WoD tames

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WoD tames

Unread post by Ana »

I couldnt find a thread about this so i thought i make one

Tårnfalks first tame in WoD is Nysgerrig (curious in Danish). Having a hard time decide which pet to get Tårn but this fellow stays :D




Edit two more pets joined Tårnfalks stable (gotta love leveling gear :P)



and a yet unnamed ravager




HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Vephriel »

Whew, apologies for image spam but I ended up with 10 new pets overall! :)

Mitternacht - Fell in love with the tameable void wolves in beta, so I knew I'd be getting Gara. I absolutely loved the quest chain, and even though I'm not taking it into account IC (Mitternacht is male for Veph and I'm not considering him to be that same Gara), it was a fantastic little story that I really enjoyed. And the purple colour is just my favourite. ♥

Belmont - My old bat finally got his model update, he looks very handsome now!

Krauser - I wasn't sure if I was going to keep this guy after taming Gara, but I'm pretty fond of the model. The Draenor wolves really grew on me, and I think it's mostly to do with them using the coyote animations for a new wolf finally (if only the mount versions did as well). Anyways, named after my real dog.

Brutusk - I just love these boars and I'm surprised at how well the direhorn skeleton suits them, they look so stocky and tough.

Baphomet - My very long awaited black stag, I'll add him here too even though we got them earlier than the expansion since he still counts as a new "Draenor" pet to me.

Reaper - I swear this wasp was made for me, I can't get over what a great model it has and how perfect the colours are!

Ripley - Rylaks are so endearing, I really fell in love with them while questing through Frostfire. I had to wait to 100 to get one of the black ones, but he suits Veph very well.

Unagi - Still stunned we got hydras finally! It's so incredible. I gave the Draenor model a try but I just didn't like them very much. Even if the Vanilla models are old they'll always be my favourite I think.

Shreek - I'm still not sure how I feel about the "ravagers" having a silithid look, but I'm not really complaining. The models are great looking and I love the colouring on this guy.

Vyle - And I couldn't pass up this raptor with his gorgeous colours. The new models have such lovely scale details, they look awesome!
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Ana »

Your screenshot Veph :headbang: :headbang:

Puts mine to shame :D hubby and i are only in area 3 atm so i hope i encounter more beast. I know i want a white wolf :D.. cant decide on a raptor :D took me along time to settle for a riverbeast too :D


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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Sesamee »

Yay I was waiting for one of these threads! Beautiful pets, Tarnfalk and Vephriel! I tamed a ton of new pets and upgraded several of my long timers. Later tonight when I'm on WoW I'll take some pics. Apologies in advance for the screenshot spam :)
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Ana »

Massive screenshot is nice! love seeing all your tames :D :hug:

I tamed the silver Rylak... but ohh boy i hate how it runs on the ground. Named it BrokenWing




HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Lupis »

Seeing all these beautiful pets is making me want to level my hunter next! Gorgeous new pets, guys. Veph, I swear half the beasts this expansion were tailored to your colors. Not so much for me (I'm much more a fan of the rich, earthy reds and browns) but as soon as I tame a Teroclaw Chick, I'm gunna be set for life. ...That said, the armored red rylak is verrrry tempting...

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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Sesamee »

OK I finally had the time to post! I have a lot of pets so will split them up into two posts so I don't ss spam..too much. First up are the brand spanking new ones:

Grizele is my new clefthoof. I didn't really like the Draenor models until I saw them in game. In pics their enourmous tusks look like they over power them but in the game they look really cool. And she's quite photogenic. Grizele is my take on several names meaning "grey one". I really love this shot.

This is Sunshine! He's named for obvious reasons. I've never been able to bond too long with a raptor and tried with the dark green one but then I came across this guy while rare hunting and I loved his pretty bright color. His name came immediately to me and was perfect.

Rakka is my rylak. He's beautiful and majestic....at least I imagine he would be if he didn't flop on the ground so pathetically next to me. Every time he comes down so hard on his wing joints it makes me wince...it looks like it hurts!! I wish they could hover like the chimera's but it is what it is. Maybe Blizz will change this in the future and give these majestic creatures the flight they deserve.

I can't decide between Pookie (purple) and StuffnThangs (green). I might have to keep them both now that we have way too many stable slots. I LOVE the new Draenor hydras. They look so incredible. Well done, Blizz!


This is Jaffa. I wasn't planning on taming this guy but I came across him while questing and he instantly won me over. What a unique looking pet. I wish he had a better ability but I can use him when no other buffs are needed. I can see him being useful in some arena situations too.

