Rant Thread

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by biscitandchina »

We're fostering a litter of kittens and mother until they're old enough to be adopted. Literally they were just born Monday.

I'm already in love with them. This is going to be hard, and heartbreaking. I love cats. I always get instantly attached. Always do this to myself.

I'm such a damned idiot.

Yes I see where you are coming from just last summer when we moved into our house we took is a pregnant cat named rouge(she was left here by her owners when we moved in) anyway Rouge had 5 kittens and we still have 2(not to give away)
as a bonus I think our 8 month old cat (who looks like a week old) is smaller then mr.peebles....Rouge has some weird genetics
The kittens names are bandit and buffalo.....Buffalo got his name by headbutting a laser pointer toy...hes not all that bright
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Snowy »

TY for waking me up at 9 AM because you just HAD to listen to Nickelback at top volume in the shower.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Ana »

ive gone temporary deft on my right ear :( suuucks.. Doctors need to figure out why.. sigh....


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Snowy »

You've chosen to ignore me for the past four days at least. Excuse me if I don't feel like talking to you when you can actually be bothered.

Leaving to visit my mum for a week tonight. Can't fucking wait.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Ana »

WoD totally killed my love for alts. Panda was kinda boring to do with all characters too but with the garrison... im done... my alts might get to lvl 100, but i doubt it (2 of them have though ) but all the garrison stuff is just ARGHHH .. and the same quest over and over again.. i really miss a bigger world with more zones to go..


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Arthur »

I feel kind of the same. ;v; I'm really not feeling it at all with WoD.
Three of my characters are 100, the other five are still below 92.

I don't usually complain about WoW, But I can't help but feel it was slightly disappointing. That's just my own opinion, of course

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Makoes »

I to have found WoD to be...lack-luster. I find myself going more and more days between playing...and the sheer amount of stuff needed for the legendary quests is daunting. I don't even find the dungeons to be that interesting either...everbloom and Spires being the only two I actually like.
And rather then level my lv80-90+ alts, I find myself starting new ones just to be able to go through the older contents again.


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Ana »

Ohh im soo glad im not the only one.. I feel WoD to be a pain. I never do the dungeons and i only do the lfr for the stones for the ring questlinie... I feel like it was a waste of money on the expansion.. Already feel tht im done in WoD... been in all the lfr, did all the quests in the zones.. and again nothing left to do but grind for gear/achivement.. Ughn...


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Snowy »

Sitting waiting for a response to a very important question. I know I'm not going to like the answer, but I've never felt so tense.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Krysteena »

I'm the same way...I love WoW, I really do, but WoD just...it was good, I miss it, but now I don't have time often, with exam season kicking in soon, when I did have the time I just didn't play. Or I'd run around and be rather unproductive. This, in conjunction with the fact that the coolest race ever was killed off as some silly boss fight in a raid before WoD...

I say this, I will go back at some point, no doubt. But I hope I'm not the only one who feels like being level 100 is wrong? 90? Fine. 100? That seems like our players are just too good, too highly levelled.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Azunara »

ha ha ha....

good thing I have a helluva lot of Xanax on me because the number of times I've felt really anxious/panicky in the last few days has been insane

it has been bad and I'm afraid
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by cowmuflage »

I've had like 3 friends unfollow me on Tumblr and at least one of them did not do it on purpose but the others I dunno :S (the fact that they both are not responding at all does not make me feel any better, Did I do something wrong?)

It could just be Tumblr?
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Ana »

so what did you do in WoW today dear valued costumer of ours?

*Well i learned that even though my followers are maximum leveled they only get xp mission
*I learned that my barn is needing leather, yet again
*I learned that i dont need to farm to get spirits
*I learned that the first 99 levels doenst matter, its all about the final game
*I learned that the final game is all about gear, which you can get from missions

That what i learned in Wow today, thats what i learned in WoW.

But what did you do with your alts today dear valued costumer of ours?

