LF Garry Kill for my husband- please read.

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LF Garry Kill for my husband- please read.

Unread post by Araela »

Hello all,

Before you read this, I ask you to understand that I am not trying to post a pity post. I am trying to post on behalf of my husband, who has had a rough couple of years in the real world and hasn't been able to play much.

I have been trying desperately to find a group that would be willing to carry my husband for a Garrosh kill. I've asked friends, I've looked on my realm, and I use OQueue. I've gotten a few groups on OQ that are willing to take him, but inevitably fall apart. before we get to phase 3.

Typical replies include:

"A wife trying to find a carry for her husband? That's different."

"Tell him to get his own carry."

"Get back in the kitchen."

Let me explain why I'm looking on his behalf.

My husband has a genetic disease called Cystic Fibrosis. It ravaged his lungs, and he needed a double lung transplant. He had a very rough time with rejection and infection of the new lungs when he was first transplanted. He pulled through, after three additional surgeries and further hospital ICU stays.

Needless to say, he hasn't been able to play much this expansion.

I have a 565 hunter, Araela, on Korgath. I have my Garry kill, and my mount. But my husband is only a 537 ret pally, on Korgath. I want to help him get the Liberator of Orgrimmar title, and the Kor'kron Wolf Mount for the Ahead of the Curve achievement. We've been trying to get him in for Flex but it has been slow going with his health.

As you might imagine, I don't exactly have a lot of gold to offer up to a guild that is selling carries. As my husband's caretaker, I haven't had much time to farm for things to sell for gold either. I would be happy to come up with a trade of some sort, just know that I don't have a lot right now to offer.

So I humbly ask, if you've read this far, and you are interested in helping, that you please contact me. ArtfulAraela#1105 is my battletag.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
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Re: LF Garry Kill for my husband- please read.

Unread post by Wain »

I'm sorry I don't have a guild I can offer to help you, but just wanted to say I really hope you get the kill soon, with some group that is understanding. And also that the Net allows people to be who they really are, and some people are just shit to the core. Sorry you had to experience that from those idiots :(

I Hope your husband is doing ok. I wouldn't wish cystic fibrosis on my worst enemy.
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Re: LF Garry Kill for my husband- please read.

Unread post by Lisaara »

Unfortunately my guild doesn't raid. If you're US, I could see if my friend can help you since he helped me.

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Re: LF Garry Kill for my husband- please read.

Unread post by vanilli »

Have you tried on OpenRaid? I know alot use the site to make runs for pretty much anything and always have a positive outcome, it might be worth a try! And I'm EU so it would be dumb of me to offer myself since I believe you are US (please correct me if I am wrong!)
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Re: LF Garry Kill for my husband- please read.

Unread post by Lupen202 »

I really wish my guild raided, but sadly It does not. :( I wish we were on the same server as I'd happily send some gold your way to buy a run. I second Openraid though, if you haven't tried it already. Oqueue is great, but on Openraid you can perhaps write up a small ad explaining your situation, and perhaps someone actually kind enough will at least try and lend a hand.

My ten year old cousin actually has cystic fibrosis; while I can't say I know exactly what you're going through, I do understand how hard this disease can be to deal with. I can only imagine how hard it is on you & your husband, both emotionally and physically, and I really do hope things go well for you both.

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Re: LF Garry Kill for my husband- please read.

Unread post by Araela »

Thank you all.

Yeah, we're US. It's just one of those things I really want to help him with, and so I figured I'd at least give it a shot and try posting here and on the main forums. Nothing set in stone yet, but I'm hoping someone will be able to help. Thank you for the replies and for taking the time to read this! :)
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Re: LF Garry Kill for my husband- please read.

Unread post by Scotty »

Ugh, sucks you have to deal with that crap in chat... but, yeah, Korgath - enough said. Sorry, but I was on that realm for quite some time and moved off as soon as I could afford it. The level of hatred there is higher than on any other realm I have experienced, seriously. I have yet to experience more downright nasty individuals on any other realm (this coming from a person with 19 level 90 toons spread across 9 realms) than I have there.

Unfortunately, my last raid group fell apart due to poor management on the part of the raid leads (mixing heroic level raiders in with new raiders, too many tempers lost, silly mistakes made, etc and they eventually gave up and people jumped ship)... and a raid I was hoping to get in on this week was cancelled because most of their players are being shuffled into heroic/mythic teams for WoD.

I will, however, put out some feelers on your behalf and see if I can be of any help. Also, if it comes down to having to buy a run, let me know... I'd be willing to auction off some battle pets over on Korgath to help you with some gold to buy his run. No idea what they go for over there, but I've seen anywhere from 10-40k.

I still need a run myself, but I know what it's like to be beat down by life at times, so if I can help, please don't be a stranger. :) We're united as Hunters, so toss me a message anytime if I can help.

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Re: LF Garry Kill for my husband- please read.

Unread post by Novikova »

My hunter has a Garry lockout I can extend. I've had groups get him to 5%, and I have lead pugs before (hoping to get my wolf). So I don't mind helping out if the lockout would help.
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Re: LF Garry Kill for my husband- please read.

Unread post by Araela »

Hey everyone. I meant to update my post the other day but I've actually been fighting a really bad infection! I wanted to say thank you all so much for the kind words and support. That's one thing about the Petopia forums- I have yet to run into anyone on here that wasn't kindhearted.

My husband was able to get into a run last Sunday and get his AotC achievement and mount. We received a lot of support and offers to help from people who were willing to help supply gold or pets if we could negotiate a deal- even after I had already said I'd be happy to find a trade of my own pets.

I'm so thankful for everyone that has offered to help. You are fantastic.
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Re: LF Garry Kill for my husband- please read.

Unread post by Wain »

Oh that's great to hear!! :) Congrats to you both and I hope you get over the infection soon!
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