Burned out already

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Burned out already

Post by Sigrah »

It's only 1 month into Legion and I'm already feeling burned out. I don't know if it's from the lack of flying, the world quests feeling too much like D3 bounties, professions being expensive to level unless you have a gathering toon to supply it, or if it's just MMO burn out in general. Regardless, I need a break.
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Re: Burned out already

Post by Vephriel »

Aw, I'm sorry you're feeling that way!

I'm having fun on my main character, but I definitely feel like this expansion is a little unfriendly for alts. Even just thinking of how much work I've done on Veph after hitting 110 and how much left she has to do, and then thinking of repeating all that on another character, is almost too much for me. x_x I have a feeling I'll just stick to mainly the one character for this expansion, which is a shame because I leveled up an army of alts during WoD. I want to try out all of the different classes but I'd definitely burn out if I did. The reputation gating, while not terrible in my opinion for a one time thing, is certainly not appealing to do on multiple characters. Suramar alone has been a huge undertaking (again, I'm enjoying it! I just don't want to do it every time for every character)

I haven't really touched professions much myself, though I never focus on those either, so I can't speak for that side of things.
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Re: Burned out already

Post by Kayb »

I don't even have a single toon to 110 yet :D

I'm taking my sweet sweet time, leveling a few toons at once and hell sometimes I just don't feel like looking at the new stuff so I play a lowbie instead. Enjoying the expansion quite a lot more than I have any other as a result to be honest.

No, I don't raid or any of that sorta stuff so I don't feel any pressure to race all my gear up to max. I'm just cruising along at my own pace and it's awesome.
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Re: Burned out already

Post by Xella »

I cancelled my account today, though in all probability I'll come back with my tail between my legs before my existing paid time runs out. Between survival going melee, not enjoying MM at all, BM being boring, having still not found an acceptable replacement main, world quests feeling hopelessly endless, professions being exceptionally frustrating to max out (I'm an alchemist so my last 20 points are "pray you proc a rank 3 flask on a 7-starlight rose recipe sometime this century because literally everything else is grey at 780"), and the like I've been on the edge for a few weeks now. The, um... "feature" of CRZ being enabled in Broken Isles and breaking everything for 12-24h after every server restart was the last straw today, as I logged on at prime time to find my server CRZ'd with Blackrock—the named bear just outside the hunter class hall (whose base health is like 40+m with the world quest that's active up) was dying in less than five seconds because of all the people there, and half of them were too busy killing any alliance in sight (including me) to bother actually tagging the boss.

It's also only week 3 of Emerald Nightmare and I'm already tired of all The Red so that's not helping, lol :(
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Re: Burned out already

Post by Teigan »

I'm actually still having a wonderful time with this expansion. I'm enjoying it far more than I expected I would. However, I see problems down the road.

I completely agree that this is not alt friendly. I have a LOT of alts and it saddens me to know that I won't be doing much of anything with them. I've been playing steadily since release, almost entirely on my main hunter and have not gotten terribly far. I do tend to wander off track alot, and I think most people are ahead of me, but the amount of work I've put in is kind of worrisome. And leveling professions is starting to become a problem. Yes, they were too easy in WoD, but I think they swung the pendulum too far back the other way.

I agree that the thought of doing this again is not a pleasant one. Especially on my other hunters. I am entertaining the thought of getting them to Trueshot Lodge and retiring them, honestly.

I would consider trying another class much later in the expansion, but sadly my other hunters are going to be left behind. Even another class is daunting, because other than the artifact quest, professions and class hall, it will be the same, long, involved experience. I wish I could just experience the class halls and profession quests without having to commit so much time to another character.

Oh, and I have to do other classes, at least shaman, druid, and warlock, due to their exclusive minipets. So, I guess I'll be doing that. I have a warlock chilling in the lock class hall, but I am the world's worst warlock, honestly.

So, I hear you. Burn out is coming. But thankfully I'm not there yet.
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Re: Burned out already

Post by zedxrgal »

Teigs said basically my current thoughts /feelings with WoW right now.

Sadly it doesn't have the alt staying power that WoD at least seemed to have. But that could be just me. My level 100 alts have all gotten their artifacts. Well I may be missing 1 or 2 toons here and there but for the most part their positioned at their respective class halls.
What is a real bummer, like everyone else said, I am dreading trying to do anymore leveling. My gnome hunter became my main for Legion. She has now done every zone except Azsuna. My real alliance main is there doing those quests. I kind of screwed myself thinking it would be fun having a different alt in a zone geared to their class. While this was fun at first now the thought of running a second toon through Azsuna for the rep on her and the achievements is not a pleasant one.

