How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

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How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by Flyra »

Hey everyone, I'm after some advice. I'm going through that phase again where I'm craving having more hunters. So far I've managed to stick to my main and a lvl 60 Worgen... that's after cutting back on the 6 I used to have just because I'm weird about having neat character lists.

I was thinking of starting a Draenei hunter to be my main on alliance side and I was wondering how many hunters other people have and if they're easy to manage? I've never tried playing both factions before or two hunters at the same time and I was wondering if it's easy or a bit of a juggling act as I don't wanna level her if I'm never going to be able play her!


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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by Serenith »

I get so easily distracted that I have made a few hunters in the past on whims, as well as multiples of other classes. Particularly I am bad about having too many priests. I currently have three 90+ priests and one is considerably neglected >.>

As for my hunters, I have one on my old server sitting at 90 collecting dust because I swapped servers and didnt take her with me, but I have now made a brand new hunter and intend to make one more once gnome hunters are on live. That'll put me at three even though I kinda dont count the one on my old server anymore. I personally prefer not going too crazy and just have two at the most, one for horde and one for alliance. I played horde a lot, but since swapping servers I am enjoying my new characters on the alliance. For me its just hard to manage more than two of one class, cause something will usually be collecting dust. A big part of the reason that I even allowed myself multiples of some classes is due to the fact that I can never stick with a rogue or a DK. It just never works, so therefore I make more of a class that I enjoy in their place. But do what is right for you! If you really feel you won't play them, then maybe it won't be a great investment. But also there is nothing wrong with more then one! I know some folks here have like 10+ hunters because they love to have different stables for each to compliment race/theme or just because they love to tame so many different pets that the stable limit was not enough. I hear its 50 now, so it may be harder to reach that limit, but there was a time when you could only have 5 pets! Anyway, enough babble from me. I wish you luck in deciding! <3


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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by peanutbuttercup »

I currently have 3 max level hunters, 2 alliance and 1 horde. A small part of it is for pet collecting, as each one has a different "theme" that I like to stick to. But my main reason for having multiple hunters is because it's just a lot easier to do things like running dungeons, raids, solo content, etc., when I'm playing the class I'm most comfortable with.
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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by Niabi »

I currently play nine different hunters with a tenth serving as a bank alt and have intentions to create a Gnome huntress once Legion launches. I play both as horde and alliance, both as male and female characters, and have a hunter of every race except for Pandaren and Worgen.

You might think it absurd to play so many hunters but I never get tired of the class. I customize each one with different backstories, personalities, and pet themes. Managing them all is no different than it is with any other alt to be honest. I simply play whichever one I choose to focus on at any given time until it's time to focus on another, whether it's for leveling purposes, pet taming, or story progression.

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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by Mozag »

I have 6 max level hunters - 3 Alliance, 3 Horde. I'm leveling another 2 Alliance and 5 Horde, with the intention of making 2 more Alliance when the pre-patch hits. My favourite activities in the game are leveling and pets (and healing, but that's another subject!) so I tend to have no issues with having so many characters. I have 22 max level characters in total, and am currently leveling a good 10 more anyway, so I don't ever have time to get bored of any one class. I use a personal system of mine to make sure I play them all relatively equally. Max level characters have specific tasks, while the ones I'm leveling get randomised levels to work on whenever it's their turn.

Like Niabi, I have very different themes on each hunter (I never tame the same look twice, for example) with their own naming themes, and somehow that keeps all my hunters feeling fresh, although they're all currently BM. It's funny, because I have three priests and when questing they all go Shadow, and I tend to get bored very fast if playing them near each other, but I never have this problem with the hunters. I guess it's the bond they have with their pets that keeps them exciting?

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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by cowmuflage »

I have only 3 hunters. I made the other two back when there was no such thing as duel spec and I wanted to try out the other two specs XD
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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by Flyra »

Niabi wrote:I currently play nine different hunters with a tenth serving as a bank alt and have intentions to create a Gnome huntress once Legion launches. I play both as horde and alliance, both as male and female characters, and have a hunter of every race except for Pandaren and Worgen.

You might think it absurd to play so many hunters but I never get tired of the class. I customize each one with different backstories, personalities, and pet themes. Managing them all is no different than it is with any other alt to be honest. I simply play whichever one I choose to focus on at any given time until it's time to focus on another, whether it's for leveling purposes, pet taming, or story progression.

This is exactly what I wanted to do! I think I will actually. I started my Draenei today and I'm enjoying levelling another hunter so much! She already has a theme of a "falconer". My Worgen has always been a rare hunter. Niabi, how often do you play each and are they all similarly geared? I'd love to have a balance of both horde and alliance, maybe two as raiders.


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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by Niabi »

Flyra wrote:Niabi, how often do you play each and are they all similarly geared?
Niabi, Auroryn, Kadija, and Drakara are level 100. Khau and Ghiselle are both level 90. Synestra is level 85. Lilyth is level 80. Saraea just hit level 70 and my bank alt hunter Chotchke, is level 12.

I've had to take a 2 year on-and-off hiatus from playing due to health reasons but on my best days I can still get in a hour or two. Because of this, some of my hunters have sat at their respected levels for the duration of this expansion. If I was well however, I can bet most, if not all of them would be at max level by now.

