't out of control, that was only her dreams.

Kadlin, Spinnaker-Blessing camp

"Brigid, you look chilled." Spinnaker said from right behind the Delcatty in a stalker-like fashion. As.. he had in fact stalked her. He floated around and held up some flames for her. "Good morning."

Kadlin stood up as the groups divided, lumbering over to the group which would be hunting down a traitor. Not only that, but they'd be heading to the city, and she loved to give Humans a good scare. As she joined the group, Almost all of them shied back, and some ran over to the other group instead. "Who's providing breakfast?" She asked, licking her lips.

A few more members of the group ran away.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Unread post by Moonlost »

((Just need to confirm stuff with Azu before doing anything with Harrier.))

Allira - Somewhere with a lot of jerks

Allira flinched back as the Terrakion frowned at her, feeling as if the more powerful pokemon was scrutinising her for daring to intrude. She sunk her head, the fins along her back falling down and a slight tremble starting to make it's way along her body. Things only worsened as the injured escavalier -whom she recognised from when she had first escaped- flat out rejected what little aid the hybrid could offer.
She couldn't take this any longer. Being ignored was one thing, but she was worse than useless here. This wasn't her family and they didn't want her here. She moved to take grasp of the bag, pulling it free from her fin with a couple of sharp tugs, then laying it down before Deep Freeze.
"H-h-here." Her voice was caught between a nervous stutter and an upset hiss. "You c-could have jusssst ssssaid you d-didn't want me h-here."

With that said, feeling ashamed and frustrated and more than a little scared and lonely, the reptile turned her back on the group and moved away at a swift trot, eyes closed and head bowed.


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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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((Bluhhh, this post would have been made sooner, but Firefox died so I lost what little I had typed of it. Gah.))

Lunaire - Forest

Lunaire kept padding along, continuing his search, until something made him pause. He lifted his head, sniffing the air. He could have sworn he smelled unfamiliar Pokemon... Before he could make any decision on whether to investigate or not, something - or someone? - all of a sudden crashed into him, sending him sprawling to the ground with a yelp.

It took a moment or two for him to recover, but when he did, he sprung back up with a loud hiss, fur bristling and ribbons lashing wildly. When he finally identified the Pokemon that has crashed into him, he found that it was a simple Pumpkaboo. Which was.. Odd. Kalos Pokemon weren't very common in other regions. Still, he didn't let the fact that it was a seemingly harmless Pumpkaboo lure him into a false sense of security, and he eyed the Ghost type warily.


Terrakion - With this dumb group yup

Terrakion watched as Allira trotted away, raising an eyebrow at the the retreating lizard, "Jeez, way to take it personally." He muttered, before turning his attention to GTM and Fayette. He moved over to where they were, letting out a frustrated sigh. "Well that dumb rabbit better find a place for us to rest soon. The sooner I can stop being a fucking pack mule, the better." Really, he wanted nothing more than to just flop out on the ground beside GTM at this point, but given all the stuff that he was carrying - which he was liable to somehow destroy if he decided to lie down - he resigned himself to the fate of having to stand around for a least a good while longer.


Brigid, Antares - Blessing encampment

"I would.. Prefer that as well." Antares replied, warily watching Kadlin as she moved to the group that appeared to be heading to Opelucid. It was a relief to see that the Kyurem was going with the group he wasn't in. There was really only so much the heat radiating off Crowley could do when they were on the move and fighting. The tracking mission was certainly easier and did not include him potentially freezing his tail off.

Brigid jumped a little as Spinnaker spoke, giving him a weird look before inching closer to where Crowley was. "I'm.. Fine, thank you."


Bellflower - Near Opelucid City

Bellflower glanced between Rin and Robin, ears drooping a little. "Yeaaah.. I'm just gonna stick to looking for berries, I think." He said, "I dunno, I just prefer to avoid cities. I mean, I'm a Legendary, remember? Humans will probably try to catch me if they see me!"
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Saoirse, Ciar - Somewhere who knows where

A low growl sounded deep within Saoirse's throat at the way her only friend was being treated. What in the Reverse was this guy's problem?!

"Wh-what's going on...?" Ciar asked, a wide yawn parting his tiny jaws before he shook his head, blinking rapidly.

"We're leaving," his sister said, her tone curt as she stepped forward, before she moved to unshoulder the pack of supplies she had with her, setting it down upon the ground. The Lucario-Noivern mix's eyes narrowed as they moved to rest upon Terrakion, the fur upon her spine rising.

