7.2.5 & Stable Updates

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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Novikova »

Have you guys not been here since vanilla? Hunters have ALWAYS had a bad rep. Seriously.

There's nothing wrong with suggesting or asking for cool things. Druids have a lot more stuff than hunters, for example.
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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Castile »

Novikova wrote:Have you guys not been here since vanilla? Hunters have ALWAYS had a bad rep. Seriously.

There's nothing wrong with suggesting or asking for cool things. Druids have a lot more stuff than hunters, for example.

100% true :) Pretty sure the word "huntard" was around when I started in 2005. Also if you don't ask, you don't get! the worst they can do is say no right?


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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Xylexia »

Dislike the implication that people wanting stable slots are being entitled ungrateful cry babies, essentially, for complaining about lack of room and wishing for more. Everyone plays in their own way and are passionate about various aspects of the game. When a preferred aspect falls out of balance, people do let the devs know. To each their own, but it is their right.

I've paid well over 1k in subs and in game items and services, including extra accounts for raf mounts. As a loyal consumer it is my right to voice my opinion, or make demands. Of course I realize they'll go unanswered. But you have to try. I'll just spam their in game suggest menu with "more stable slots please" once a day and see what happens lol :)
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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Maizou »

Xylexia wrote:Dislike the implication that people wanting stable slots are being entitled ungrateful cry babies, essentially, for complaining about lack of room and wishing for more. Everyone plays in their own way and are passionate about various aspects of the game. When a preferred aspect falls out of balance, people do let the devs know. To each their own, but it is their right.

I've paid well over 1k in subs and in game items and services, including extra accounts for raf mounts. As a loyal consumer it is my right to voice my opinion, or make demands. Of course I realize they'll go unanswered. But you have to try. I'll just spam their in game suggest menu with "more stable slots please" once a day and see what happens lol :)
They introduced the appearance system because people were filling their bank and void storage with appearance items.

This really isn't any different, so it's offensive to be telling us we're being entitled.
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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Wain »

My thoughts on increased stables are as follows.

Traditionally we've received stable updates every couple of expansions and there's been no announcement that we won't continue to do so, so I think it's perfectly reasonable to request more at this stage. Also, with each expansion comes a hoard of new pets and models, in fact that's been made something of a feature in our class, and it seems to be intended for Hunters to want to try them out. You don't need to be an obsessive collector to want to do that, nor to have an aversion to deleting older pets to make space for them. Hunters that have played for 10 years or more will have accumulated quite a lot of pets even if they're only casual about it. So, again, I think it's perfectly reasonable to want stable updates from time to time.

I don't think it would be fair to phrase the request in a demanding manner, after all additional aesthetics (new pet models) are a nicety of our class, not a critical component. I wouldn't say it has equal weighting with, "those issues we reported in Alpha are still plaguing us and degrading our raid performance a year later, they should be addressed". But still, I think more stable slots are definitely worthy of requesting now and then. :)

The things I find the rudest are when we are given something nice that wasn't expected, but someone then uses that as leverage to demand something else. I don't mean "this would be nice too", but more "if you give us X then it's only fair we also get Y". That's not the case here.
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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Quiv »

Xylexia wrote:Dislike the implication that people wanting stable slots are being entitled ungrateful cry babies, essentially, for complaining about lack of room and wishing for more. Everyone plays in their own way and are passionate about various aspects of the game. When a preferred aspect falls out of balance, people do let the devs know. To each their own, but it is their right.

I've paid well over 1k in subs and in game items and services, including extra accounts for raf mounts. As a loyal consumer it is my right to voice my opinion, or make demands. Of course I realize they'll go unanswered. But you have to try. I'll just spam their in game suggest menu with "more stable slots please" once a day and see what happens lol :)
This may have been partially my fault, at least in part, since I used the word entitled. I was referring to a safeguard I keep against myself when I want something but haven't gotten it yet. I just like to keep perspective on the bigger picture, not to imply wanting something equates to entitlement. In fact, my whole point in my posts was to strike a balance and harmony. Regardless if someone is for more slots, against it, or somewhere in the middle, any viewpoint can go to an extreme to the point its detrimental. Never meant to infer thats what was happening, but more so as a way to promote balance as to keep it from happening since there was such disagreement. To me, all opinions in the matter can suffer from their own form of unbalanced extremism. Thats something I hoped to avoid, not to infer simply having an opinion was extreme in itself.
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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Valnaaros »

The appearance tab is quite different. Xmogs filling peoples bags and banks were affecting ALL classes, not just one. It was become a very big problem, unlike stable room.

