Steelfeathers travels. ((image heavy))

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Steelfeathers travels. ((image heavy))

Unread post by Aweena »

So i finally got back to posting here one child richer and extremely tired.
Anyhow this thread is for my tames and hopefully i can add a little Role play to it we will see it might swap a bit, but it will follow my main from vanilla who is now back to her original race a Night elf.

Background she is the younger sibling of Nishane Duskwind her parents named her Naisya she goes by the surname Steelfeather a name she earned from her steely stubbornness, she is a curious elf with a lot of scars for her efforts her latest from a deceased friend a worgen named Petrice who lost her mind due to unfortunate circumstances and died in a mission to capture a bandit, Petrice and Naisya were both freelance bounty hunters now Naisya has joined a group of freelance mercenaries where she is currently hired to hunt demons and investigate her peoples old home of suramar.

Naisya is a tamer survivalist ((Beast mastery/ survival i swap at times to use a spear in combat)) She spent centuries training with different factions and doing bounties some for a warden and others for sentinels she has trained as both and found it to strict for her nature.

Now for the good part!

Naisya stalked the cliffs slowly looking out over the fields of amber grass narrowing her eyes at the large group of bloodhoof tauren gathering around an injured runehorn "Such vile treatment of the poor thing" she thought with disgust snarling a bit she looked to her saber Ishnu then motioned for him to get in position then she called out to her owl Dusk who was hovering above an owls call was all it took and he swooped in low harassing the tauren while she and Ishnu creept closer, With a sudden roar and war cry she and Ishnu attacked, some bloodhoofs ran others turned to fight, it took some time but she won the fight a few scars richer and an injured runehorn left to it self, studying its injuries while murmuring soothing words in her mother tongue she decided it might be best to take it with her and so she pulled out her tamers charm and started weaving the bond binding the beasts spirit with her own, once done she treated the injuries mending the wounds as much as she could and thus the Runehorn is now with her in her travels now and then.

((Need to find an elven name for that thing))

So how many has seen this little group of familiar faces up near the tower khadgar calls you too?
Do feel free to give me ideas for my roleplay and correct anything lore breaking or to overpowered.
Well for an ooc thing has everyone else seen this little familiar group at the lodge?
Well for an ooc thing has everyone else seen this little familiar group at the lodge?
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Re: Steelfeathers travels. ((image heavy))

Unread post by Flyra »

Ooo I love that it's in character, it really aids to the story telling! And that oxen is adorable. :)


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Re: Steelfeathers travels. ((image heavy))

Unread post by Aweena »

Ishnu: A page from Naisya Steelfeather's Journal.

I was given a saber cub today, got to choose him from Serrars latest litter found one with the blackest fur and the most stunning silver stripes i shall call him Ishnu he was so friendly and trusting i have half a mind to leave him at home with sister he will soon learn to not trust strangers much.

Training has begun Ishnu is doing well he ate my lunch thou naughty kitten he is growing so fast.


Old pet IC but her main used one also her mount.

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Re: Steelfeathers travels. ((image heavy))

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Taking a leisurely stroll around the Highmountain tribes main city Naisya Stumbled across a young Moose grazing just for fun she crept closer and nudged him a little oddly enough his response was to cuddle up to her and nusle her pouch of herbs, Shrugging to her self she pulled out a few herbs and fed them to him once he had munched them all she started to walk away only to find the moose following her like a pup, she spent a few hours trying to chase it off or make it grow bored but, he kept staying with her so now he is part of her stables munching hay with her runehorn.


I think it is rather obvious by now that i have a dark fur theme going here!
Also i love this moose will need even more names darn it and my Darnassian is so limited.

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Re: Steelfeathers travels. ((image heavy))

Unread post by Rhyela »

You could use this page for some ideas on Darnassian names! :)


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: Steelfeathers travels. ((image heavy))

Unread post by Aweena »

Already done that and used up so many of them already then again i do not mind using english as long as it is elven themed like for example my owl Duskwing
mostly it just has to be something i can proudly use in role play as well i do have some out of character pets named for a moppets theme Like my sweetums the dragonhawk and DRteeth the nether ray...... and so on anyway ill figure it out or use the name my pet thread later when im completely desperate!

Thanks for suggesting it thou. /hugs

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Re: Steelfeathers travels. ((image heavy))

Unread post by Regaleth »

Aweena wrote:i shall call him Ishnu
Same name my Night Elf gave to his black and white owl companion :D

Enjoyed reading the IC journals with pics. Looking forward to further travels!
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Re: Steelfeathers travels. ((image heavy))

Unread post by Aweena »

Naisya sneaked closer to the Nightborne camp peering around carefully she studied the runes carved in to the ground several places, frowning she followed them closer to the cages several sabers and other wild life where pacing in cramp spaces trying to lunge for freedom and rattling the bars.

In a particular well worn cage a turtle unlike any she had seen before was napping. Runes carved in to his shield and crystalline spikes sticking up, some where sticking out of his skull too. "what did they do to you poor Delar" Naisya whispered appalled at the sight.

Upset and a little pissed off she broke the lock on the cage and tried shooing the old turtle out he was not budging though to weak it seemed and maybe a little tired. Unsure she decided to look him over a bit closer crawling in to the already small cage she studied the runes and crystals on him closer, brimming with arcane energy they glowed faintly in the night. "come on Delar we need to move" she murmured softly again, still the old beast did not move an inch.

Getting aggravated Naisya lost patience getting up a little to quickly her head smashed in to the cage roof setting a bucket full of crystals flying to the ground making a lot of noise "Curses!" she growled as the alarm went off in the camp, scampering to get out she spotted one nightborn charging for her when suddenly the old turtle moved with a speed unlikely for his old skin.

The turtle charged the nightborne slamming its shield in to him and sending him flying, With a smirk and a grunt Naisya ran for the dense forrest the turtle on her heels impressed with the old beast she named him Delar and he is now seen with her once in a while, Mostly when fishing he loves when she does that.


Tried the bloody selfie cam and just couldn't get what i wanted so here much better pic.
Also named this old guy Delar means Ancient she figure he is a very old guy since turtles can grow ancient.

Edit: does me double posting in this prove an issue if so i will put more beasts in the same post i just like having them separated in their own post each pet.

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Re: Steelfeathers travels. ((image heavy))

Unread post by Rhyela »

Aweena wrote: Edit: does me double posting in this prove an issue if so i will put more beasts in the same post i just like having them separated in their own post each pet.
Not at all! At least, I don't feel that it is. It's your journal so it's natural to have double/triple/etc. posts. :)

Your character is pretty, btw. :3


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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