Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

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Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Zebab »

Im curious, what is your favorite pet and how did you get them?

My favorite is Skoll. Back in wrath I was leveling my hunter in storm peaks. When I was walking past the engine of the makers I saw the time lost proto drake flying above me. This was before i knew about the TLPD mount so i thought "oh a rare, ill kill it for some extra exp". With a well timed disengage i managed to pull it down from the sky. While i was fighting it an enemy DK flew down, ganked me and took the kill. At first i was a bit annoyed but didnt really care, it was a few days later that i realised the TLPD dropped a mount. I was really annoyed I didnt get it so I ended up camping it for like 2 weeks. While i was camping it I saw a blue rarespawn wolf. It was skoll. I went down to tame it and again, an enemy rogue flew down to kill it for what i can assume was skinning and leatherworking. I ended up hitting her with a glyphed explosive trap and threw her off the side of a mountain, giving me enough time to tame skoll. She came back up and killed me, but I didnt care because I got a new best bud. I never did get the time lost proto drake but if it wasnt for that douchebag DK i would never have skoll. Ever since that day I adventured with skoll (that i named zappylicks after my friends shaman called zappywix) exept for legion where I am forced to play MM because BM is so boring :(.
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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by WerebearGuy »

Springpaw Lynx.

When I first started in Burning Crusade (I was forced to play by two friends who bought the game for my birthday), I made a Blood Elf hunter. I saw the red cats, and liked them, but I didn't like playing as a metrosexual elf. So, I converted to the sweet bue booty of my current female Draenei hunter. Unfortunately, the Springpaw Lynx wasn't available in the Draenei area. I wanted the red cat, but I didn't want to go back to being an elf. So, what did I do? I ran. I left Azuremyst Isle by boat to Darnassus. I did the Wetlands run, and died at the bridge to Arathi Highlands. I ran as a ghost through Hillsbrad, through both Plaguelands, and revived in the Ghostlands (because it let me back then). It took me almost an hour to do because I had NO freaking clue where I was going. When I ressed, I carefully snuck around until I got to the starting zone for Blood Elves, and tamed a Springpaw Lynx. Never had that thrill with any other pet that still exists today. Other than Chromaggus and the various spirit beasts, the lynx is one of the few pets in my stable that have crappy old graphics, the other being the first few Spirit Beasts, The Lone Hunter, and Chromaggus.

A close favorite is my Direhorn baby, which I'm absolutely surprised hasn't been fixed yet. I'm glad it's not fixed, but such an incredibly huge and obnoxious pet not having been shrunk/changed from people's complaints? Whatever the reason, I'm glad I have my big baby still.

I would say my favorite was the Worgen pet from Howling Fjord (BRING THAT BACK), but Blizzard thinks animals that think they're human deserve human rights. Dumb animals need to be on a leash, not walking around like people! I want my Garwal back! Burn the Worgen and put them back where they belong!


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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Iowawolf »

Depends on the hunter they each have their own special pet but most the time either Loque or Lightning Paw is my favorite except on Azerothwolf my newest BM hunter and only 110 her most favorite is the lowland manashell just something about that turtle.
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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Vephriel »

It's been a while since I talked about him here, but mine is a black devilsaur. :) Skorn has been my favourite pet since Wrath of the Lich King, when I tamed Tyrantus in Netherstorm. I was always drawn to unique named mobs which is why I chose that particular one instead of the wild Un'Goro devilsaurs. I honestly couldn't believe it when it was first announced that we could tame them. It was so exciting and they were SO cool, I never would have dreamed in a million years that my hunter could one day tame one of those creatures. I had to rush out and get one the moment the patch hit.

I'm not really sure I can summarize how attached I became to him, he was just that special pet that was meant to be. He's been with my character longer than he hasn't, but at the time it felt a bit late to discover my "soulmate" pet since it was already Wrath of the Lich King and I know of other people who had been with their special pets since Vanilla. But I've always adored the devilsaurs in game, they have wonderful models (and I still think they've aged beautifully because of how high resolution they were made, even back in Vanilla, to account for their large sizes) and I've been a dinosaur fan since I was a kid. Something about this devilsaur just clicked and he became my constant companion, and definitely Vephriel's best friend. Skorn has so much personality and has adapted his own sort of character over the years. He'll always mean a lot to me. <3

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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Holgarr »

My favorite is a rather unassuming and plain figure... Kyra, my Raptor.

