Show some respect people!

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Show some respect people!

Unread post by Bluefire »

I am calling this guy out here. Name removed per policy (You know who you are) from Moon Guard has announced that he will Kill Trigore The Lasher if he does not get the tame tag and has been tossing explosive traps onto every other hunter in the area to kill him if they attempt to tame. He is not the only hunter who has claimed they will kill the rare rather than let another hunter tame it. People grow up! we all want this rare, some of us have been camping him for 48 hours or longer. Get over yourself and be happy for whoever gets the tame because that is one less hunter fighting for the next spawn and one less hunter that may just do the same thing to you when you try to tame the rare.
Last edited by Bluefire on Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Petopia has a no naming and shaming policy. ;)

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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by Lisaara »

It's a shame he's from my server. Blizz really should lower the spawn time of Outland rares. 20+ hours is ridiculous for them.

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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by Bluefire »

Junrei wrote:It's a shame he's from my server. Blizz really should lower the spawn time of Outland rares. 20+ hours is ridiculous for them.
Sadly Trigore is a Vanilla rare and Vanilla rares (for the most part) all have insanely long spawn timers :( I have been camping him for 59 almost 60 hours now with no spawn I am fairly sure the server restarts are causing the incredibly insane lack of a spawn.
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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by Lisaara »

Well no. Restarts don't affect timers, if I recall. Blues posted about that eons ago in Cata I believe. Or Wrath. Only thing that does is the server going down for hours at a time. Vanilla rare shouldn't be THAT long. They got reduced so only thing I can think of since I don't think you camped 60 hours straight with no sleep and no leaving to do stuff is you just keep missing him and someone killed/tamed him.

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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by Bluefire »

Junrei wrote:Well no. Restarts don't affect timers, if I recall. Blues posted about that eons ago in Cata I believe. Or Wrath. Only thing that does is the server going down for hours at a time. Vanilla rare shouldn't be THAT long. They got reduced so only thing I can think of since I don't think you camped 60 hours straight with no sleep and no leaving to do stuff is you just keep missing him and someone killed/tamed him.

I did camp for 23 hours straight before I did take two breaks for a few hours to sleep and eat but I had a fellow hunter there while I was off and she told me he didn't spawn while I was gone.
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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by Lisaara »

Hm...his spawn may be a bit long. Was she there the entire time? If not, someone could've gotten him. Then there's the issue of CRZ, which makes camping a royal PITA.

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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by SylviaDragon »

cant they be reported for that? I know the rare is a first come first serve kind of thing but at that point they are just camping to spite you.

I had a similar problem today that made me face palm so hard. a pair of hunters was camping the purple hydra so i offered to spawn in the one in ashenvale for them so they could take turns getting a quick and easy tame. They agreed and I met up with them on my lock and walked the quest npc over to the spawn point. One of the hunters starts taming and to my dismay the second hunter killed the hydra because he decided that if he could not be the very first to tame it then the other guy couldn't tame it either.
I walk the npc over again.
the second hunter starts the tame and this time the first hunter kills it. -.-
I switch toons and tell them to calm down and just take turns so they can both get the pet. they both declare that they don't trust one another and now so-and-so has to kill the hydra to get even. to which the other replies that he will do the same thing if that happens. I tell one of them to let the other go first and hop on my lock again......just in time to see them kill the hydra when another horde hunter started the quest to tame it.
I start the quest again and try to talk to this third hunter, who ignores me nd my attempts to put an order to who tames what, and a three way race to kill the hydra ensues.
I gave up and left.
if this is the attitude players have about a pet with a three minuet respawn i can only imagine the nightmare behind the red hydra. No wonder half the hunters I talk to accuse me of trying to trick them when i offer to summon a purple one and the other half end up in a state of pure shock that the thought of someone trying to be nice. :(

learn to share people! even if you miss out on a tame it just means that's one less person to camp against. show some courtesy to your fellow hunters.


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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by Bluefire »

Sadly reporting them does nothing, over the years I have reported players for greifing via rare pet killing and I have always gotten the same "we don't care" response, Because they are not an NpC/Quest giver/important creature to the game world Blizz does not see players killing rare spawn tameable beasts as a form of greifing, even if they are killed repeatedly/while being tamed.

That is exactly my point SylviaDragon. It makes me sick to see how selfish and just plain nasty people are anymore. I don't care about being the first to tame. I just want my new, unique pet and I would not be spiteful or hateful of any other hunter that manages to tame it before me, I would be happy for them and for me because that is one less person to compete with for it. I have run into a few other like-minded hunters and that does make me happy but sadly the few bad ones ruin the fun for all of us.

When I am not camping a new pet for myself I will often take other hunters (especially lower level ones who can't get around the world as easily) on what I call a "rare tour" and help them find/tame rare pets. I enjoy seeing other hunters get the pet(s) they want and if I can help, all the better.
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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by Wain »

It was the same back in Cataclysm. I remember people tearing apart rares upon spawn rather than risk someone else taming them. And I'm sure it's been the same for much longer. Some people are just shitty human beings.

