Mice Tips - Getting them Social

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Mice Tips - Getting them Social

Unread post by Seilahyn »

I've done Google and looked at what was said there, most of it was the same thing over and over. I was wondering if anyone had some better tips or things not mentioned in those guides. The basics were: Give them time to settle in, hand feed them treats/food, and basically just get them use to you.

I bought two females on Sunday, so I've only had them two days. I took the advice of letting them settle in, only occasionally watching them and eventually attempting to give a snack only to fail. I have left various snacks around their cage to try to associate me with good things, which they have been snacking on over night. I read that peanut butter is a very liked treat, but mine seem to have no interest at all in it. I know it said that patience is the number one rule to this, and I am. I'm not typing this in frustration or giving up at all, just wanting to see if anyone had better suggestions. Is there a treat your mice likes a lot that I might want to try? A toy?

I'm use to the rats at work (Humane Society), but they normally come in social even if a bit nippy. I actually got ones that were surrendered for being "too bitey" to stop. It didn't take long. Just a few days/week of giving them goodies everyday and eventually they were taking things very nicely from me and settled down. Of course if you stuck your fingers through the bars.. that's another story. They'd mistake your finger for a treat... but even that I started to break them of and they would "taste" the finger instead of grabbing it in haste.

I honestly wanted a rat, but I had found a baby mouse at work that was near death and took it home in hopes I could save it. It perked up after eating, but didn't make it through the night after I had run out to buy a cage and supplies. So, I decided to get two mice and give that a try.. and not waste the newly bought cage/supplies. I know they won't be like the rats, but I am still hoping I can get them social enough to sit on my shoulder and/or handle them.

Another thing I read was to leave behind something good anytime I go in the cage to help associate me with good and fun things. So earlier I left behind a toilet paper tube, which my one girl I thought was excited about. Turns out a twitching tail doesn't mean they're happy/excited... and actually means the opposite. I guess I upset her with it.. but she did seem to like it once inspecting it.

I haven't named them yet as I'm trying to get a feel for their personalities more before giving them names. Hard to tell from the pictures, but one is mostly white with tan spots and red eyes, and the other is almost completely black with a white stripe on her head and a partial white stache/chin that runs down her belly in a thin stripe.
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Re: Mice Tips - Getting them Social

Unread post by zedxrgal »

Strangely mice take a long time to warm to a human because unless got as little hoppers are introverted rodents. They have to be. It keeps them safe in the big wide world.
I've always suggested, although kind of gross, take a sock you've worn a few hours or the day and put it in their enclosure. Change it out daily. You should see them become more accustomed to it and hopefully nest in it.
Keep up the treat offering also.
Some rodents can take a month before they start to warm up to a new owner. Don't give up on the little dolls though.

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Re: Mice Tips - Getting them Social

Unread post by Seilahyn »

Maybe I'll wear one of my torn socks to work tomorrow. That way I can give it to them and not worry what they do with it as it would have gotten tossed anyway. They might like the holes! They have a nesting box on the top of the cage, so I imagine putting it in there would be the best idea. Although it would be amusing to see them try and pull it up the tube to the nesting box.

I brought them home three little apple wood chews from work. I put one in their box and the other two in the main part of the cage. I forgot to grab one of the apple biscuit things that I gave to the rabbit and rat... today was a bit busy. I also found a mass on our rat at work... was rather sad about that. Hopefully it's just a simple fatty tumor and nothing serious.

I'll cut up and apple and try that again tonight.
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