Ark: Survival Evolved

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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

Unread post by cowmuflage »

So I got it in the steam sale. Can't install it yet as I have no space (Fallout 4 is huge) but when I do I'll post stuff n shiz.
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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

Unread post by zedxrgal »

Do iiittttttt!
But just to warn this game is huge too! Probably larger then Fallout 4. :lol:

Looks like you got your game just in time Cow.
Studio Wildcard have doubled the price of their dino-infested survival game Ark: Survival Evolved [official site] on Steam. The developers say that the price hike is “to ensure retail parity for the upcoming launch” which is on 8 August.

The game was being sold at a lower price through the early access period ($29.99/£22.99/€27.99 with some sales taking it far lower) and the early access blurb acknowledges that the price would increase when the game reached its release form:

“the game will be lower priced through Early Access, relative to its final full-version retail price.”

Thing is, the game is still actually in early access at this point despite now sporting what would seem to be a full release version price tag of $59.99/£54.99/€69.99. I assume that’s because the pre-ordering for the game is now live so they’re trying to funnel people towards that instead of everyone just saying “no thanks, I’ll pick it up cheaper on Steam”.

So. A few thoughts:

1. We should take a moment to appreciate just how eye-watering that euro number is and that it has actually more than doubled the cost of the game in that currency.

2. $59.99/£54.99/€69.99 is a lot of money and I flat out won’t pay that much for any game (unless it tricks me over a long period of time with micro transactions and an underwater-themed map).

Ark: Survival Evolved

3. I did actually try Ark at a few points during the last couple of years and the performance was wretched. I was hoping to get some nice screenshots of dinosaurs and habitats but the trade offs I needed to make so it would run with anything approaching playability make the game so fugly. This point is more of a question to you readers because I’ve seen comments that still point to the game’s optimization as being terrible right now and some people saying the game has improved on that front. Has it? Does it still chug like a kid at Nando’s trying to make the most of the bottomless drink deal?

4a. I’m curious as to the thought process here from Studio Wildcard. Sure, there’s a warning that the price will increase on the Early Access blurb but that’s not the same as a specific warning that this will happen on a specific date and before early access actually ends. I feel like if I’d been pondering a purchase I’d have felt safe in assuming the early access price wouldn’t double before the 1.0 release. I just checked the most recent info post on the forum about upcoming bits and pieces and there’s nothing about a price change there either.

4b. Studio Wildcard seem to have a really strangely discordant relationship with the idea of early access as it exists right now. In September 2016 the game got its first bit of paid DLC (the somewhat aptly named Scorched Earth expansion) at $19.99 which rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

The prevailing impression of early access (which is supported by Steam’s own Early Access guidelines) is that it’s a phase where devs are actively working on a game and it’ll be in a bit of a janky state so you pay less money to buy it and often you get to shape the final project a bit by submitting feedback and being part of that initial community. On the dev side you get a source of cash you wouldn’t otherwise get and some help with bug reports and testing bits and pieces.

Different games remix or approach that basic concept in different ways but I’d say the above is the generally accepted idea of an Early Access project.

Studio Wildcard seemed to be particularly bad at communicating divergences from the common understanding of early access and came off as money-grubbing with the DLC. Given the release date had slipped a bit already, there were spin-off projects and other resource-sappers, AND some other survival games seem keen to stay in early access forever, I think it was perfectly reasonable that a player might see a paid expansion for an early access game and worry the devs were trying to wring as much cash from the project as possible without even needing to finish it.

The blog post after the fact suggested some reasonable dev-side thinking on why trying an expansion earlier was better than later, but pricing it at two-thirds of the cost of the game at the time felt grim. Essentially, $19.99 doesn’t feel like it adheres to the understanding of early access and offering players a good deal in exchange for their help in testing and shaping these things.

The devs have also made some positive moves in terms of money and content as I remember being pleased to hear about their decision to pay modders to work on their own additions and weird fun projects for the game. But to me this new price hike might undo a lot of that good will. Studio Wildcard’s approach to pricing (and messaging that pricing to players) seems opaque and tone-deaf at best.

