Ask the Boys - AMA-Style RP

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Re: Interest Check - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Varethyn »

Tårnfalk wrote:Tårnfalk smiles " As an engenieer ones portable Wurmhole doesn´t always lead to this world - Müsli is a thing you eat for breakfast in one of the worlds I´ve visisted" Tårnfalk runs her fingers through Müslis fur and scratches her ear " Go catch yourself a rat in the sewers" The cat dashes off just as Tårnfalk sais the word rat. "She loves chasing rats - does your dragonhawk have a favorite food?"
Ah I see! Most every time I pass through a town I hear something about a machine not working right. Creating a wormhole to a whole other world though? That's something I'd love to see one day. I love exploring. That's the only reason I stayed on the Broken Isles after Dalaran teleported. It's so exciting to see what you'll find! Like this "müsli" stuff.

Arg will eat pretty much anything he can get his beak around if you let him. His absolute favourite is fruit however, particularly apples. The shinier the better of course but he seems to really enjoy the crunch. I think he spends more time biting them than actually eating them.

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Re: Interest Check - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Varethyn »

Heeeeeey I thought I heard a familiar voice!

Oh! Uh, hey Kith. When did you-

Not long. Just chilling around town, catching up with people. I've been stuck at home looking after everyone, gotta get back into routine!


Yeah! I mean I am a paladin and there's tons of demons around. Best time for me to get out wouldn't you say?

I... guess? Why here exactly?

'Cos I wanna catch up with my old friends before I go dive into the thick of it. Make sure people know I'm still alive and all. Speaking of, who's your friend here?

She's not really a friend. N-not that I don't want to be friends... We just met and we ended up chatting about our pets.

Oh really? Well now pretty lady, is there anything you'd like to know about yours truly before he goes out to be heroic?


Author's Note
Kithren Dawnweaver, the high elven paladin, is now available for pester- I mean questioning! Simply title your PMs "Question for Kith" and off we go!

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Interest Check - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Varethyn wrote:I'm sorry. I really shouldn't be allowed on the Internet when I'm in a bad mood. It tends to lead me to feel like everyone's against me and I get paranoid. Hahh... As long as you guys are interested in asking me questions I'll do my best to answer them :) I'll get to work finishing of Kith's expressions so you can meet and pester him too! I really am glad you like what I've managed so far :hug:
We're not against you; we love you. :D :hug: I look forward to getting back into this after I'm done being sick and can make some extra time to put in a good RP response. :)

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Re: Interest Check - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Varethyn »

:hug: Tyger :)

Tårnfalk wrote:"You more than welcome to try the wurmhole generator. .though be warned '..some of the worlds out there are scary . ." Tårnfalk pause.." and greetings to you..Kith was your name? Questions you say. .well I never seen an elf with eyes like yours. .Do you come from a special heiritage?" Tårnfalk looks at both Kith and Varethyn " I guess you two are friends? "
Yup, that's me! Kithren Dawnweaver, at your service.

Wait, you haven't? Huh. I know there's less high elves around than there used to be but there are still some stubbornly hanging around. The bankers here in Dalaran for example. Some of them are my kin. To answer you properly though, high elves are, mostly, what blood elves used to be before the whole Scourge thing. Blood elves are more noticeable cos they have green magic auras rather than the blue I have, as they had to turn to Fel magic to survive for a while.

Though I do appreciate you thinking I'm special.

Oh Light...

Yeah we are. We met a few years ago, around the time of the Cataclysm. We ended up helping each other out with a few things and learned a bit about each other and... well... here we are, I guess. He's a good guy really. Just... overbearing at times.

It's part of the charm.

I would absolutely love to try your wormhole generator sometime. If you'd allow it of course. "Scary" has me worried but Arg and I have been through some pretty scary things before.

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Re: Interest Check - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Varethyn »

Krysteena wrote:Krysteena's brow immediately furrowed at hearing the second voice, and whatever response she was going to give Varethyn died on her tongue. A paladin this close to Trueshot Lodge? Not unheard of, seeing as Thundertotem was just over the nearest mountain ridge, but certainly not a welcome visitor. While Krysteena camped within seeing distance of the lodge, it generally wasn't far enough to warrant even more company. At the approaching of the stranger, Felrius' calm demeanour was all but instinctively lost, and a low growl rippled through the air in a small but subtle warning to the newcomer. Felrius may have taken to the presence of a fellow hunter, but he didn't extend this behaviour to anyone else. This.. 'Kith' wasn't one he would accept as kin to his mistress.

