Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

Unread post by Ana »

Lol the tree climbing kodo. I vote you name him Woody ;-). Ohh i love your screenies !


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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I somehow missed these past couple stories. I love both of them, but I definitely think the rylak story is my favorite so far. :D


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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@Tårnfalk and Rhyela Thank you!! <3 :hug:

Hati & Themis, the Spirit Beast

Well, I completely forgot that Legion had gone live when I logged in today and my immediate thought was "OMGINEEDTHEMOOSE". I know very little about the new expansion apart from what beasts are tameable so the whole thing came as a surprise, especially that I could pick Stormheim and head over to get Bulvinkel immediately. I wasn't sure what the situation with him would be, I don't know his spawn timer and I don't know how in demand he is. I was very surprised as I was flying through Orgrimmar and new Dalaran that I didn't see a single hunter with him - I took it as a bad sign.

I wasn't very hyped for Hati but I changed my mind immediately upon seeing her and I really enjoyed the quest for Titanstrike. Gotta love Thorim's reference to Skoll as well, he introduces you excitedly to Hati then calls for Skoll (who is of course off being a rare-spawn) only to say something along the lines of ".. where has that wolf run off to?". Jokes on you, Thorim , I tamed your precious Skoll. :lol:

Hati then heroically saves you and you have to tame her in order to save her/him. (I thought she was a she but I swear Thorim said him) When you click on him/her she has a silver portrait which is pretty cool.


'Arrow' (unnamed) and I welcome her into the family


A dramatic pose that was ruined by my Precious' Ribbon

So, off I went on a mad-dash to Stormheim. The plan was to run immediately all the way over to Bulvinkel but I made a new friend during questing so we ended up heading over there naturally. The quest lines are very immersive and enjoyable.


Action shot ft. Hati and Skoll

So now all I had to do was find my moose. I couldn't serverhop because we were queued for a dungeon. I didn't know anything about all of his spawn points only that he was on the ledges with the goats. I dropped down to the first ledge and.... nothing. I was really sad because this was where I'd seen him tamed in videos. I even went across to all the other ledges and nothing. My friend was very sad and said he was a new rare spawn so he must be in demand. I agreed and since I couldn't get back up the cliff I decided to throw myself to my death in order to become unstuck.

I jumped off the ledge and I swear to god I have never had such a heart attack. As I was falling I spotted a ledge, lower than all the others and on it something very big , very bright and very blue. I spammed disengage at the last minute, saving myself and ran over.


I think this accurately portrays my level of adrenaline

It was of course him, I was amazed he was up. And right on the edge too! If I hadn't seen that ledge on the way down I definitely would never have seen him at all, it's quite obscure and huge drop down from the other ledges.


Doing a celebratory kick

So now I have my beautiful moose! I planned to name him something like Electra or Auros but from questing with him I get the vibe that he's a really moody old man? :lol: But a badass old man, like Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino or something.


"What are you taking pictures of, punk?"


Eyeing up some tasty mushrooms


The stream in Highmountain has a current so I decided to take them for a ride. Bully was apparently so unamused he decided to pass on into the next life.


"What is this I see before me?"


Equality moose is displeased by everyone equally



I think he's starting to like me!


Beastial wrath makes for one huge colourful moose.


He really enjoyed Val'sharah and has been named Themis!

Last edited by Flyra on Wed Aug 31, 2016 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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Wow, that's amazing! I'm glad you spotted him and saved yourself at the last second!


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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Rhyela wrote:Wow, that's amazing! I'm glad you spotted him and saved yourself at the last second!
I know, it was such a close call!

Rocket the Wolf

Whenever there's a new expansion I always rush to the wolf page to see what new skins there are and this time around I took a liking to the dire worgs but I wasn't particularly enamoured by the dark brown maned wolf. That is, until I saw one for the first time whilst questing in Val'sharah today. Their picture really doesn't do them justice. I bumped into him rather unexpectedly on my way to that Worgenesque village and thought about taming him because he looked so miserable


Yes, he was just sat staring at a tree. I thought I'd at least keep him for the questline or see if he grew on me but the minute I hit tame and I saw his adorable little face I knew he would be staying...