Ark: Survival Evolved

5. The pricing seems kind of a mess anyway. Like, I’m looking at Game because that’s one of the links via the official site and you could pre-order the final PC release in physical form for £39.99 or buy the early access version for £54.99 on Steam. I’m not surprised that the physical copy is less than the digital but given the latter gives you access immediately it’s hard to shake the feeling that you’re playing £15 for access to 32 days of extra development time. I wonder if there’s a German word for that specific early access-related emotion?

The Explorer’s Edition is maybe a bit more palatable I think. I say “I think” because it’s £69.99 but that includes a season pass for 3 expansions including Scorched Earth. In theory that would mean you’re maybe paying £69.99 instead of £99.96 IF AND ONLY IF the other expansions are priced the same as the Scorched Earth one and you bought them separately. But you can actually pick up Ark plus Scorched Earth on Steam as a bundle for £59.48 so it’s entirely possible that another bundle on Steam later down the line will actually be the better deal? I mean, I couldn’t see anything about how much a season pass would cost by itself and to see the value you have to predict future prices based on current ones rather than any actual pricing info that I can find.

I’ll bold this one because it might help someone who missed their affordability window:

You can also buy a physical card with a Steam code for the game for £22.99 still because I’m guessing there’s still stock of those early access cards with the price printed on the corner at the moment.

Oh, and you can also buy a collector’s edition for a whopping £149.99 but only for console.

God, this is nonsense.
Link to actual article: Ark Price doubled on Steam

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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

Unread post by Ana »

the spike in price is defo not worth it...thats silly they killing the game :(

I found a really decent building location today. LOTS of flat space. Plenty of room for a BIG dino pen, a house and a prodution hall (which i did not build). I choose to finish off the dino pen to show you how a BIG dino would fit in there.. took soo much time to do this :P Plenty of water, wood and metal nearby; and a really nice place for view. Not a lot of natural protection but it looks amazing in the area.. though if We choose this spot i probably just build a smaller production hall and close the area of with gates and have my dinos out in the open.. to me its prettier even with dragons and stuff lurking nearby.. or build the dino pen out of something more.. natural to the area... I might go think about what and do that tomorrow if my health is willing.. might also build the flyer area one wall higher .. the indom looks a little squashed under there...











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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

Unread post by Aleu »

The price jump makes sense since the game is going out on the open market now. People have had MORE then enough time to buy the game as it's gone on sale multiple times. Even if people had no intention on playing it until it's full release, they had time to buy it on sale and leave it until it was finished. It won't do much since anyone who wants or wanted the game already has it. The collectors edition is lame that it's only for console, but meh. I would've just wanted the dossier book anyhow.

It will be interesting to see how the game does at retail.

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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

Unread post by cowmuflage »

I just got the berebones game. Thought i'd skip the expack for now.
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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

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There is no sense paying for Scorched Earth unless you want to play that map. You are literally paying 20$ for a map. Ragnarok, which is free DLC, literally takes everything from the Scorched Earth map and combined it with the normal game stuff on one awesome map. Right now the desert area is still under construction, though.

I really despise their update server. I'm so sick of an update that should take maybe 5 mins take over an hour. I've tried different locations and it's the same. Wherever the content is hosted has a terrible connection and it constantly dies. I was trying to log in real fast to imprint and maybe toss some meat into troughs to make sure there is enough while I'm gone, but it ain't freaking happening. The "10 min" update has now been going for 30. Not to mention it takes another 15-20 to log in.

I downloaded the game fine, it's wherever the update files are or going through.
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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

Unread post by Ana »

Havent really been playing so much...but i have been watching slot og building videos...these here i really like and they are easy to do it seams. Super pretty

All by the same person..some really neat designs


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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

Unread post by Nefretiti »

Ugh moving house sucks.. but at least I'm making progress.
Got my bigguns settled at their new home.
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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

Unread post by Ana »

found another decent spot to build today.. great view.. Only downside is.. the tall grass is NOT removable.. but could give your home a more naturalistic look ? :)





bit boring running around alone on soloplay so going to continue the exploration for our perfect home location with the hubby.. :D I know which house i want to build.. Im going to turn the breeding pen building into a house..