Normally Krysteena would have completely ignored the fellow elf, especially owing to the immediate presence he was giving off. Yet, as a hand went down to rest on Felrius' muzzle and she looked up to actually examine this newcomer, she was immediately struck by the blue eyes that looked back at her with an air of interest and confidence she saw so rarely. Not worthy of respect, but certainly worthy of interest. After all, High Elves interested her almost as much as they irritated her.

"And to think I believed I wouldn't have any more company this night," Krysteena commented, scoffing softly and slowly taking her hand of Felrius' muzzle. When he growled again, the hand immediately went back down as a countermeasure. "Hardly what I wanted, but it seems fate never shines upon me. Tell me, newcomer, who are you and what are your intentions? I don't see many High Elves anymore, let alone ones willing to talk to members of the Horde. You're either incredibly brave or, as I am inclined to believe, incredibly stupid. Speak which it is so I can decide whether or not to let Felrius greet you personally."
Well, that's a fine way to say "hello". Yeesh. Can't a guy check in on his friends any more?

My name is Kithren Dawnweaver. I was in the area and decided to check if Vare here was about. Can't say I expected him to be hanging out with anyone- no offence kid - let alone someone as snarky as you. Yes I admit that is kind of dumb to come up here without invitation. Trust me, I've seen people get hoisted away by those giant birds you have around here and I don't intend to hang around or get much closer to your lodge. I simply wanted to say hi to a friend, see how he was settling in and move on. That good for you? Or would you sooner have your dog rip my throat out?



He's a wolf. Not a dog. Please Kith, don't make this worse than it already is...

She started it.

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Re: Interest Check - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Varethyn »

Tårnfalk wrote:Tårnfalk shakes her head and smiles. "...well Kith... that was a neat explanation. I think every one is special in their own way." Tårnfalk turns her head towards Varethyn. "Sadly you can't bring your dragonhawk... but if you're willing to try I set the wormhole up for a world called Norrath. You might find yourself looking different but don't worry. That effect will wear off once you return. I set the first one up to last a day... it should be enough for you to explore." Tårnfalk smiles and awaits Varethyn's answer. "Kith you're welcome to join your friend... unless you're too busy with the invasion? "
Ah! Uh I didn't mean right this moment!

Thanks all the same of course! B-but now really isn't the right time for it, with everything going on. I'd love to try another time though!

Well. Maybe not that particular place if Arg can't come with me. We're never apart so it'd feel wrong to leave him behind.

Ahhh thanks but no thanks. I've got work to do and a family back home who'll kill me if I leave for an entirely different world without saying something. And possibly if I do say something.

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Re: Interest Check - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Varethyn »

Krysteena wrote:Krysteena gave an incredulous scoff, emerald eyes narrowing. "You started it by approaching without the proper respect, Dawnweaver. I would have believed you'd know better than to approach a huntress and her companion without proper introduction - at the very least. The creatures we bond with aren't exactly tame." Despite her words and increasingly harsh tone, Krysteena didn't make a move for a weapon, and instead leant back a little and cautiously removed her hand from Felrius' muzzle again. While the wolf growled and showed his obvious discontent, he remained stationary and didn't make to approach the other. A good sign, or perhaps one of simple patience.

"I suppose I should allow you in continue as you were," Krysteena then said, waving a hand with an air of dismissiveness as her gaze settled back to the fire, which seemed to be in its last throes of desperation. The cold weather was doing more than just dampening moods and shortening tempers now, and soon their source of light would be all but gone. "I'll also ignore your blatant disrespect of Felrius on account of your friend. Consider that your 'friendly greeting'."
Hmph! Fine! I see how it is. Sure, I'll just hang around town in the hopes of randomly running into him, huh? It's not like the kid has a home so how the hell am I-


Oh, shit...

I... I'm sorry, I-I need to go.

W-wait! Vare! I didn't mean to say-


Thanks. Thanks a lot. Never cared for animals anyway.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Ask the Boys - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Varethyn »

Tårnfalk wrote:"Heh alrighty then. Just let me know if/when you want to try it. I been to several worlds. I usually go there when there is invasion and stuff as I don't really like to fight. I hunt for food and I like exploration but I really don't like war and fighting... guess you could call me a bit of a carebear.. that's what my friends usually call me. " Tårnfalk smiles. "What are you two views on the war between our two alliances? I don´t see you as enemies at all. ..I would not mind talking to you even when we are not on neutral ground.. how do you guys feel about that?"
I will! It sounds really interesting. And that's perfectly understandable, not everyone who carries a weapon should be expected to fight. I'm kind of the same. I'd rather travel elsewhere and avoid conflict wherever possible unless I somehow get directly involved.

