Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Castile »

Rikaku wrote:I think in regards to pet names, the only thing that bothers me is when people don't capitalize their pets properly. I mean overall, its a minor peeve, so I don't really care (people name your pets whatever you want XD). But it always makes me shake my head a bit when I see "biscuit" or "MUFFIN" as pet names, IDK why. Maybe it's because, in my crazy mind, I feel like whether you name the pet a silly or serious name, it's still a name. Why is it not capitalized right? XDD

Rhyela wrote:Stupid names bother me too, like a Loque named "Buttchewer" or whatever, but I think I'm even more irritated when the first letter of the name isn't capitalized. Proper nouns, people! :lol:

I totally didn't see this post before I posted mine, lol! Well at least I have some company then!
I'll third the capitalization of names peeve. Its a name right? Your pet deserves the same respect as your toon *nod* and atleast google the word to make sure it's spelt right geez - aren't we a grumpy lot haha!!!


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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Valfreya »

Oh my yes! The non capitalized name really irks me haha. I named my Loque Karma.......he is my main pvp pet haha.
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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by sasrei7 »

I hate offensive names and always report them and I also really hate when people come to where you're camping and take out the rare you are camping.. lol its rude people! quit that.
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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Teigan »

So, I stood in Trueshot people watching for a while the other day. I didn't realize how many people give horrible names to pet. Like a rare named something like "Myballzitch" So, I have to join in with the chorus of "stupid names for pets, esp rares" Gods, I didn't realize how horrible so many hunters are! *facepalm*

Also, a good drinking game for hunters: take a drink every time you see a pet named "Shadow" ....though....Shadow is much better than alot of the names
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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Wain »

Adding my vote to the non-capitalized name peeve. It annoys me far more than it should. :D
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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Vephriel »

Wain wrote:Adding my vote to the non-capitalized name peeve. It annoys me far more than it should. :D
This as well. >.< I'm a little surprised it doesn't just force a capitalized letter like player names.
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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Shade »

I have a mostly full stable-I've cleared out about 3-4 slots for when I am able to tame feathermanes, but aside from that I have every pet that I want tamed for now. That said, I have at least 2-3 unnamed pets in my stable at the moment. Mostly they were impulse tames that I have not decided to keep or not yet-or they are pets that I wanted but I still have not found a name that I want to give them. I will run around for awhile using an unnamed pet just so that I can get a feel for it and try to decide what to call it. Right now I have the little impala-like stag that I am currently using today unnamed as I try to decide what to call her.

I've been playing since WOTLK on my that specific hunter always my main, and aside from the period in WOTLK where I was forced to play MM by my old guild-I've always been a BM, so I like to think I am competent enough? Sometimes a unnamed pet is just unnamed because we cant decide on it.

I'll second the too common names like Shadow (though my main toon is Shadé). Though I admit-I have a pet named Wolf (its the mechanical sheep because punny) and I just renamed my spectral griffin Varian today, because how could I not after the questline I did tonight?!

My biggest pet peeve in wow has to be pets that have visual glitches that never get fixed. I was super excited about the mechanical bunny, and was convinced that it was going to become one of my main rotation pets-but.... it's back legs pinwheel THROUGH its body when it is running and it drives me stark raving bonkers. That bunny is permanently stabled till that gets fixed-which I doubt it ever will. :(
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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Rhyela »

Shade wrote:That said, I have at least 2-3 unnamed pets in my stable at the moment. Mostly they were impulse tames that I have not decided to keep or not yet-or they are pets that I wanted but I still have not found a name that I want to give them. I will run around for awhile using an unnamed pet just so that I can get a feel for it and try to decide what to call it.
I do the same thing. Sometimes the name won't come to me immediately, so I have to see how it moves and fights and looks in different lighting conditions. I have a mana wyrm on Frieda that I finally found a name for, a few weeks after taming it. Almost abandoned it twice but couldn't quite let it go. Named it Geist, and now it's settling in nicely. :D


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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Shelassa »

Joining the club of people shuddering at non-capitalized and offensive names :D

I also will admit to calling my pets by their NPC names if they're rare (Duskcoat, Arcturis, Sunwing etc.) because in this case to me it feels fitting, since they were, um, "living" under this name :D
At this moment, there are only two exceptions to the rule: Loque'nahak (renamed Frostbite) and Scarr (who became Nightaria).
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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Tsundere »

I like helping hunters ith rare tames. I'm so unlucky with RNG with equips but I think because of my odd gaming times these days I have been really lucky with bumping into the newer rares, case and point the Lost Spectral Gryphon, the feather is almost always up when I check on it so I always ask in SW if anyone wants to tame it, no matter the level (I've summoned him for a few lower level hunters.)

