Pet model images for Legion

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Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Wain »

Here are Petopia's model shots for Legion so far.

Not all of these may become tameable. Some of the shots I took just in case, or purely because they were cool-looking creatures.

Click on the thumb to see the full sized image.

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[table=border-collapse:collapse; padding:0px 40px 10px 0px; background-color:#F3F4F9; line-height: 170%;][tr][td=3,padding-left:0px;color:#004000;font-size:110%;text-align:center;]New Families[/td][/tr]

[table=border-collapse:collapse; padding:0px 40px 10px 0px; background-color:#F3F4F9; line-height: 170%;][tr][td=3,padding-left:0px;color:#004000;font-size:110%;text-align:center;]New Models For Existing Families[/td][/tr]

[table=border-collapse:collapse; padding:0px 40px 10px 0px; line-height: 170%;][tr][td=1,padding-left:0px;color:#004000;font-size:110%;text-align:center; background-color:#F3F4F9;]New Skins for Older Models[/td][td=1,padding-right:100px;][/td][td=1,padding-left:0px;color:#004000;font-size:110%;text-align:center; background-color:#F3F4F9;]Other Interesting Models[/td][/tr]
[td=1,background-color:#F3F4F9;](May not be tameable) [/td][/tr][/table]

Axebeaks, Mechanical

Chickens, Mechanical
Two models. We know that the one without the rockets is tameable but there's so far no sign of the other.
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Gorillas, Mechanical

I'm only including the basic model, which looks more like a beast, but the epic model is not beyond possibility. Both use the exact same set of skins.
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Rabbit, Mechanical
Gnome Hunters will start with a pet of this model.

Scorpids, Mechanical
The Iron Juggernaut boss and mount models.
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Sheep, Mechanical
A lovely new robotic sheep model. It's replacing the old one entirely.

Squirrel, Mechanical
A brand-new robotic squirrel model that is a higher quality update / replacement for the old one, just in time for taming! :)

Wolves, Mechanical
This cool robotic canine is tameable in the new Mechanical family. We've seen at least one (black) in the game, and another (red) datamined.
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Mana Sabers
This is a non-mount model based on the Store mount. Data suggest that these will be tameable in a special "Mana Saber" family of their own, which is currently surprising as they'd form a very tiny family. The new skins could be used on the mount (which uses a wild skin as its base, with a separate skin for the saddle etc.), giving us more potential mounts as well...
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"Musken" seems to be a contraction of "musk oxen". These guys have a more than passing resemblance to yaks, but with way more horns. Along with yaks and shoveltusks they form the new Oxen family.
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Kodos are now tameable in the Scalehide family. There's one shiny new model which is an update of the original and is being used to replace it in older zones. The only colours so far are the same three that existed for the old model but hopefully we'll see some new ones before launch. The new model really is a beautiful and faithful update and it would be great if it had more than three skins.
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Spiny Basilisks
A wicked new spiny model :)
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This model is being used as a complete replacement of the original model (your current pet will switch automatically), except for a few rares which shall retain their retro look. Initially this model had a pronounced back problem, but this has been fixed! The protruding goatee was reduced as well, but is still present, and the "black" skins were darkened, though they still look brown instead of black. So while there are still concerns that they don't resemble the bears they're replacing, the current incarnation is still a vast improvement over the original and is quite attractive when not viewed in terms of a replacement.
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Very subtle, but lovely, updates/replacements of original model. On first glance the top and bottom rows look identical, but the bottom row is actually a higher quality model to the top and has minor changes in skeleton structure. View the large images in separate tabs and flick between them to appreciate the difference. At this stage I'm unsure which model(s) are going to be used for tameables.
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Sentinel Owls
Lovely new model with gorgeous colours. Not a replacement for the original owl, but something for the Broken Isles.
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Lovely update. It's being used to replace older Ravens in the world. I'm yet to be sure if all of them have been replaced or just some.

Rocs (maybe?)
These prehistoric-looking birds seem to be a cross-between a dread raven and a dreadtalon, with whole lot more spines. They definitely have the dreadtalon tail, which wags back and forth while they idle. Maybe they'll be in the Carrion Bird family like the dreadtalon, too. At first glance I thought they were just a dread raven with a new head, but there's a lot more to them than that and I'm rather fond of them. In addition to the four natural colours, there's a special "Nightmare" one.
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Non-magical skins based on the same model as the mana sabers. So far all are fairly basic, solid colours. It's a lovely model, but I hope they do some more complex textures for it as well, as they're all a little monochrome.
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These do not appear to be used anywhere in the game in 7.0, though that could always change.
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Crystal Scorpids
There are three colours of this beastie: red, green and blue. Unfortunately this model is unlikely to become tameable as it is. The tail and some other parts, such as the feelers, are in separate model files, which are linked together by the game. Apparently this composite style of model is unsuitable for taming. We can always hope they make a stand-alone version.