Of course, that doesn't mean I don't get involved much. If I see someone in trouble I try my best to help them, and with the Legion invasions happening all over Azeroth it's getting harder and harder to find safe refuge. That's pretty much why I decided to join the Hunter's Guild, for safety.

I'm glad you don't mind talking to us. I did find it weird that a night elf would want to talk to me out of nowhere, but I appreciate it.

More people of every race needs to learn from meetings like these. Sure, we don't always understand each other but simple gestures can go a long way too. Just because our races belong to opposite factions doesn't mean the individuals have to hate each other. I can't say too much myself as high elves had allied with the humans against the orcs during the Second War and that's when I decided to move to Stormwind...

For... personal reasons...

Point being, just because the rest of my kind changed their name and switched to the Horde didn't mean I had to up stakes and smack every Alliance that got in my way as I left.

I had also left before the blood elves allied with the Horde but my reasons were... still are... still a sensitive topic. I'd thought it would be obvious just to look at me though, which is another reason I'm grateful no one's attacked me. I will say that I'd rather be called simply an "elf" than a "blood elf", as, per those reasons, I'd rather not associate with them.

I'm not completely upset by that decision though, as travelling around and doing odd jobs here and there has let me meet a lot of interesting people from all races. There was one time I travelled with a very diverse group in fact, with races from both factions at that.

Hey, that's when we met each other!

It was!

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Ask the Boys - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Varethyn »

TygerDarkstorm wrote:The female elf tucked the book away deftly into a bag. Her ears and brows downturned in concern. "I am sorry that things haven't been as well for you. The legion has definitely made things hard for everyone."

As Varethyn continued, Rose shook her head in bemusement. "Leave it to you to find a silver lining and make friends with the animals," she said with a playful tone. She looked thoughtful for a moment. "Funny, I've spent some time at the lodge myself, I guess we just never crossed paths!"

"Oh, me?" A mask of mixed emotions shrouded her face for a moment before being replaced with a smile. "I've done pretty well for myself, I think. I met an interesting paladin who changed my views on being a mercenary, so I've been struggling a lot more for money. These regular jobs don't pay as well, but I can't bring myself to kill without reason any more." The elf looked momentarily upset, though it could not be said why, before tears filled her eyes. She swiped a hand across her eyes swiftly, looking down at the ground as she continued. "And to top it off, Runt died. The poor guy was just so old and having so much trouble getting around; he just collapsed one day and couldn't keep going with us. Burying him was one of the hardest things I've ever done."

Rose looked up to the sky for a moment, wiping the rest of her tears and taking a deep inhale before returning her gaze to Varethyn. "Sorry, it's still hard thinking about him. I hope that Argorok is still with you, I know you two are very close and I admittedly am not familiar with the life span of dragonhawks."
Heh, that seems to be what I'm best at. The first thing I did while exploring was try to befriend the local wildlife. Not many spoke to me but I did befriend a few of those strange feathered raptors, some of the dire wolves, some deer...

...a robotic dog that followed me while I was looking around Azsuna. I can't seem to get rid of it or find anywhere that it could have come from. Though I think I heard someone here mention something like it...?

Oh and a mana wyrm of all things while I was in Suramar. I never expected that one.

...sorry, I'm rambling. I get like that when I get to talk about animals.

I'm not too surprised we didn't see each other before now. I prefer to stick to the outskirts of the lodge, or make my way up to the top of the mountain. Not many people go up there so it's peaceful. If cold. You can probably tell that I still prefer not to be around other people much. I mainly only come inside for warmth, shelter or to see if there are any jobs I could help out with.

Excuse me for saying, but it doesn't sound like you're doing as well as you sa-

Ah! P-please don't cry. It is a tough situation to be in, however-


I... I am so sorry. I've not yet had to experience the loss of a pet like that so I can only imagine what you're going through. I know I'd be devastated if I lost anyone. I didn't get to know him too well while we were together, but from what I saw of him Runt was a good, sweet dog despite the way he looked. ... I'm sorry, I wish I knew what more to say.