Thank you for editing your first post to remove the name. We do indeed have a policy about that :)
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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by Lisaara »

No, you can't report them for that because, according to WoWDevs, it's not against the ToS. They are allowed to kill the rare as much as you are to tame it.

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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by zedxrgal »

As I said in another post. I have three friends on three different servers all post in their Real ID that they had camped for 40 hours STRAIGHT with no spawn. I think Trigore's spawn time may be bugged. No vanilla rare should have that huge of a spawn time.
However. I still see people griping because Evalcharr seems to be one of the few vanilla rares to have an obnoxiously long spawn timer still. Like between 30-40 hours.
So maybe Trigore will keep this long spawn and be like Evalcharr.

But griefing players like this aren't anything new. Sadly. They're cruel and act like it spawns once a week or something. I had this problem back when I first tame Arcturis after launch. Such a shame people get so mean.

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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by SylviaDragon »

Ah how nice Bluefire. I often do similar things for hunters too. sometime I will take a few minuets to help them check the spawn points for a rare or give them a lift to their destination. from time to time i stop by to help someone with their challenge tame or just give them a few tips. little things like that go a long way. even if I am camping against another player I find that being polite really pays off since pepole are more willing to help you pass the time and exchange tips and information. Its how I have made most of my friends.
When i left wow for about a year I nearly quit right away after coming back because I had forgotten just how truly rude and impatient most players can be. We have a very kind community here on petopia and I guess i just got really used to that in my time away from wow. it was a bit of a rude awakening. >.<

Also you may be right about something being wrong with the hydra. I have not seen nor heard anything about it spawning yet. meanwhile the purple hydra outside has clearly had its spawn timer reduced. I'm not even camping it and yet I have seen it spawn three times within four hours. next time I visit that pond I will be sue to ask the campers about the red hydra.


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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by Xota »

If there's a player of the opposite faction, I will fight them to drive them away, but not kill the beast to prevent it from being tamed at all. On a pvp realm, I figure battling over resources is fair, but spite is uncalled for.
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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by Bluefire »

Xota wrote:If there's a player of the opposite faction, I will fight them to drive them away, but not kill the beast to prevent it from being tamed at all. On a pvp realm, I figure battling over resources is fair, but spite is uncalled for.
Sadly I am on my lowby hunter and on a non PvP realm so I have to real options when it comes to the jerks threatening to kill Trigore if they don't get the tame / just to be mean.
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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by Bluefire »

Well Someone from MoonGuard apparently tamed Trigore at 7:20 am Saturday morning but didn't announce it T.T At least this leads weight to the stupidly long timer of 36 hours for him.
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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by Divixon »

or you get children who think they can barge in on you saying: Its mine now gtfo.
after having to camp there for hours on end and having this 2yrold thinking they own the spot.. sheesh..

You can report them to blizzard for killing the rare nonstop from other people - my 3 friends n i farming the rares when the hyjal event for the portal molten front opened, this alli huntard decided to kill the rares as we were to tame, he got a hefty ban because not only we reported him, he had alot of other people do the same and got what 1 month ban.

so you can kinda do something about it if some retard comes along and ruins your 30-40hour constant camp. :evil:
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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by Smyelmdar »

That really sucks. :(
Sadly it's not just over tames people act like that. It's everywhere. That 'me me me' mentality has gotten worse over the years. Just look at all the whining in the trade chat after the patch. It's like some people think that Blizzard is only there to satisfy their needs because 'I pay for the game'. And they accuse them for 'being too slow' and 'omg it can't take that long to fix this and that' and so on. And they throw fits when something doesn't go their way in dungeons/raids/battlegrounds, or when thigs are getting nerfed, fixed or changed.
Way too many greedy and selfish people play this game.
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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by Bluefire »

I agree, the self entitlement that 90% of people seem to have now is sickening. The one huge thing I would love to see Blizz do that could put an end to Some of the greifing of hunters would be to add a shield of some kind to the tame beast spell that would make the beast currently being tamed immune to damaging attacks so that the ass hats out there could not kill them while they are being tamed. I understand it could possibly be a lot of work to do but I also know it would greatly improve the enjoyment levels of the game for a lot of players. I for one highly enjoy hunting and taming rares. 99% of my stables on several hunters are pure rare beasts. To have someone kill a rare after who knows how many hours spent finding/camping (I LOATH camping) and finally getting to tame it is crushing and infuriating.
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Re: Show some respect people!

Unread post by Sukurachi »

Well, I know it's mildly off-topic, but... it might give you hope for humanity and for WoW players:

I was doing the headless horseman tonight, on one of my poorest-geared hunters, and the darned ring refused to drop for him. Well, one entire group, all people from different servers, decided to stay together until I got the ring! Which they did, and were all cheering when it finally dropped, four dead horsemen later.

So there are some awesome people in the game as well. Thank god for that.
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