My pet peeve is this. Hunters who deliberately kill rare pets in front of other hunters who want to tame them.

Like this hunter on Wyrmrest Accord today who gathered friends to kill the rare. Acted like it was a mistake afterwards but firing several shots into the rare while other hunters around them were saying 'stop' and their friends were cheering them makes me question that 'mistake'


(I hate knowing that that pet could have been someone's beloved pet and they missed the chance on the tame because of people like that)
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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Sukurachi »

People who over-use accents and foreign characters.. or worse yet, use characters that they don't realize do NOT sound like they think they do.
I saw a rogue named "ßackstaßßer", and I can't help but call him "Ssackstasssser".
The other one is ridiculous accents like over-use of à, â, é, è, ê.

I use accents in some of my pet names and toon names, because my mother tongue uses those accents. I don't do it to get by Blizzard's naming policy, or to get a name that someone else already has by switching out a letter or five for diacriticals.

A bit of palindromic wisdom:
"Step on no pets!"
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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Täräin13 »

Sukurachi wrote:People who over-use accents and foreign characters.. or worse yet, use characters that they don't realize do NOT sound like they think they do.
I saw a rogue named "ßackstaßßer", and I can't help but call him "Ssackstasssser".
The other one is ridiculous accents like over-use of à, â, é, è, ê.

I use accents in some of my pet names and toon names, because my mother tongue uses those accents. I don't do it to get by Blizzard's naming policy, or to get a name that someone else already has by switching out a letter or five for diacriticals.
I'll go and hang myself now as I am guilty of that one with 4 toons on my main server.

DH - Makhár (seriously I hate whoever stole my SW toons name as there is no annoying ´ in that name !!!!)
My hunter main - Täräin
Belf hunter - Inîraîn
DK - Niräin
(and also a fifth gnome warrior (Tilân) I made for the "lightsaber"! XD)
To be honest I have an idea what the ä letters sound like in nordic/germanic languages so I know what my toons name is supposed to be pronouced like! XD And to Täräin is supposed to end up sounding a bit like terrain/terræn (danish). That said.... I'm forever dubbed Tara to most people because obviously no one aside us weird nordics use the "weird" letters! So yeah lesson learned to some extend!

Aside the "ranting" above.

My pet peeve is stupidly named toons/pets/battlepets etc. like the pet named "lunchbox" in the screenie.... Seriously use some imagination or a name generator!
In case anyone is able to see my battle pets.... I was in the process a few months ago of naming all the animal like pets after actual animal groups.... so you actually have ctenophore, cnidaria etc. XD Yes I was utterly bored at the time and that means my battle pets get ridiculous names.... I should hang myself for being double standarded!!
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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Rikaku »

Tsundere wrote:I like helping hunters ith rare tames. I'm so unlucky with RNG with equips but I think because of my odd gaming times these days I have been really lucky with bumping into the newer rares, case and point the Lost Spectral Gryphon, the feather is almost always up when I check on it so I always ask in SW if anyone wants to tame it, no matter the level (I've summoned him for a few lower level hunters.)

My pet peeve is this. Hunters who deliberately kill rare pets in front of other hunters who want to tame them.

Like this hunter on Wyrmrest Accord today who gathered friends to kill the rare. Acted like it was a mistake afterwards but firing several shots into the rare while other hunters around them were saying 'stop' and their friends were cheering them makes me question that 'mistake'


(I hate knowing that that pet could have been someone's beloved pet and they missed the chance on the tame because of people like that)
I have the same luck as you, I almost always see that feather up when I go to Stormwind. But that's also why I stopped asking in public chat if anyone was interested. I just /who is in the area and whisper available hunters politely.

I hate trolls and other bad behaviors who pull the stunts like that Hunter. It's one thing when it's another class killing a rare, I try to rationalize it as 'hey maybe they didn't know'. Which is possible I imagine, lol. But when Hunters like the one you mentioned go out of their way, with their friends, to kill something in front of other hunters? I personally find that beyond 'pet peeve'. It's a super rude behavior when its a rare like Lost Spectral Gryphon that genuinely has no purpose other than being a Hunter's pet. :(

Then again, I might be biased. I've had people come and kill my tames sometimes right in the middle of my tame beast cast (especially back when it was much longer cast time than it is now). So maybe it's me lol

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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Nhee »

Yes, trolls and gankers are the absolute worst. I remember a while ago, I got into a huge argument with my boyfriend, because he killed Arcturis while an alliance hunter was trying to tame it (we play horde). To him, it was just part of faction wars, but some lines are just not meant to be crossed. >:0

My second pet peeve might be kind of an unpopular opinion, and I don't really know why.. But people with all rare "show off" pets kinda bug me. I used to have super tryhard stable, and I didn't really have a connection with any of my pets, it was all about bragging rights. If a rare skin became common, I'd get rid of it with no second thoughts. Now I just tame whatever I feel like, be it rare or common.
I dunno, it just gets boring going to Trueshot Lodge and seeing the same Thoks and Loques and Garas over and over.



