Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

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Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Krysteena »

Christmas is around the corner and the big question came up. "What do you want for Christmas?" Now, last year I was looking into drawing tablets and although they aren't too expensive, the software you use with them is. Basically, Photoshop. Now I've no idea how expensive photoshop is, but I do know there's loads out there and many are really expensive. So I went off the idea. However...

I'm an art student. Not as good as I'd like to be, but an art student all the same. And this year I'd like to look more into graphic design. I think it's be a good path in my art GCSE, to look at less pen and pencil and more graphical. It looks much nicer in some cases, than if it was drawn in pencil. So, I brought up these drawing tablets. Bearing in mind I can't ask for something too expensive, I'm at a loss. Tablets I kinda know what I'm looking at. But how do I use them? What do I do with this...thing that looks like an iPad but isn't an iPad? What tablets do you recommend? Nothing too expensive. I had found one that's like...£170 but there's one that's £50 and it seems like the better option but it's bound to be high-tech in some way I don't understand.

I'm also looking for drawing software. Photoshop, for example. There was also Corel, if I remember correctly. Thing is, this is going to sound like such a noob question, can you actually draw with Photoshop? I'm under the impression it's for photos only. What do your guys recommend? How much is photoshop? How do I link this alien tablet to photoshop? I'm having massive brain farts here guys...I can't cope!

Reason I'm turning to you lot is because there are some amazing artists around here. Also, I spent an hour nearly, with my dad just looking through tablets and software. I can download freebies, just not on my computer, so I can have a look around. I just don't want to pay £200 for something that's completely alien to me, in case I don't enjoy it. Photoshop is the thing people on dA use for drawing isn't it? I see people make gorgeous artwork using that, many of them also being on these forums. Anyone?

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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Lupis »

*Cracks knuckles* Now this I can help with!

First: What is Photoshop?

Basically, it's /all/ the bells and whistles when it comes to art programs. There are a bunch of different variations of it, such as Elements, but the most common is Photoshop CC which you need to pay monthly to use. It's not a terribly high subscription cost, and I find it very much worth it, but it should be taken into consideration anyway.

What you get with Photoshop is a very heavy-duty art program that can do just about anything. I use it for almost all of my art- even if I use a different art program for some of the process, I always end up moving it to Photoshop at some point or another. Of the art programs I've used, it's got the most tools, some of which I rely on. This also means that it has a million and one tools that I'll never ever use, though.

Either way, Photoshop definitely isn't just for photo editing! I run my photos through it, but almost everything on my Deviantart is drawn in Photoshop. It's great for painting. I will warn you, however, that it has a fairly steep learning curve and takes some getting used to.

Other Art Programs

Photoshop is, for some people, unnecessary. I enjoy all the tools it has, but not everyone requires them! If you want a lighter weight program, Paint Tool SAI is very popular. Its brushes are easy to customize and I've never drawn line art as smooth as SAI makes line art. (that said I don't like smooth lines sooooo) SAI lacks a few important things, like a text tool and several layer types, but I still frequently use it when I want to just loosely paint or sketch. SAI's UI is also fairly easy to learn, but it hides some things very well.

Now, you do need to buy SAI and it's fairly costly, but you don't need a subscription. It's also cheap for an art program. There are ~other ways~ to get SAI, too.

I haven't actually used Corel Painter, but I've seen some wonderful artists who use it and it only. Artrage Pro is also one that I've seen used, though I personally wasn't a fan of its layout. And FireAlpaca is a sort of mix of SAI and Photoshop (and it's free!) but I've heard that the UI makes it nearly unusable.


There are a lot of things to consider when you're going after a tablet. Do you want a small one? Large? Buttons on it?

If you're looking to buy a cheap, high quality one, I've been loving my Intuos Pen & Touch. The medium size is plenty large and it's a very hardy little thing for a relatively low price. That said, Wacom has a monopoly on drawing tablets. Looking for non-Wacom brands can mean massive savings- you just need to do some research to make sure they're high quality. The super cheap ones, I've read, are perfectly fine but don't have some important things like an eraser on the back of the pen- but for a cheap tablet they're very nice.

Tablets are essential when you're doing digital art, there's almost no way around getting one. They'll completely transform how you do art on the computer. However, they have an incredibly steep learning curve and it will take you a while to get used to using one. I almost gave up on using mine before suddenly it clicked, and now I can't live without it.

My Art Setup

I'm not saying I have the ideal setup, but this is what I've done that works best for me.

-Intous Pen & Touch tablet, medium size
-Paint Tool SAI for sketching and loose painting
-Photoshop CC for everything else

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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Krysteena »

Ahh. Part of me suspected you'd be the one to assist with this bundle of confusion ;) so thanks! Never knew photoshop was a monthly subscription, but there's that part of the muddle out of the way. It's a sub, so I could cancel it when it gets to the months of my exams, without feeling like I'd wasted a load of money. I don't mind taking the time to get to know something. If I was to look only at digital art, the learning curve would fill criteria I need to look at. School aside, I'm liking the sound of this photoshop.