Hangry the Hippo! Seems like an appropriate name, lol. I wasn't really crazy about any of them until I saw this beautiful blue one in Shadowmoon Valley. She was sleeping and kept on sleeping while I was taming her. Didn't wake up till it was over. It kind of reminded me of my dog who can sleep through anything.

I tamed Fallow right after 6.0 as a placeholder for a Draenor talbuk but I fell for him and now he's the only stag I want. He's graceful and majestic!
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Sesamee »

Here are the pets who've gotten swanky new upgrades.

Nightmare my beloved black wolf. I just love this guy! His beautiful new skin fits him perfectly. It's much more animated. I love that he's not so stiff now.

Belladonna turned black also. She was one of the purple and red ones from Blade's Edge Mountains previously. My only complaint is that sometimes she looks blue instead of black depending on the lighting. While I wish her color was more consistent there's no denying how fierce she looks now.

I could not wait to change Kuuipo over to this amazing new skin. The Draenor boars look so good!! I'm very pleased with this change. So is he!

Feminazi went from red to this gorgeous purple and green shade. I love all combinations of these two colors and this change just had to happen. She is stunning!

I'm trying Nangara out in this new tiger skin. The black and red is so perfectly Horde so I had to try. I may end up switching her back but I'll give it a bit to see if it grows on me. Either way this is a stunning color combo.
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Ana »

Sesamee - wow soo many tames :D Hubby and i are slowly moving in WoD so there are many places i havent been yet. I agree with you on the Rylak.. such a shame they move like the do once tamed. Jaffa looks AMAZING next to you!

I was soo set on a white wolf..then i saw these lovely brown wolfs in Nagrand...They remind me of a lovely big gentle mutt! i know the face is still fierce but to me he is a gentle giant and i can almost feel my fingers run through his fur when i see him



Named him Vuffelivov after this amazing danish song about dogs



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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Rhyela »

I keep forgetting to take pics of my tames. D'oh!


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Rhyela »

Yay, I finally remembered to take screen shots! Apologies for the incoming wall of text, but I'm back into "huntering" again! :D

Initially, I didn't really plan on picking up one of the new wolf models (their heads seem kinda big). In addition, in Shadowmoon Valley, most of them are black and they don't appeal to me. But then, I noticed that these little Killmaw Pups were grey (also the mom, but I saw the pups first). I just recently picked up Mist Howler in Ashenvale, but felt that the new model grey wolf might make a nice replacement. That way, I'd have my black coyote model wolf, and a new grey one. Best of both worlds! So, I grabbed one and named it Mist, since he's replacing the old Mist (Mist Howler). Very original name, I know. I just think Mist Howler sounded cool, so I wanted to keep it (part of it anyway). :D

However, unbeknownst to me, this particular mob makes puppy sounds in combat instead of wolf noises. It sounds rather strange coming from a now full-sized wolf, so I couldn't decide whether it bothered me or I found it endearing. After comparing this wolf with "normal" Draenor wolves, and finding that the normal ones make a ton of noise while idle (I don't care for noisy pets), I decided to stick with Mist. He's growing on me, even though his puppy barks sound really strange. :lol:


This fella technically came from Pandaria, but I just picked up the game again for WoD, so it counts. Right? :P There really is absolutely nothing special about this stag. Well, not to anyone but myself. This one was a Silverhorn Calf in The Jade Forest. Thing is, he was kind of "stuck" all by himself in that first village you come to. There was a building near the back, and this guy was just wandering around all by himself. The rest of the Silverhorn creatures were on the other side of the hill, so it's like he got separated. I didn't tame him right away, but as I was questing, I couldn't get him out of my mind. I know it's silly, but I felt bad for him! So, the name Nemo came to me, and once I had the name, I had to get him. Unfortunately, the name is reserved, so I had to do something I don't usually do and put an umlaut over the e. But, no other name would do. This is the only pet I tamed in Pandaria; partly because I only quested in The Jade Forest (got from 85 to 90 in one zone), and partly because there really wasn't anything else that appealed to me. Except this guy. :3


(Oh, I also tamed a new owl model in black and named it Gandowlf , but I don't think I'm going to keep him. I'm just not feeling a "click" with him at all.)
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Last edited by Rhyela on Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:45 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Aquillian »

I surprised myself by replacing/filling nearly half my stables this expansion... and race changing to night elf. Which is one of the best decisions I've ever made. There were a lot more skins/models that I adored than expected. So rather than spam this thread to death, here are my five favorite new companions.