Fire Scorpids (Maybe)
This model has existed since Cataclysm, but has only been used for evil Druid NPCs. Legion datamining reveals this model being used by a tameable beast. Hopefully this is intentional! Previously (in Cataclysm) the model was only used for shape-shifting corrupted Druids.

Mana Wyrms
The new mana wyrm model seems to be a simple update of the original, which suggests they may replace the old mana wyrms with this one. But so far I think they're still using the old model around the world, at least on the existing creatures. So maybe it'll only be for new creatures in the Broken Isles. One of the original colours ("white", which actually more silver and peach) doesn't seem to have received an update yet, and they couldn't completely replace the originals until that one is added.

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A wicked new model with four colours. In addition there's a "Nightmare" version that seems to be based on the same model. Unfortunately these are likely to remain demons only.
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Moose are tameable in the Stag faily. We've known this one was coming from pretty much the beginning, and it's great to see the model up close. There are four standard colours, I love the white one.
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There's also one "ghostly" type, which could easily be used for a new spirit beast. The current image is missing some purple mist effects:

Stags - Broken Isles
There's a new stag model which is almost identical to the Pandaren model, except for: (i) no swirly patterns on the skins, otherwise the skin colours are the same, and (ii) the stance / animations are a little different, this model is more upright.
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Does - Broken Isles
This new doe model matches the new (and Pandaren) stag models colour-for-colour. They WILL be tameable (confirmed)!.
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New Worgs
A cool, tough-looking new wolf model that comes in a regular and lightning version. Personally I find the skins for it a bit monochrome, like the nightsabers, but it's still a lovely model.
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The lightning model is used for Hati, the wolf summoned by the new BM gun artifact. Presumably different colours of worg will match different gun appearances. Regardless of their primary purpose, we can always hope they appear somewhere as rare tameables. Note that this model has extra glows on its mane fur that don't seem to be showing up in WoW Model Viewer.
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New Skins for Older Models

Core Hounds
There are new skins for a green core hound, using the updated model introduced in Warlords. The model hasn't yet been flagged to allow the new skins to be displayed, though they are clearly designed for use with it. Hopefully we'll see updated green core hounds, however! Note that the proper fire colour for the green has not yet been set, so I've removed it entirely for this image.

Draenor Boars
Two new boar colours so far. One a more natural colour and the other a mana-infused purple.
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Hook Wasps
One new colour, "Nightmare". No need to guess where it will appear ;)

Draenor Wolves
There are two new specialty versions of the Draenor wolf: a frost and a lightning one. These seem to be intended for Shaman minions, but we can always hope they end up as tameables as well :)
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There are also three lovely new Autumn colours for the Draenor model. All have corresponding mount / armour colours. These (or at least some of them) seem to be used in the Broken Isles.
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Spectral Saber Worgs
There are four new colours of spectral saber worg. They use the old skin format and so look less smooth than the newer models. It seems that they were created to be used in conjunction with varying colours/styles of the BM gun artifact, which summons Hati, but that role has now been assigned to a newer model. What will become of these (admittedly lower resolution) beauties? Hopefully they'll find a home somewhere!
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Other Interesting New Models
Maybe some will be tameable but we have no evidence for any of them being used by Hunters at this point.

Multi-headed monster hounds ("Guarm")
I previously received information that this multi-headed hound is intended for a special boss and won't be tameable. But things change, and since there are four colours hopefully one day they'll add more to the game. If so, it'll be interesting to see if they become tameable, and if so in which family. Perhaps they, and core hounds (including the furry dog and void hounds) and other demon hounds could combine into one new "occult hound" kind of family?
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Some lovely new colours. Note that the last colour does not seem to be currently attached to this model, it's the original mount skin from MoP. It should be used, however! I hope they also make a white one, or something surprising :)
When idle they still display the boxy wing-fold thing of the MoP mount, but it's hidden in these flying shots.
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Because of its hair braid and the link to Druid themes, we initially assumed the owlcat model was a new Druid form. But it's actually a wild beast and, while not currently tameable, it has a diet. They're very cute creatures and would make pretty cool new tames. Maybe they'd have their own family, but their features also suggest they could be a flightless relative of the hippogryph and gryphon. (Note, wild musken also have a hair braid, so it's probably fair to look past that part and assume that the Druids of the Broken Isles are simply fond of running about and braiding the hair of their native fauna :) ).
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We have no idea if these amazing new unicorns will ever become tameable but they look like they'd be savage fighters!
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In addition there are six colours that could be added if the skins from the mount were used on the wild model. The skins are identical in format, but different in colour:
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Two new models, both lacking the fiery effects of the original Cataclysm model. "HellHoundSkeleton" has no particle/fire effects. HellHoundFire has a mild, green fog.
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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Vephriel »