Back when my hunter was a mancow instead of a beard with legs, long before Cataclysm rebuilt the world or even TBC expanded it, I wanted a pet that would stand out as unusual for Horde.

So I did some investigating, and found a green Raptor in one of the Dwarf starting areas, unusual in that it entirely lacked the feathery accents all others had. No feathers and in enemy territory? Surely this would be an eyecatcher! So, with much patience and difficulty, my baby moomoo ranranran all the way down to the Wetlands to grab himself a prized Mottled Scytheclaw.

Since then, the Mottled variety have ceased to be with the Cataclysm, to be replaced by the slightly-higher-level and identical-looking Highland Scytheclaws, and since then I've racechanged my hunter from Tauren to Dwarf, but Kyra has never even once left that very first spot on my stable.
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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Makoes »

at lv 10 I tamed a generic cat from teldrassil, when I hit lv 13 I tamed a hyena in the barrens and loved him. At lv 30 I went to SM for the first time, and saw the red hyena's, I loved them even more. So at lv 33 I asked a higher lv hunter friend of mine if he'd run me through so I could tame one and he was more then happy to. I've had Nanaki from lv 33-110, He's my partner in solo, questing, raids, randoms, pvp, everything. That was back in BC, when we only had 3 slots and tamed pets for abilities.
There was the hiccup with the scarlet hounds being changed to dogs...but I re-found Nanaki in Tanaris scouting near the Uldum entrance for me ;)


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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Shelassa »

Hands down, Loque'nahak. There were harder, longer and even more memorable tames / camps / drops since then, but I just love the guy to bits. It kills me inside to not have him at my side in Legion, but I just can not play Legion's version of BM. At least, as a Lone Wolf MM I stay loyal to him - no other pet at my side :D

The tale of his tame is not really a very exciting one. I spent 3 or 4 days in Sholazar Basin with my best friend, parked at two of his spawn spots and spamming random Battlegrounds. Each time we would come back from the instance, we would make a circle around the Basin to check his spawn points. I've - just - missed him 2 times to other Hunters, but managed to tame Krush and Aotona while waiting. One day, upon coming back from a BG, I've noticed that I hit the cap on Honor Points. So I left my friend at the spawn point by Nesingwary's and teleported out to spend them on something, don't remember what anymore. Just as I reached the Honor vendor, my friend started yelling at me in Skype: "HE'S HERE, OMG, COME BACK!!". Thankfully, my Hearthstone was set to Nesingwary's, although I believe I've never seen a slower teleport OR longer loading screen since, LOL.

With shaking hands, I tamed Loque just in time to receive a whisper from a freshly arrived pissed off DK, who swore at me for stealing his achievement. The guy vehemently insisted that there are other Spirit Beasts if I were so inclined to have one, not part of the Frostbitten, and it was incredibly selfish of me to rob people of their achievements just for a pretty pet skin.
Thus, the name for the kitten was born - Frostbite, after "Frostbitten" achievement. The DK disapproved of my irony :D
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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Funk »

I feel like all of my hunters end up with Deth:


Who usually gets named 'Nought' if I don't have any other ideas for his name :lol:

When I first tamed him, I named him 'Nought' (as in, the number 0). Idk why 'Nought', studying math and physics has warped my mind I guess. Everything is math to me now.

On my Troll hunter (who was my first max level character ever, although quickly taken over by what is my now-main, my druid) I love


I flip flop on what to name him but... he's my troll's main dood.

My Troll also recently grabbed


which I am surprised to like as much as I do. Currently unnamed, also.

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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Castile »

Hmm if I go by hunter...

Castilian: Her favourite pet is Emerald the tallstrider. I made my Tauren Hunter in Vanilla and the only green tallstrider was the rare with the chicks. I was too weak to tame her on my own at the time so my alliance warlock buddy came along to kill the chicks for me while I tamed her. She was her constant companion ever since! My Horde guild loved her and when I tried to bring a more "raid effective" pet they wouldn't have a bar of it. My favourite memory was of one the guild members on vent (imagine a camp American gay accent) "Castile....what is this! This thing is not your pet!! Where is your chicken? Go and get her" Apparently they loved the way she squawked when she attacked the boss :lol: :lol:

Castile: My pandaren I've only had since cataclysm so she doesn't have a historical pet like my Tauren but Shishi her Quilian is the one I'm most attached to with her. Again the raid team I was with made the difference. The tank (whose also a mate) would blame any wipe on my pet by yelling "Bad ShiShi!!" over vent and when I tried again to bring a different pet he wouldn't like it either :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Bowno »

Grimtotem Spirit Guide.