Not everyone that wants more stable space is acting entitled, but there are those that are. We have been given much, much more than any other class. Name one class that has been given even half of what we have. You can't, because there isn't. If Blizz does decide to give us more spaces, then fine, but people need to cease this attitude of "if I make enough noise or poke them long enough, they'll give it to us!"

Besides, more slots would be a very temporary thing. Even if they gave us another 50, there would be people that would quickly fill them up, then soon be asking for more. There will be people that will fill them up within a few months, and then be asking for me. There really won't be an end to it. We aren't supposed to have every pet in the game, or even every rare pet, jn our stables.
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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Rhyela »

Draol wrote:So a lot of new players were playing Hunters which has lead to many of the stigma we still see lasting into today ('hunter weapon' has died somewhat but not turning growl off is still well and alive).
I totally didn't forget to turn Growl off in a dungeon yesterday...*cough* Once my pet died I realized what happened and quietly turned it off. Even the most seasoned hunters have brain farts, right? Right? :lol:

Back on topic, I think charging gold to unlock more slots is a very fair compromise. I'm not a pet collector so I'd probably never use more than the 55 we have now, but those that want to have more slots, can. I'd support this.


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Rikaku »

First off, before anyone reads into this negatively, I wanna state that I'm not against more stable slots. I'm definitely not going to lose sleep over it if they don't add them however, but I don't want anyone spitting fire at me because I'm not TEAM STABLESLOTS #1 FAN or something XD I am for more stable slots.

As for my feelings, as someone who played in classic, I was never really one to 'collect' pets. I would've loved to back then, don't get me wrong, but I didn't really have a choice. When I first played Classic, we only had 3 stable slots. We couldn't even maintain 3 pets, we had to keep one slot open so we could tame wild beasts to earn higher ranks of Growl, Claw, Furious Howl etc. I could have 2 pets, max, because of this design system for Hunters and pets. And even back then, there were really only 2 "main" pets for us who dare played or raided as BM (since it wasn't a strong choice back in the day), Broken Tooth and ZG bats for their insane Attack Speed.

So why am I bringing this up? lol

Well, I guess spending that time with that sort of system (which wasn't ripped out fast, it took awhile to be remodeled and then eventually removed) made me sort of stick to getting pets that I would only feasibly use and/or enjoy using.

So when we got 50 stable slots, I couldn't imagine EVER filling that up. Back when we first got it, and then people asked for more, I sorta gave a o_O expression because to me it was like... I couldn't fathom how people could have 55 pets they used routinely and enjoyed RIGHT from the start lol. And I'm not saying anyone has to play a certain way, so don't take it that way: I pay my subscription fee to play my way, you pay yours to play your way. It's all good! It was just simply in my mind, in my opinion, something that just wasn't necessary.

But then we had expansions like Pandaria, where raid buffs became a good thing and necessary. Many hunters tamed a wide variety of families just to have buffs for their raids and dungeons. So yeah, that stable slots, even at 50, weren't so much a luxury as a necessity for those who wanted pets they enjoyed AND pets that their raid felt was needed. And even casual pet tamers, like myself, found ourselves at easily 40-45 pets.

Of course, at no time did I think "hell no, don't add more stable slots". To me, if it was added, awesome! if it wasn't, oh well.

But, we've gone a significantly long time now without a stable expansion. Even if Hunters are told "you don't have to collect everything!", well, at this point, even the casual pet-tamer like me is filling up the stable. Between the awesome challenge tames we've been given, the fact that Blizz tries to give us new model updates and still give people old models when possible for those that prefer them... the fact is simply that stables are filling up even by conservative tamers. It is time for a stable slot expansion, especially with as many new pet familes that have been added since the last stable-expansion.