I'm taking it Paint tool SAI isn't free (but that I'll google later) and Corel Painter has caught my eye, just so pricey! FireAlpaca, as it's free, I'll have a look at. But, going by what you said, I'm going to have some issues with its UI. Then should see my bars in WoW. I need to clean em up a little >.<

Tablet wise, I have seen the Wacom ones and have a few listed down but they are expensive. I'd say a medium to large tablet, but I tend to draw piddly pictures so medium to small would probably be best I reckon. Buttons, I've no idea. I'd have to find out what the buttons do and stuff like that.

That I understand. Tablets are basically pen and paper, it just means less rubber ends up on my floor. I've always wanted to do digital art, but the stuff I can produce is limited due to me being unable to draw straight lines with a idea why but I have so many issues with keeping my finger from wobbling all over the place -.-

Thanks a bunch for the info! It's narrowed down my search a lot now, and I'll look into what you've said. That said, I've found a few more drawing programs that have caught my eye but from what I've read photoshop is the best way to go :)
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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Moonlost »

Just to add in or clarify a few points that Lupis already made (All of which are informative and awesome)

If graphic design is your goal, I would definitely look at Photoshop. It's the industry standard when it comes to 2-dimensional image manipulation. Both Sai and Painter are fantastic programs in their own right, but if you want to make a career out of this then it would be best to learn the ins and outs of Photoshop sooner rather than later. Add in that it's just a damn solid program and you really can't go wrong.
GIMP is a free image manipulation software, but it's UI is awful and it can only save in a limited selection of filetypes. But, I guess if you want to cut your teeth on something without spending a lot of money, it's an option.
You can buy photoshop outright, but it's over a thousand $US, so the monthly subscription is the better option for the short term. I also believe that the subscription gives you access to a few other Adobe programs and their cloud service, so you're not only paying for the use of one program. It's also worth noting that the subscription cost is further reduced if you're a student too.
If you, ah, don't mind waving around a hook and wearing an eyepatch, that's an option as well.

I use Sai mostly for my digital works these days, if only because I am a big fan of the clean, crisp look I can achieve with it and how relatively easy it is to make my own tools. I have to completely disagree with Lupis' comment on it's price though, I picked up my copy for around $60US. Considering most other programs range easily over $500US, for as effective as a program as it is, it's a steal. However, it does have some compatibility issues with Mac PCs.

Tablets, I can't speak much for. I've heard that the Wacom Bamboo line is a good start for beginners to the digital medium, and they're significantly cheaper than the other wacom models - although still a bit pricy.
I have heard wonderful things about the Turcom tablet, and it's very inexpensive. It's a model I've been thinking of trying out myself.

I will warn that some of the older Wacom tablet models have driver compatibility issues with some of the newer windows OS systems. I have an old Intuos 4, and for close to a year now I'd have to reset my user settings to get it to work properly with each boot-up. I've only just found a fix for it. It shouldn't be an issue you'll have to deal with if you're looking at newer models though.

I'd go for a medium sized tablet if I were you. The larger ones tend to be a bit of a waste of money I've heard from professionals. You're working in a digital medium, if you need to work on minute details all you need to do is zoom in on your piece. The smaller ones I've found to be too twitchy to really work effectively with - even the smallest gesture sends your pen across your screen.

Haa, attempting to keep lines straight isn't an issue only you face. I have such issues with my lines looking wonky, you have no idea. XD It's such an issue that I actually use the eraser tool to sharpen them up to the width I need. Which is a long process, but it works out. Sai also has a tool that can reduce the wobble on your lines as well, which is very fun to play with.

Oh! If you do end up deciding to pick up a photoshop subscription, I have access to some learning plans from my digital course that can quickly brush you up with some of the features of the program. Would be more than happy to share them with you if you'd like.


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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Lisaara »

As someone in the web dev field(which does include graphic designing) working on her bachelors degree, the most important things I've learned in my web classes?

Adobe Photoshop = Editing, Manipulating
Adobe Illustrator = Creating(especially logos and stuff)

Aspiring graphic designers need to know both of these programs fluently if you're looking to get hired. Yes, tablets work with both programs. :)

Also to correct you, Moonlost, Photoshop is only $700 or so in the US if you buy it outright but it really depends which one you're getting I think. Regardless, still costly.

Also if anyone here wants some photoshop/illustrator stuff I've been learning, i can pass on the knowledge. Alt, Ctrl, and Shift are your BFFs. Usually holding Shift down when you're making lines will have the program make it straight for you. ;3

Illustrator and Photoshop have some similarities and overall are vastly different programs. Illustrator is taking some getting used to so I'm still learning it myself but the more I learn, the more I love it.

