Returning to our roots

Archived posts from the previous expansion
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Returning to our roots

Unread post by Jacobzuk »

As the expansion Battle for Azeroth takes us back to our roots could this be the perfect time not only for allied races but for class based classes?

- Warden - Night Elf (Maybe Female Only)
- Spellbreaker - Blood Elf
- Chronomancer - Nightbourne
- TBD - Void Elf (Some kinda Void-Tainted Class)
- Shadowhunter - Darkspear Troll
- Palate - Zandalari Troll (Zandalari Paladin thingie however it is spelt)
- Tinker - Gnomes & Goblins
- Spiritwalker - Tauren & Highmountain Tauren
- Blademaster - Orc & Mag'har Orc
- Necromancer - Undead
- Mountain King - Dwarf & Dark Iron Dwarf (?)
- Exarch - Draenei & Lightforged Draenei (?)
- Guardian - Human & Kul'Tiran Human (?)
- Dark Rangers - Whatever?

The classic classes from the rpg Warcraft games.

I know would be needing to rebalance things but if we are going back into our roots and relearning what it means to be this or that why not?

- Gelbin Mekkatorque is a example of a Tinker.
- Vol'jin is a example of a Shadow Hunter.
- Kadghar is a example of a Guardian.
- Elisandre is a example of a Chronomancer.
- Sylvanas Windrunner is a example of a Dark Ranger.
- Silvermoon City Guards are good examples of Spellbreakers.
- Various Draenei Exarch npcs
- Etc.
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Re: Returning to our roots

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Whilst I would love a lot of those, I just can't see Blizz doing that. Assuming that each of those classes have two-three specs, that is at most 42 specs Blizz would have to balance. Even if they were just one spec classe, that is 14 specs that would need to be balanced. It is difficult enough to just balance one new class. This would be adding 14 more with 1-3 specs each.

Aside from balancing, there is also the time investment of conceptualizing each of these classes. They would have to decide on a wide range of abilities, even if they just have one spec. They would also have to create effects and animations for each of them. Then there is future class armor. They would have to create additional sets for them.

Further, some of these suggestions are very similar to existing classes. Exarchs are basically Paladins. Mountain Kings are warriors (warriors even use some of their abilities). Spiritwalkers are a mix of Shamans and Druids. Wardens are a mix of Rogues and Warriors. Guardians are immensely powerful and the last one was Medivh, whose powers were god-like. Tinkers and Chronomancers stand out as the most unique, but they would be better suited as their own classes. Tinkers could use medicine for healing, guns and turrets for dps, and large mechs for tanking. Chronomancers could use time magic to undo wounds and to inflict damage.

I'm all for Blizz adding more to the world, but that is just way too much.
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Re: Returning to our roots

Unread post by Xota »

As xmog gear and/or toys, absolutely. Probably not as classes. Creating a class is a lot of gameplay design, new races is mostly art work. You can throw more artists at the latter, but the same amount of game designers isn't going to have the same effect for making new and interesting classes.

But I like the idea of making more 'vanity' items that reflect those various roles. The 'heritage armor' could be a precedent for more armor and toys being linked to particular classes and/or races.

For example, blademasters. They're lightly armored, with a single 2h sword, ax, or polearm, and a sashimono. You could do that with an arms warrior. There's a plate chestpiece coming in BfA that will be a lot more barechested than what we currently have. Blizzard would have to implement a sashimono, it could be a toy that uses the design on your tabard for the design for the flag.

Another example, for Tinkers, there could be more items with a mechanical look. Like add an engineer-only "cloak" that's actually a jetpack in graphics and function; on use, it could enable double jumping for 20 seconds. I already have several gnomes I think of as tinkers, without there being a tinker class. They can always use more mechanical looking gear, tools, and toys.
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