"I hope you're fucking proud of yourself," she snapped, her ears slicking back against her skull as she glowered at him. "I honestly don't see how everyone can stand that attitude of yours. You are a horrible soul, and I regret that I even met you."

"But, Seer..." Ciar started, his ears drooping as he trailed off, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes.

"You want to stay with them? Grow up to be a colossal ass like him?" She started to set the Noiolu down, only to stop when the pup buried his face against her neck, his grip upon her tightening.

With that, the Hybrid turned and started to catch up to Allira at a brisk run, though Ciar soon squirmed within her grasp, turning himself to look back over his sister's shoulder, his eyes wavering as he tried to pick Shi Yu out from the group.

"Allira!" she called, her voice breaking as everything finally broke, and Saoirse started sobbing. "Allira, wait up... we're coming with you!"
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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((Good job, Terrakion. You are successfully making everyone hate you. A++ there, dipshit.))

Terrakion, Stormie, Shi Yu - Somewhere /so specific

The Legend turned to stare at Saoirse as she snapped at him, more confused at first than anything despite her words. "Wait, what the hell? The fuck is your problem?! I didn't do anything!" He snarled back, glaring as the Noivario turned to follow Allira. "Okay, fine, just leave! Way to fucking repay me for actually attempting to be nice to you at first! I honestly don't even give a shit!"

While most of the noise from earlier hadn't done much to wake the little Terrafoo, as her father yelled, Shi Yu finally woke from her sleep. She wriggled around in her mother's arms, causing the Mienshao to tear her gaze from Terrakion to her daughter. "Go back to sleep, Shi Yu... Everything's fine.. Okay?" She said, though her words were in vain as Shi Yu spotted Saoirse leaving with Ciar in tow. She let out a squeak and flailed madly until Stormie was forced to let go, and she skittered rather clumsily after the Noivario, leaving both of her parents slightly dumbstruck over the suddenness of her actions. "Ciar!" The little hybrid called, trying her best to catch up to Saoirse, only to let out a squeak as she tripped and fell flat on her face. Tears began to prick at her eyes as she sat up, and when her mother came over, she didn't resist being picked up at all. Between not getting enough sleep and all of a sudden losing her newest friend, it was all too much, and the Terrafoo merely clung to her mother, a few quiet sobs escaping her.

((I'm making myself sad with this. Poor Shi Yu.. :c))
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Taro, Deep Freeze, Mattie, GTM, Fayette-stopped

"WAIT! Hey!" Shouted Deep Freeze, firing a tiny piece of snow at Terrakion before racing after Allira. "ALLIRA!!" "Wait! Wait!"

GTM flinched as some of the snow the Vanilluxe fired almost hit him too. "Way to go genius." He lashed his tail. "People screaming and crying is JUST what we all needed." He paused and looked down as Taro started shaking. He gave a heavy sigh and stood up, letting Taro wrap his arms around him. "Rhythym?! I think Taro needs you!" As he started looking around the camp for his other mate, Fayette looked up at Terrakion. "..... Everyone's just tired. For you, your reaction wasn't all that bad."

Mattie winced at the chaos the camp was suddenly in, watching as the newcomers just ran off. From what one of them said, this... Was partially her fault. She paused and eyed the bag the hybrid had dropped. "....... Damn. I just don't like to be healed when I'm not really in danger." She floated over and slipped a lance through the strap, and after fiddling with the bag awkwardly for a moment, chose to just drag the back behind her as she started to head the way the Hybrids had went. Deep freeze's cool wake told her that she was going the right direction.

Spinnaker- Blessing camp

"You shove me off like a street urchin asking for a single coin. My flames will go out if you get too much colder, my dear." The persistent Chandelure turned up the heat, edging closer to Brigid.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Near Opelucid

"Alright, Bellflower. You camp out here. Rose can stay too if she wants--" She paused, pricking her ears at the sound of another pokemon out there. Oh! Maybe they'd have food! She immediately got onto her paws, darting after the noises--and promptly crashing into Haro. The deer looked terrified and hungry. Probably didn't have food either. She scowled for a second, then looked up at Haro. "You look like you've seen better days, friend." She chirped.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Near Opelucid

Pushing themselves up, a little shakily at first, Robin glanced back at Bellflower and Rose briefly before trotting after Rin. Noticing that something seemed to have caught the other Linoone's attention, Robin stopped for a moment to lift themselves up onto their hind legs, ears flicking and nose twitching. Another Pokemon? It seemed like that was the case. Robin dropped down onto all fours as their companion disappeared into the distance, and started crawling quietly and low to the ground, slowly, carefully making their way towards the sound.

