I miss playing WoW so much.

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Journeyman Hunter
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I miss playing WoW so much.

Unread post by Sickhuntz56 »

I'm not even really sure why I'm making this post. I guess I wanna just relive my days of excited WoW conversations. I'm currently 20, and going to college for a BFA in Graphic Design. I started playing WoW when I was about 14 I think. It was right at the beginning of WotLK.
Man, what an amazing experience. At first, of course, I didn't really know what I was doing, and was just messing around. Then I started to use the internet, I went to wowhead, looked at stuff, did research to decide what class I needed to be, because I know it had to be the right one. Finally, I decided on a hunter, and boy was I right. I made a hunter named Graotik, on nesingwary. I played to level 10, so excited to get my first pet, and I immediately went to darnassus and tamed a nightstalker. I still didn't understand end game or anything, but it didn't matter. I didn't really have many friends at this point in life, and really didn't even know anybody in the game. I just did my quests. I stayed around level 20 for so long, haha. Just messing around. Finding pets was my thing, man, I loved it. I loved going out hunting for the rare barrens cheetah every day, having to make that long walk through the night elf places just to get to the barrens. I would literally just find other low level hunters and ask if they wanted a cool pet. I would help people for no reason, other than It brought me joy to be playing this game and giving other people the experience that I had.
Eventually, I got past that hump and started leveling. Hell, it took me months. Finally though, I hit the current max level. I immediately went out and looked for all of the hunter pets I wanted. I spent hours and hours camping out waiting for the spirit beasts, I even got all of them. I found a guild, a WoW family, full of people who just wanted to play the game and help others as well. I found a good group of guys and I can honestly say they were my best friends at that point, I played as much as I could. I remember pvping with them, and losing every time and not even caring because of how much fun I was having. Eventually I started to get into pve, and started raiding. Man, what a rush! I remember trying so hard to do my best for my raid group, I remember all the laughs had when that one guy accidentally pulled every mob and we got shit on. Waiting up hours just trying to beat that one boss, and everyone was frustrated but we would eventually pull through and beat him. I never got the loot, of course. I have more memories in WoW than I think I do in real life, honestly.
I played and raided all through cata and MoP, eventually getting pretty good, and branching out to other classes. Lmao, I made a feral druid named Dog, which was a worgen. hahahaha. I had a death knight, and he was good too. I moved through a few guilds, making friends in each one. Eventually, after playing for years and years, I kind of stopped. I had to get a macbook for school, so no more PC. I tried to play it on my macbook but it just doesnt work. I can't even afford game time. Man, i'm tearing up. I miss all the good people, the bad people, the boring farming at 2 AM, everything. I would get back and start playing it so quick if I had the opportunity. I go on this subreddit pretty often just for nostalgia, and today man I just wanna hop on and play warsong gulch with the old homies so badly. Someday hopefully I will be able to get a pc and play it some more before it dies down.Anyway I just wanted to say I miss this community. Love you guys.
I played on Nesingwary. Name was Graotik (aka Dog, Pinecone, Grymlin)


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Re: I miss playing WoW so much.

Unread post by Wain »

Sorry to hear that :( I hope your studies are going well and you can return when you get a job! And relax a bit more when you don't need to worry about studying anymore :)

It's a while since I've played WoW on a Macbook (an old one belonging to my ex) but I thought it worked fine. Is it not running at all, or just choking the computer?
Shaman avatar by Spiritbinder.
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