Wow, awesome work with getting these all out! :) It's really nice to take a closer look at the models. The musk oxen, for example, I had no idea were actually different from yaks! What adorable braids. And I just love all of those bird models, the revamps and the new rocs. I hope rocs and dread ravens might become tameable! *crosses fingers* I also hope they make some wolves with that boss model because guh, it's such a nice wolf.

I think there might be a new blue/purple draenor boar as well, I saw some minipet images of it, but I know these are probably still a work in progress with getting all of the new model images. :)

I am very concerned about bears though, if they do intend to replace the old models...
Especially for my diseased black bear, none of those new ones have the same blue-black colour tone. I think I'd like them better if they lost the beard and the broken back for sure. :/
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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Kalliope »

Awesome work, Wain! regardless of what ends up happening, it's really nice seeing the potential prospects in one place. :) *quietly waves yak/ox family flag!*

I wonder where the diseased black bear and regular dark brown bear skins are...

Those colors go really well with the Madexx model!

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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Karathyriel »

Vephriel wrote:none of those new ones [bears] have the same blue-black colour tone. I think I'd like them better if they lost the beard and the broken back for sure. :/
I totally agree on the beard and the back.
But I aczually like the more natural colors.
And that bears will finally be able to close their mouths!
Always looked like they had their gums and teeth out for drying... :mrgreen:
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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Wain »

Vephriel wrote:I think there might be a new blue/purple draenor boar as well, I saw some minipet images of it, but I know these are probably still a work in progress with getting all of the new model images. :)
Oh if you can find a link please show me! If not, I'll go hunting or it.

Finding these is a nightmare. It's taken me a solid couple of days' work.

WMV isn't updated for Legion yet. I tried to help with that, but it's beyond my skills, and the main (only) coder is not currently active. So I decided to extract the models and skins so I could add them to a very old version of WMV that allows that kind of thing. It's usually easy, I've done it heaps before. Only it turns out that it's insane to try that with Legion. You see, they no longer refer to textures by file name anywhere in the database, just by a number. So there's no way of knowing which textures are available for any model. Instead I had to resort to a brute-force approach that generated and looked up probably many hundreds of thousands of potential skin names, with all sorts of combinations and weird potential colour names, until I found everything that I could. Many were straightforward, others couldn't have been randomly generated, like the purple basilisk is "basilisk2_leystone" - I eventually got that by a guess based on the name of one NPC that uses that colour). The new Draenor wolf colour names were guessed based on icons in the database for them.

But if anyone finds any missing colours, please tell me and I'll go looking :)

For some critters (like rabbits and rats), I haven't been able to guess the file name format for the textures and so haven't been able to model any of them yet. I've tried so many hundreds of combinations that seemed likely, even ones with typos. It's driving me a bit nuts ;)
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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Kalliope »

Bhando wrote:
Vephriel wrote:none of those new ones [bears] have the same blue-black colour tone. I think I'd like them better if they lost the beard and the broken back for sure. :/
I totally agree on the beard and the back.
But I aczually like the more natural colors.
And that bears will finally be able to close their mouths!
Always looked like they had their gums and teeth out for drying... :mrgreen:
Oh my gosh, yes, all of this (though I'm with Veph on missing certain fur colors). The fix to get bears' mouths closed was a bandage on a gaping wound (don't get me started on the tooth clipping), so this is a vast improvement.

The more I see the new bears, the more I like them...minus the back/beard issues.

I've really enjoyed the new direction pets have been going in appearance-wise since Cata or so (those scorpids <3). It's a testament to the art team that I've been making grabby hands at, well, everything, even though I still end up sticking with my low-polygoned, but much-loved pets.

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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Vephriel »

Man, that sounds tiring Wain. D: We really appreciate all your hard work! :hug:

Here's the aforementioned blue piggy! I spotted him on WoWhead's battle pet update (x) (very image heavy link!)
It would be awesome if it was a tameable pet too (I'm going to have so many boars)!

And yeah, I can definitely see the appeal of more natural colours but...Grudge is one of my very special pets. I'm so used to the way he looks now, and especially his colour tone. It's a completely different vibe for him to go from cooler blues/greens to sudden reds if he indeed gets replaced. :( It's just not my bear any more.
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Last edited by Vephriel on Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Aquillian »

I adore the new eagles. Cannot wait to see my Chrysaetos updated. I also actually really like those basilisks. First basilisks I may tame.