My level 100s are geared almost identically because I don't raid or run very many high level instances but transmogging allows me to change up the look of their armor and weapons so it doesn't become a problem.
Mozag wrote:Like Niabi, I have very different themes on each hunter (I never tame the same look twice, for example) with their own naming themes, and somehow that keeps all my hunters feeling fresh, although they're all currently BM. It's funny, because I have three priests and when questing they all go Shadow, and I tend to get bored very fast if playing them near each other, but I never have this problem with the hunters. I guess it's the bond they have with their pets that keeps them exciting?
This is sooo true! My druids feel the same. My warlocks feel the same. But my hunters ... they always feel unique and interesting.

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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by zedxrgal »

Like Mozag I've currently got six hunters. 4 are max level two are 97 or 98. All my girls have different themes including transmog etc. I'll have #7 come legion. :lol:

Due to ADHD I am able to keep up (so to speak) with all 6 lasses however also due to the boredom of repeating the same rep grinds blah blah blah my alliance main is the one doing all the raiding, WoD rep for flying etc. I find them easy to manage this way. Giordana is my workhorse while the other girls are all lazy and for fun. They do a lot of the old old old content that I don't remember or love repeating. Any gear upgrades Giordana receives that can be sent to help other toons is a major boon too!

For me hunters are like potato chips. I cannot have just one. :lol: I've too many ideas /themes I want to do.

I'm sure this really doesn't help but thought I'd say that Mozag & Niabi aren't alone in having several hunters running at once.

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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by Snope »

Two. A fantabulous swol Draenei for Alliance and a smol Goblin lady for Horde. And it's the only class I've capped twice without any level boosting.

Never really thought of making a third Hunter, though. What's it like to have three or more? o_o
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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

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Too many.... keeps trying to get me to go to AAA meetings. :D :mrgreen:


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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by Evandelle »

I have two "main" level 100 hunters. Evandelle, the Draenei for the Alliance and Nymi, the Blood Elf for the Horde. Other than them though, I've been trying to accomplish having one hunter for each race. All of those are still pretty low level, ranging from 15 to 40, but all I'm missing is Pandaren and Goblin now. With the introduction of mech pets with the pre-Legion patch, I think now's about the time to cross off that Goblin as well. I have them all have separate themes though, so each seems different. It's really the only class I can have more than one of.
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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by Vephriel »

Hunters have always been the class that I could make multiples of easily. I used to have even more than I do now, honestly, since whenever I'd come up with an idea for a stable theme or a character idea I loved creating a hunter. The pet feature really adds such a unique level of customization because your journey is different every time, depending on what pets you bond with or which creatures you're striving for.

Currently I have 3 max level hunters. My main, Veph. My secondary main, Cas, who became my RP character a few years ago and has quickly become one of my favourite characters. And a draenei hunter that I like to keep maxed just so I have someone on the Alliance side as well.

Besides these 3 I also have a plethora of hunter alts at various levels.

I don't keep everyone geared though, usually that's the focus for Veph alone (though I'm considering "maining" Cas in Legion since he's MM, depending on how BM feels by the time I play through it with Veph). I just don't really have the energy to upkeep multiple characters at a high item level, and I don't feel the need to experience that part of the game on more than one character either.

Hunters are just fun to play, they always have been, and since they're my favourite class I tend to enjoy them most for leveling. :)
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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by Ana »

Back when i played I had a lot of hunters. My main is Tårnfalk; a nightelf. Then i had Abricot the dwarf; Xinia the human, Mikaido the pandarian, Nessima the draeni. On the hoard side i had Kahlua the bloodelf :-D


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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by Dusk »

I have three hunters, two horde hunters and one alliance hunter, who has been my main since Cata, they all have a cat as an active pet for some reason.
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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by Teigan »

Oh lord. I have a few, both Alliance and Horde. At max level I have a dwarf, a night elf, a worgen, and a blood elf. The dwarf is my Alliance main. The blood elf is my Horde main. I also have another dwarf who is lvl 70 right now and a baby tauren and baby orc. And once Legion comes, I'll have a gnome and maybe a goblin. And I really want a pandaren, but I don't have room for one.
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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by zedxrgal »

Teigan wrote:And I really want a pandaren, but I don't have room for one.
You will come Legion. Increasing character slots to 12. :D

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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by sasrei7 »

I have 4 ally, 2 horde level 100s, 3 lvl 90s and a gnome hunter i'm leveling at lvl 63 lol
I uh got a bit of a hunter problem but honestly its the only class I enjoy playing, all the others I deleted early on though I think I have a lvl 80 rogue.
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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by Karathyriel »

I have only three Lvl 100 toons.
All of them are hunters.
Tauren, Blood Elf and Troll.

I also have smaller hunters.
Tauren, Night Elf and Orc.

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Re: How many hunters do you have/Do you play both factions?

Unread post by ikceya »

My main is a tauren hunter but sometimes I get the craving to level one up again, mostly so I can use different pets. I took a goblin hunter up to 30 but deleted him (why do I do this to myself?) and now I've got two baby hunters in the form of a blood elf and forsaken.

I don't like the looks of a lot of beasts next to my tauren, so this gives me a chance to use themed stables and finally get to main some of the more fanciful creatures like dragonhawks and plagued gazelles without having it clash RP-wise.

Next I'd like to try a draenei and go with a full Outland theme to my pets, or a human/goblin pirate with a parrot. My poor night elf warrior and blood elf priest may never see the light of day again.
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