THEY LOOK LIKE DOGS! THEY LOOK LIKE ADORABLE LITTLE COLLIES OR SOMETHING AND I HAD NO IDEA. I guess the white patches aren't really that visible on the model on Petopia but they are so much more adorable in person!!!


Dancing for joy

As you can see, they have a lot of character. I'd really recommend them to any hunter who is looking to get a dog that isn't a mastiff, a demon or glows in the dark. Now for the cascade of screenshots.


Giving Araxxas the ol' razzle dazzle


I agree that the solution to any fight is to plant your face into the ground and scream


This would have been quite a moody picture if it wasn't for the smiling eagle photo bombing.


He knows how to beg!


Look at that face!


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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Hmm, they actually are pretty cute. I just tamed a wolf last night though, so I doubt I need yet another one. I already have so many! :lol: I really like Rocket though. Those different colors somehow make them look floofier and cuter.


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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Trouble, the Core Hound

I've decided to post some of the stories of my older tames, since it's becoming rare that I actually keep taming new pets due to my stable being full. Trouble is a Core Hound I've had since the day he was released (he's the rare-spawn, Chromehound) back in Cataclysm. I immediately flew over to Blackrock Mountain in the hopes of finding him and lo and behold the minute I got through the gate he was right there infront of me, chomping down on my face. This was around the time that every hunter had one of these Core Hounds. If you were cool, you had a Drakeadon. So I kept him just to whip him out whenever I was in Stormwind.

I think everyone at some point has had a pet that they have never bonded with or particularly like but have kept anyway. He was one of those and I think he hates me for it :lol:. Every week, I would drag him out for ICC and then put him right back in the stable afterwards. Everytime we got to the ship he always managed to get "stuck" in the middle and refuse to help until I dismissed him and called him again. I actually had a screenshot of him doing this but it has since disappeared (I'm calling sabotage).


"Why you gotta be like this?"

Since I've started this journal I've tried 're-connecting' with some of my old pets to see if I can write something about them. So I decided to take my nameless Core Hound with me on my dailies and on a little adventure around Pandaria (since he was stabled for MoP and WoD combined) to gauge his character.. And it turned out he's not exactly as fun and loyal as most of my pets. It's like he has to be with me because I tamed him and I'm his food source but he'd rather be stomping in a circle around Blackrock Mountain. :lol:


"Are we there yet?"

Here, I tried to take him on a jog around the valley and instead of running by my side he reluctantly trudged along miles behind me. He eventually got so fed up with my attempts to bond with him that he had enough and decided to climb a tree.


No matter how much shouting, waving or yelling I did he just refused to come down from the tree and continued to perch there, glaring at me. The bond between a hunter and their pet does not stretch far so by the time I had given in and started to walk back to the farm he suddenly teleported right next me, burst into flames and began to 'laugh.'


"You should have seen your face!"

It seems that my Core Hound appears to be nothing but a troublemaker. He likes to be as difficult as possible. Maybe it's because he has two heads and they're both conspiring against me. Either way, after all this time I've just named him Trouble. He was apparently so delighted to be named after 4 years that as I jumped onto a fence he leapt right on top of me and decided to surprise me with a very intense 'hug'.


It's either a hug or I'm being strangled..

As of today I can't really say our bond has strengthened but I'm definitely going to keep him... on the grounds that every time I get him out I never have my back to him once :lol: .


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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Aww, that's adorable! :3 I sorta just did the same thing tonight, except I set free a ton of ones that I haven't used in forever and saw no real reason to keep. Some were duplicates (or triplicates), others were originally just like "why not?" tames that I never bonded with. There were a handful I was going to let loose but couldn't quite pull the trigger, so I'm probably going to do what you did and run around with them a bit to see if there's something there. :)

Anyway, I think Trouble is awesome and I'm glad you're keeping him! He sounds like a feisty fella.