The new bears are nice, I do hope they adjust their backs a bit.

And I must say, I love the new Nightsabers. I've always liked pets with simple color schemes. I can see myself running with that first one.
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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Equeon »

Great work on those official images!

Here's the blue boar I found, confirming that it's out there somewhere


You might also want to include the updated robo-squirrel model, since it seems that's one of the creatures in the mech family.
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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Wain »

Equeon wrote:Great work on those official images!
Here's the blue boar I found, confirming that it's out there somewhere
Thanks to you and to Veph!

It looks like something special, and not just a standard colour. I'll have to try more unusual names, I fear.
Equeon wrote: You might also want to include the updated robo-squirrel model, since it seems that's one of the creatures in the mech family.
Good point. I do have that one. I've steered clear of mechanical critters until we're sure what will be allowed, but maybe I should post it.
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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Equeon »

I think it was called "leytusk", if not "manatusk" or "manaboar" or something like that.
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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Wain »

Thanks. I found the NPC called "Leytusk" but that doesn't seem to be the key to the texture name :( I tried all kinds of combos using "ley" in it as well (leyhoof, leysnout, leystone, etc. even misspellings with "lay", also combos with mana, arcane and magic). I'll keep looking. If you find any other NPCs that use the same skin please let me know the name!
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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by SpiritBinder »

Could maybe try something storm/lighting related?


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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Quiv »

The head on those Roc are so interesting. Its not like the ravens who wear helmets. That looks like its part of the skull. "Prehistoric-looking" is well said. I hope they do a purple variant!

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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Vephriel »

The rocs are honestly fantastic, such great looking birds. They very much remind me of something from Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal. I want them to be tameable so badly!
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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Bangeall »

Thank you for this list Wain! We really appreciate it!

I hope that blue and gold owl is tameable. It's glorious.

I really like the diseased skins for the bears, but the model does need some work.

Never thought I'd want to tame a basilisk, they look amazing.

For a split second, I read "hellhoundfog" as "hellhoundDOG" and my excitement went through the roof. I thought they were being added to the dog family. :D
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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Lupen202 »

The more and more I see of this bear the less I like it, sadly :( I'm in the same boat as you regarding the back & beard; it looks ridiculous. Hopefully we'll see some changes but I'm not holding my breath, as I'm sure Blizz has "more important" things to worry about than beast models.

I really love the majority of the new models though. The moose look great, as do the eagles, owls, panthers. I really like the new wolf colors too... even though I wish they'd use the Fenrir model instead. I swear if we don't get that Black & orange color as both a mount and pet I'll be very sad.

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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by pop »

Wain wrote:Thanks. I found the NPC called "Leytusk" but that doesn't seem to be the key to the texture name :( I tried all kinds of combos using "ley" in it as well (leyhoof, leysnout, leystone, etc. even misspellings with "lay", also combos with mana, arcane and magic). I'll keep looking. If you find any other NPCs that use the same skin please let me know the name!
Interesting. In Warcraft lore, ley lines are the basis of runic, portal and arcane magics in Azeroth; like earth's electromagnetic field.
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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Wain »

Updated with:
- a pair of bear colours I missed: bear2skindrkbrown / bear2skindrkbrowndiseased. I added these to third position, after "black". The "black" actually looks dark brown, while the "drkbrown" actually looks like a dull olive brown.
- a fourth manawurm colour, which I added to the end. I found this in the unknown files and don't know it's name, but it corresponds to the "silver" of the original manawurms so I'm calling it that for now. That leaves just one manawurm colour (based on the assumption these are updates of the originals) missing.

I found another musk ox colour, but haven't added it yet. It's quite dark.

No luck finding the blue boar. Does anyone know if it only appeared recently in Wowhead's pages? I wonder if it's from newer data that they swiped directly from the server and it hasn't come down yet.
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Re: Pet model images for Legion

Unread post by Kalliope »

Ahhh! You're wonderful, Wain! :D I had assumed oversight on Blizzard's part rather than still-in-progress datamining. Thank you!

And now I'm even more bothered by the red undertones of the black skin rather than the former blue. :/ The green under the dark brown is a strange change as well.

On the plus side, the bears are keeping their old colors, with those aforementioned exceptions. That isn't always the case when art gets changed/updated. I'm definitely grateful on that count. I just wish that the darker bear undertones were the same.

I don't suppose the boar could be runed, like the demon dogs, could it? It just looks mana-infused/tainted...

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