Bahamat. His name is a fusion of Bahamut and Bahamas. I found him lurking out on the tropical coast and fell in love with his flashy colors. Especially his red feet!

Emerald is everything I've ever hoped for in a raptor pet. She's gorgeous, great animations, good size. I've always been a fan of raptors! I believe I now have four...

Icemaw was a bit... unexpected. I was out in Frostfire exploring when I saw all the packs of roaming frost wolves and pups. There was one stalking alone that I decided needed to run around with me while I was out there. He ended up returning to my stables and has been by my side almost constantly ever since.

CUPCAKE. My new favorite tank. I'm sorry for the caps but I love this pet so much! Originally I had zero intention of taming a clefthoof but I saw a runty little baby struggling to keep up with her pack decked out in red velvet/cream cheese cupcake colors and knew I had to take her with me. She's another that's hardly left my side since taming. I don't think she'll ever be replaced.

And finally, Dreadtalon. It was pretty darn difficult getting a good shot of her. I had no idea these models would be so huge. I love it. She's intimidating and beautifully animated, and her colors are just fantastic.

There are so many more but these are the ones I am most taken with at the moment. Also thanks for this thread, threads like this are my favorite favorite things to read. I hope more people post!

EDIT: Okay I just have to post this pic too. It's semi irrelevant but... look at my dinosaur rainbow!!

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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Godzilla »

Here are all of my tames so far in WoD, in no particular order.

The very first thing I tamed in Draenor was a Teroclaw Chick.


Jet, I named him, after my favorite musical gang.

When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way...

Next was Jake.


Named after, well, my HS Biology teacher's brother-in-law Jake. Jake has a very interesting story. Jake dropped out of school when he was 8 so that he could tame wild horses. When he decided he wanted to go back to school, he started saving up money for college by riding bulls for a living. He went to college, and eventually emerged with three PhD's and not a single grade less than an A. Nowadays, he goes hunting for sport with a bow he made from scratch from deer antler, while working as an archaeologist.
Nobody messes with Jake.

Anyhow, after that, I tamed Gara.


I don't think Gara really needs an explanation.

After that, I decided to tame a boar.


I fell in love with this boar model ever since I first laid eyes upon it long before WoD. I've always been a fan of boars, ever since BC. Needless to say, I had to have Crag.

I'm not sure why I named him Crag.

I got this guy while questing in Nagrand.


I came, I saw, I tamed. As a proud owner of a Shattered Hand Warhound, I need Balthazar to add to my collection, as well. If only Blizzard would add more armored wolves.

I want to say that there was a really good and personal reason for naming him Balthazar, but in all honesty he was named after this:


For some reason, that guy popped into my mind as soon as I saw the wolf.

Finally, something I tamed this very night, and something I've been putting off taming for quite a while, Chimaeron!


And, yes, I named it Bunny. No, not after the adorable fuzzy bunnies that are commonly found in pet stores and easter eggs. But after someone that Chimaeron somehow reminded me of...


Gearing up.
Freshly dinged 7/30/14.

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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Rhyela »

Godzilla, I LOVE how you did your screenshots with the pets' names like that. It looks like WoW's. :D

I have another new pet that I tamed today. When I saw the new ravagers in beta screenshots, I loved them. I know a lot of people are a bit iffy on how they look just like silithids, but for me, this is fantastic. I very much dislike the BC ravagers. I've tried several, and hate them all. But now that I have a silithid model in the ravager family, and that looks so freakin' awesome.....it's great!

Now normally, I'd go for the green one, or possibly the yellow one. However, when I saw this icy blue one on Petopia, it really called to me. So, I ran out and tamed it.

.....Huh. I just realized I tamed the wrong one. Bahaha! I was going for "icy blue":


And ended up with regular blue:


Oops! Oh well, no matter. I ended up really liking this one, and named her Frostbite. Maybe I'll nab the other one eventually anyway, but more than likely I'll stick with this one since I'm already attached to her. In fact, the more I look at her, the more I like her pretty greenish-blue sheen, and the fact that she lacks stripes. :3


(I find it terribly amusing that I tamed the wrong one. Happy accident? :D)
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Last edited by Rhyela on Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:42 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Ana »

Loove seeing all these tames :D


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Krysteena »