It'll always be my favorite. I worked my butt off to get the gear I needed to get, the gems I needed to get, and to hire the people I needed to hire in order to tame this little guy.
If I recall correctly, the Grimtotem Spirit guide only lived for 8 seconds, and the tame beast skill was 9 seconds long to cast. So I had to get haste gear, haste meta gems for my BC helm, hire a Shaman to bloodlust (Heroism in my case since I was ally side), and a priest to MC the Grimtotem to spawn the spirit guide.

It was such a nerve wracking experience. We weren't sure if we could pull it off! I remember the second the tame pet spell finished, the wolf died. I was so scared that it didnt work.... But luckily it did! I was ecstatic to see it show up after doing Revive pet.
Mine has gone through 2 names. Specter and Lelia. Right now it's Specter again, but I'm likely going to change it to Leila once more, in honor of my Vanilla leveling companion, who also happened to be a wolf.

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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by PrimalTazza »

Might have to be my Thunderlords Rylak, though unfortunately I don't use him as much as I used to since I main Survival now. It was removed due to the spawn being bugged; there were dozens upon dozens of copies of the NPC, and it was hell trying to kite one away far enough to not get one-shot by the sheer number of orcs and rylaks that were clumped in one spot. After a few deaths I eventually figured out my strategy and pulled it away and managed to snag the tame before the friends it brought killed me one last time.

Outside of BM? There are lots of pets I usually rotate between, with the Snowfeather raptor quickly finding itself among them: Amani Dragonhawk, Gurubashi Riding Raptor (both color variations), Elder Springpaw, and a few others. I'm also still very fond of my Deviate Coiler Hatchling, the first pet that really stuck with me since I made the hunter in early BC. I'd tried scorpids and raptors before that, but none of them really jumped out at me. I was leveling in the Barrens and stumbled upon the Wailing Caverns around level 12 and found the little wind serpent flitting about the entrance and knew I had to have it. Died MANY times, this was back when they were still elites and taming took about twenty seconds (or at least it felt that way). Eventually survived its angry onslaught and had a fantastic pet that could SPIT LIGHTNING!

Really hope they bring back Lightning Breath.


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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Shade »

Tough question!

Hmmm, I have to narrow it down to three different ones.

First is Hel (Snarler from Feralas). When I first joined WoW, my brother had me join the guild he was in, and I stayed with them for over a year. This was during WOTLK and they were a raiding guild who insisted that I raided as a MM, which was irritating as I preferred BM. Hel was my default MM pet-I had my stable full of BM pets otherwise. He has always been with my toon since she got him at level 39 and I can't imagine WoW without him. As it is, every time I made a new hunter, they would find themselves down in Redridge Mountains at level 16-17 to go tame the first available Snarler look alike that would stay with them through the game. All of them have a name that is a version of good old "Give 'em Hel"-Abbadon, Stuxx etc.

Next, of course, is Loque. Back when my brother first talked me into playing WoW after I finally got a computer that could handle it, I did some research ahead of time to decide what class I wanted to play. During my wanderings about the internet, I found this site and browsed around. Fell in love with the image of Loque and decided then and there to become a hunter. (Imagine my disappointment when I understood how long it would be till I could have him!) He, along with Hel (Snarler) and Gojira (King Krush) have been with me since my first year of play, over 7 or 8 years ago now.

Of all of the pets that were not part of my first group of five, I would have to say Hatsu, my Banthalos, is one of my major favorites as well. I love the animations and lights when he fights. Also, his name is special to me as it signifies that he was the first realm first tame that I ever managed to do. The night that this expansion launched, I logged in as soon as my server was open and, thanks to the guides I read from this site, I was able to tame the first Banny that spawned on my server-despite the competition that I had from other hunters that night. *woot*
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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Jelani »

Gon may be my currently used pet but the one pet that will never leave my heart is my Shenanigans.