Hope I didn't sound like...stuck up or anything. ^^;
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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Makoes »

When I bought my wacom Bamboo tablet, I looked for one that was bundled with art programs (in my case, it came with photoshop 9.0, corel painter essentials 4, and sketchbook, and I think some other stuff) it was only $199 canadian. And I don't need a monthly sub. I think this was it


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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by cowmuflage »

PH used to not have a sub. The one I ahve I certainly don't pay monthly for and it's a legal copy. I think I have the one before it? 5? Anyway what I recommend is if you are a student (sorry I don't know XD) you can buy it at a student price! I got the Adobe Creative suite at the student price. I did that with Toon boom too but that's anoth story XD

I have two Wacom Bamboo funs and they are great. Of course the ultimate tablet would be a Cintiq but none of us are that rich ;-;
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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Lisaara »

Yeah earlier photoshops don't need subs/never had subs. But the newer ones do.

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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Krysteena »

Jeez Photoshop would be around £600 (I've probably not converted that quite right) I think I'll stick to a simple sub. I'm assuming it's around...£10 a month? I'd see what that is in dollars but I'm one to mess up my maths. SAI and painter do peek my interest, the sub thing isn't too bad though, so I'll check them out. I did see Inkscape, I think it was called. No idea what that's like, but I've got time to look around and download demos, if they're available.

I'll note the tablets you guys recommended down, and shall open many tabs to compare them and all that. It's a shame that tablet with the stuff all on it isn't in stock atm, but I'll keep my eye on it. I know what you mean Cow...I saw one and...£1,00,000? Now I don't know money, but I swear my house isn't worth that much! Add what's in it, maybe, but alone no way!

I feel kinda silly, as when I first looked at Photoshop and all the art programs I was thinking a fiver or so was how much they'd be. I think I misjudged that one XD

Once again, thanks for the help guys! Wasn't expecting more replies, but it's always nice to see em when I refresh the page :D
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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Vephriel »

Monoprice tablets are another great option to look into, they're very affordable and perform well.
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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Krysteena »

*adds to the list*
Thank you! I'm narrowing programs down now. The tablets aren't as bad as I thought, when trying to find cheaper ones. Tomorrow I'll start to look into programs, and see what demos we've got going on. I somehow feel like photoshop is going to come out on top :P
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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Lupis »

I would highly suggest against Adobe Illustrator as a typical drawing program. While it is used for logos, that's almost all it's used for, as it is not at all created with drawing and painting in mind. It's mainly used for vector-style art and that's a bad surprise if you're looking for... not that style of art.

Great program, certainly, but not at all for painting and drawing.

Also woops, you're right Moon, I got SAI's pricerange very wrong!

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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by cowmuflage »

I got Illustrator as part of the Adobe Creative suite I got but I think I've used it once? XD out of the 9 programs it came with I only use Ph and Premire on a regular basis.
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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Lisaara »

LupisDarkmoon wrote:I would highly suggest against Adobe Illustrator as a typical drawing program. While it is used for logos, that's almost all it's used for, as it is not at all created with drawing and painting in mind. It's mainly used for vector-style art and that's a bad surprise if you're looking for... not that style of art.

Great program, certainly, but not at all for painting and drawing.

Also woops, you're right Moon, I got SAI's pricerange very wrong!
Yeah I wasn't sure for actual art but I knew for logos, you wanna make it a vector image. Thanks for clarifying that and I learned something new myself! :3

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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Krysteena »

Okie dokie. So Illustrator is for logos and vector art. SAI is for line art and photoshop is all around one of the best options out there. Then there's Inkscape that I've looked at, but the way this is going would herald photoshop and SAI as my best bets. I shall have a look at it all tonight when I get home, and during the weekend. Thanks for the help guys!
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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Lisaara »

Anytime Kayro! :D

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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Castile »

I'll concur with most above - I have a Wacom Bamboo and its brilliant! My fiance bought it for me as its what all the designers used at the web firm he used to work for.

I did Photoshop at university and it is indeed the bomb. I have the CS bundle so don't pay a subscription. Illustrator is also a very powerful drawing tool. I had to do a Tafe short course on how to use it but its well worth it. I prefer to draw with pencil still but illustrator converts my drawings for me into perfect vectors.

Citiq is the pinnacle of drawing computers but they are like $2,500 AUD and yeah no ones that rich!


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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by cowmuflage »

My mate's job got him one. I hate him for it :lol:
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Re: Help with Photoshop and Drawing Tablets.

Post by Anyia »

For those on a budget and not needing to be professional or share work with professionals, there are a couple of options in terms of programs:

* Inkscape, for vector graphics
* The Gimp, for everything else

Both are free, and quite powerful. You'll find lots of tutorials online for both of them, though naturally not as many as with "the real tools (i.e. Adobe)".
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