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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Man i missed a lot! I vote you name your moose Clint. Its a very strong name :-D. I looove Rocket; such fur colors. The beg picture is so cute. That corwhound model is mt favoritte too :-D lovely screenies ♥


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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@Rhyela It's kinda sad because a lot of pets I have stored away are challenge tames or rares and everytime I think of releasing them I remember all the trouble I went to to get them. Such as my Gondria, it took months for me to finally find her and I was over the moon the day I finally got her but we've just never bonded. Everytime I get her out over the years I always run around with her for a bit then feel sad and end up keeping her :lol:. It's like a final test, my Ban'thalos and most of my MF spiders didn't pass... and then sometimes I'll release them and end up wanting them back again!! (Ooo that just reminded me I need to post my Azerre story after re-taming him for the 3rd time :oops: )

@Tårnfalk I have a bad habit of going back to being a lurker and not posting at all then suddenly popping up again and posting a billion times at once :lol: I'm glad you like them! :hug:

I apparently flew on my Rylak, Hex, today. He was very surprised:




And my hunter was very nonchalant about it. :lol:


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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:O How did you do that?


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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Rags ( is that still his name ?) dont look happy about the situation heh


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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It was actually just the flight master from Everbloom Wilds but everytime I see a green rylak I'm like that's my baby!! :lol:

He was called Rags for a bit then it changed to Nettle and now I've finally settled on Hex! He doesn't look too happy at all, perhaps I should have used a saddle...


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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I have sort of officially quit WoW since I've been finding it too addictive.

Here is a picture of my raptor Lanbaoshi I've been saving though:



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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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Love that raptor shot!! :D


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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So... I'm kind of back-ish? Maybe. I was going through Petopia and looking all the pretty new tames and they have been tempting me back. My fiance has picked WoW up again too sooo it seems inevitable. Maybe I'll re-join in the next couples of weeks. I'm spending a lot of time on FR mostly so I hope playing WoW doesn't get in the way of that.
Was going through IMgur and found a bunch of screenshots/stories I hadn't posted from ages ago so I'll be getting those done soon. :D

For now, here is a challenge/roll tame I wanted to put in my journal for safe-keeping. ^_^

Tipsy, the Purple Boss Wasp

I had to laugh out loud when I saw what you'd rolled for me. I have a history with this wasp. :lol: (the Queen in Zul'Gurub anyway). When I was farming my Zulian Panther she always, without fail, would scare the life out of me. She's huge and you don't see her at first. I had to prepare myself.

First of all, I must say she is an absolutely stunning pet. I personally do not like purples/pinks but I honestly could not stop posing her and taking screenshots. The minute I tamed her I immediately got in a spot to view her under the effect of Beastial Wrath and oh boy, is it something:


She has the colour scheme of an ocean sunset. It really is incredible. Unfortunately, her size has been put back to normal but she is still astonishingly eye-catching. I was actually running around Dalaran for a bit with Beastial Wrath on and people get stopping and coming over to see what she was! :lol:


Her animations might be annoying to some, as she is constantly jittering about and cleaning herself. It's not really like an occasional yawn from a cat , the minute you stop she will start fidgeting/twitching/cleaning over and over. I thought it was really cute though, she just wants to look her best. As you can see from the picture it's almost like she keeps tilting her head to see where you are!


Even though pet stats are the same now, specced to tenacity she did die quite a lot when I took her questing with me in Suramar but she holds aggro well. It's worth mentioning that when she begins to attack she does let out an extremely loud hiss that sounds like a firework going off - it made me jump more than once - and then continues to hiss/rattle throughout combat. I thought I would be annoyed by the noise wasps make as they fly, the thought of constant buzzing in my ears seems like torture but honestly it's really not noticeable.

She is the type of pet that can change colour drastically in diffirent lighting. This might not be enough of a deciding factor for some people but it's something that keeps me from using Gondria when the lighting turns her bright pink.

For example, in some dark caves her cooler tones are completely muted making the pink ones stand out


And in other places the pink completely disappears until she becomes entirely blue and purple


(She looks like some sort of Twilight God in this picture)

Overall if you really want a pet that's gonna stand out and terrify people in instances then this is for you. I also think she'd suit a Night Elf or someone with an elegant theme, as she does have some very elegant tastes:


Maybe I'll name her Tipsy.