(taken today while reflecting on our journey together)

I got him back when he thought he was a croc. I had seen here that he was tamable and ran right over to get him. I had loved Hydras and was sad they were not available so I wanted my chance to have one if even for just a moment. I think it was just before they patched him because I went to get him for a friend later and I couldnt ;_; I adored him as did many of my friends. He was a heck of a tank with his croc abilities so he was always there. When I joined a random group that was doing Ulduar achievements. They fell for him too asking me back for more raids and if I didnt have Shenanigans out they were asking for him. I cant explain why I love him so much. I just do. If Blizz suddenly went crazy and said you could keep only one pet, he is the one hands down. Even with my intense love of Gon, Shenanigans still wins :)

(our first Lich King kill with the Ulduar group)

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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Lupis »

Definitely my wolf, Gallows!


He's taken three different forms, now- initially, he was Old Cliff Jumper, tamed to give my Wildhammer dwarf (who at the time I had decided grew up in Aerie Peak) a bit of home in pet form. As good a boy as he was, he didn't get much attention. Then Legion came out with these beautiful new wolves so I went out and tamed the grey model, a color I wasn't particularly into but that looked the most like his old self. That was the change he needed- suddenly he was my favorite pet, and went with me everywhere.

The change to the Fenrir model was a little unexpected! When the skin was released as tamable and still bugged, I had yet to do a single mythic and was terrified of doing one. I decided I'd just wait for the next expac to maybe pick him up- it wasn't life or death, and as much as I like his model I just wasn't that devoted.

Queue me getting two completely restless nights of sleep because for two nights in a row, I only dreamed about Fenrir. I dreamed I missed the window, I dreamed I got to him and he glitched, I dreamed about a million mistakes and stress and not getting a group- it was ALWAYS about Fenrir, and I kept waking up totally consumed by the worry that I'd miss out on this model I didn't even really want. So I bit the bullet, joined a group, and got my gosh darn dog.

It was absolutely the right choice, of course- he's perfect, I adore his runes and battle scars, and his coloration is the true ideal grey. And now I can sleep at night. :lol:

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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Täräin13 »

My favourite pet and most used faithful companion has to be Loque'nahak or Tao as I named him. I had just hit 76 back in the late days of Wrath (I'm senile - can't recall when I leveled my hunter but I played since late Wrath) when I started playing Wow and I got told by former "friends"/people I knew at the time that I would most likely never get any SB. (The kind of people who yell at you to make themselves feel better and more knowledgeable instead of spending 5 minutes explaining things to a total noob they talked into playing the game!) Same people also told me that Loque was one of the hardest to get and so on (tbh I think he and his friends are even harder to tame nowadays because of CRZ). Anyways once I dinged 76 I made my way to Scholozar Basin to look for the pretty sabletoothed snowleopard jaguar cross mix cat thingy! I found out where it spawned from the net and randomly started searching those areas as I never really camped anything (no patience for camping for hours tbh! ^^;). Since I have tamed the guy twice I can't recall which place was on my nelf and which was on my belf, but that aside I found him those times wandering among the apes and another close to the Nesingwary camp. To be honest I never think I shook so much as I did while taming him on Täräin - Gon might have been really close to it - (In general I still shake ridicously when I tame rare pets, challenge tames and the SBs!). But yeah I got the pretty kitty and he's been with me through PVE, dungeons (including tanking one back in the day where we were only 3 DPS left and never got a tank/healer back or rather we got them once we killed Loken! XD) and raids.

That said I love all my 52 pets and I do try to use them all but it's just hard not to use your best friend since 76 at times! XD

As for runners up top five - please forgive my bad names!:

2. Xiao (Savage)
3. Midnight (Duskfang)
4. Tundra (frostsaber pride watcher)
Shared 5. Ruffy (Bruiser)/ Tulak (Glimmer - yes he's named after Tulak Hord in SW EU)/ Sooty (Ol' Sooty - kept his name because he deserved that! =))

tbh I could list old my pets as shared as the only ones I have but don't feel that strongly about aside I love their skins is my beetle (Amethyst scarab) and Patrannache. Everyone else I love for their models, their skins/color, clicking sounds and their shared history with my toon. And to feed my hoarding needs I hope we'll get another 10 slots for taming at some point because I refuse to let go of more of my beloved friends (Had to kick a lot of primairly draenor wolves to make room for SBs and such! =( ^^; ) Oh and please make the new ebonclaw worg tamable..... I need that much more in my life than eventually getting back the black draenor one!