I really like the outlay of that one.. prob going to build it just like the guide.. then replace some of the mats with the Medieval and castle stuff for a better look

if my progress on the solo play saves on my dedicated server then i continue on solo as its faster to load.. but i first find out when the server loads :D it does not.. on the bright side it saves EVERYTHING from our last time eventhough we wiped ark and reinstiaelled it.. as long as you have ark server mananger it keeps your game it seams..


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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

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STUPID ARK:.. no lag on solo game.. fast log in.. want to play with husband.. TONS of lag. TONS od disconnect... BLERGH!!!!! WHY WHY WHY is it so hard to play with someone?? I dont wanna play on a server with other ppl.. just wanna play with husband.. its SO STUPID!!


Its soo stupid... Is it me who are missing something.. above is the server start up....

I might just have to play the solo game :/

edit some screenies from the solo game... sucks that I have to resort to that..

Location one.. Jaws Beach (named that myself) Loads of water, and tree. Have to fly for metal



Location Two - Beached Whales is a great view (NOT).. these are actually features.. they cant be harvested.. sad view.. but plenty of room to build on





Location Three - Redwood View Beach. Plenty of water, some metal. Trees not too far away. Lots of driftwood on the beach for straw but I dont know if it respawns.




Location Four - The Forest Lake - Great view. Plenty of water and metal. Downside.. not as spacious... could be fixed with pilar building in the lake?



Location Five- Grand Canyon View. Plenty of water and Metal, some wood. Amazing view. Plenty of space. Natural protection towards atleast one side. Im actually in the process of building here.. will build the breeding pen from the video above this post, a greenhouse and a barn.. just to see how much room it takes up.. plus I like building




will prob build more tomorrow.. but tired now so sleepy time :D


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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

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Eventhough Im annoyed with ark im playing a bit.. abandonded the place i first found as there was not room enough..

Found a really pretty spot, but could not build because there is a small cave below... its a horrid cave.. blood and mangled bodies :roll: :( :( thats just a nono for me.. so I dont want to be anywhere near that.. i wish i could seal it off.. but I think it count as a dungeon mathingie as there are crate drops in it.. small one though... but I dont get why the bloody corpses are necessary. Last picture is the loc to the entrance of the loot crate place




Small top with ok room for a single player.. depending on your need.. not for us though but I thought I include it.. no water nearby so thats a downside..but pretty view




Next my current building location... near the cave by the waterfall. Forgot to take a location. But i be building more later today :D



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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

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Excellent screen shots Tarn.

Got back into town early & tried to accomplish something on the primitive plus 14 official server. Of course after the 17 minute log in I get booted only 20 minutes later because of maintenance. Finally get back in and while hunting stumbled across and explorer's note and immediately get booted from the server because of a fatal error. WTF Wild Card??? Why are you ripping off people by doubling the price of a broken ass game that's supposed to go full launch in just over two weeks? Fix your shit. PvE needs to be changed to make it so players do not have the ability on official to drag the unconscious body of another player to either the water to drown them OR lock them in cages. I'd heard the rumor of people being locked in cages but to be warned about it on the server by different people because it happened on the server is a serious problem. This game is no where near launch ready with the issues it's having.
They also need to work on the game being such a resource hog.

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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

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It is super laggy on the servers atm.. so i just play on solo play for now and hope it be better come August...

A location on the gps and I thought i show off how "big" the cave near my buildings are.. I managed to walk in both Omega Res AND indoms from the outside so the hight is good. Back wall shows 5 Omega Rex´s I think i could have squeezed more in but this way they have room to turn.



I have 3 indom in there.. one of the side wall and one in the entrance.. the only problem with the screenie of the two is that their tails fill the hallway.. but i guess you could park them more croocked :D



But since I am a dino hoarder this is no were enough room for me so i be using the cave for a breeding pen which there is plenty of space for. I laid down foundations to show where my fence will be... want to build it in glass so i keep the view.



and bonus there is a drop here sometimes ( I have enabled so i can build near drops)


Thought i show off the last locations I been out scoting.. first one i think is the location where Nerd Parade has their base


Second one is a really pretty one. The cave can be sealed off and used for what ever you want. Pretty view, lots of metal, wood and water.