Now I realise why I need a better graphics card :lol:
Razor is a mean, green, slicing machine. His temper can't be contained, and only Rakae can hold this raptor back should you hurt his mistress.
Next up is Jet ( I see me and a previous poster have the same taste), who is stupidly fast and not afraid to gut his enemies.
This is Nocturne. When he came to my hunter, I knew he wasn't Gara anymore. He was a different wolf now, and so I selected a name that suited him perfectly.
Stormsong was my first Draenor tame, not counting the previous wolves. During a certain fight, close to the end of FFR, one mob says "I see you've sent me a young pup, lets she what she can do." and I realised Stormsong was no longer a he, and was actually a she. (yes, he was preferring to my character, but shh)
Rakae is cleverer than a normal raptor. Quite often, I find him among the Garrison headquarters, trying to tell the commander he's doing it wrong. Of course, the commander doesn't appreciate being told what to do by a 'simple' raptor.
This Rylak, who lacks a name, probably won't be staying, but he's got a broken wing and so he stays by my side for now.
This clefthoof was unplanned. I saw a young clefthoof all alone by a rock formation, and something made me tame her. Despite her huge horns, this clefthoof is a huge softie and would never hurt her mistress.
Ahh memories...I miss the Klaxxi so much and a chance to tame a ravager that acted as a reminder of my favourite race in wow was too good to miss.
Yay for old models! I'm so sad warpies didn't get an ungrade but that didn't stop me taming this little fella. He's rather sneaky, and has the same smirk that his hunter wears :lol:

I really need to get a new graphics card >.> I tried to make them pretty, but they look horribly blurry :roll:
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Rhyela »

I've got another new friend tonight! This one was not planned at all. I happened to see its symbol thingy on my map, and when I found it, I liked how it looked. I killed it the first time for lewtz, then waited for it to respawn and tamed it. It reminds me a lot of Pandora (the moon from Avatar), so I named it Lunafern (moon...glowing plants.....*shrug*). I really like their twirling attack animation. :)

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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Kalhoun »

I've been having a lot of fun "trying on" new pets! Here's the three I absolutely adore...

Mooch! I knew I had to try out the new wolf model; they're wonderful! Kalhoun never could find a wolf he could connect to, which I always thought was a shame - they're such an iconic Hunter pet to me. Went out and tamed a white one right outside my Garrison, and was thrilled that he made ambient wolf noises! So I headed to Nagrand to see if the brown ones out there made noises too. Turns out the Nagrand Prowlers not only make ambient sounds, but also vocalize when clicked! That sealed it. Mooch is now Kalhoun's IC pet, whom he has whole conversations with.

"We're going to kill ogres today, Mooch. Won't that be fun?"
"I know, I agree."


I tamed Gennadian on a whim because he's red and immediately fell in love; his animations, his model... everything about him. He's like a dinosaur monster! I named him Harryhausen.


I wasn't sure about the new clefthooves. I really love the non-spikey, fuzzy ones in Outland, and so all the horns and tusks on the new ones seemed a bit overboard. But I tamed Grumpy when I came across him, and now I don't think he'll ever leave my active pet slots. I concluded that I just love clefthooves.


Falling in love with a lot of non-exotic pets this expansion. I only play BM, but oh well.
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Sesamee »

Kayro wrote:I really need to get a new graphics card >.> I tried to make them pretty, but they look horribly blurry :roll:
Noo! I think your shots are beautiful. Very different and unique angles and comp. I love them.

Cool pets too! ;)
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Rhyela »

Two more! :D

I tried a couple of these Teroclaw bird thingies - one that stands on the ground, and one that flies. I couldn't decide which one I liked better. But, as I was running about with the original intention of finding a tiger, I stumbled across Hen-Mother Hami, and was like, "WOW!" I thought she was gorgeous. Well, she got killed the first time by another player (I helped so I could at least get loot), then waited for her to respawn. She did, I dropped the trap, then I got knocked out of taming so I had to regen health. In the meantime, another player came up and started attacking her, so I just started taming anyway. I figured, I had already waited my turn, and she respawns fast enough that I'm not really screwing the other player. Mine! :P I re-named her Phoenix. It's not particularly clever, but I couldn't think of anything that suited her more than a bird of legend. I think she's stunning. <3


Regarding the tigers, I knew I loved the black and red one as soon as I saw a pic of it on Petopia. I ended up finding Ra-khan first, so I tamed him. However, upon leaving the cave, I decided that I might as well check out the white ones too. Why not? I targeted a cub to tame it, then got attacked from behind by an adult. So, I tamed that one instead. :lol: Turns out, I LOVE the white ones in person way more than I expected. So, I kept my white one and abandoned my black one. I think it must have been meant to be, because I now finally have Tenseiga to complete my Inu Yasha kitty family (Tetsusaiga, Sounga, and now Tenseiga)! His colors are pretty much spot-on! :D



(Sorry for the excessive yappity-yap.)
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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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