*I learned to do the same quest over and over again.
*I learned that all my hard earned reputation on one character doenst matter. I have to do them again (yay)

Thats what i learned in wow today, thats what i learned in wow

Taken from Eddie Scollers song " what did you learn in school today"

nope not bored with wow at all :roll: :roll:


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Arthur »

I still love WoW and probably always will, but I'm so fed up and burnt out. I hope it doesn't offend anyone but I miss MoP. At least the things we had that we could do. The boat load of dailies. I know a lot of people hated them but I liked having something to do and work on. Finally getting exalted was fun. Just like getting all the guys to be your friends in Halfhill. I mean, I do like Garrisons. Followers are fun. But it gets.. Old. Really fast. Oh boy, I click a few buttons and they bring back shit in a few hours. *confetti*
I really enjoyed the Garrison campaign, but I finished it. The Harrison dailies are fun, but I won't do the same mission more than once (if that's even possible..) There are no rares to camp. I have already tamed Gara and got most of the mounts I wanted.
I could get exalted with the arakkoa but that's grinding and I can't grind because I don't have the attention span. The ring quest is fucking boring. I've given up on it for now. BRF Is boring, I don't want to run it 500 times for one lousy quest. I have not bothered with Blackhand in LFR yet. I don't feel like putting up with it for a chance at a couple runes.

MoP had new/different places added in patches. Like the Isle of Giants, Isle of Thunder, The Barrens questline (Which, admittedly, was a pretty rough grind.. 'Least in my opinion.)
I don't really know why I'm even whining about it. It's pointless. They will add new things when they feel like it, or they won't. What ever.

I've cancelled my subscription for the time being, I don't feel like paying $15 to log in every few days and click a couple buttons and then log back off is worth the money, and it'd be stupid of me to continue paying for something that I find quite distastefully handled at the moment.

Sorry for the huge, huge whine. Aha...

Yes, I do realize some of these feelings may be due to depression, etc. But yeah. I honestly feel a bit better now that I've gotten it off my mind

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Krysteena »

Turns out my sister is a cow... We were arguing as always, no surprise there, and for no reason she blurts out that I'm no fun, and it's no surprise why my boyfriend left me. Umm excuse me?! What has that got to do with you not turning off the tv when you aren't using it?! I'm sorry, is it suddenly fun to waste electricity?! Remind me to leave all the lights on next time, maybe I'll be fun and someone would like me >_>
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Makoes »

Coffee maker was so plugged up with coffee grounds in the water tank...tried taking it apart because the hubby was just going to toss it out...while trying to clear the water tubs, I accidentally ripped the tube, FML!!!
So went to catch a bus to head to the mall to see about getting a new coffee maker while the hubby was at work...and forgot the buses were on holiday schedule...FML. So went home, re-checked schedule, I could get to the mall, but buses stopped after that, no way home...FML!!!!
We also just got back from Fan Expo last night, and since we were gone for Easter...the Easter bunny came last night, so it was a really early morning with a sugar hyped almost 5 year old. And Next weekend is her birthday, which I need ot get invitations out for, and dig up some money for food/snacks.
I also need a new shower head since ours broke, a new watch before my next work day, the living room is FULL of boxes to sort as we get the place ready for a baby. FML, there's just so much to do and buy and all I want to do is go back to bed!!!!!

Today, I would really love a beer...I really would...but can't...not till this little one is born. /sigh


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Nick »

So those new gametime tokens are like 31k gold -.-
I don't know if the price will flux or not when they're out for longer but I have problems making 8k for a faction mount let alone 30k ffs

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Lisaara »

Blizz controls the prices on those, far as I know.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Nachtwulf »

They started at 30k and then will go up and down as need be. I probably won't ever buy one because I never have that much money even across all my alts. If I scraped it up, sure, I'd have a single month of time but then I'd be out of WoW AND completely broke.

someday I'll find someplace to host a sig that isn't stupid money-grubbing photobucket

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Novikova »

I have hypothyroid now. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
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