Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Anything related to Hunter pets.
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Krysteena »

I'd love for the newer wolf mounts to have a wolf run, not the worg one. Their tail just flaps everywhere :lol: also, here I go again on Void Wolves so do excuse me, but if the void wolf was to become a rare, surely because so many people absolutely love it the poor thing will be camped for eternity. If it was a rare, maybe a low respawn timer? Like the half hour ones you sometimes see. If not, I'd like a little area (this is probably too late to be implemented but bare with me) where, here I take from an idea I've seen, you see some wolves with the void wolf model that are being turned completely. :)

Perhaps it could be an hunter specific quest. You're contacted because someone has found where they're tormenting wolves and turning them. You go, and most are turned. They're beyond your help. One calls out to you and begs for help. You can either tame or kill, thus the quest is complete.
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Ana »

Lurker suggestion.. not all about pets though but i hope its oki

I have played mmorpgs for 16 years (EQ 1 +2, Aion, Rift, Neverwinter Nights Online, Anarchy Online, Ultima Online, Lord of the Rings online, Runes of magic and probally more.. but atm my brain cant recall any more ;) ) and each game, including wow have had some good and some bad things in them. i would love for some of the good things in the games i have played to be incorperated into WoW. These are options that for ME would make WoW a better game. Remember these are what for ME would be a good idea - and if i could make my own game these choises would defo be a part of that game:D

What i as a causal player feel i need is 1: More choises and 2 : WAY more versatility. Probally will think of more than what i have listed.. but these are what are in my head rigth now

1: Choises.

*Let me choose to have a surname or not.. Yes there is an addon there does it, but it does not list a surname behind my name. I am used to having a surname and for me it would improve the game. It should offcourse be optional so those who would not have a surname could do that

* Choises between PvP and PvE... Let me choose what i want.. with the same reward. If i want to do the (insert event, quest etc here) in pvp instead of pve i should be able too and visa versa. Allr ewards should be able to be obtained in whichever way i choose to play the game

* Choise if i want to be a part of the hordie vs. allience conflict or if i want to remain a neatural player... or even go with the opposite team. I think there should be a neautral play choises along with the horde and alience.. and that every player should feel free to choise their side of the war if they dont want to be neutral. Do you want to be a bloodelf in stormwind or a human in orgrimar? Should be NO problem. Offcourse you would be marked a traitor to your "own" faction.. but there should be a choise

*Choise if you want to raid, group or solo... Do you want to experience the lastest raid dungeon but you dont want to raid? no problem there will be a solo version of it ...with a lesser itemlvl reward ofcourse. It should be every players choise how they would like to play the game.

* Player houses/guild houses. This is missing from the game and i really would like to be able to decorate my home/guildhall

*pets : stags, cliffhoffs.. let me tame every beast if i want to.. do i want to kill deathwith with a cow pet? no problem :D

*Chose if you want your alts to obtain the same factions/achivements/transmorg/mounts/minipets as you OR if you want them to start from scratch.. I dont want to farm faction for all my characters but if someone wants to do that they should be able to.. just like i should be able to have exhalted with hydrexian warlords on my alt if my main got it

2: Versatility

lvl 60 = outlands
lvl 70 = northrend
lvl 80= cataclysm
lvl 85= pandaria


a much much much much bigger world!! give me 10 different starting zones to choose from.. generally need way way way more zones in the game... yes this mean alot of programming but i feel that some of the worlds i played on other games are bigger and offer way more versatility

* more playable races.. Murlocs, Naga, Ogres, centaurs etc.

* remove the restriction of classes and races.. do i want to plau a gnome hunter or a worgen paladin.. no problem

*Introduce more things into the games..Like lore and leged. Collect/kill enough of a beast and get a reward/title/item which you can use in your home/transmorg etc

*Transmorg... if you can use it, you can mog it. Wanna look like you have two daggers when in fact you running around with a 2h sword.. or a robe instead of plate... no problem. All melee weapons, 1h and 2 hand should be able to morg over eachother, and if you can wear the armor you can mog it.. yes this is benefical for plateweares than clothes weares.. but i still think the choise should be there


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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Silverpeal »

Been a while, but in case our Lurker is still lurking...