Robin discovered what had caught Rin's attention just in time to see her crash into it. Huh, deja vu. It had only been a while since Robin themself had crashed into Saoirse. Saoirse... Robin wrinkled their nose in a snarl at that thought. If they were honest, they couldn't quite remember what exactly had caused them to have such negative feelings about that hybrid, but they were sure it was important nonetheless.
Anyway, yeah, deer. Robin bounded up to Rin, tilting their head and watching Haro, ready to defend themselves if he decided to attack.


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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Vanilla - Forest

Vanilla watched as Allira left, joined by Saoirse and Ciar. She looked to the Terrakion and his companions, and back to the leaving three. She didn't say anything, more or less left shocked, until the Terrakion spoke up. Something inside of her snapped. Vanilla turned to the Terrakion, her bells jingling chaotically. Vanilla glared up at him, before summoning a burst of psychic energy to slap him.


Vanilla knew the outcome would not be in her favor, but for the moment, she didn't matter. He was just like Birdy, but without the kindness behind the verbal jabs.

Walpurgis - Forest

"Owowowowow." Walpurgis whimpered, shaking herself as she got up. "EEP!" She squealed, turning invisible at the sight of Lunaire. "P-Please d-d-don't hurt me! I'm n-n-not all that t-t-tough!" Walpurgis stuttered, thankful for her ghostly invisibility. Her whole body was flushed with embarrassment.

{I am mentally laughing at the idea of an audino slapping a Terrakion}
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

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Allira - Some place, we should really figure out where

Allira could hear yelling behind her, but she just... tuned out. She didn't want to deal with it at all. The footfalls behind her were much harder to ignore though. Saoirse. She slowed down her pace a little, keeping her head held low - not wanting to meet the other hybrid's gaze. She folded her foreclaws up against her belly and allowed her fins to rest against her back.
"I-I-I made a fool of m-myself, huh?" She said in a bitter tone. She looked up finally, only to see Mattie and Deep Freeze both approaching as well. Just great.


Blessing Traitor - Opelucid

A couple of days now the Weavile had been on the run. She was almost beginning to think that she'd gotten away with it. But it was only a matter of time, the Blessing would have to be hunting her down, right?
Ugh, she had been so stupid. She could have just minded her own business and nobody would have been the wiser. She looked like a normal weavile, it had been cake to join the ranks of those that had hunted her for being different. Yeah, if one was observant they would have noticed that she didn't use ice moves, or that her psychic-delta typing allowed her to be a bit more aware of her surroundings than one would expect, but nobody had noticed. They'd been too busy hunting down the "mutants" they could see. It was perfect, hidden right under their noses. She even got promoted to a position in the labs - overseeing the scientists as they did their thing.
All she had to do was not stand out there. But no, she let them get to her. She could still remember their screams, they still haunted her when it got quiet. It was so easy to imagine herself in one of those cages, being the one that those freaks poked and prodded. It got too much, she had to let them free.

And of course she panicked and fled with them like the idiot she was. Maybe she could have pretended like she didn't know what was going on either. A sigh escaped her. She was hiding for now, but, maybe she could spill the beans to someone and get a safe place to hole up in. She was too afraid to go public though, who knew what they'd do to her when they found her? For now, it was better to just pretend she was another street pokemon. Just for another day or two, then she'd go find someone.


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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Unread post by HoneyShuckle »

Deep Freeze, Mattie- Not too far from the main group

Deep Freeze didn't slow down. She barreled right into Allira. "Wh-Why would you go without saying good bye!?" "We want you here!" The Vanilluxe tightly clung to her, sniffling a little bit.

Mattie had caught up after little bit, but just... stopped for a second. She didn't normally think through her actions so much as just.. do them, but this time she chose to make an exception. She floated up, looking at the ground a little. "....I'm sorry. I just didn't want to waste supplies. I didn't mean to hurt you or anything." She set the bag down on the ground. "I heard some people at camp tearing Terrakion a new one, so I don't think he'd bug you for a while if you guys chose to come back." "She doesn't have to come back if she doesn't want to." Said Deep freeze. "But we wanted to say good bye just in case." "I wasn't trying to _make_ her come back, silly. I just wanted to let her know I'm sorry, and I'll stick up for her. This group can be hard to navigate socially." Mattie said and almost folded her arms, but chose not to, eying her wound for a second.
Guess what! Senna made my Avatar! woo!
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