But yeah. Not alt friendly in the slightest. Who wants to repeat the same thing twice over let alone 14 more times. :|

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Re: Burned out already

Post by Ardawen »

I agree it is not realy alt friendly but i noticed some things got easier if you have more then one toon on a server, seems like there are some hidden mechanisms in place here. To help out, but i would not be able to tell what it is, sorry. Just that some things looked faster on the second toon. Besides what you can do on alts is just do an area till you are friendly, that is mostly enough to get you to lvl 110 anyway and then you can hit the nightfallen area and get it to friendly to unlock worldquests.

I agree i still have to get used to a lot of the things, but i do have a lot of alts, who are around lvl 102/103 just to see how their campaign quests are and stuff like that, lots of story there too. Just trying to help out :)
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Re: Burned out already

Post by Bangeall »

I'm really enjoying the quests and the lore so far. I'm taking my time and haven't completed a lot of the content yet, or levelled my main to 110. But like others have already said, I feel a bit reluctant to go through it all again on my alts. Normally I would level my alts through dungeons with a sprinkle of questing, but now dungeons seem to offer so little xp that it's not worth it. I've been enjoying messing about with my demon hunter and was hoping to get her to 110 after my hunter, but I don't want to do every quest again so quickly and get sick of the zones. It's not a major issue for me: the only reason I was hoping to have more characters at 110 so early was to have better chances with the Headless Horseman -.- But it's definitely alt-unfriendly.
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Re: Burned out already

Post by zedxrgal »

Bangeall wrote: I was hoping to have more characters at 110 so early was to have better chances with the Headless Horseman -.- But it's definitely alt-unfriendly.
See! This for me too! Before getting all my alts to max level to run a holiday boss multiple times was easy. Almost too easy. Now, TO ME, it was /is extremely difficult. Brewfest ends tomorrow and for the first time ever I've only had one toon to run it on. I don't know if I can withstand busting arse on another one, two or three toons just to get my claws on that mount the HH is being stingy about.
So far I've not really noticed Giordana gaining experience faster because the gnome is already at max but I'll certainly be watching.
I mean. How in the hell am I going to hit 109 in a week. :(

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Re: Burned out already

Post by Niabi »

Kayb wrote:I don't even have a single toon to 110 yet :D

I'm taking my sweet sweet time, leveling a few toons at once and hell sometimes I just don't feel like looking at the new stuff so I play a lowbie instead. Enjoying the expansion quite a lot more than I have any other as a result to be honest.

No, I don't raid or any of that sorta stuff so I don't feel any pressure to race all my gear up to max. I'm just cruising along at my own pace and it's awesome.
I'm taking a similar approach. I've been working on leveling alts, completing achievements/reputation grinds, and collecting transmog gear. I almost feel as though I shouldn't level to 110 until my poor alts, some of which haven't been touched since Wrath, are shown at least a little bit of love.

It also doesn't help that my graphics card just can't handle the game like it used to. I was able to play with mid-range settings in WoD but now I'm forced to play at the lowest possible settings for optimal performance. At the rate it's going, it's likely my computer won't be able to handle any future expansions beyond Legion. I looked into upgrading to a new graphics card but at their current retail price, I might as well sink those funds into acquiring a brand new tower instead. I'm afraid this is a luxury that'll just have to wait.
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Re: Burned out already

Post by Quiv »

Guess I can echo a lot of sentiment here.

I am a casual self sufficient player, I prefer to do things solo and enjoy the flexibility of random matchmatching (LFD/LFR). I'm in a friends/family guild and we don't do any organized content (like raiding and PVP), but thats not what I want anyway. We sometimes get together to mess around but nothing demanding. My main server is Horde, my main is a Horde hunter and my "main" alt is my DK. The other 7 Horde are profession alts. I have 3 Alliance, main is Rogue, and simply have them to have an Alliance presence on the server. However when it comes to quests, achievements, reputations, I only do those on my main, not my alts.

In WoD, I had no problem levelling all of these. They had XP potions plus I could map out pretty much the entire path using the Bonus Objective areas in each zone. There were also 6 levelling zones for 10 levels, so I had plenty of variety and I didn't stay in a single zone too long. Add on the XP bonus in Spires and it was fairly easy to get to 100 for me. On top of that, professions were SUPER simple in WoD. I know the Garrison had a lot of problems, and I recognize the issues with aspects like the mine/garden, but for someone like me it was great. The thing is, once I got the professions maxed and the alts to 100, I basically never used them again. There was nothing class specific that compelled me to log into them, so I could focus on my main and "main alts".