So whether I feel strongly one way or another or not, I simply think it's time for stable slot expansion. There's 52 pet families now and only 55 slots. Even if someone only tamed 1 pet from each family, they'd be very close to the limit.

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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Draol »

I don't think it's being 'entitled' to keep asking blizzard for something in hopes they will change their minds. One can say that we have been given a lot, it is true, but that has always been the case for hunters. Should we never ask for anything, then? It is a form of feedback. The world 'entitled' gets thrown around far too much in the gaming community these days, to where it is being diluted.

Blizzard is a monolith company, that can't possibly respond to every piece of feedback in a timely (or satisfying) manner. The amount of people they have asking and begging them for things every day is huge, and i'm all too aware that many of them come in the form of "do this or you are evil" "wow blizz hates fun unsub" and other junk like that. That is entitlement, these players act like Blizzard had better cater to their every whim or they'll unsub, like one player doing so has some special power over Blizzard. When you DEMAND that Blizz do x, y, and z, or ELSE. That's not what is happening in this topic.

We haven't heard about stable space in a while (the last was I think in 7.1 which said "not in this patch"?), so I don't think it's unfair to ask Blizz about it.

On another note, I still fail to understand how extra slots in the stable or a collection you don't have to fill out would hurt some of you who have indicated so, but eh, to each their own. I don't think either of us is going to convince the other, so best to just drop it.

EDIT: I feel compelled to state outright that I'm not angry in this post, since it would be very easy to read my post with an aggressive tone, and i'm not trying to contribute to the heatedness that's cropped up here!
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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Lee »

Valnaaros wrote:Not everyone that wants more stable space is acting entitled, but there are those that are. We have been given much, much more than any other class. Name one class that has been given even half of what we have. You can't, because there isn't.
This is the argument I don't get. Blizzard designed the hunter ~class fantasy~ around being a player who tames beasts and keeps them as pets. It only follows that adding new tamable beasts and beast families would be par for the course.

Also? Hunter is one of the least exciting classes visually. So while other classes get updated animations and cool spells to fling around (even my Rogue has better/newer animations than my hunter) every few expansions, the pet thing is pretty much the only prominent visual effect hunters are able to get. Hell, on half my hunter toons, they can't even use a bow without pulling the string through their body!
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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Novikova »

Dude, half the time my weapons clip through my hunter's head. And I respectfully disagree with Valnaaros. Look at what druids get, for one thing.
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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Xylexia »

Went through my stable today. I was able to single out ONE pet to release since I can get it again anytime. Every other pet involved a serious time sink because they're rare or challenges, or are ones I use regularly for tmog and abilities.

That leaves me 4 slots, which include the two empty slots in my 'on hand to summon' section....

Still would like to get Gon and the new scorpion, in addition to several feathermanes.
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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Valnaaros »

No, we shouldn't never ask for anything, but myself and others have pointed out that there are many on these forums that forget what we have been given and keep asking for more. Then, when it isn't given or is given in a matter that doesn't suit them, they get upset. A somewhat recent example that comes to mind is when it was revealed that we would be getting Feathermanes. Many were very happy about that, but there were some that were upset that they weren't getting Kunchongs or Skyscreamers. Didn't even express gratitude for what we were getting.

And it does make sense that they would add new families, but they aren't required to. They have given us so much already. We have literally hundreds of tamable beasts and dozens of families. Many would say that is more than enough, yet Blizz keeps giving. They aren't required to do that, but they still do.

As for animations, Hunters did get updates in 7.2. Cobra Shot and Kill Command were given updated visuals, but weren't made to be over-the-top. Hunters aren't supposed to be a flashy class like, say, Paladins or Mages. Further, how much can they really do with them? Have them do trick shots or something? A range weapon is limited in how it can be utilized. For the bow string being pulled through your Hunter's body, that is an issue with race animations. Each class and race has them. Blizz gradually works on fixing them, but they may never get to them all.