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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You take amazing screenshots :) I defo be stalking this


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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Thank you Tarnfalk!! I was wondering where I recognized you from! Didn't realize it was Petopia. I'm Psycho on FR. :)

Azzere, the Wind Serpent

So about a year ago I decided I wanted to try a wind serpent pet. I also decided that this wind serpent simply must be the Rare: Azzere the Skyblade. which is a rare in a heavy traffic area in the Barrens and I also happen to be on one of the busiest servers. Not the brightest of ideas, maybe? :lol: I have a realm-hop addon though so after 10 failed attempts I eventually came across the Skyblade himself. This tame definitely proved to be one of discovery.


his wings spread wide in a welcoming hug

Now, I love snakes. I definitely love winged snakes. So why have I never owned one? Weeeell... their incredibly jarring movement probably has something to do with it ( if you're on a mount look forward to them zipping up and down like a wormy rollercoaster) And the model design isn't the best. I adore the concept of the Winged Serpent but it's model definitely yells "Old Graphics" in giant, bold red letters. Of course, we're getting updated Serpent models. I've seen them. I'm excited for them! But they haven't really captured the unexpected... that Wind Serpents are actually really cute? Sure they're a bit glarey but honestly? They're like puppies.


the hug was a bit awkward

They are full of character...


wait for me!!

...and basically just huge dorks?


:P :P :P :P :P :P



So, if you're looking for a pet that's just really funny-looking and a bit weird these are what I'd recommend. Bad bois that are actually just softies.


don't get any ideas...


"I can look dramatic and menacing too, you know!"


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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Ohh wow I love your windserpent :) Back when I played I had one too and they defo got character :)

We have a petopians flight rising community, it's really nice. There is a subforum for it under other games :)


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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I spoke to quite a few people, thank you for pointing me there! :D I've taken so many screenshots recently it's embarrassing, been really busy playing catch-up with Legion too.

Mew, the Marsuul

My new Marsuul is a recent tame that was rather unexpected. I knew I wanted a Marsuul since I saw them, they've got to be the most adorable pet added to the game?!?!, but I decided that I didn't like the look of the void-touched one - right up until I saw one in-game. In the quest all of the creatures and people in the area are being driven mad by the Void and as a result, a lot of the Marsuul you see are constantly running back and forth without stopping or are entangled in shadowy vines.

I tried to tame my first one but I forgot Alleria was with me...


... who promptly murdered it.


"What? What'd I do?"

So I gave up for a while until this little creature ran up to me:


I tamed her immediately. She's really such a sweet little thing but I quickly realized that Marsuul are actually just modified cat models. If you'd had a cat you know their movements by heart: they look right and left, they stretch with their bum in the air and they attack with one paw. Marsuul do all of this. It may be disappointing to some because from their pictures I honestly thought they were a whole new model but I don't mind it so much. I decided to name her Mew because of her cat-like nature and resemblance to the Pokemon, I was struggling to not call her Lilo because they also look like Stitch. :lol:


cat stretch!


Sweet little purple lazer-eyed babies

I started taking her on quests with me and I've been using her almost all the time besides Hex. It's really stupid but she's so sweet and cute I feel bad everytime I send her into battle. It's like she should be napping on a feather pillow being hand-fed sardines, not taking demon punches to the face! Maybe that's why I have yet to see another hunter with one? They're all living it up in luxury in the stables. :lol: She's very popular though, everytime I'm in Dalaran people will always stop by and target her or Hati.


Running through time and space at the speed of light

I think by far the most interesting thing about these pets has to be that they probably weren't supposed to be tamed like this? I don't know if it was supposed to be left in because technically, they are actually white and blue Marsuul with a shadow status condition. It really shows too, on their portraits, in the char menu and they even glitch a little bit. I think Blizz will leave it in, right? It's been a while and they look amazing!




Everything else had loaded but Mew

They're one of those pets that changes colour in different lighting, when it's light you can definitely see the white Marsuul beneath but when it's dark they have this purple void cloud around them and they practically glow!


Marsuul in the dark


Marsuul in the day

Mew will be here to stay and I hope her time with me has brought her some peace from being Shadow-crazed. She seems happy at least!


A big purple smile


FR: Heart #57524 WoW: Flyra#21730

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