Rant Thread

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Iowawolf »

You would think after the disaster that was WOD pre launch and subsequent launch and Legion actually going well they would have done a better job with this one seeing we don't got anything major to do just log on see what got removed, Hati, what got added and such but no this is the same as before no one can stay logged on though I did get on for a bit enough to tame my Dreamrunners and see that animal companion is same as on beta.

Sometimes I wonder why bother paying them anymore the game is still fun don't get me wrong I enjoyed Legion the first expansion since MOP I logged on everyday I could and found stuff to do but if this is how BFA is starting maybe time to fire up my Xbox 360.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Sukurachi »

Utter and total relief to find out my favourite WoW addon is still supported! The author answered on the Curse page that he's trying to figure out what exactly Blizzard broke with 8.0.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Valnaaros »

I believe Blizz stated a month or so ago that there would be addons breaking due to them changing some of the internal programming. For example, Blizz removed Fullscreen due to them switching to Directx 12. This wasn't a choice on their end since Windows has announced that it will no longer support Directx 11. But due to this change, amongst others, there have been a lot of problems caused.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Sukurachi »

The "no full screen" thing is DirectX shooting themselves in the foot. It's pure laziness. Watch this, there will be an update at some point that will suddenly allow full screen.

Playing graphically-demanding video games in windowed mode is about as stupid as it gets. It really adversely affects the framerate.

And well, since this IS a "rant" thread....
I'm really sick of sloppy and lazy software developers/programmers who don't think further than the tips of their noses.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Niabi »

Valnaaros wrote:I believe Blizz stated a month or so ago that there would be addons breaking due to them changing some of the internal programming. For example, Blizz removed Fullscreen due to them switching to Directx 12. This wasn't a choice on their end since Windows has announced that it will no longer support Directx 11. But due to this change, amongst others, there have been a lot of problems caused.
Sukurachi wrote:The "no full screen" thing is DirectX shooting themselves in the foot. It's pure laziness. Watch this, there will be an update at some point that will suddenly allow full screen.

I was able to remedy this situation by going into the Game Menu, selecting System Options, Graphics, and changing to the fullscreen (windowed) option under Display Mode. I upgraded to DirectX 12 but the option still worked out fine under the old DirectX 11 option. Not sure if this helps you any but I thought I'd share just in case.

Getting Titan Panel up and running hasn't worked out for me yet but I'm expecting it to be just a matter of time till the codes for this addon are updated accordingly.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Dewclaw »

Husband started a new med yesterday, one that had high risk of bad reaction with the other meds he was on, so up all night making sure he was ok, a necessity given that he recently recovered from serotonin poisoning from them. I just want normal. So many months of non-stop god awful life.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Niabi »

Dewclaw wrote:Husband started a new med yesterday, one that had high risk of bad reaction with the other meds he was on, so up all night making sure he was ok, a necessity given that he recently recovered from serotonin poisoning from them. I just want normal. So many months of non-stop god awful life.
Awe Dew, I'm so sorry. :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Teigan »

:hug: Dewclaw, I'm so sorry
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Rawr »

Finally got my CT scan for the weird lump in my pelvis. Everything doctor related takes so long but hopefully I will have good news from them next week. Or I have to see more doctors. I hate this. I hate that I can't eat much but Im still gaining weight. I hate the pain, I that I can't sleep right, I can't move much, can't even sit now without feeling it. I hate that the pain is making me super snappy, my poor bf. I hate that my cat can't chill on my lap anymore. I hate life right now. :mrgreen:


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Dewclaw »

Sorry to hear that rawr, hope you get answers and relief soon.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Sukurachi »

I do NOT understand the point of some of Blizzard's decisions about the game.
For example, all the gear we get as we get through our class campaign is entirely useless to us at the point we get it. It would all have been useful oh... 2-3 levels earlier?

It's the same with most of the crafted gear. It's all entirely useless when you can finally farm up the materials and make the pieces.

And now, they've added champion missions to gain order resources... but unless you are getting 200% success rate and getting the bonus drop, basically, you're just wasting order resources (most of these quests cost 400 resources, and award 375-425 resources).

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Aleu »

Siiigh. The one day I had actually planned on grinding some pvp is the day the entirety of New England can't freaking log on due to ISP issues. I'm able to log on sometimes, but I keep getting stuck at loading screens. Damn it Verizon.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Teigan »

Rawr, I hope you are ok. I hope that the answers are easy ones to manage.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Novikova »

Retail makes me wish I was dead. :D
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Aleu »

Novikova wrote:Retail makes me wish I was dead. :D
You and me both. :D

I had a full on breakdown after closing at work. I closed my register with assholes still in line 5 minutes after and the closing manager kept asking me why and I walked away and broke down in the car. We have announcements starting a half an hour from closing to the actual close, but people still think it's okay to do this. I don't know if any fallout will come of it, they've been aware of my panic attacks and anxiety. Although this is the first time I broke down crying from the stress. I guess I must have built it up over time.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Ana »

Been on a 1200-1500 kcal diet for half a year. .gained 15 kilogram. .I hate my body. Why can't it function normally. .stupid hormones. . I am sooo tired of being so fat. Ive tried everything. .even had stomach surgery. .And the judgement I get from other ppl really takes a toe on my mental stability. .I know I am fat. .No need to yell it at me..


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Syleye »

A year and a half since my accident and I am still in a lot of pain. I take 4 different medications a day. My doctor finally referred me to a neurologist who had multiple MRIs done of areas that hadn't been considered before. Sure enough I have a bulged disc, degeneration of a disc, stenosis and because of how long my disc has been bulged the spinal cord has started to flatten. The kicker is the bulge is in a spot where surgical correction may not be truly possible because it's near a nerve root bundle.

Last night was a bad night not even the vicodin was breaking through the pain. I kept my husband up most the night. Do a good deed for someone who is selfish in the extreme most the time and I wind up with a perm injury and will have to walk with a cane the rest of my life. ( I now it could be worse and that many people have it worse, but just so depressed and frustrated right now)


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Castile »

That EB Games did a promotion for Horde and Alliance EB World cards but obviously didn't supply enough for the demand. I get what Limited means but when I only get an e-mail about it Friday afternoon to find out some stores got like ONE of each faction card...that's pretty poor. I'm lucky I have a friend that works for them to track me down one (even if it's the wrong faction) but seriously poor form. Did they think with millions of subscribers to a game only one of each rank EB card would rock up to swap it? No wonder you guys have a shit reputation.

Edit: Friend found me the last Alliance lvl 2 woot! but still grr even he said very little were sent out...


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Syleye »

never thought I would say this but I am going to unsub from WoW. The writing is horrendous and well this whole thing is just shit and lazy and Golden and all her fanbabies and blizzard can fuck off.


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Teigan »

Syleye wrote:never thought I would say this but I am going to unsub from WoW. The writing is horrendous and well this whole thing is just shit and lazy and Golden and all her fanbabies and blizzard can fuck off.
To be fair, Golden has loudly said "NOT IT! WASN'T ME!" on the Warbringers material. Apparently it was well under way before she was hired on. But I agree that having Sylvanas burn the tree in a fit of pique should never have happened. You know the expression jumping the shark? They kinda just lined up a bunch of sharks fin to fin and walked across them all the way to Teldrassil.
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