As I rarely play my belf/horde and only have a handful of pets there I'll just say that Casheen (Brownie - SV) and Loque (Hao - BM) are that toon's best friends!=)
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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Acadion »

Bowno wrote:Grimtotem Spirit Guide.

It'll always be my favorite. I worked my butt off to get the gear I needed to get, the gems I needed to get, and to hire the people I needed to hire in order to tame this little guy.
If I recall correctly, the Grimtotem Spirit guide only lived for 8 seconds, and the tame beast skill was 9 seconds long to cast. So I had to get haste gear, haste meta gems for my BC helm, hire a Shaman to bloodlust (Heroism in my case since I was ally side), and a priest to MC the Grimtotem to spawn the spirit guide.

It was such a nerve wracking experience. We weren't sure if we could pull it off! I remember the second the tame pet spell finished, the wolf died. I was so scared that it didnt work.... But luckily it did! I was ecstatic to see it show up after doing Revive pet.
Mine has gone through 2 names. Specter and Lelia. Right now it's Specter again, but I'm likely going to change it to Leila once more, in honor of my Vanilla leveling companion, who also happened to be a wolf.
This. Spamming aspect of the wild with aspect of the cheetah until the gem proc'd, having your priest MC a grimtotem, shammy cast heroism. Grim actually died during the process.. but I was able to rez him. I think it took 4 tries and 4 grim totems.
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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by sasrei7 »

Hmm well its different ones for different hunters but

For Inarie my fave pet is the spectral gryphon named Shaynie after the hunter who let me tame him. We were camping for the longest time and made a pact on whoever rolled highest would get him, well I apparently phased and he said the feather was up but I didnt see it! So I left group and boom it was up! I rolled highest and tamed him :)

For Inaric it will always be humar named Nardia, Inaric used to be on my bros account when I played on his account during Vanilla I camped for over a week for Humar on top of the tree with all the other hunters lol. As soon as I could I got Inaric on my own account and at lvl 20 ran to get my Nardia back :)

For Sasrei it's King Krush aka Atlas. Took me almost a month to get him initially. I camped a lot and just missed him many times even had some jerk kill him mid tame. But when he was mine he became my go to pet! I almost didnt get him to cause the jerk kept fearing me lol. I played all of wrath with him as my main pet only ^.^ He became extremely well known to my old guild to. Everyone knew I camped so long to get him and they all adored him to haha

For Saon its Magria, aka Stormvine. A pet I looked long and hard for and when I found him initially I thought it was just a herb lol Hence his name Stormvine

For Asaia it's brumeran aka Jian, I always loved the look of this chimera but it would never work on my other hunters, happily though he fit perfectly with Asaia and became my go to pet!

For Ceriah it's Myth also known as Loque lol. I made this hunter during CRZ hell time and dang did it suck to get her. I started to name the monkeys I was camping with, as well as some flowers lol. The big tree will forever be known as Brutus.

For Reika it is 100% Shadow Claw aka Taemin. I had been looking for a main pet for her, tried everything but the kitchen sink but none truly spoke to her. Once I tamed Shadow claw though quickly he became her favourite and go to pet.
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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Quiv »

I'm kinda bummed I can't think of any for me. Back in wrath, it easily would have been my yellow/blue turtle TMNTank and my undead white bear Zombear. I loved using those but pets were much different back then. I guess I haven't gotten much connection since. There are plenty I think are cool, but not a favorite or "main" so to speak.
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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by pop »

I like vocal pets; pets that make sound when clicked. But it's also depends on the backstories of my hunters. I find that the pets that I most fond of are high resolution mech pets, esp the ones that are vocal.
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Re: Who if your favorite pet and how did you get them?

Unread post by Raginbum »

Wow, kind of surprised not a lot of love for Humar the Pridelord. Was the first rare spawn I personally found and has been with me since BC.

Another would be Arcturis, because he's a SPIRIT BEAR, and he likes to dance when i bust out my Piccolo of Dancing Flames =)
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