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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Rikaku »

I think that's what happens to me most, cause I'm alliance and every time I get my tame killed mid tame, it was always a Horde, lol

Personally, I play on a PvE server, but if it's red it's dead. I'll attack anyone flagged unless they're fighting like a rare/world boss or it's another Hunter camping something. Idk, I will only attack the other faction if they're inviting the attack. But another Hunter camping a rare or something... Nah. Ascend to safety my fellow Hunter and GL. Lol

As for the "all rare" pets thing. I might be guilty of that. Unfortunately it's not because "omg it's rare look at me", it's generally because by design, usually the cooler something looks, the harder it is to get. I will usually run around with Loque, Gon, or spectral gryphon not because "ohh look at me", but because I honestly enjoy those pets more and I am more attached to them for a variety of reasons.

But it's ok to not like ppl who do that. Just as long as you aren't rude to any of them lol. I've seen some people act completely rude to other players simply for their active pets being rare.

As long as you don't act that way, I think having a peeve like that is fine lol

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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Nhee »

I think I may have worded things a bit harshly like that :oops: I'm sorry if I came off like an ass.
No, I'd never be rude to someone over something like that! I honestly think I'm just biased, since I was trying to be a showoff myself, so I assume other people have similar intentions, which I know is not rational.

Sorry if I caused offense, I didn't mean to. ^^'


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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Rikaku »

Oh no no no, no offense taken at all. I definitely wasn't referring to anyone here :)

I was referring to some personal experiences from my own realm, where there are a few players who are repeatedly rude to other hunters and players for their choice in active pets.

Definitely not any activity I've seen here. No worries!

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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Chya »

Seeing so many hunters with the same pets, over and over. Guess kinda hard with such big stables, maybe I'm wrong on the cause.
Finally get a cool, dark purple wolf (Gara), only to see everyone have it. Let mine go fast, now though it's the same with the mana cat spirit beasts. Can't let the dark blue one go though, just tired of seeing it being popular too. Same thing Loque see that cat all over, not even rare anymore.

Non-capitalized and offensive names

*edited found a typo
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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Rawr »

People whisper and tell me my pet is ugly and I should release it, I get this mostly on Biohazard my Crocoslime. I think they are mostly just jelly that you can't get it anymore but still, it's my pet and it makes me happy to have (and laugh, mostly at its Play Dead animation "splrrup"). What kind of person would feel so compelled to tell someone else to release a pet they could never get back? Not someone I would want to play with that's for sure, so my ignore list slowly gains names. :| :mrgreen:


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Re: Small Pet Peeve of Mine, what's yours?

Unread post by Funk »

Man... I have like... no real pet peeves with WoW specifically. Hm. I mean really it just bugs me when people are shitty to other people, but that extends beyond WoW and is more nuanced than what is expressed in a single phrase.

As for names, idk if it's because I play (often, although not always anymore) on PvP servers (where player/pet names tend to be especially... volatile) or what but I see cringey names and usually just laugh now. Not that my reaction is the most appropriate (I doubt there is a "most appropriate" reaction). I actually had a separate folder of screenshots of stupid names/and or exchanges (almost exclusively from meme-spammed pvp servers) that I would look back on fondly (though it is lost to the abyss now rip numb name screenshot folder). I also don't typically display names anymore (just health bars).

On the note of names though, I actually think "Lunchbox" is a cute name. Like, it makes me think of ... r-lunchbox which isn't really that interesting of a toy but is also something I thought was hella cute in theory (it's really too bad it doesn't have a cute animation or something). Now that it's been brought up I'm actually tempted to get a Devilsaur and name it "Lunchbox" (and not out of spite, I promise). And on the note of not naming pets - it can take me some time to come up with a name I am satisfied with, and the last time I had growl on in an instance was when I was new to the game, and at that point I did in fact have a name for my pet ;).

The naming pets after what they are in the wild issue I actually kinda feel you guys on. I mean, it doesn't bug me nor make me think less of anyone or even think people are being shitty or anything, but more so I've lamented the dichotomy of it (perhaps 'dichotomy' isn't the best word but alas) kinda as Wain has expressed it. It would honestly be cool if we could name our pets so we see one name and the rest of the player base sees the rest, although that's not a feature I am personally pining for.

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