Now in Legion, an expansion that I really like in a lot of ways, I am dreading alts. I'm even dreading logging in on my main. I have this sense of urgency with "THERES ALL THESE WORLD QUESTS UP DO THEM ALL NOW." I am behind on my main's professions (Engy/JC) and that bugs me to no end. I am behind on Suramar questing, which is the last thing I need for Pathfider. I'm not big on gear so luckily thats not a concern but I don't have a legendary yet and that is wigging me out to. Then trying to keep up with the order hall stuff, levelling and gearing champions, grinding AP and Order Hall Resources... and I want to play out the story of every class hall and artifact on all classes and unlock the cool appearances and do everything and do it all right now and I can't because I have a life lol. This is why I have a hard time logging in, theres so much I want to do that I kinda... freeze. I'm not burnt out exactly, just... overwhelmed and it has drained me of motivation. Usually I can map out what I want to accomplish but I can't dedicate time to every aspect of it at the same time. (I put that on me though, not on Blizzard. I am responsible for my compulsions and actions, not them. They don't make me do anything.)

Ironically the thing that excites me the most right now is LFR/World Bosses and finally being able to go back and solo MoP raids. I wish Galakras was soloable though. So I'm taking it much slower. I log in, do my Emissary WQ so they don't cap. I do a daily heroic. If I'm into it, I'll do some AP or Resource WQ, maybe the Warden tower ones to keep getting honor. Then I have to grind ancient mana so I can continue Suramar.

I love a lot of what Legion has done, but the alt unfriendliness of it all bothers me. I don't do achievements or reps or quests on alts but now I kinda have to. Plus 10 levels with only 4 zones means I'm stuck in a single zone for 2.5 levels and wow that grinds on me. Even with full rested.

It all feels like trying to push too much stuff through a pipe and the pipe just gets clogged and stops working. Theres so many cool stuff I want to do (things I didn't even mention like sightless eyes and the fishing artifact and so on) but I want to do it all at the same time that my pipes are clogged. I think that metaphor worked lol

Edit: Wow this looks like a rant but I really didn't mean for it to. I'm really liking Legion despite its short comings.
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Re: Burned out already

Post by Gimlion »

Hey guys, I know it doesn't solve everything, but just a heads up that in 7.1 you'll be able to unlock world quests/end game content for alts by hitting 110 if it's currently unlocked on your "main."

No more having to grind Rep to open suramar dungeons or to start world quests!

You'll still be gated from lfr/heroics by iLevel, but that's to be expected imo.


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Re: Burned out already

Post by zedxrgal »

Gimlion wrote:Hey guys, I know it doesn't solve everything, but just a heads up that in 7.1 you'll be able to unlock world quests/end game content for alts by hitting 110 if it's currently unlocked on your "main."

No more having to grind Rep to open suramar dungeons or to start world quests!

You'll still be gated from lfr/heroics by iLevel, but that's to be expected imo.
Well that is excellent news. :)

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Re: Burned out already

Post by Teigan »

Good news everyone! The slime is flowing again! (to borrow the pipes metaphor provided by Quiv) Well, kinda flowing. At least flowing better. This will be very helpful.
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Re: Burned out already

Post by zedxrgal »


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Re: Burned out already

Post by Teigan »

I'm blind now. Also, I think I gave my computer an STD trying to figure out where that came from XD Did you know there's alot of....fan "art" about Futurama? Do not google "sexy professor futurama". Just don't.
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Re: Burned out already

Post by Rawr »

Season 8, episode 7, Neutopia :D :mrgreen:


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Re: Burned out already

Post by Rikaku »

Personally I'm still leveling alts. I just won't go crazy into their AP like I did main. My plan is to get all my alts to 110, then just log in on them once in awhile to get their Artifact Knowledge up. That way when I return to actually playing the alt (post 7.1), their Artifact Knowledge will be high enough that it won't feel nearly as much of a drag to play. XD

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Re: Burned out already

Post by Aleu »

My burn out has pretty much come from the fact I don't have many people to play the end game with. I don't like doing grinds on my own anymore. ;v;

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Re: Burned out already

Post by Castile »

I'm kinda in the same boat...I don't dislike this expansion but I'm finding gearing to be a bigger pain then previous expansions and the amount of world quests seem's abit overwhelming atm. Maybe I'm just getting old but I used to feel the urge to log on everyday where as now I can happily just not for days. I've only lvled my main and haven't even contemplated my alts yet.

I don't dislike her and I quite enjoyed lvling up. The quests where great but I do feel behind the 8 ball in terms of professions etc - hell I don't even have the GS to do LFR yet! My husband is better geared than me for the first time in 3 expansions and he works away a week at a time and doesn't play when he's away lol!! I dunno maybe I just need a break but I feel my other hobbies calling to me more these days.


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