But I think we go with the first one.. Location near a beach is good for our needs. We might build the fishing cabin and a underwater dino parking pen down the beach.

Considering how big this map is Im a little underwhelmed... its pretty and all but I have not found a "WOW MUST BUILD HERE" Location. Most of the locations seams to be for PvP purposes... I could have used more flat areas around waterfalls, beaches and green areas for PvE :D


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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

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That's the cave I'm in. Be careful. That area has a lot of Allo and Giga spawns.
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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

Unread post by Ana »

Yup Ive noticed :D ..not sure if I want to find a better spot...i dont feel like ive seen the perfect spot yet ;) have not been playing today heh


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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

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Seilahyn wrote:That's the cave I'm in. Be careful. That area has a lot of Allo and Giga spawns.

I stumbled upon your gates today finally. Been in that area I don't know how many times and never saw them till today. :lol: I've seen MANY may gigas there. Killed by many. lol Seen a couple titans too. But oddly tonight when I was nosing around there I didn't see a single giga which is a little odd.

This is where my base it.
You can kind of see the pin on the map.

Tårnfalk wrote:Yup Ive noticed :D ..not sure if I want to find a better spot...i dont feel like ive seen the perfect spot yet ;) have not been playing today heh

I got lucky and found my perfect spot pretty close to right away. :) :hug:

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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

Unread post by Seilahyn »

I leave them unlocked so you can farm the iron inside if you want. There are a few obsidian spawns as well. No real worry about idiots leaving the doors open on your server.

I haven't been logging in much. I lost the urge to play ARK. Prim14 seems to be going the way of the dinosaurs. *badumtish* It's been so dead... even when it says there are 7+ players on, no one freaking talks. Besides Potato, Levy, and sometimes one other person, it's a ghost town in chat. Looks like Braz and Skye/Bob aren't even coming around anymore. Levy has been moving their dinos up to his place. Feel bad because while running some ground things up he ran into a Giga.. it ate some of the dinos.

I'm also just not happy with my area and haven't finished or worked on building in a while. I just can't find an area that I like either. I'll probably go demo all those spike walls I put down by Rubble's because that area is just way too uneven and I don't want to have to pillar build. That causes too much lag to load in all those structures, not to mention your dinos fall through it a lot. So I guess I'm just waiting it out for you two to fully move from the cove and I'll probably just take over the spot right next to the water. It's relatively flat and has ocean access.

I bought Overwatch so I've been playing that instead.
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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

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For me both prettiness and accessibility plays in when i need a place... I really want to build a pretty place with acces to the open water but stilll have an amazing view :P and lots and lots of room and natural protection :D

I havent been playing much either ...


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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

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Finally can post now that the forums are back up in running.

The other day in the highlands on my Ragnarok server I was venturing around there cause I enjoy seeing the giga and occasional Titan. Well. There was neither to be found for. However I found a unicorn. It took a while but I tamed it. Got my glorious beast home and settled in.
About an hour later I was back in the area. Still no gigas but to my shock another unicorn. I tamed it without blinking. Get that one home. Do armor repairs. Back in the highlands almost two hours later. Unicorn #3. :o I immediately tamed that one too! I wasn't going to risk losing the chance since I'd always read it's supposed to be only one per server. Get that beastie home. To see two hours later I went back. No unicorns. This was on Wednesday. Thursday. No unicorns.
I really couldn't believe it. Usually that area has at least two gigas running around demolishing stuff. But for two days not a single one. But three unicorns. I've not been back on Ark since Thursday night though due to some major spouse drama /aggro.
I'm anxious to see if another unicorn shows up or if the gigas have taken back the area.
I'll try and post screen shots when I get back in Ark. But at this point I don't know when that'll be.

I'm also really nervous about my dinos on 14. Since I've not been on there since Tuesday. Worried someone will starve

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Re: Ark: Survival Evolved

Unread post by Ana »

Uhh nice!! I have yet to see a Unicorn.. I thought there was supposed to be 1 pr server too.. but maybe thats wild? once tamed another one spawn?

I havent been playing much due to a toothache (see rant thread)


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