I'd like to suggest a new giant space worm/caterpillar be considered! Color-changing with squishy slime-jelly noises like so:



For some reason I imagine any cocoon made by this thing would be like delicious cotton candy... <.<

Gummi Grubs?
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Makoes »

The HECK is THAT?!?!?!?! It's COOL!!!!


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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Silverpeal »

Makoes wrote:The HECK is THAT?!?!?!?! It's COOL!!!!
It's a jewel caterpillar.
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Wain »

Oh wow, that is amazing!!
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Myrrmi »

/grabbyhands @_@

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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Lisaara »

Silverpeal wrote:Been a while, but in case our Lurker is still lurking...

I'd like to suggest a new giant space worm/caterpillar be considered! Color-changing with squishy slime-jelly noises like so:



For some reason I imagine any cocoon made by this thing would be like delicious cotton candy... <.<

Gummi Grubs?
I want this in the worm family like NAO.

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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Snypyr »

I actually think a bit of work needs to be done going forward with regards to the look of Hunter gear. For me personally, when I think about most other classes, the overall "themes" of their gear suit the "theme" of the class.

Rogue gear does look like something that would be worn by a stealthy assassin who lurks in the shadows. Paladin gear does look like the embodiment of the holy light in plate armour. Warriors do look like absolute wrecking balls. The list goes on. Hunter gear, for me, hasn't really looked particularly defineable as hunter gear since maybe Tier 6.

Some bits of mail armour that aren't tier sets seem to suit shaman more - the troll-themed voodoo mail, for example. Other bits look like they are trying to be leather in disguise.

I'd like to see mail armour, tier gear or otherwise, that looks like something that would be worn by what I always imagine a hunter to be. To me, I imagine a lone hunter and his loyal pet, stalking prey - wanting to blend in with their surroundings, setting traps, trying not to scare away their mark. The other side to this coin is the proud trophy hunter, wanting to display to all the spoils of their victories - Tier 6 comes closest to that for me.

As a troll hunter, it would be cool to see something that specifically fits the "shadowhunter" mould, seeing as most troll mail does look like stolen shaman gear.
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Krysteena »

Snypyr wrote:I actually think a bit of work needs to be done going forward with regards to the look of Hunter gear. For me personally, when I think about most other classes, the overall "themes" of their gear suit the "theme" of the class.

Rogue gear does look like something that would be worn by a stealthy assassin who lurks in the shadows. Paladin gear does look like the embodiment of the holy light in plate armour. Warriors do look like absolute wrecking balls. The list goes on. Hunter gear, for me, hasn't really looked particularly defineable as hunter gear since maybe Tier 6.

Some bits of mail armour that aren't tier sets seem to suit shaman more - the troll-themed voodoo mail, for example. Other bits look like they are trying to be leather in disguise.

I'd like to see mail armour, tier gear or otherwise, that looks like something that would be worn by what I always imagine a hunter to be. To me, I imagine a lone hunter and his loyal pet, stalking prey - wanting to blend in with their surroundings, setting traps, trying not to scare away their mark. The other side to this coin is the proud trophy hunter, wanting to display to all the spoils of their victories - Tier 6 comes closest to that for me.