You gave him a good life. All the way to the end. I'm sure he appreciated that.

Yeah Arg's still about. Probably out hunting if I were to guess. At least I hope so... it wouldn't be the first time he's raided the Lodge's supplies. I'm actually not sure on a dragonhawk's lifespan either, though I have to admit I'm thinking he's suffering some kind of dwarfism or stunted growth as I'd expected him to be big enough to ride on by now. It wouldn't surprise me really, given how I found his egg. And honestly it doesn't bother me either. I love him just the way he is.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Ask the Boys - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Varethyn »

Krysteena wrote:Krysteena watched Varethyn go with significantly more interest than she'd displayed to anything else that evening, and even after he'd left the camp, her gaze lingered longer than it needed to. While she lacked any true feelings of regret, seeing as the words that had caused his departure hadn't been directly from her mouth, there was a hint of some other emotion on her face.

Understanding may have been the best word to describe it.

"Next time you open your mouth, Dawnweaver, I suggest you shut it immediately," Krysteena commented in a bitter tone, her gaze remaining as it was for a moment, before she looked over to Kithren with a lazy interest. She ignored his sarcasm, although it was not the cold that was dulling her sense of pride. "May I also suggest you go off to get your friend before he does something stupid." It was no question, and was instead spoken as a loose command that she didn't care for whether or not it was actually carried out. "The bears are few in this cold weather, but there are.. greater threats out there than a few animals. Plus, running after those in need of help is what you paladins do, right?"
Well maybe if you stop insulting me I will!

Oh please, you think we aren't aware of the Legion? Why the fel do you think we're even here? Besides, while animals are his strength the kid knows how to disappear. I was damned lucky that he was here at all. If things get tough he'll manage it. ...still I think I will go find him. Better than hanging around with someone who doesn't want me here.



...I'm sorry. I had no reason to get that upset at you. It's cold, it's a long walk up here for non-hunters and I was - am - worried about Vare. The last thing I needed was some stranger being snarky to me. I shouldn't have said what I did but it's true, he doesn't actually have a home. Not since the Scourge incident. And that's been, what? 13 years? He chose to wander around, not settling down anywhere. When I learned about that I offered to let him stay at my place. And naturally when I learned he was all the way out here I wanted to check up on him. He insists he's fine but... y'know.

I'll... just leave you now. I don't want to cause any more trouble.

I've been told I can be a little hot-headed. Hopefully next time we meet it won't be such a mess.

You take care, okay? Your pup too. I mean it.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Ask the Boys - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Varethyn »

Tårnfalk wrote:"It is so nice to meet others who don't like the war. I prefer the term elf over night elf too. Many of the other worlds I've visited have different "races" of elves but many are like us and prefer to get along. " Tårnfalk yawns. "Man I'm getting tired. Mind if I sit down?" Tårnfalk don't wait for the answer but just sits down on a chair nearby. " Its been a very long time since I visited Azeroth.. if that is still the name this world goes by? " Tårnfalk looks at both Varethyn and Kith for an answer.
Maaaaan this world could use some more guys like that! Especially if what Daytamein's come up with recently is true.


Oh come on. You don't know of Daytamein? The most accurate scribe to predict the future ever? People at the forum lap that stuff up like crazy.

I'll take your word for it.

Wait, what do you mean? "If that's still the name it goes by"? Why would it change?

I guess when you go to lots of other worlds you start to forget what your home world is like.

This is still Azeroth, yes. It's changed a little bit, and you can see a whole other planet in the sky now, but it's still Azeroth.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Ask the Boys - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Varethyn »

Just out of curiosity before I answer the next questions, would any of you be interested in a separate discussion thread for this? Since I want to avoid cluttering this one too much. It'd be a place for anyone to talk about anything in this thread, or the thread itself. For instance, if you are you enjoying the thread, like a certain response, have a favourite reaction/quote, something mentioned piqued your interest... That would be the place to post about it! I'd also take questions from there if people are put off by the PM idea. Let me know :)
Last edited by Varethyn on Wed Mar 28, 2018 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Ask the Boys - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Ana »

Im fine with the format now :). When the pictures are in it's RP, and when you write like this is not :). Easy to figure out...well for me a least. ..:)


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Ask the Boys - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Varethyn »

No no I'm not looking for feedback here (well I am), I'm asking if you want a separate thread to discuss that sort of thing :) Edited previous post for (hopefully?) clarity.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Ask the Boys - AMA-Style RP

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Heh hmm i don't think I got a preference ;) i just try to do the pm RP, which is very new to me heh.