What have Druids gotten? New forms in ONE xpac, or every once in a while? We get new pets and families every xpac and patch. Not just that, but there have been elaborate puzzles implemented for us to find our unique pets.
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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Castile »

Valnaaros wrote:No, we shouldn't never ask for anything, but myself and others have pointed out that there are many on these forums that forget what we have been given and keep asking for more.
Sorry but I respectfully disagree. Most people on these forums are far from the whiney entitled people I see on the wow forums for example and often when we do ask for things its with a well thought out reason behind it. We aren't 'demanding' anything as others have said - we're simply asking if there's a possibility of more slots to keep up with the amount of pets that have become available - we are even happy to pay for it. I see nothing unreasonable with this request. And there's clearly a precedent set for this - it isn't a new and exciting thing we are asking for - just a continuation of what has been done in the past.

Valnaaros wrote: What have Druids gotten? New forms in ONE xpac, or every once in a while?
As my main "alt" is a druid (and I even mained her for raiding at one point) druids have gotten a lot of love over the history of the game. Flight form, new models (3 times now?), the weapons (including flame kitty staff and then seeds), being able to use others specs abilities (remember the boomkin army? haha!), a temporary armour ability and eventually getting it as a permanent look this expansion - druids asked/whined about that for a long time, their tier is always gorgeous (just my opinion though), glyphs a plenty...there's more I'm sure but all I can write about for now.


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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Valnaaros »

I never said that everyone is acting whiney, entitled, or demanding. But there are many that are. However, I'm not going to call out names in regards to whom.

As I have said, even if more were given, there would be those that would immediately fill them up, just as there were before (as Rikaku said). We aren't supposed to have every rare or unique pet in the game. We aren't supposed to "Catch 'em all".

Yes, things here and there. Flight Form was back in TBC. The New Models happened just three times, and that was to keep up with the game having gradually improving models and textures. The flame cat staff and seeds are two things. Each class has gotten a unique toy or two this xpac. That spell, to my knowledge, no longer exists. Their new models this xpac are related to the Artifacts, which every class got. Your opinion on their tier is just that: an opinion. All classes have glyphs, so that isn't something unique to them.
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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Castile »

Valnaaros wrote:I never said that everyone is acting whiney, entitled, or demanding. But there are many that are. However, I'm not going to call out names in regards to whom.
Still disagree. I don't think there are "many" people here that are any of those things - maybe one or two but it would be a very small minority of this community atleast.
Valnaaros wrote:As I have said, even if more were given, there would be those that would immediately fill them up, just as there were before (as Rikaku said). We aren't supposed to have every rare or unique pet in the game. We aren't supposed to "Catch 'em all".
WoW is an MMO. You can play the game however you want. What you are "supposed" to do differs from person to person - If they want to catch em all then they can do that. If that person wants to fill their stable to do that then so be it. I don't see how it impacts your game if you get some more stable space because a chunk of hunters like to collect pets... :?


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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Qraljar »

Yeah, this whole "le entitled whiny hunter players" stuff has been getting tiresome for a long time, and it's something I specifically see on Petopia a lot.
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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Valnaaros »

You can play it within whatever bounds Blizz has established. This is their game, not ours. If we aren't supposed to catch em all, deemed by Blizz, then that is how it is supposed to be. If they choose to give us more stable slots, then so be it. Does it affect me directly? No, it doesn't. There are a lot of requests and whatnot for various things in WoW that don't affect us, but that doesn't mean we can't have an opinion on the matter. It is of mine and several others here that there shouldn't be more stable slots.
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Re: 7.2.5 & Stable Updates

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Qraljar wrote:Yeah, this whole "le entitled whiny hunter players" stuff has been getting tiresome for a long time, and it's something I specifically see on Petopia a lot.
That is because it has been happening a lot more recently, and not just with this subject. People have been complaining about Feathermanes and how we should just be given them, rather than earn them. People have been complaining about losing the Pup, even though there was a good risk it would be removed. People have been complaining about how hard it is to obtain Gon and Lost Spectral Gryphon, even though they won't ever be going away. In regards again to Feathermanes, people have been complaining that Blizz didn't throw Kunchongs or Skyscreamers into the mix (despite the fact that they wouldn't fit). There are many, many more examples, but it cannot be denied that there have been many people either whining about something or acting ungrateful despite all that we have been given.
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