As a troll hunter, it would be cool to see something that specifically fits the "shadowhunter" mould, seeing as most troll mail does look like stolen shaman gear.
I second this. Much of my hunters gear has never looked huntery. It's looked flashy. How am I supposed to sneak up on a beast with bright neon lasers coming from my helm?! (Yes, I'm looking at the current tier in SoO) I'm hoping some Draenor gear will get rid of that. Lasers are cool, but I don't need one poking out my helm.
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Snypyr »

Kayro wrote:Much of my hunters gear has never looked huntery. It's looked flashy. How am I supposed to sneak up on a beast with bright neon lasers coming from my helm?! (Yes, I'm looking at the current tier in SoO) I'm hoping some Draenor gear will get rid of that. Lasers are cool, but I don't need one poking out my helm.
If they want us to look like laser-guided snipers, I would rather have gear that looks more like a ghillie suit than an explosion in an lightbulb factory.

There are a lot of real-world themes that can be applied to how we might want our in-game characters to look - gung-ho commando, military sniper, jungle tracker, plains stalker, cowboy. Then your in-game themes can affect the art styles used to create those representations of our real-world influences, in my opinion. Imagine the idea of a sniper, crossed with the troll shadowhunter style. A cowboy and hunter on the great plains, maybe with a tauren art influence.

Semi-related note - when the heck are we going to get the ability to dual-wield pistols?! Yes, I know, it would take a lot of work to create the animations and such, and alter the mechanics to include offhand ranged attacks and such, but still. I want a trenchcoated, cowboy hat wearing, pistol wielding gunslinger, gosh darn it.
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Firesighn »

I was really hoping some of the families with few choices for skins would get some love this Xpac...

Don't get me wrong, I'm over the moon about talbuks (and oh MAN bearded vulture...), and all of these new skins are killer, but we have loads of wolves and cats. I'm super glad spore bats are going to get more options, but I was really, REALLY hoping for more warpstalker variety, since they are one of my favs. Nether rays, too. Both are from BC content like the spore bats, I was really hoping they'd get some love.

I'd like more variety in EXISTING groups that don't have many choices atm. Foxes, gorilla, monkeys, hyenas, etc... We have all of these existing groups that could be expanded upon.
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Twila »

I was hoping for new warp stalkers in WOD, we are getting a lot of 'new' versions of BC mobs, versions of them before the shattering warped them... warp stalkers are my fav mob, and well... really hope a new version shows up. :( white one plz.

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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Crotalus Horridus »

Out of all of the beast models currently in the game, I want bears to receive an update the most. Sure, there may be a numerous amount of other models that are far more worthy, but I believe that the iconic bears of the Warcraft universe deserve it.

After all, Blizzard could turn them into Bear Dogs or Dog Bears. ;)
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by WerebearGuy »

Two things I really, REALLY want;

1. Tameable plant hydras/mandragoras
2. More colors for Teroclaw Chick.

The Mandragora are practically hydras, just made of plants. We can tame ghosts, and in some cases elementals (spirit beasts are essentially elementals, right?), and the Teroclaw Chick would look stunning in blue or gold like Kil'uun and Hami.


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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Bambu »

Another Spellpower buff pet for Surv/MM Hunters would be nice. I suggest those sea lions from Northrend. Why? "Insight of Seals" is a puntastic pet buff name. Maybe they could also have a small swim speed buff/underwater breathing bonus ability.

Also, tameable frogs because I like frogs. They could have "Mind Croakening".

Most importantly: Thanks to whoever takes the time to look at these, Blizzard relations or not. :)
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Makoes »

There are a number of Bat colors not yet available, it would be nice to see them added to new or existing mobs.

My personal favorite and probably the only bat model I am truly interested in taming is the "Silver" one


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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Araucaria »

I would love to see foxes updated, and maybe new colors for the new hydra model :D
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Vegatifa »

Bubble pets? :3
I'd love to have an eel or shark chomping on my enemy's face
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Jäysee »

OH NO! In the bear section 'Non-tamable Looks" has removed my Grey/Blue zombie bear picture. Looks like my chances are down to zero now... =(

They ARE in game still even though Petopia doesn't list them(Ruins of Korja area as "Deepwoods Spirit-undead" in Pandaland)...I guess I will just have to go a visit them from time to time.

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