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Ask the Boys - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Krysteena »

// I'd definitely be down for a discussion thread! It'll help with decluttering, and it might help the people who don't necessarily want to ask questions, but are enjoying reading this thread and what's been going on, as well :)
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Re: Ask the Boys - AMA-Style RP

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(I would be up for a discussion/RP thread, as I never had ideas for questions! But reactions yes.)
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Re: Ask the Boys - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Varethyn »

Psst, the discussion thread is open ;)

Replies will resume soon!

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Ask the Boys - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Varethyn »

Krysteena wrote:Krysteena wasn't expecting any sort of apology from Kithren, and it was enough to catch her off guard - if only for a moment. She wouldn't say she was blatantly rude to keep people away, but nor was she friendly enough to warrant any sort of displayed care by anyone. Yet, while outwardly the concern and well-meaning words did little to soften her hardened expression, it was enough to bring about some change in her demeanour internally.

"Spare the concern, I know how to take care of myself." Krysteena looked down to Felrius, and the corner of her mouth twitched in what could have been a smile. "Just look out for you and your own, and I shall do the same." When her gaze returned to meet Kithren's once again, there was no defensiveness or aggression. The fire was dying down now, and she would move on soon. Already she could hear the telltale rumbling of the skies, and where the enemy went, she would follow.

"Tell Varethyn that Felrius and I shall keep an eye out for him," Krysteena then added as an afterthought, turning her attention away from the other in favour of beginning to pack up what few belongings she'd removed from her backpack. "And you, too. I remember faces such as yours, Kithren Dawnweaver, and while I do not like paladins and their righteous confidence, I can respect your looking out for Varethyn." There was that same hesitance as before, before Felrius let out a low growl and steadily rose to his feet at sensing his mistress readying to depart. With that, Krysteena's mind was made up, and she slung her backpack over her shoulder in silent dismissal.

"Farewell, Kithren. Watch for the eagles on your way down. I've heard that they're rather fond of paladins." While it could have been a joke, there was no smile or upturning of the mouth to indicate that it was, and Krysteena's tone was as deadly serious as it always was.
Yeah, yeah. I'm sure you can. Don't you worry, I will.

You will? I mean sure I'll tell him. It's great that other people, especially other blood elves, are willing to look out for him. It's a long story as to why that is and he probably wouldn't appreciate me telling it to you. That and we're pretty much already out the door, so to speak.

Is it the scar? It's the scar, isn't it? Dunno what you have against us but hey, someone's gotta do it.

Psssht don't I know. Not had it happen to me... yet... buuuuut I've heard stories. Take care!

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Ask the Boys - AMA-Style RP

Unread post by Varethyn »

Tårnfalk wrote:"Hmm I don't think I would call this world my home. I spend so much time in another world called Earth that I kinda view that as my home. ...though I greatly miss having my pets there..." Tårnfalk pauses and looks sad. "On Earth there are only one race called humans... when I am there my appearance is human too... sadly wildlife like my beloved cat are rare as humans in general don't take care of their planet. It's very sad.." Tårnfalk holds a long pause and you can see she restrain herself from crying. ".. I wonder... Do you ever dream of a place like that?"
"Earth"? Really. Hey guys I have a great idea for a planet name, let's call it Dirt! Seriously.

You have humans there too? They're popping up all over the place lately aren't they. Are we sure rabbits aren't involved somewhere along the way? I mean geez they're the youngest race to walk Azeroth and we - the high elves - were the ones to teach them magic. Without us they'd be bor- well I guess that's kind of unfair but still. What do humans have otherwise that make them different from other races? Or is that the whole point... that they don't?

...I'm totally going to die when I get home.

That sounds horrible! I know the wars have torn places apart here on Azeroth but we have druids and plenty of people willing to look after the world's wounds. Do you really not have anyone like that there? Do people really destroy the world just to destroy it?

No. I've never imagined a place like that. It's bad enough seeing what the Legion has done. It was bad enough seeing what the Scourge did. I could never imagine being apart from my pets already, and meeting the wildlife is the first thing that interests me. So if all I can expect is destruction then I'm going to have to decline any offers to visit that world.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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